Infinite Dendrogram Wiki
List of Jobs

This page contains a list of all known jobs in Infinite Dendrogram, sorted by grouping, job closest to grouping, job rank and then alphabetically.

Actor Grouping[]

Actor (役者アクター): A low rank job focused on supporting allies and self through actions.

  • Great Actor (千両役者グレイト・アクター): A Superior Job from the actor grouping. It is currently held by Sharaku Kado.

Adventurer Grouping[]

Adventurer (冒険家アドベンチャラー): A low rank job with versatile general skills and resistance skills against unique environments, such as volcanoes, glacial lands, dry deserts, and humid forests. Its status growth focuses in END and other stats barely rise.

  • King of Adventurers (冒険王キング・オブ・アドベンチャー): A Superior job of the adventurer grouping.

Alchemist Grouping[]

Alchemist (錬金術師アルケミスト): A low rank job specialized on alchemy. It has skills to create potions, process materials, and create golems and homunculus.

  • High Alchemist (高位錬金術師ハイ・アルケミスト): A high rank job.
    • King of Alchemist (錬金王キング・オブ・アルケミスト): A Superior Job. It has skills to create Superior metals. Its last known holder was Leonardo Phillips.
    • King of Artificial (人造王キング・オブ・アーティフィカル): A Superior Job that specializes in creating homunculus.
  • Golem Meister (戦像職人ゴーレム・マイスター): A low rank Job that specializes in creating golems.
    • Colossus Meister (巨像職人コロッサス・マイスター): A high rank job specializing in creating large golems.
    • King of Colossus (巨像王キング・オブ・コロッサス): A Superior Job from the golem meister sub-grouping. Its last known holder was a member of the Sacred King Azurite Altar's party and an ancestor of Marquis Findle.
  • Illmancer (病術師イルマンサー): A low rank job specialized in treating illnesses and manipulating bacteria and viruses.
    • King of Plagues (疫病王キング・オブ・プレェグ): A Superior job from the illmancer sub-grouping. It is currently held by Candy Carnage.
  • Metallurgical Alchemist (冶金錬金術師メタラジカル・アルケミスト): A low rank job specialized on the alchemy related to metals.
  • Poisonmancer (毒術師ポイズン・マンサー): A low rank job focusing on creating and using poisons.
    • Venomancer (猛毒術師): A high rank job from the Poisonmancer sub-grouping.
    • King of Venom (猛毒王キング・オブ・ヴェノム): A Superior job that specializes in using poisons. As a production job, the stat growth focuses on MP and DEX and other stats barely rise. Its is currently held by Splendida.

Appraiser Grouping[]

Appraiser (鑑定士アプレイザー): A low rank job focusing on appraising items and gathering the opponent's general information. It is a convenient job that gives many general sight skills to the holder.

Archer Grouping[]

Archer (弓手アーチャー): A low rank job focused on using bow and arrows.

  • Gale Archer (疾風弓手ゲイル・アーチャー): A high rank job.
  • Strong Archer (剛弓手ストロング・アーチャー): A high rank job.

Assassin Grouping[]

Assassin (暗殺者アサッシン): A low rank job focused on killing humans.

  • Dead Hand (兇手デッドハンド): A high rank job. To get this job, it requires the user to have killed a certain amount of humans.
  • King of Assassins (暗殺王キング・オブ・アサッシン): A Superior Job. Its stat growth focuses on AGI, and it had skills specialized in hiding and assassination. It is currently held by Tsukikage Eishiro.

Bandit Grouping[]

Bandit (盗賊バンディット): A low rank job focused on stealing items.

  • Great Bandit (大盗賊グレイト・バンディット): A high rank job.
    • King of Bandits (盗賊王キング・オブ・バンディット , J-Novel Club: "King of Thieves"): A Superior Job. The status growth specializes in AGI. The job itself specializes in skills that hide the user's presence and steal items. It is currently held by Zeta.
  • Phantom (怪盗ファントム): A high rank job.
    • Great Phantom (大怪盗グレイト・ファントム): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Tasteman.

Battle Performer[]

Battle Performer (戦奏者バトル・パフォーマー): A low rank job that specializes in increasing the user's stats by singing during battles. The condition to achieve this job is to sing a song that rouses someone's fighting spirit in front of the job crystal without possessing any jobs from the Singer grouping.

Blaster Grouping[]

King of Blaster (発破王キング・オブ・ブラスター): A Superior Job from the blaster grouping. It focuses on producing explosives, which gives it high combat affinity for a production job. It is currently held by Understand.

Bonze Grouping[]

Bonze (僧侶): A low rank caster job comparable to the Priest job from the Western side of the continent. It possess the ability to use healing magic but specializes more in exorcising undead and purifying grudges.

  • Exorcism Bishop (僧正エクソシズム・ビショップ): A high rank job from the Bonze grouping.

Boxer Grouping[]

Boxer (拳士ボクサー): A low rank job focused on hand-to-hand combat.

  • Beast Boxer (獣拳士ビーストボクサー): A high rank job. This job is unusual for giving the user the option of chooosing an ultimate skill from either the Reptile type which specializes in long-term endurance combat, Mammal type which specializes in short-term high-speed combat, Rodent type which increases the user's stats at low HP, Bird type which specializes in mid-air jumping, Fish type which specializes in underwater combat, or Amphibian Type which specializes in debuffs.
    • God Beast (神獣拳ゴッドビースト): A Superior Job from the Beast Boxer sub-grouping.
  • Claw Boxer (爪拳士クロウ・ボクサー): A high rank job. When the user is equipped with claw type equipment, they can make use of all of this job's skills even if it is a sub job and the user's main job normally cannot use skills from the fighter grouping. Its status growth focuses on AGI.
    • King of Scratch (搔王キング・オブ・スクラッチ): A Superior job from the Claw Boxer sub-grouping. It focuses on skill used with claw type weapons. Its stat growth focuses on AGI and SP. It is currently held by Domingos Rodriguez.
  • Fist Master (拳聖): A high rank job.
    • Fist Princess (拳姫) / King of Fists (拳王): A Superior Job.
  • Hard Puncher (硬拳士ハードパンチャー): A high rank job from the boxer grouping.
  • Poison Boxer (毒拳士ポイズン・ボクサー): A low rank job of the boxer grouping specialized on using poisons.
  • Poison Fist (毒手拳ポイズン・フィスト): A high rank job from the Poison Boxer sub-grouping with focus on applying poison by direct contact in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Pound Boxer (砕拳士バウンド・ボクサー): A high rank job of the boxer and crasher groupings.
    • King of Grind (粉砕王キング・オブ・グラインド): A Superior job from the Pound Boxer sub-grouping. Sometimes referred to as the Eastern version of the King of Destruction, this job specializes in the destruction of inanimate objects, but unlike the King of Destruction, the stat growth of this job is more balanced and it can used in interpersonal combat. It is currently held by Gakido Gigamaru.

Brigand Grouping[]

Brigand (山賊ブリガンド): A low rank job.

  • King of Brigands (山賊王キング・オブ・ブリガンド): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Bigman.

Burglar Grouping[]

Burglar (強盗バーグラー): A low rank job.

  • King of Burglary (強奪王キング・オブ・バーグラリー): A Superior job. Its status growth focuses on AGI. Unlike the King of Thieves job, there are no skills that allow for quiet theft. It is currently held by Eldridge.

Carpenter Grouping[]

Carpenter (大工カーペンター): A low rank job focused on the creation of buildings.

  • Chief Carpenter (棟梁チーフ・カーペンター) A high rank job.
  • Great Chief Carpenter (大棟梁グレイト・チーフ・カーペンター): A Superior job. It focuses on the creation of buildings. A building made with the skills of this superior job can exhibit numerous magical properties, such as reflecting sunlight. The last known holder of this job was a friend of Azurite Altar who helped build the Royal Castle in Altea.

Conductor Grouping[]

Conductor (指揮者): A low rank job focusing on increasing the effects of musical skills cast by others. Said to be a support job for support jobs.

  • King of Orchestras (奏楽王キング・オブ・オルケストラ): A Superior Job. The stat growth focuses on SP, MP and DEX and other stats do not increase. It focuses on skills that increase musical effects. It is currently held by Veldorbell.

Cook Grouping[]

Cook (料理人コック): A low rank job focused on cooking.

  • Patissier (菓子職人パティシエ): A high rank job focused on making sweets.
  • Star Chef (天上料理人スターシェフ): A Superior Job of the cook grouping in the West. It is currently held by Darshan.
  • Special Chef (特級厨師): A Superior job of the cook grouping in the East.

Crasher Grouping[]

Crasher (壊屋クラッシャー): A low rank job specializing in STR for destroying inanimate objects and obstacles such as castle gates.

  • Destroyer (破壊者デストロイヤー): A high rank job from the Crasher grouping.
  • King of Destroy (破壊王キング・オブ・デストロイ, J-Novel Club: "King of Destruction"): The Superior Job from the crasher grouping. The stat growth of this job focuses solely on STR, which leads it to have highly unbalanced stats. The conditions for achieving the job are to deal over 100,000,000 points of damage to inanimate objects, defeat a certain number of boss monsters in solo combat and complete a certain quest. It is currently held by Shu Starling.
  • With the boxer grouping: high job Pound Boxer (砕拳士バウンド・ボクサー) and Superior job King of Grind (粉砕王キング・オブ・グラインド).

Dancer Grouping[]

Dancer (踊子): A low rank job specialized on dancing.

  • Dancing Princess (舞姫ダンシング・プリンセス): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Hui Li.

Daoshi Grouping[]

Daoshi (道士タオシー): A low rank caster job, comparable to the Mage job from the Western side of the continent. Unlike that job, where magic is operated via chants, the Daoshi job operates magic by use of paper talismans called Fu. This allows for faster casting and lower MP costs, but at a higher cost (money-wise) since they need to be created manually.

  • Azure Daoshi (青龍道士アズール・タオシー): A high rank job from the Daoshi grouping that specializes in wind and lightning magic.
    • Sky Celestial (天仙): A Superior Job. Its ultimate skill was noted to be lightning attribute magic.
  • Jet Daoshi (黒龍道士ジェット・タオシー): A high rank job from the Daoshi grouping that specializes in water magic.
  • Pearl Daoshi (白龍道士パール・タオシー): A high rank job from the Daoshi grouping that specializes in holy magic.
  • Ruby Daoshi (赤龍道士ルビー・タオシー): A high rank job from the Daoshi grouping that specializes in fire magic.
  • Soul Daoshi (霊道士ソウルタオシー): A high rank job from the Daoshi grouping.
    • Great Soul Daoshi (大霊道士グレイト・ソウルタオシー): A Superior Job of the Soul Daoshi sub-grouping. It is sometimes referred to as the Eastern version of the King of Tartarus. Its status growth is specialized in MP. The user creates undead with Fu which operate as their brain, which allows a higher level of control. Unlike the King of Tartarus, this job possesses magic for direct combat, so they can even fight alone, but they cannot use buff skills to increase the powers of the undead. Because they manipulate undead with Fu, they have nearly no skills dealing with grudge. It is currently held by Zhang Zan Qi.
  • Topaz Daoshi(黄龍道士トパーズ・タオシー): A high rank job from the Daoshi grouping that specializes in earth magic.
    • Ground Celestial (地仙): A Superior Job.
    • Master Dark (邪仙マスター・ダーク): A Superior Job that specializes in using curses and dark magic. Its last known holder is Longyuen.

Decoy Grouping[]

Decoy (デコイ): A low ranking job focused on making other people attack.

  • King of Agitation (扇動王キング・オブ・アジテーション): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Parade W. Dead.

Doctor Grouping[]

Doctor (医師ドクター): A low rank job.

  • Godhand (神刀医ゴッドハンド): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Li Yu Yumeji.

Druid Grouping[]

Druid (森司祭ドルイド): A low rank job focused on unique terrain support and buffs.

Elementalist Grouping[]

Elementalist (精霊術師エレメンタラー): A low rank job that uses Spirits which are materialized magic power that can be used by the user to cast magic spells or to use them as a tamed or summoned monsters.

Enchanter Grouping[]

Enchanter (付与術師エンチャンター): A low rank caster job focusing on using buffs.

  • Over Enchanter (超付与術師オーヴァー・エンチャンター): A Superior Job. Its stat growth is focused on MP. This job is a rearguard type job specialized on using individual and wide scale buffs on allies. It is currently held by Shulka.

Engineer Grouping[]

Engineer (技師エンジニア): A low rank job focused on creating new machines.

  • High Engineer (高位技師ハイ・エンジニア): A high rank job.

Engraver Grouping[]

Engraver (彫金師): A low rank job focused on engraving materials.

  • King of Metal (彫金王キング・オブ・メタル): A Superior Job from the engraver grouping. It has skills to process Superior metals. It's last known holder was Leonardo Phillips

Fighter Grouping[]

Fighter (戦士ファイター): A low rank job that specializes in direct physical combat. This Job gives an even growth for all physical stats. It gives the user high correction for a particular weapon the longer they use it.

  • Great Fighter (大戦士グレイト・ファイタ): A high rank job.

Barbarian Fighter (蛮戦士バーバリアン・ファイター): A low rank job. People who have the Job is incapable of equipping most types of armour. The status growth of this Job focuses on STR.

Berserker (狂戦士ベルセルク): A low rank job of the fighter grouping focused on wild strong combat with stat growth in HP, STR and AGI.

  • Rough Samurai (荒武者ラフ・サムライ): A high rank job from the Samurai Grouping and the Berserker Grouping.
  • King of Berserkers (狂王キング・オブ・ベルセルク): A Superior Job from the berserker sub-grouping. This job's status growth focuses on HP, STR, and AGI while END, and DEX barely increases, and MP almost none. One of the conditions to receive this job is to kill either a Master or a tian within 10 seconds right after seeing them over 444 times. It is currently held by Hannya.

Jaguarman (獣戦士ジャガーマン): A low rank job from the fighter grouping. This job was associated with a certain tribe of tians, but became a very unpopular job over the years until the start of Infinite Dendrogram.

  • Beast Ogre (獣戦鬼ビーストオーガ): A high rank job from the jaguarman sub-grouping.
  • King of Beasts (獣王キング・オブ・ビースト): A Superior Job from the jaguarman sub-grouping. This job was originally considered to be fairly weak among Superior Jobs due to having a low subordinate capacity that didn't work well with the job skills and abnormally limited status growth but gained a great deal of interest when the Guardian-Jaguarman build became popular. It is currently held by Behemoth.

Forlorn Hope Grouping[]

Forlorn Hope (決死隊フォーローン・ホープ): A rare low rank job with the conditions for achieving it is to take grudge related jobs, such as Death Soldier and Sorcerer. The stat growth is moderate with barely any increase. Like Death Soldier, this job only has one skill.

Geomancer Grouping[]

Geomancer (風水師ジオマンサー): A low rank magic job focusing on manipulating the properties of the land.

  • High Geomancer (高位風水師ハイ・ジオマンサー): A high rank job.
  • Over Geomancer (超風水師オーヴァー・ジオマンサー): A Superior job.

Gem Meister Grouping[]

Gem Meister(魔石職人ジェムマイスター): A low rank prodution job that allows elemental magic to be stored into an ore of a material. The success rate varies depending on the ore material, skill level, DEX, and strength of the original skill. The expenditure for this job is high due to the required usage of rare materials and the job's low success rate.

  • High Gem Meister(高位魔石職人ハイ・ジェムマイスター): A high rank job.
  • King of Gem(魔石王キング・オブ・ジェム): The Superior Job from the gem meister grouping. The conditions to receive this job are so difficult that they are impossible to clear without already possessing a caster type Superior Job or an Embryo with the right abilities.

Gladiator Grouping[]

Gladiator (闘士グラディエーター): A low rank job focused on dueling. People with this job can equip all types of weapons.

  • Strong Gladiator (剛闘士ストロング・グラディエーター): A high rank job that focuses mainly on hand-to-hand combat. The status growth of this Job focuses on HP and END.
  • Over Gladiator (超闘士オーヴァー・グラディエーター): The Superior Job of the gladiator grouping. An all rounder job that allows the user to equip any weapon and increases the number of available weapons slots the user has, so they can adapt to any role. However, the sense skill level for using individual weapons is rather low for a Superior Job. The status growth of this job is even in all aspects except MP and LUC. One of the conditions for achieving this job is to reach the first place of a country's duel ranking and clear a certain quest. This job was a prototype of the Special Superior Job Hero. It is currently held by Figaro.

Matador (闘牛士マタドール): A low rank job focused on evasive dueling. It has skills that increases the user's status when they dodge their opponent's attacks.

Glass Meister Grouping[]

Glass Meister (硝子職人): A low rank job that creates glass items.

Gunner Grouping[]

Gunner (銃士ガンナー): A low rank job.

  • Great Gunner (大銃士グレイト・ガンナー): A high rank job.
  • Assault Gunner (突撃銃士アサルト・ガンナー): A high rank job from the gunner grouping that specializes on moving with heavy firearms. It has skills that improves the user's ability to see hostile targets in front of them. The status growth of this job focuses on STR and AGI.
  • Burst Gunner (炸裂銃士バースト・ガンナー): A high rank job from the gunner grouping.
  • Gale Gunner (疾風銃士): A high rank job of the gunner grouping that focus on high speed shooting.

Harlot Grouping[]

Harlot (娼妓ハーロット): A low rank job.

  • Siren (傾国サイレン): A Superior Job. One of the conditions for this job is to use the Charm debuff on 100,000 creatures. It is currently held by Catherine Kongou.

Hunter Grouping[]

Hunter (狩人ハンター): A low rank job.

  • Matagi (鬼猟師マタギ): A high rank job that focuses on hunting in winter or cold environments.
  • Great Hunter (大狩人グレイト・ハンター): A high rank job.
    • King of Hunting (狩猟王キング・オブ・ハンティング): A Superior Job.

Bow Hunter (弓狩人ボウ・ハンター): A low rank job that focuses on hunting with a bow.

Night Hunter (夜行狩人ナイト・ハンター): A low rank job that focuses on hunting at night or in dark environments.

  • Night Yeager (夜行猟兵ナイト・イェーガー): A high rank job from the Night Hunter sub-grouping.

Poison Hunter (毒狩人ポイズン・ハンター): A low rank job that focuses on hunting with poisons.

Trap Hunter (罠狩人トラップ・ハンター): A low rank job that focuses on hunting with traps.

Godhunt (神獣狩ゴッドハント, J-Novel Club: "God Hunter"): A Superior Job. This job has little compatibility with direct combat, and focuses on skills necessary for hunting, e.g., adapting to extreme environments, creating traps instantly, tracking prey, reducing the need for sleeping and eating, and the use of weapons such as bows and knives. It is currently held by Carl Lourlou.

Illusionist Grouping[]

Illusionist (幻術師イリュージョニスト): A low rank caster job focused on creating illusions.

  • High Illusionist (高位幻術師ハイ・イリュージョニスト): A high rank job of the illusionist group.
  • King of Illusions (幻王): A Superior job from the illusionist grouping. It is currently held by Richter.

Jiangshi Grouping[]

Jiangshi (僵尸キョンシー): A low rank job, comparable to the Lich job from the Western side of the continent. It transforms the user into an Eastern undead.

  • Master Jiangshi (尸解仙マスター・キョンシー): A Superior Job from the Daoshi and Jiangshi groupings. It's a caster job with stat growth focusing on END and MP, using one's undead body and Fu to fight. Its current holder is Xunyu.

Journalist Grouping[]

Journalist (記者ジャーナリスト): A low rank job focusing on gathering and reporting information, while passively increasing EXP attainment as a party buff during the process. However, while buffing EXP gains with the passive, the Journalist cannot partake in violence.

Knight Grouping[]

Knight (騎士ナイト): A low rank job that provides many swordsmanship and horse riding skills.

  • Dark Knight (暗黒騎士ダークナイト): A high rank job of the Knight and Sorcerer groupings. To achieve this job, one must defeat a Demi-Dragon class monster while dealing more than 50% of the damage, cast 200 curses and equip a certain number of cursed weapons.
    • Knight of Falldown (堕天騎士ナイト・オブ・フォールダウン, lit. "Fallen Knight"): A Superior Job from the Dark Knight sub-grouping. Its status growth focuses on HP, STR and END. This job has many skills that reduce HP as cost so it isn't suited to long battles. It also has skills that allow for the smooth usage of cursed weapons, even up to removing curses from weapons to increase their performance. Its current holder is Juliet.
  • Great Knight (大騎士グレイト・ナイト): A high rank job. It has a passive skill that reduces physical damage, a correction to polearms like spears, a level cap release for Horse Riding skill, and a self-buffing skill.
  • Heavy Knight (重騎士ヘヴィ・ナイト): A high rank job that specializes in equipping heavy armours. It has a passive skill that increases the user's attack power and defense power proportional to how heavy the user's armour is.
  • Paladin (聖騎士パラディン): A high rank job from the Knight and Priest groupings that focuses on using the holy element and sword attacks. To achieve this job, one must deal damage to a Demi-Dragon class monster equaling 50% of its HP, donate 200,000 lir to the church and receive a recommendation from a member of the Knight Order of the Kingdom of Altar. The stat growth of this job mainly focuses on HP, STR, and END.
    • Knight of Celestial (天騎士ナイト・オブ・セレスティアル, lit. "Celestial Knight"): A Superior Job from the Paladin sub-grouping. Its status growth focuses on HP, STR and END. The job possesses high combat ability against the undead, uses holy attribute swordsmanship, has recovery magic and damage reduction skills. Its last known holder was Langley Grandria. The conditions to achieve this job are to reach level 100 as a Paladin and at least have 150 levels with jobs from the Knight grouping, defeat a strong enemy such as a Legendary-class monster or a Superior Job holder, deal at least 20,000,000 points of damage with Purifying Silverlight and Grand Cross respectively, negate 2,000,0000 points of damage with Paladin's Aegis, recover at least 20,000,000 HP with healing magic, and clear a certain quest from the Knight grouping job crystal in the Kingdom of Altar.

Lancer Grouping[]

Lancer (槍士ランサー): A low rank job specializing in using thrusts using lances and spears.

  • Strong Lancer (剛槍士ストロング・ランサー): A high rank job that specializes in using strong and powerful thrusts using lances and spears.
  • Gale Lancer (疾風槍士ゲイル・ランサー槍士ランサー): A high rank job that speacializes on using quick and fast thrusts using lances and spears.

Leader Grouping[]

Leader (指揮官リーダー): A low rank job focused on commanding others.

  • Commander (司令官コマンダー): A high rank job.
  • Commander in Chief (総司令官コマンダー・イン・チーフ): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Grey α Centauri.

Mage Grouping[]

Mage (魔術師メイジ): A low ranking job focusing on casting spells.

  • Aeromancer (翆風術師エアロマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in wind attribute magic.
    • King of Burst (爆裂王キング・オブ・バースト) / Burst Princess (爆裂姫バースト・プリンセス): A Superior Job that specializes in using explosion magic which falls under the wind and fire attribute. The status growth of this job focuses on MP. It is currently held by Brenda Forsyth.
    • King of Storm (嵐王キング・オブ・ストーム): A Superior Job that specializes in using wind attribute magic, which falls under the sky attribute. It is currently held by Kaydens.
  • Barriermancer (結界術師バリアマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in barrier magic that is strong against dark magic, curses, and debuffs.
  • Boltmancer (金雷術師ボルトマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in lightning attribute magic.
  • Darkmancer (暗闇術師ダークマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in dark attribute magic.
    • King of Dark (闇王キング・オブ・ダーク) / Dark Princess (闇姫ダーク・プリンセス): A Superior Job that specializes in dark attribute magic, which is focused towards targeting living beings. It is currently held by Manjushage Shion.
  • Flashmancer (閃光術師フラッシュマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in light attribute magic.
    • King of Shine (光王キング・オブ・シャイン): A Superior Job that specializes in using light attribute magic. Its stat growth specializes in MP. Although light magic possesses the greatest attack power after fire attribute magic, the greatest speed among all attributes and increased effectiveness against the undead, the total amount of magic that can be used in battles is low, due to the high cost of light magic increasing the time needed to cast spells. Other drawbacks, such as the trajectory of light magic being easy to predict make this job unsuited for frontal combat. It is currently held by F.
  • Gravitonmancer (鈍重術師グラビトンマンサ): A high rank job that specializes in using gravity magic. The conditions to achieve this job is to defeat a certain number of monsters using magic in a special place called Gravity Well in Legendaria. In exchange for its spells having a shorter range, it gives the user higher physical status growth compared to most caster-type jobs.
  • Hailmancer (白氷術師ヘイルマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in ice attribute magic.
    • King of Glacier (氷王キング・オブ・グレイシャー): A Superior Job that specializes in ice attribute magic, which falls under the sea attribute. It can also use Freeze type debuffs. It was previously held by a Tian acquaintance of @ Wiki in Caldina, but is currently held by @ Wiki now.
  • Hydromancer (蒼海術師ハイドロマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in water attribute magic.
  • Landmancer (黒土術師ランドマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in earth attribute magic.
  • Metalmancer (鉄鋼術師): A high rank job that specializes in magic that manipulates metals, which falls under the earth attribute.
    • King of Fullmetal (鋼王キング・オブ・フルメタル) / Fullmetal Princess (鋼姫フルメタル・プリンセス): A Superior Job that specializes in magic that manipulates metals, which falls under the earth attribute. It is possible to adjust the shape and composition of metals, as well as creating bone conduction strings to deliver messages. It is currently held by Isala.
  • Mirrormancer (反射術師ミラーマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in reflection magic.
    • King of Mirror (鏡王キング・オブ・ミラー): A Superior Job that specializes in reflection magic and its stat growth is focused on MP. This job allows the user to freely use reflection magic against attack magic of all attributes. However, the problems of timing and reflection angle, which are the drawbacks of reflection magic, still remain, so it's very difficult to master them. Its last known holder was Jumper L'envol.
  • Muddymancer (涅泥術師マディマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in using the sea and earth attributes to manipulate mud.
  • Pyromancer (紅蓮術師パイロマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in fire attribute magic.
    • King of Blaze (炎王キング・オブ・ブレイズ): A Superior Job that specializes in fire magic and its stat growth is focused on MP. In terms of pure attack power, the job's surpasses all other Superior caster jobs. Its last known holder was Fuel Rasburn.
  • Resistmancer (抵抗術師レジストマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in resistance magic to create barriers that specializes in resisting specific attributes.
    • King of Resistance (抗王キング・オブ・レジスタンス): A Superior Job that specializes in resistance magic, which falls under the sea attribute. As a caster job, the status growth focuses on MP.
  • Rockmancer (斑岩術師ロックマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in using earth magic to fire huge chunks of rocks similar to a cannon.
    • King of Rock (巌王キング・オブ・ロック): A Superior Job.
  • Sandmancer (黄砂術師サンドマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in using earth magic to use fine pieces of dust and sand to grind their target.
    • King of Desert (砂王キング・オブ・デザート): A Superior Job that specializes in using sand magic.
  • Shockmancer (空振術師ショックマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in producing shockwaves that carry immense levels of kinetic energy.
    • King of Quake (震王キング・オブ・クエイク): A Superior Job that specializes in producing shockwaves that carry immense levels of kinetic energy. It is currently held by Zachariah.
  • Stonemancer (灰石術師ストーンマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in using earth magic to shoot ball-sized stones at high-speed.
    • King of Stone (石王キング・オブ・ストーン): A Superior Job.
  • Wallmancer (障壁術師ウォールマンサー): A high rank job that specializes in defensive wall magic that is strong against physical and magical attacks. It is the western side job of the Barriermancer.
    • Wall Princess (壁姫ウォール・プリンセス): A Superior Job that specializes in defensive wall magic, which falls under the sea attribute. As a caster job, the status growth focuses on MP. The job holder can use all kinds of barrier magic at will. It is currently held by Ursula.
  • Wiseman (賢者ワイズマン, J-Novel Club: "Sage"): A high-rank job that specializes on using magic of all types and elements.
    • Arch Wiseman (大賢者アーチ・ワイズマン, J-Novel Club: "Arch Sage"): A Superior Job that allows the user to make use of the magic of all attributes. As a magic job, its status growth focuses on MP. Its user is even able to make use of ultimate skills from each magic attribute to a point where they could surpass the skill of that Superior Job holder. It is currently held by Integra Sedona Clarisse Flagman. It has been dominated by the Flagman group for over 1,000 years because of the Superior Job's modified ultimate skill Arch Library. The modified skill allows memory with knowledge for conservation and transmission to future holders.

Mechanic Grouping[]

Mechanic (整備士): A low-rank job focused on repairing and improving machines.

  • High Mechanic (高位整備士): A high-rank job.
  • King of Machines (機械王キング・オブ・メカニズム): A Superior Job focused on creating machines. As a production job, the stat increase is focused on MP and DEX. It is possible to create and maintain machinery on the level of the previous civilization. It is currently held by Claudia L. Dryfe.

Medicine Man Grouping[]

Medicine Man (薬師): A low-rank job focused on creating medicine.

  • High Medicine Man (高位薬師): A high-rank job.

Merchant Grouping[]

Merchant (商人マーチャント): A low rank job specialized on performing mercantile activities.

  • Great Merchant (大商人グレイト・マーチャント): A high rank job.
  • Wealthy Merchant (豪商ウェルシー・マーチャント): A high rank job.

Slave Dealer (奴隷商スレイブディーラー): A low rank job specialized on controlling, buying, and selling slaves.

  • Soul Buyer (魂売ソウル・バイヤー): A Superior job. It is currently held by La Crima.

Messenger Grouping[]

Messenger (飛脚): A low rank job. It has skills that increase AGI.

Necromancer Grouping[]

Necromancer (死霊術師ネクロマンサー): A low rank caster job focused on manipulating the dead.

  • High Necromancer (高位霊術師ハイ・ネクロマンサー): The high rank job from the necromancer grouping.
    • King of Tartarus (冥王キング・オブ・タルタロス): A Superior Job from the necromancer grouping. As a summoning caster "general" job, the status growth for everything other than MP is low. The job focuses on creating and manipulating the undead, so it possesses limited direct attack magic, instead using skills to buff the undead. It also has skills to annihilate the undead as well. It is one the few jobs allowing the holder to see souls. It is currently held by Benetnasch.
  • Lich (大死霊リッチ): A high rank job from the necromancer grouping that focuses on casting debuffs and controlling undead. It turns the user into a Western undead, which are different than than the usual normal undead monster since the user still have jobs and doesn't have a monster name above their heads. It is comparable to the Jiangshi job from the Eastern side of the continent.
    • King of Corpses (死霊王キング・オブ・コープス): A Superior Job from the Lich sub-grouping. Said to make the job holder immortal and undying. This job is a production caster Superior Job that uses curse-type undead to fight, along with the holder. Because this Superior Job only deals with the physical aspects of the undead, the holder cannot see souls like the King of Tartarus. It possess higher physical status compared to other caster Superior Jobs. The conditions for achieving the job are to turn 5,000 years’ worth of life into death, the creation of a Crystal of Resentment, which was made by forcing enormous amounts of grudge into a Crystal of Purity (an item that cleansed the corruption of the undead) and to clear a certain quest at the job crystal that was located in Legendaria.
  • Ghost Handler (死霊群師ゴースト・ハンドラー): A high rank job from the necromancer grouping.
    • Death General (死将軍デス・ジェネラ��): A Superior Job from Ghost Handler sub-grouping.

Needleworker Grouping[]

Needleworker (裁縫屋ニードルワーカー): A low rank job focused on doing needlework.

Ninja Grouping[]

Ninja (忍者ニンジャ): A low rank job that focuses on flashy assassinations. It gives a high status correction on AGI. It is popularized in Tenchi.

  • Greater Ninja (上忍グレーターニンジャ): A high rank job.
  • Nukenin (抜忍ヌケニン): A high rank job specialized in escaping. It has abilities to deploy perception-skill blocking smoke screen as well as adding additional effects to thrown Kunai.
  • Hidden Edge (刃心ヒドゥン・エッジ): A high rank job from the Ninja and Swordsman grouping.

Onmitsu Grouping[]

Onmitsu (隠密オンミツ): A low rank job focusing on stealth and concealment. It is availabe only in Tenchi.

  • Shadow (シャドウ): A high rank job focusing on stealth and concealment. It is availabe only in Tenchi.
  • Death Shadow (絶影デス・シャドウ): The Superior Job of the onmitsu grouping from Tenchi, The Death Shadow is an AGI- based job with skills based in concealing the user's presence. It is currently held by Marie Adler.

Onmyoji Grouping[]

Onmyoji (陰陽師オンミョウジ): A low rank job.

  • Onmyo Doctor (陰陽博士オンミョウ・ドクター): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Eashtan.

Painter Grouping[]

Painter (絵師ペインター): A low rank job focused on painting.

  • Artist (芸術家アーティスト): A high rank job from the painter and sculptor groupings focused on creating artwork.
    • Great Artist (大芸術家グレイト・アーティスト): A Superior Job from the Artist sub-grouping of the Painter and Sculptor grouping. It is currently held by Grantzian Valleno.

Pharmacist Grouping[]

Pharmacist (薬師): A low rank job specializing in creating potions.

  • High Pharmacist (高位薬師): A high rank job.

Pilot Grouping[]

Pilot (操縦士): A low rank job that specializes in operating machinery and piloting vehicles.

  • Armored Pilot (装甲操縦士): A high rank job.
  • Gale Pilot (疾風操縦士): A high rank job.
  • High Pilot (高位操縦士): A high rank job.
    • Over Pilot (超操縦士): A Superior Job. The stat growth focuses on MP and DEX. Its last known holder was Curtis Erdona.
  • Ace (撃墜王): A Superior Job. The status growth specializes in MP and DEX and other values barely increase. It is currently held by AR-I-CA.
  • King of Chariots (車騎王キング・オブ・チャリオッツ): A Superior Job from the eastern side of the continent. It is currently held by Murdoch Martinez.

Pimp Grouping[]

Pimp (女衒ピンプ): A low rank job. It has high minion capacity.

  • Lost Heart (亡八ロストハート): The high rank job from the Pimp grouping. It had three conditions to achieve this job: having reached level 50 as a Pimp, the sum total stats of all underlings being above a certain point, and at least 1,000,000 lir earned through Pimp work.

Pirate Grouping[]

Pirate (海賊パイレーツ): A low rank job.

  • Great Pirate (大海賊グレイト・パイレーツ): A high rank job.
    • King of Pirates (海賊王キング・オブ・パイレーツ): A Superior job.

Playboy Grouping[]

Playboy (道楽者プレイボーイ): A low rank job.

  • King of Gorgeous (放蕩王キング・オブ・ゴージャス, J-Novel Club: "King of Debauchery"): A Superior Job. It revolves around the flow of money. It is a production job currently held by Moneygold.

Philosopher Grouping[]

Philosopher (哲学者フィロソフィア): A low rank job that specializes in accelerating the user's thinking speed. The status growth of this Job focuses on SP.

  • Wise Man (哲人): A high rank job that specializes more on increasing the user's thinking speed. It possesses a skill that accelerates the user's thoughts faster than the low rank Job, Philosopher. In exchange, the user cannot move while said skill is active.

Priest Grouping[]

Monk (僧兵モンク): A low rank job that focuses on self-healing and hand-to-hand combat.

  • Robe Samurai (法衣武者ローブ・サムライ): A high rank job from the Samurai Grouping and the Monk Grouping.

Priest (司祭プリースト): A low rank job focused on healing.

  • Temple Knight (教会騎士): A high rank job.
  • Bishop (司教ビショップ): A high rank job.
    • Hierophant (教皇) / High Priestess (女教皇ハイプリエステス): A Superior Job. The conditions to achieve the job are to have 500 levels in only jobs from the priest grouping, to have the recommendation of 1,000 individuals who have reached level 50 as a Priest and to complete the special job change quest. As a pure support job, the status is low aside from MP. It is currently held by Tsukuyo Fuso.

Puppeteer Grouping[]

Puppeteer (人形師パペッター): A low rank job focusing on controlling puppets.

  • High Puppeteer (高位人形師ハイ・パペッター): A high rank job.

Marionetter (傀儡師マリオネッター): A low rank job focusing on controlling marionettes, a type of humanoid puppets.

  • Marionette Princess (傀儡姫マリオネット・プリンセス): A Superior job. It is currently held by Mattel.

Raider Grouping[]

Raider (襲撃者): A low rank job specializing in ambushes.

  • Sneak Raider (奇襲者): A high rank job.
  • King of Raid (奇襲王): A Superior Job from the raider grouping. Its stats are lower than that of the Nobushi Princess. It focuses on skills that increase damage when the user is unseen by their target. Its last known holder was Motor Cortana.

Rail Smith Grouping[]

Rail Smith (線路工レール・スミス): A low rank job that specializes in producing railroad tracks.

  • King of Railways (鉄道王キング・オブ・レイルウェイズ): A Superior Job from the Rail Smith and Railway Man groupings. The conditions for this job requires the user to have both created long railway tracks reaching a certain distance and to have drove a train up to a certain distance.It is currently held by Zukunft Zug Faller.

Railway Man Grouping[]

Railway Man (鉄道員レイルウェイ・マン): A low rank job that specializes in train operations and railway maintenance.

  • With the Rail Smith grouping: low rank job Rail Smith (線路工レール・スミス) and the Superior Job, King of Railways (鉄道王キング・オブ・レイルウェイズ).

Researcher Grouping[]

Researcher (研究者リサーチャー): A low rank job focused on researching.

  • Professor (教授プロフェッサー): A high rank job.
  • Giga Professor (大教授): The Superior Job from the researcher grouping specialized in monster research. It is currently held by Mr. Franklin.

Rider Grouping[]

Rider (騎兵): A low rank job focuses on riding beasts and mechanical transportations.

  • Dragoner (竜騎兵ドラグナー): A high rank job from the rider grouping that focuses on riding dragon and compatible with firearms. It has low minion capacity, with demi-dragon being the limit.
    • Master Dragoner (竜征騎兵マスター・ドラグナー): A Superior Job from the Dragoner sub-grouping. It is currently held by GandorL.
  • Gale Rider (疾風騎兵): A high rank job from the rider grouping that focuses on riding flying transports.
  • Illegal Rider: A high rank job from the mage and rider groupings.
  • Myth Rider (幻獣騎兵): A high rank job from the rider grouping that focuses on riding mythical beasts.

Prism Rider (煌騎兵プリズム・ライダー): A low rank job focused on riding prism beasts of any type. In order to qualify for this job, the user must own a Prism Beast of any type and have the Riding ability at Lv 5. The stat growth increases evenly, with a bit more for MP and AGI, however, overall total stat growth is less than most low rank jobs.

  • Prism Cavalier (煌玉騎プリズム・キャバリア): A high rank job from Prism Rider sub-grouping. The conditions for achieving the job are to have at least level 1 on Prism Authorization skill, the total level has reached 400 and the total skill level of Prism Authorization has exceeds 5,000 in the whole world.

King of Cowboys (牽牛王): A Superior Job from the rider and tamer groupings.

Sacrifice Grouping[]

Sacrifice (生贄サクリファイス): A low rank job. Its status growth focuses solely on MP and is higher than most MP focused high rank job. However, when this job is set as the main job, all stats other than MP will become abnormally low and the user will be unable to take any combat actions.

Sadhu Grouping[]

Sadhu(苦行僧サドゥー): A low rank job.

Sailor Grouping[]

Sailor (船員): A low rank job focused on attending ships.

  • Admiral (提督アドミラル): A high rank job focused on buffing ships.
    • Great Admiral (大提督グレイト・アドミラル): A Superior Job from the Admiral sub-grouping. This job specializes in managing fleets of ships, by casting wide area buffs on friendly vessels. It is currently held by Koukin Shoyu.

Satanist Grouping[]

Satanist (? ? ? ?サタニスト): A low rank job that focuses on devils.

  • Hell Knight (悪魔騎士ヘルナイト): A high rank job.
  • Hell General (魔将軍ヘル・ジェネラル): A Superior job from the General series. The job skills focus on summoning devils and increasing their abilities with buff skills. As a result, the status growth is not high. Unusually, rather than using MP or SP for the summoning, the cost is instead gathered by resources derived from sacrificing items or monsters. It is currently held by Logan Goddhart. A previous job holder was killed off for once annoying Rockfell Adraster.

Samurai Grouping[]

Samurai (武士): A low rank job from the eastern part of the continent whose abilities are noted to be similar to the Fighter and Gladiator grouping from the west. The status growth of this job focuses on STR, END, and AGI.

  • Ogre Samurai (鬼武者オーガ・サムライ): A high rank job that makes the creature category of the owner "Oni". This is similar to the effect that the Lich job confers on its owner by making them undead.
  • Sword Samurai (一刀武者ソード・サムライ): A high rank job from the Samurai Grouping and the Swordsman Grouping.
  • Robe Samurai (法衣武者ローブ・サムライ): A high rank job from the Samurai Grouping and the Monk Grouping.
  • Rough Samurai (荒武者ラフ・サムライ): A high rank job from the Samurai Grouping and the Berserker Grouping.

Bow Samurai (弓武者): A low rank job from the Samurai grouping focused on using bows.

  • Heavy Bow Samurai (強弓武者ヘヴィ・ボウ・サムライ): A high rank job from the Bow Samurai sub-grouping of the Samurai grouping.

Down Samurai (野伏ダウン・サムライ): A low rank job that is an offshoot from the Samurai grouping. Only available in Tenchi, this job specializes in ambushes.

  • Down Princess (伏姫ダウン・プリンセス): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Rosa.

Scout Grouping[]

Scout (斥候): A low rank job with no job conditions. It is noted for providing several useful general skills. The status growth of this job focuses on SP and AGI.

  • Reconnoiter (偵察隊リコノイター): A high rank job. It has a skill that allows the user to craft a wireless camera linked to their vision that can be attached to small animals or monsters like dogs or birds.

Sculptor Grouping[]

Sculptor (彫刻家): A low rank job focused on creating sculptures.

  • With the Artist grouping: low rank job Artist (芸術家アーティスト) and the Superior Job, Great Artist (大芸術家グレイト・アーティスト).

Sickleman Grouping[]

Sickleman (鎌士シックルマン): A low rank job focused on using sickles to perform critical hits. When the user deals a critical hit, the user's attack power increases far more than normal critical hits.

  • Scytheman (大鎌士サイズマン): A high rank job from Sickleman grouping.
    • King of Scythes (鎌王): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Voynich.

Secretary Grouping[]

Secretary (書記): A low ranking job specialized in secretarial tasks.

  • High Secretary (高位書記): A high rank job.

Shooter Grouping[]

Shooter (狙撃手): A low rank job focused on using long range weapons.

  • Sharpshooter (狙撃名手): A high rank job. One master with this job is capable of accurately hitting targets 5000 metels away.

Smith Grouping[]

Smith (鍛造師スミス): A low rank job.

  • High Smith (高位鍛冶師ハイ・スミス): A high rank job from the Blacksmith grouping.
  • Forge Smith (鍛造師フォージ・スミス): A high rank job from the Blacksmith grouping that specializes in improving the quality of high-grade metal.
    • King of Forging (鍛造王キング・オブ・フォージング): A Superior Job from the Forge Smith sub-grouping of the Blacksmith grouping. It is currently held by Bachigo Futae.

Soldier Grouping[]

Soldier (兵士ソルジャー): A low rank job. It has a skill that increases the stats of the user based on the number of people with this job in their party.

Death Soldier (死兵デス・ソルジャー): A low rank job with little stat growth and no job conditions. 600 years ago, death row prisoners were forced to take this job as punishment to perform suicide bombings.

  • Death Cavalier (死騎デス・キャバリア): A high rank job related to grudges.
  • Death Emperor: A Superior Job from the Death Soldier grouping. Its Final Blow was hinted to kill a target should the user die.

Down Soldier (伏兵): A low rank Job.

  • King of Hide (潜伏王キング・オブ・ハイド): A Superior Job from the Down Soldier grouping that specializes in concealing the user. The status growth of this job focuses on SP. The last previous holder was one of the people that tried recruiting F as a support member of Illegal Frontier, Streex Idea.

Rear Soldier (殿兵): A low rank job. Its only skill is a passive skill that allows the user to survive with at least 1 HP for 5 seconds even if they receive a fatal attack.

Sorcerer Grouping[]

Sorcerer (呪術師): A low rank caster job that casts curses. It posseses various types of resistance skills.

  • High Sorcerer (高位呪術師): A high rank job.
    • King of Curses (呪術王): A Superior Job. It is currently held by LS Ergo Sum.
  • With the knight grouping: high rank job Dark Knight (暗黒騎士ダークナイト) and Superior job Fallen Knight (堕天騎士ナイト・オブ・フォールダウン)

Summoner Grouping[]

Summoner (召喚師): A low rank job that focuses on summoning.

  • High Summoner (高位召喚師): A high rank job.
  • Summoning Princess (召喚姫): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Tenkuin Yomiko.

Swindler Grouping[]

Swindler (詐欺師): A low rank job focused on falsifying information.

Swordsman Grouping[]

Swordsman (剣士ソードマン): A low rank job focused on using swords.

  • Strong Swordsman (剛剣士ストロングソードマン): A high rank job that focuses more on status-oriented swordsmanship. The status growth of this job focuses on STR and END.
  • Swordmaster (剣聖ソードマスター): A high rank job that focuses more on skill-oriented swordsmanship. The status growth of this job focuses on AGI and DEX. It is noted to have very difficult conditions.
    • King of Swords (剣王キング・オブ・ソード): A Superior Job. The status growth of this Job focuses on STR and AGI. The conditions to achieve this job are to reach level 300 with jobs from the Swordsman grouping, defeat 3,000 monsters using skills from the Swordsman grouping, defeat 30 monsters whose status is three times higher than the user in solo combat and to complete a special job change quest that involves defeating a copy of the previous King of Swords. It is currently held by Foltesla.

Gale Swordsman (疾風剣士ゲイル・ソードマン): A high rank job that specializes in high speed swordsmanship.

Magic Swordsman (魔法剣士): A low rank job that focuses on using swords and magic.

  • Illegal Swordmaster (魔剣聖イリーガル・ソードマスター): A high rank job that focuses on skill-oriented swordsmanship and magic. Its status growth focuses on MP, STR, and AGI. However, the status growth it grants on STR and AGI is less than what the high rank job, Swordmaster gives.

Noble Swordsman (貴剣士): A low rank job. In order to receive this job, one must be a member of the nobility.

Pirate Swordsman (海賊剣士パイレーツ・ソードマン): A low rank job. In order to receive this job, one must be a pirate. This job allows one to adapt fighing on different surfaces, such as a tree's branch or a moving vessel's surface, while wielding a sword.

Singular Swordsman (隻剣士): A low rank job that focuses on higher swordsmanship speed restricted to single arm wielding combat.

Sword Samurai (一刀武者ソード・サムライ): A high rank job from the Samurai Grouping and the Swordsman Grouping.

Tamer Grouping[]

Tamer (従魔師): A low rank job focused on taming creatures. It has high minion capacity.

  • High Tamer (高位従魔師): A high rank job with higher minion capacity than Tamer.

Bugs Handler (魔蟲師バグズ・ハンドラー): A low rank job from the Tamer grouping that specializes in taming magical insects.

  • High Bugs Handler (高位魔蟲師ハイ・バグズ・ハンドラー): A high rank job from the Bugs Handler sub-grouping of the Tamer grouping that can be considered a direct upgrade of the low rank job, Bugs Handler.
  • Over Bugs Handler (超蟲師オーヴァー・バグズ・ハンドラー): A Superior Job from the High Bugs Handler sub-grouping of the Bugs Handler grouping.
  • Swarm Handler (魔蟲群師スウォーム・ハンドラー): A high rank job from the Bugs Handler sub-grouping of the Tamer grouping that specializes in controlling a large number of magical insects.
    • Bug General (蟲将軍バグ・ジェネラル): A Superior Job from the Swarm Handler sub-grouping of the Bugs Handler grouping. An orthodox wide scale control job with skills that increases the status of the magical insects the user controls. Its last known holder was Eh Teln Pare.

Beast Handler (魔獣師ビースト・ハンドラー): A low rank job from the Tamer grouping that specializes in taming magical beasts.

  • High Beast Handler (高位魔獣師ハイ・ビースト・ハンドラー): A high rank job from the Beast Handler sub-grouping of the Tamer grouping that can be considered a direct upgrade of the low rank job, Beast Handler.
    • Over Beast Handler (超獣師オーヴァー・ビースト・ハンドラー): A Superior Job from the High Beast Handler sub-grouping of the Beast Handler grouping.
  • Pack Handler (魔獣群師パック・ハンドラー): A high rank job from the Beast Handler sub-grouping of the Tamer grouping that specializes in controlling a large number of magical beasts.
    • Beast General (獣将軍ビースト・ジェネラル): A Superior Job from the Pack Handler sub-grouping of the Beast Handler grouping. It is currently held by Anthropos Farma.

Wrestler Grouping[]

Wrestler (力士): A low rank job that focuses on wrestling and grappling.

  • Strong Wrestler (強力士): A high rank job.
    • Over Wrestler (超力士): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Bulk Bolkan.

Sumo Wrestler (角力士スモウ・レスラー): A high rank job that focuses on wrestling in sumo.

Vampire Grouping[]

Vampire (吸血鬼): A low rank job that can only be taken by the vampire clan.

  • Blood Chevalier (血戦騎ブラッド・キャバリア): A high rank job from the Vampire grouping that can only be taken by the vampiric clan.
    • Blood Emperor (鮮血帝ブラッド・エンペラー): A Superior Job of the Vampire grouping. One of the conditions to unlock this job is the number of vampires job grouping reaching a certain number worldwide. This job had actually been lost for over 100 years due to the difficulty of the job changing quest associated with it. It is currently held by Blood O.

No Grouping[]

The following is a list of known jobs that have no grouping because conditional circumstances cause the job to be available and held.

King of Asura (阿修羅王): A Superior Job related to weapon-equipment holding expansion. It is currently held by Kaga Jubei.

Flow Princess (流姫): A Superior Job related to natural MP flow. It can be acquired from the Job Crystal within the innermost part of a certain unexplored area that has the characteristic of absorbing massive magic power. The job has skills that allow for the absorption of magical energy from the surrounding area and people. This job was a prototype of the Special Superior Job Titania. It is currently held by Juba.

King of Crimes (犯罪王キング・オブ・クライム): A Superior job related to the severity of the crimes conducted. In the past, all the possible candidates for the job were captured and killed for their crimes before receiving this job. It is currently held by Sechs Wurfel.

Murder Princess (殺人姫マーダー・プリンセス): A Superior Job related to murder quantity. The condition for this job is to kill over 10,000 people in close range combat. It is currently held by Emily Killingstone.

King of Kings (覇王キング・オブ・キングス): A Superior Job related to killing Superior Job holders. The condition to achieve this job is to kill 10 Superior Job holders whose level are ten times yours and whose total STR, AGI and END are ten times yours, without having a high rank or Superior Job, which is known to be the most difficult conditions of any Superior Job. Killing Master Superior Job holders do not contribute to this kill count because the kills are determined by the vacancy of the Superior Jobs. It is currently held by Rockfell Adraster.

Special Superior Jobs[]

Hero (勇者ヒーロー): A Special Superior Job. Its prototype Superior Job is Over Gladiator. Unlike the other Special Superior Jobs, which are restricted to those from a special bloodline or who possesses a unique talent, this job can be acquired randomly at birth by anyone. Its last known holder was Kusanagi Tori.

Saint (聖女セイント ): A Special Superior job focused on healing. Its chosen bloodline has been protected by the Kingdom of Altar since its founding. Normally this job would only be available to someone from a certain bloodline who passed the trial, but the current holder, Sechs Wurfel, transformed himself into the current candidate and acquired the job in her place. As a result, the job's bloodline is temporarily removed from holding the job in the future unless Sechs Wurfel's avatar is reset or wiped out of the Control AIs' records.

King of Sacred (聖剣王キング・オブ・セイクリッド, J-Novel Club: Sacred King) / Sacred Princess (聖剣姫セイクリッド・プリンセス): A Special Superior Job passed down through the bloodline of the royal family of the Kingdom of Altar and is only possessed by a select few (Sword Altar's favored) from that bloodline who possess the right characteristics. As a job with a vanguard role, the status growth is limited and all available skills are related to the use of The Primeval Sword, Altar. Those with this job will inherit the same blue hair as the first job holder, Azurite Altar. It is currently held by Altimia A. Altar.

Imperial Crown (宝皇インペリアル・クラウン): A Special Superior Job. It is focused on tool search and tool support. Its bloodline has ceased in the chaotic Caldina in recent history. It is possible this job would adapt itself to a similar bloodline in Caldina like Imperator Machina.

Imperator Machina (機皇インペリアル・マシン): A Special Superior Job. It is focused on creating and developing machines, and supporting the frontline with firepower. This was a job that was usually reserved for people of a particular bloodline, but the job itself adapted to the current royalty of the Dryfe Imperium. It is currently held by Claudia L. Dryfe.

Conquest General (征夷大将軍コンクエスト・ジェネラルは衰え): A Special Superior Job. It is focused on wide scale buff and debuff as the apex of the General series. Its holders appeared in Tenchi based on unique talent and the current job holder is Tenchi’s Daimyō.

Titania (妖精女王ティターニア, lit. Fairy Queen): A Special Superior Job. Its prototype Superior Job is Flow Princess. It is focused as a rear guard magician with the greatest AOE destructive potential among all Tians. Its current holder is the idol of the royal bloodline in Legendaria.

Vanguard (先導者ヴァンガード): A Special Superior Job held by one with a unique talent of intuition. It is focused on scouting and danger avoidance to lead the group to hope. The job's concrete information is the only Special Superior Job that ceased in history and the most mysterious of them all. There are no current holders. The current job candidate is Milianne Grandria.

Draconic Emperor (龍帝ドラゴニック・エンペラー): A Special Superior Job existing in the Huang He Empire. In actual fact, this is not a job created by the previous creators of the world, but one created by the Ancient Dragon who, after witnessing the power of the Incarnations during their invasion and realizing it could not win, sacrificed its own life to hack the Archtype System and falsify its own existence as a job. As such, this job is randomly given to the human descendants of the Ancient Dragon upon their birth and the Job itself is the Irregular UBM of the Huang He Empire. Those who hold the job are biologically non-human when using the job. It is currently held by Canglong Ren Yue.

The Evil (邪神ジ・イーヴィル): A Special Superior Job belonging to “The One” series of jobs created by the previous administrators of the world as a test for its inhabitants. Its prototype Superior Job is the "Demon Lord" Superior Job series. The job is randomly inherited by a tian living in the same area where the previous job holder died. The job holder will inherit all the memories of their predecessors, though the job compensates for this in order to maintain the user's sanity. The job possesses a skill that allows them to automatically level up by absorbing stray Resources in the atmosphere. The job also possesses a skill that makes them immune to any phenomenon from outside the world's system, meaning that user is functionally immune to all Masters, their Embryoes, all monsters equipped with a drop item function and any tool made via abilities made from the above. Finally, the job possesses a skill that allows any of the user's lies to be believed. The skill is powerful enough to fool even maxed out Truth Discernment skills. It is currently held by Theresia C. Altar.

"Demon Lord" Series[]

Each Demon Lord Superior Job holds one characteristic skill set centered on 1 of the skills belonging to The Evil. These Superior Jobs are also locked, meaning a person cannot take two Superior Jobs under the Demon Lord series at once and the job holder cannot use the job skills of Superior Jobs under this series unless the user puts it as their main job or their main job is Over Gladiator. This series of Superior Jobs are also the prototype Superior Jobs for the Special Superior Job, The Evil.

Lord Ira (憤怒魔王ロード・イラ): A Superior Job. The only way to receive this job is to conquer the Abyss of Carnage, a created dungeon in Tenchi. It currently has no job holder.

Lord Avaritia (強欲魔王ロード・アワリティア): A Superior Job. The only way to receive this job is to conquer the Tombstone of the Wealthy and Poor, a created dungeon in Caldina. The job's skills focus on complete memory inheritance of the holder into other living beings. It is currently held for more than 1,000 years by the tian store owner of Monster King Firm.

Lord Acedia (怠惰魔王ロード・アケディア): A Superior Job. The only way to receive this job is to conquer the Peaceful Penal Colony, a created dungeon in Legendaria. The job's skills focus on transforming inanimate matter into subordinate monsters. The status growth focuses on SP and HP. It is currently held by ZZZ.

Lord Gula (暴食魔王ロード・グラ): A Superior Job. The only way to receive this job is to conquer the Mountain of Starvation, a created dungeon in Legendaria. The job's skills focus on devouring Resources for leveling and power. It is currently held by Dis Satisfactory.

Lord Invidia (嫉妬魔王ロード・インヴィディア): A Superior Job. The only way to receive this job is to conquer the Sea of Jealousy, a created dungeon in Legendaria. It is currently held by G.

Lord Superbia (傲慢魔王ロード・スペルヴィア): A Superior Job. The only way to receive this job is to conquer the Sky Castle of Supremacy, an aerial created dungeon located in the Kingdom of Altar. The job's skills focus on the immunity towards external influences upon the holder, mainly hostility and non-Archetype System related things. It is currently held by Kaydens.

Lord Luxuria (色欲魔王ロード・ルクセリア): A Superior Job. The only way to receive this job is to conquer the Dream Demon's Palace, a created dungeon located in the Dryfe Imperium. The job's skills focus on transforming living beings in the holder's minion capacity into Kin, creatures that are both human and monster. It is currently held by Rook Holmes, with the last job holder existing over 1,000 years ago.

Unknown Grouping[]

The following is a list of known jobs whose grouping is unknown.

King of Axes (斧鉞王): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Ban Zu Hao.

King of Building (建造王キング・オブ・ビルディング): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Satomi Yamamoto.

King of Divers (潜水王キング・オブ・ダイバー): A Superior Job. It has skills that buff equipment to increase its diving abilities. It is currently held by Vanessa Cephalid.

King of Eaters (喰王キング・オブ・イーター): A Superior Job from an unknown grouping. It has skills that allow the user to absorb HP by devouring living things and to gain experience points by devouring inanimate objects. It also has skills for enhancing the user's teeth and stomach. The stat growth focuses on END. It is currently held by Kata Lucan Euangélion.

Fist Princess (拳姫): A Superior Job from an unknown grouping that specializes in unarmed combat.

King of Illegal Bullet (魔弾王キング・オブ・イリーガルバレット, lit. King of Magic Bullet): A Superior Job focused on creating magic bullets. It is currently held by Hikaru.

King of Illegal Cannon (魔砲王キング・オブ・イリーガルカノン, lit. King of Magic Cannon): A Superior Job focused on skills for using magic cannons. It is currently held by Herdyne Rockzapper.

Kidnap Princess: A Superior Job. It is currently held by Clobbergirl Fanatic Pie.

King of Library (蔵書王キング・オブ・ライブラリー): A Superior Job. It is currently held by ISBN.

King of Life (命王キング・オブ・ライフ): A Superior Job. Its stat growth is focused on HP. It has skill that takes over the damage and injury of the user's party members. Its last known holder was Rodon.

King of Oblivion (忘却王): A Superior Job of unknown grouping. It is currently held by Maia Soltys. Due to the nature of the job, many tians within Legendaria greatly fear her.

King of Stealth (迷彩王キング・オブ・ステルス): A Superior Job of unknown grouping. It has abilities focused on stealth. It gives high status growth for AGI. It is currently held by Zachariah.

King of Termination (殲滅王キング・オブ・ターミネーター): A Superior Job focusing on pursuing enemies and killing them. Its stat growth focuses on HP and STR, then END. It is currently held by Albert Schwartzkaiser.

King of Toys (戯王キング・オブ・トイズ): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Grandmaster.

Sacred Blazer (聖焔騎セイクリッド・ブレイザー): A Superior Job. It specializes in using multiple types of fire attack. It's a multi-skilled compound Superior Job and it has a quite special condition for achieving the job. Its last known holder was Aslan Faldreed.

King of Unhurt (無疵王): A Superior job diametric to the King of Destroy job that specializes in defense. It is currently held by Ferrum Idea.

Shield Giant (盾巨人シールド・ジャイアント): An END focused high rank job that allows the user to use any shield as long as the user have the required STR.

Armour Giant (鎧巨人): An END focused high rank job.

"The One" Series[]

The Atmos (天神ジ・アトモス): A Superior Job specialized in using sky attribute magic. It is currently held by Snusmumrik for over 600 years.

The Earth (地神ジ・アース): A Superior Job specialized in using earth attribute magic. As a caster job, the status growth focuses on MP. Holders of this job can use all earth attribute magic. It is currently held by Fatoum.

The Ocean (海神ジ・オーシャン): A Superior Job specialized in using sea attribute magic.

The Arts (武神): A Superior Job that focuses on unarmed martial arts. One of the conditions to achieve this job is to have never equipped a weapon in one's lifetime. The ultimate skill of this job changes depending on the martial art style of the user. It is currently held by Ming She.

The Cannon (砲神ザ・カノン): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Eve Selene.

The Craft (匠神ザ・クラフト): A Superior Job specialized in production skills. The current job holder is located in Legendaria.

The Death (死神ザ・デス): A Superior Job. Unlike the King of Tartarus and King of Corpses who's focused on controlling the undead or the King of Assassins or Murder Princess focused on the number of kills, it focuses purely on killing. It is currently held by the infamous leader of the assassin group The Reapers.

The Fang (牙神): A Superior Job. It specializes in knife skills to inflict various debuffs. The stat growth is focused on AGI and DEX. The range and direct attack power of this job is weaker compared to other Superior Jobs which handle other types of bladed weapons. Its last known holder was The Fang.

The Fight (闘神ザ・ファイト): A Superior Job. It is currently held by RAN.

The Glaive (薙神ザ・グレイブ): A Superior Job. It is currently held by Midorino Hokugen'in.

The Gun (銃神ザ・ガン): A Superior Job focused on shooting skills. It is currently held by Sauer Urgaur.

The Ram (衝神ザ・ラム): A Superior Job focused on spear skills. It is currently held by Claudia L. Dryfe.

The Saber (斬神): A Superior Job focused on slashing skills. It is currently held by Muryoutaisuu Saki.

The Unsheath (抜刀神): A Superior Job that specializes in sword drawing skills. It is currently held by Kashimiya.

The Weapon (器神ザ・ウェポン): A Superior Job that focuses on weapon maintenance skills. It is currently held by Rascal the Black Onyx.

The Whip (鞭神): A Superior Job. It focuses on using whip skills. It is currently held by Probe USA One.

The Wing (翼神): A Superior Job. Details unknown. This job's last known holder was a bird-man tian who was killed by ISBN.

"General" Series[]

Sky General (飛将軍スカイ・ジェネラル): A Superior Job. It focuses on controlling magical birds. Its stat growth is relatively low. It is currently held by Leaf.

Zero General (無将軍): A Superior Job. It focuses on controlling unmanned weapons. It became a lost job due to the decline in technology since the collapse of the ancient civilization, but was revived by Gifted. It is currently held by Gifted Barbaros.

Ogre General (鬼将軍): A Superior Job. It focuses on controlling Ogre. It is currently held by an unnamed Master.

Control AI Superior Job Grouping[]

Fake Superior jobs created by the current administrators of the world to allow their Master avatars to conform to Master society. In reality, the job names are falsified and these Superior jobs do not exist. Without holding knowledge of the complete Job List or access to the Archetype system, most people do not know these Superior jobs are fake.

The Lynx (猫神): Ostensibly, The Lynx is an AGI focused Superior Job. In truth, there is no such job, and Control A.I. No. 13 Cheshire uses his rights as a Control A.I. to falsify the settings on his window. As a wall to promote the growth of the Kingdom of Altar's rankers, his job level is set at Level 500. During the era of the Peerless Three, the job level was set higher to rival Rockfell Adraster and Fanlong Ren Wai.

The Rabbit (兎神): Ostensibly, The Rabbit is an AGI focused Superior Job. In truth, there is no such job, and Control A.I. No. 12 Rabbit uses his rights as a Control A.I. to falsify the settings on his window. As a wall to promote the possible evolution of Form VI embryo through life-death (PK) combat, his job level is set at Level 500.

Infinite Job Grouping[]

Finder (斡旋者ファインダー): An Infinite Job. The one who created the Archetype system's Jobs in the past.

Smith (鍛冶屋スミス): An Infinite Job. The one who created The Primeval Sword, Altar and Nameless Axe.
