Infinite Dendrogram Wiki

King of Destrution is the twelfth episode of the Infinite Dendrogram anime.


After defeating Franklin's monster, Ray collapses in Nemesis' arms, unconscious from the injuries sustained. Liliana manages to keep him alive with force heal, but his charred left arm was beyond saving. Theodore orders anyone with extra MP to use them on Ray and other injured people, while ordering his men to come with him to rescue Elizabeth. Franklin applauds them, revealing that they delayed the release of monsters to 251 seconds past the initial deadline, and that his remote for releasing them had broken. He holds up a spare, timerless one and then presses it to detonate the bombs he planted all over the city. When Liliana orders the other knights to treat Ray, Franklin takes notice and taunts them, asking if she was off to give aid or if she meant to defeat him, and that either way, it would never work. He spawns his next 2 monsters, KOS and DGP, also mentioning that RSK, whom Ray defeated earlier, was actually the weakest monster he spawned, and that KOS and DGP have the battle strength of a Legendary UBM. Franklin claims that he used the RSK because Ray took down his Demi-Drag Worm, and that he thought he'd try again with a Pure Dragon-tier beast, before Ray defeated it. He swore to repay his "debt and humiliation" in full. When he turned to check how the bomb detonation went, he noticed that the bombs hadn't detonated yet, before realizing that this was because the Superior Killer, with her great conceal skills, managed to disable the bombs.

To be added...


