Cult of the Lamb Wiki

ā€œ Five becomes four becomes three becomes two becomes one becomes nothing. ā€
ā€” Shamura, referring to the Bishops

Shamura is one of the four Bishops of the Old Faith religion. They rule the Silk Cradle biome and are the fourth major boss in Cult of the Lamb.


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Shamura is a purple spider with four eyes of black sclera and red slit pupils, as well as two large fangs appearing from their mouth. Two pairs of cross-like protrusions emanate from their head, and they wear a crown with a concave top and a purple, crescent-shaped eye. Shamura's skull was split by The One Who Waits and is wrapped in bandages, covering their exposed brain. When they lose their bandages, their crown appears to be reaching into their brain, using vein-like apparatuses. Like the other bishops, Shamura wears a long black robe with golden trimmings that hides the rest of their body.

After being transformed during a ritual, Shamura's body grows a large, bandaged abdomen like that of a spider's, ending in a sharp, red stinger. Three sets of long purple spider legs appear from Shamura's body, and two arms ending in blades protrude from their robe, which still hangs from their neck.

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Of the four bishops, Shamura appears to be in the worst state of appearance. Their body has been torn asunder; two thirds of their skull are exposed, their ribs are exposed, and a long trail of innards dangles from beneath their bloodstained robe. These wounds persist even into their Eldritch form. Upon being transformed into a follower, they appear with two eyes with black and white pupil as opposed to their base form's eyes much like every follower despite being a spider. There are four crosses above their head, and their forehead is still wrapped by bandages from their base form.


Opening sequence[]

Before us stands the last of its kind. All others we have hunted down and put to the blade.
With this final sacrifice, the prophecy will be impossible to fulfill.
The heretic who lies bound below will be condemned to eternal captivity.
And the Old Faith shall be preserved.


Shamura: "Five points to a pentagram, five portents of doom, five siblings stood abreast, five gods and one tomb..."

Heket: "Shamura! We did not wish to bother you, but-"

Kallamar: "Shamura, the Red Crown grows stronger by the day. Already it has succeeded where he has failed before. Leshy has been slain!"

Shamura: "Five becomes four becomes three becomes two becomes one becomes nothing."

Heket: "...Shamura, rest. We will deal with this. Won't we, Kallamar?"

Kallamar: "Yes, sister! Of course, sister!"

Heket: "You there, vessel of the Red Crown! Bow to me, or you will regret it!"

  • [Refuse - All rooms turned into Combat rooms] Heket: "You will bow, or I will make you!"
  • [Bow - lose 20 Faith] Heket: "Ha! Cowardly vermin. You disgust me."

Anchordeep, after Baalzebub was defeated[]

"Five becomes four becomes three becomes two becomes one becomes nothing. Kallamar was always frightened of the Red Crown. Yes, fear made a coward of him. My door is the next to be knocked upon. Knock, knock, the Lamb comes to raze, end of days, end of days."

[Summons multiple waves of Silk Cradle enemies]

Silk Cradle, first encounter[]

"He waits by the rocks of the darkened sea, at the foot of the long, sudden drop. Within the maw of pointed-teeth beasts, the stutter of the heart, then stoppedā€¦ He was the fifth. The fifth Bishop of the Old Faith. Our brother, The One Who Waits. Back then he was known by the name Narinder. But as millennia wore on, he grew discontent with his role. He began to question. He was gluttonous in his ambition. And in my imprudence I loved him. For it, I lost my mind. For it, he lost his freedom. Can you fathom such betrayal, Lamb? Of your own turned against you? Would you like to find out? He was the fifth. The fifth Bishop of the Old Faith. Our brother, The One Who Waits. Back then he was known by the name Narinder."

[Shamura summons 1 of your Followers, who will fight against you. When you return to Silk Cradle the encounter will not recur.]

Silk Cradle, second encounter[]

"I am not what I once was. Though no longer wise, I am no fool. I know the end draws near. I can take some comfort in confession. The blame hangs heavy 'round my neck. I introduced him to ideas of change; for my domain is knowledge, and it is ever evolving. An organic state of being for myself, but for himā€¦ most unnatural. Death cannot flow backward. It was I who had him chained. Forced into subjugation by the four of us. Subjugated as you too soon shall be. Make peace, bow to me, Lamb."

  • Refuse: "A lion in the guise of a Lamb. I expected no less from a vessel of the Red Crown. Very well. War is also my domain." [Shamura summons multiple waves of enemies]
  • Bow [-20 Faith]: "I am disappointed, I admit. I thought my brother had betterā€¦ taste."

Silk Cradle, third encounter[]

"Have you thought of what awaits you once your task is completed? What is to become of you? The lamb is, after all, the sacrificial beast. Bred to slaughter. If I cannot stop you, then I can at least prepare you for the suffering to come. He was the fifth. The fifth Bishop of the Old Faith. Our brother, The One Who Waits. Back then he was known by the name Narinder."

[Shamura summons 2 of your Followers, who will fight against you. When you return to Silk Cradle the encounter will not recur.]

Silk Cradle, fourth encounter[]

"I envy you not. While you may yet kill me, still I would not trade places. It is time to draw this ugly business to a close. He waits at the point of the sharpened blade, the fate that cannot be outrun. He waits in the eye of the raging storm, at the end of the long day done."

Boss fight[]

"Five becomesā€¦ becomesā€¦ nothing. Nothing at all. The duty I owe to my bretheren [sic] cannot be shirked. My temple awaits."

"He of havoc, he of blight; she of hunger, they of might. Five becomes four becomes three becomes two becomes one becomes nothing."

Silk Cradle (post-game), statue encounter[]

"Bond forged by the spilling of bloodā€¦ I know you hear me, God of Death." "Ignoble lambā€¦ finish what you've begunā€¦"

Silk Cradle (Post-game) - Boss Fight[]

"I will fight your ceaseless war. In this way shall Purgatory draw semblance to life."

"I will fight your ceaseless war. In this way I shall be punished."


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Recruiting Follower

"I could not rest. I have known all but I have not known thisā€¦"

"Where am I? Whoā€¦ are we?"

"Spin my web, I catch my preyā€¦ spin my web, day by dayā€¦ in the nightā€¦ I hear them prayā€¦ mercy is not my nameā€¦"

Interaction if Baal and Aym are brought back from Sacrifice of the Flesh

"Ooh, kitsā€¦ I remember, I rememberā€¦ two kits in my clawsā€¦ a giftā€¦"

"I did not want him to beā€¦ lonelyā€¦"

Relic quest

"I wrapped a precious thing in web and nestled it deep in the bosom of the Silk Cradleā€¦"

"ā€¦but where? When? And what?"

After Relic quest

"Ah! What is that?"

Give Spider Silk

"Ahhhhhh. Yes, yes, hello."

"Many-legged creature, stalk through the nightā€¦ wrapped in web, yet still they fightā€¦"

"In my silk, I snared a Crownā€¦ to their faith, irrevocably boundā€¦"


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If you defeat them for the second time after defeating The One Who Waits, they becomes a follower with unique sound voice and dialogue, and quests that are unique to Shamura. Note that they will start off dissented and will need to be re-educated in order to stop them from dissenting.
  • They will ask to retrieve their skull in Silk Cradle.



Shamura, as befitting of their association with warfare, is one of the most offensively aggressive bosses in the game. They will rush the Lamb and will try to stay glued to them whenever they are not in an attack animation, aided by spiders popping out of spider nests hanging on the ceiling.

In combat Shamura will be able to use 6 different attacks which will be executed by either a close range slash, by jumping, zipping away on a string of web or by shooting projectiles at the player. Shamura also has cooldowns on their attack, usually ranging from one second at the shortest to four second at the longest, and will try to use them in a specific order should they be available (Close Range Slash, Fire Projectiles, Zip Away and Jump Actions). Those cooldowns however, only go down when Shamura is chasing the player and freezes when in an attack animation, meaning that Shamura effectively cannot execute the same action twice in a row. Unlike the other bosses, they will not gain new attacks later into their fight, and there is only a limited amount of minions that can spawn. It is entirely possible to fight Shamura for so long that all the spider nests will have opened and no more will appear if they have all been killed (Note that deliberately doing this is very ill-advised, as one of Shamura's attacks forces a spider nest to open, and the complete absence of spider nests will break Shamura's A.I. and get stuck in the animation). The fight itself takes place over two phases: The Initial Phase and The Desperate Phase.

Initial phase[]


Shamura runs up to the player and tries to slash them with their arms.

In this phase, Shamura will be constantly running towards the Lamb unless they are in an attack animation, with the delay between their moves being long enough (Roughly 0.5 that their attack pattern will almost always start with a Close Range Slash before doing anything else. This delay also means that they might use the Zip Away attack more often.

The attacks that Shamura can use in this phase are detailed below: Close Range Slash: Shamura will rear back and slash at the Lamb with both of their bladed arms as well as their front legs. This attack is slower than Kallamar's Sword Slash and covers a wider area, threatening to deal damage should the player either dodge too soon or in the wrong direction. The best way to avoid this attack is to trigger the start of the animation by getting in range of Shamura and then dodging either upwards or behind them. This attack has a cooldown of exactly one second, and with the delay between actions and Shamura's propensity to stick close to the Lamb, they will be vulnerable to melee attacks.


Shamura launching bombs around themselves.

Fire Projectiles: Shamura will crouch and display their spider abdomen, before shooting one of two types of projectiles: bombs or fiery green orbs. The Bomb variant will choose a random direction and will launch bombs at a rapid pace one at a time in a random pattern in that direction, often cluttering bombs together. Meanwhile the Orb variant will have Shamura turn towards the player and shoot several hails of green orbs that will splash on the ground on contact. In both variants indicators will appear on the ground to show where the projectiles will strike. This attack has a cooldown of exactly two seconds, with the bomb variant taking significantly more time to complete and leaving Shamura completely open to attacks.


Shamura zips away for a few seconds and comes back down to slash at the Lamb.

Zip Away: Shamura shoots a string of web towards the ceiling, roars and zips away for 2.5 seconds before landing where the Lamb is and slashing at them. Additionally this attack forces a spider nest to hatch upon landing. The cooldown for this attack is 4 seconds, which makes its use much rarer than the others.


Shamura jumps towards the Lamb several times, trying to slash them.

Jump Actions: Shamura is capable of executing two variants of Jump Actions: The first one will have Shamura jump after the player three or four times, trying to quickly stab them when landing and in the second one Shamura will jump the same amount of times, but will close their eyes on landing and will shoot a wave of fireballs in a radial pattern. Note that the radial pattern in the second jump attack has the space between two fireballs face the Lamb instead of a fireball itself, meaning that if the player is standing still they will not be touched by any fireballs. The Jump Actions have a cooldown of exactly one second, and whenever Shamura decides to use one of them it will be a coin flip on whether they throw projectiles or jump towards the Lamb.

Desperate phase[]

Shamura is the only boss in the game that does not gain access to new attacks or change their attacks when changing phases, their moveset stays exactly the same in both phases. In the Desperate Phase there are only two changes that take place:

  • The delay between attacks goes between 0.5 and 1 seconds to 0.3 and 0.5 seconds, ensuring that Close Range Slash and Jump Actions will be executed more often.
  • The Fire Projectiles attack will launch more projectiles. Shamura will also do a guaranteed Jump Action while shooting projectiles immediately after roaring.


Name Image Description Unlock Method
Think No Evil
Think No Evil
Defeat Shamura. Kill the final boss of Silk Cradle.
Beat Shamura without taking damage. If you do not succeed in not taking damage before defeating them, break the statue of them that spawns in the first room of each level of a crusade. It will summon a portal, allowing you to refight them.
Post-game requires you to fight them in Purgatory as the ones at Spider Silk Purge does not count towards the achievement.


  • Shamura uses They/Them pronouns.
  • Shamura's bandaged head refers to the phrase "Think No Evil." It is also the name of the achievement received for defeating them.
  • Shamura represents the Horseman of War (presumably). They force the followers of the Lamb to fight them, and defeating them without taking damage earns the player the achievement of "Peace".
  • Shamura's followers pray to them in order to gain knowledge and answers.[1]
  • Shamura appears to have memory loss because of their injury, this is proven due to Shamura repeating phrases multiple times over, as well as them not remembering what they hid in the Silk Cradle during their relic quest. Shamura's siblings also treat them with a notable degree of kindness and patience.
  • In Silk Cradle, the lighting makes purple objects look blue (as seen with Helob). However, although the eye on their crown turns blue, Shamura does not.
  • The Shamura's Skull relic seems to not resemble Shamura's actual skull seen in their purged form.
  • As inferred by Tablets II and VII of the Ancient Tablets, Shamura may have defeated many gods in a war in the Silk Cradle, which was their homeland and the first place of their conquest.
  • Shamura's crown is seemingly merged with/burrowed into their brain.



  1. ā†‘ Swordsman's dialogues
Resources - Weapons - Curses - Relics - Fleeces - Holy Talisman - Commandment Stone - Penitence Mode - Achievements - Twitch integration
Major Update
Cult of the Lamb (Cultist Pack) - Relics of the Old Faith (Heretic Pack) - Don't Starve Together x Cult of the Lamb - Sins of the Flesh (Sinful Pack)
Cult and You
Cult of the Lamb HQ - Followers - Rituals - Buildings - Divine Inspiration - Quests - Sin - Resurrection
Forms - Faith - Loyalty (Dissenter) - Traits - Food - Robe
Lands of the Old Faith (Old Faith) - Crusade - Bosses - Fervour - Heart of a Heretic - Purgatory
The Lamb - Leshy - Heket - Kallamar - Shamura - The One Who Waits - Ratau - Mystic Seller