Cult of the Lamb Wiki

Fleeces are unlocked using Holy Talismans, and give the lamb special powers but with a negative effect. These fleeces often encourage specific playstyles, while discouraging others.


Name Image Bonus Side Effect
Fleece of the Lamb Fleece Lamb A noble garb, fit for the leader of a Cult. Provides no bonuses.
Golden Fleece Golden Fleece +5% damage per kill, but stack is lost on taking damage. All incoming damage is doubled.
Fleece of the Glass Cannon Fleece Glass Cannon Curses deal +100% damage and cost -50% fervor. -50% Melee damage and -50% health
Fleece of the Diseased Heart Fleece Diseased Every Tarot Card gained grants a Diseased Heart (only one may be carried at any time) Taking damage poisons The Lamb.
Fleece of the Fates Fleece Fates Grants 4 random Tarot Cards at the start of a run. All Tarot Card pickups disabled.
Fleece of Fragile Fortitude Fleece Fragile Fortitude Replaces Red Hearts with Blue Hearts, at a 2:3 ratio No Red Hearts
Fleece of a Cursed Crusade (Post-game) Outfit 6 Receive four Curse related Tarot Cards at the start of the run. Weapons are disabled.
Fleece of the Berserker (Post-game) Outfit 7 Deal 10x weapon damage. Only half a heart. Cannot resurrect.
Fleece of Fervor's Favor (Post-game) Outfit 8 Heal using Fervor. No hearts will spawn.
Fleece of the Hobbled Heels (Post-game) Outfit 9 Heal a heart after completing each room, increased movement speed and starting health. Disabled Rolling.
God of Death Fleece (Post-game) Outfit 1000 When Resurrecting gain 2 Diseased Heart.
Fleece of the Heretics (Exclusive with Heretic Pack DLC) Outfit 10 An ignoble garb, worn by only the most unholy of heretics. Provides no bonuses.
Fleece of the Natural (Exclusive with Sinful Pack DLC)
Fleece Of The Natural
Let the Lamb be free and naked! Provides no bonuses.


Patch 1.0.12: The Golden Fleece was patched to have a cap of 200% max damage increase.

Patch 1.0.13: The Golden Fleece damage cap was removed and damage increase was reduced to 5% down from the original 10%.

Patch 1.2.0 (Relics of the Old Faith): Added 5 new Fleeces (Fleece of a Cursed Crusade, Fleece of the Berserker, Fleece of Fervor's Favor, Fleece of the Hobbled Heels, and God of Death Fleece).


Resources - Weapons - Curses - Relics - Fleeces - Holy Talisman - Commandment Stone - Penitence Mode - Achievements - Twitch integration
Major Update
Cult of the Lamb (Cultist Pack) - Relics of the Old Faith (Heretic Pack) - Don't Starve Together x Cult of the Lamb - Sins of the Flesh (Sinful Pack)
Cult and You
Cult of the Lamb HQ - Followers - Rituals - Buildings - Divine Inspiration - Quests - Sin - Resurrection
Forms - Faith - Loyalty (Dissenter) - Traits - Food - Robe
Lands of the Old Faith (Old Faith) - Crusade - Bosses - Fervour - Heart of a Heretic - Purgatory
The Lamb - Leshy - Heket - Kallamar - Shamura - The One Who Waits - Ratau - Mystic Seller