Cult of the Lamb Wiki
Please know, it was not my idea to cast out the Red Crown! The other Bishops, my siblings, the blame lies with them. Please, I beg you, spare me. Kill Shamura, but do not send me to my death. Do not send me to him!
— Kallamar showing his cowardice once he realizes he is powerless to stop the Lamb and begs for mercy.

Kallamar is one of the four Bishops of the Old Faith, the ruler of of Anchordeep, and the third major boss in Cult of the Lamb.[1] He is also the second eldest bishop and known for his cowardly attitude (As mentioned by various characters, and partially himself).


Kallamar appears to be a cyan squid with a split open mouth filled with rows of teeth. His eyes have black sclera with red slits for pupils, and he appears to have a scar running across the skin surrounding his left eye. There are two pairs of cross-like protrusions appearing from his head, and he wears a cone-shaped crown that has a blue, circular eye. Both of his ears have been scarred by The One Who Waits and are covered by bandages. Like the other bishops, Kallamar wears a long black robe with golden trimmings that covers the rest of his body. His body appears more lumpy underneath his robes compared to the other bishops, possibly being hidden tentacles.

After using a ritual, sets of long tentacles appear along Kallamar's neck and body and he shows two pairs of arms. He also hovers slightly above the ground. He wields four different weapons, one in each hand - a staff, a sword, a dagger, and a globus cruciger.

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In his second encounter in Relics of the Old Faith, Kallamar will receive a completely different appearance like his siblings. The entirety of Kallamar's skin on his right is scarred, with both bandages on his ears being removed to reveal they're just as scarred. His left eye's scar is also in a worse condition. In his eldritch form, Kallamar's weaponry receives a different apperance, along with his right arms being skeletal and the rest of the right side of his body receiving heavy injuries.


Opening Sequence[]

Before us stands the last of its kind. All others we have hunted down and put to the blade.
With this final sacrifice, the prophecy will be impossible to fulfill.
The heretic who lies bound below will be condemned to eternal captivity.
And the Old Faith shall be preserved.

Darkwood - After defeating Valefar[]

Heket: "So it is true. The Red Crown sits upon the brow of another."

Kallamar: "But how? We did everything we could to—"

Heket: "It matters not. We need not bother Shamura with this. Deal with it, brother."

Leshy: "As you command, my sister."

Anura - First Encounter[]

Shamura: "Five points to a pentagram, five portents of doom, five siblings stood abreast, five gods and one tomb..."

Heket: "Shamura! We did not wish to bother you, but-"

Kallamar: "Shamura, the Red Crown grows stronger by the day. Already it has succeeded where he has failed before. Leshy has been slain!"

Shamura: "Five becomes four becomes three becomes two becomes one becomes nothing."

Heket: "...Shamura, rest. We will deal with this. Won't we, Kallamar?"

Kallamar: "Yes, sister! Of course, sister!"

Heket: "You there, vessel of the Red Crown! Bow to me, or you will regret it!"

  • [Refuse - All rooms turned into Combat rooms] Heket: "You will bow, or I will make you!"
  • [Bow - lose 20 Faith] Heket: "Ha! Cowardly vermin. You disgust me."

Anchordeep - First Encounter[]

Kallamar: "He has sent many vessels like you. One after the other, they all fall. You have gotten further than most, granted. I shall enjoy watching your Cult rot from the inside! A disease upon them!"

[Kallamar summons 1 random Follower and makes them sick]

Anchordeep - 2nd encounter[]

"Your friend Ratau was the last vessel sent against us, the snivelling coward. And there were countless before him, all equally pathetic and unworthy. Nothing humbles quite like disease. I cast a plague upon your Cult!"

[Kallamar makes 5 Followers sick]

Anchordeep - 3rd encounter[]

"It seems you cannot be stopped by disease or hunger. And he sends you back from death stronger each time. Please know, it was not my idea to cast out the Red Crown! The other Bishops, my siblings, the blame lies with them. Please, I beg you, spare me. Kill Shamura, but do not send me to my death. Do not send me to him! You will not find my temple. I will be safe there. Yes, I will be safe!"

Anchordeep - Boss fight[]

"Begone, beast! Find satisfaction elsewhere. You will not cross the threshold of my temple!"

"Insignificant critter! You will learn your place! You do not understand, Lamb. Heed my warning and stay away!"

Anchordeep (Post-Game) - Statue Encounter[]

"Free me! Let me out!" [Kallamar summons 5 waves of enemies]

Anchordeep (Post-Game) - Boss Fight[]

"Stay back! Stay away! Mercy, Red Crown, mercy..."


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Recruiting Follower

"What is this? Shamura, Heket? Leshy? I feel... bleugh."

Relic Quest

"Lamb! I recalled, as I sat here, a place in the unknowable fathoms of Anchordeep." "I sunk it there, my handsome ear, unfairly taken by Narinder. Fetch it, won't you?"

Relic Quest (Post)

"Ah! A good-looking ear, is it not? You must agree!"

Give Crystal

"Ah! An offering to me? You have sense, Lamb."

"Yes, mine was the most beautiful temple. Shamura's had a certain eeriness, and Leshy too, but Heket... eugh."

"Yes, I will keep this."


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If you defeat him for the second time after defeating The One Who Waits, he becomes a follower with unique sound voice and dialogue, and quests that are unique to Kallamar. Note that he will immediately start off sick, so you will need to cure him or leave him in a bed to rest until he recovers.
  • He will ask you to retrieve his ear in Anchordeep.



Kallamar is well-known to be the single most challenging and complex boss in the game in direct contrast to his complete unwillingness to face the Lamb; unprepared players should beware, because he doesn't hold anything back.

In combat, Kallamar makes use of all four of his weapons (The Sword, The Dagger, The Staff and The Globus Cruciger/Holy Hand Grenade), each one having at least one attack, amounting up to a staggering total of 7 possible attacks in the later parts of the fight. The fight itself takes over two phases: The Initial Phase and The Desperation Phase

Initial Phase[]

In his Initial Phase, Kallamar will have access to 6 different attacks and the ability to quickly go into the ground and reemerge further away. He will generally play more passively and will try to make distance with the Lamb by constantly relocating to the other side of the boss room not long after they get near, usually after executing an attack. However, if the Lamb does not approach Kallamar, he will usually do several attacks before moving. As a matter of fact, apart from his sword slash, dagger attack and his teleport ability, Kallamar will mostly stay stationary and force the Lamb to come to them instead, preferring to pepper them from afar with ranged moves or let his minions do the work for him. Most of Kallamar's attacks will make him unapproachable initially, threatening to cause damage if the Lamb gets too close either because it triggers only when they're close or because they cause a bullet hell situation and force the Lamb to constantly be on the move, this is offset by the boss himself being vulnerable for at least a second after every attack. Care should be taken however, because Kallamar has no set attack pattern. It is entirely possible for him to chain several melee attacks only to start spawning minions for several seconds and then cover the entire screen in fireballs with his numerous bullet hell moves. The only exception to this is that his first move will always be to summon crab's available attacks and actions during the Initial Phase are described below:

Kallamar Attacking with his sword.

Kallamar attacking with his sword.

Sword Slash: Kallamar puts his staff away and grasps his sword in both hands, raising it high and charges towards the Lamb at high speeds then quickly slashes at them once he's near. Careless players can easily get hit by that attack if they aren't careful, it is advised to dodge through Kallamar to trigger the sword slash, as he'll just continue to chase the Lamb around the room until he eventually catches them. Should he do this attack and get stuck (which happens often) and the animation goes on for long enough, he will eventually slash at the air and do another one of his possible attacks.

A greedy player getting hit by Kallamar's dagger

A greedy player getting hit by Kallamar's dagger

Dagger Stab: With his second right arm, Kallamar raises the dagger and attempts to stab the Lamb, following them all the while. This attack will almost only trigger if the Lamb is extremely close to Kallamar, it happens fast enough that cocky players may get surprised by it. He's been observed to occasionally charge the Lamb and chain this attack several times, especially at low health.

Kallamar summoning explosive Chargers.

Kallamar summoning explosive Chargers.

Summon Minion: Kallamar raises his staff high and summons minions to aid him. There are two variants of this move, in the first he will summon exactly one explosive Charger that will attack the Lamb on sight, this variant can be done several times in a row for more chargers. The second variant will have him summon portals from which jumping crabs will appear, he will generally summon around three or four crabs at a time, and will usually only do it once.

Globus Cruciger/Holy Hand Grenade[]
Kallamar shooting three streams of fireballs.

Kallamar shooting three streams of fireballs.

Triple Line Fireball Attack: Kallamar raises the Globus Cruciger and shoots three continuous stream of fireballs while aiming at the player. The three streams grow apart the further away from Kallamar they are. It is advised to circle Calamari until he stops shooting.

Kallamar shooting fireballs in a spiral.

Kallamar shooting fireballs in a spiral.

Fireball Spiral Attack: Kallamar raises the Globus Cruciger and shoots ten lines of six fireballs in all directions while strafing at random to make the fireball pattern more erratic. Players are advised to stay away from Kallamar until he's finished with the attack.

Kallamar conjures a single circle of fireballs and shoots it at the lamb.

Kallamar conjures a single circle of fireballs and shoots it at the lamb.

Fireball Single Circle Attack: Kallamar raises the Globus Cruciger, forms a tight circle of fireballs and launches it at the Lamb. He's able to use this attack even when the Lamb is near, so players should be careful not to get stuck in the circle when it forms.


Emerging: Unless he's using a melee attack, Kallamar will usually stay stationary while shooting at the player and will only move around the room by disappearing into the ground and emerging somewhere else, he'll mostly do that when the Lamb is near him.

Desperation Phase[]

Kallamar's heightened aggression during his Desperation Phase.

Kallamars heightened aggression during his Desperation Phase.

Upon reaching 50% of his health, Kallamar will roar and enter his Desperation Phase. He will gain new attacks as well as attack faster in general. He will also be much more aggressive, using melee moves more often and will frequently strafe more erratically even when he's not attacking.

His changed moveset is detailed below:


Sword Slash: No changes from Initial Phase, but Kallamar will use this attack much more often in the Desperation Phase.

Kallamar summons explosive Jellyfishes.

Kallamar summons explosive Jellyfishes.

Explosive Jellyfish summon: Kallamar will raise his sword with only one arm and will quickly summon portals which will spawn purple exploding Jellyfishes that split into two smaller exploders on death, usually three or four at a time.

Kallamar is more aggressive with the dagger.

Kallamar is more aggressive with the dagger.

Dagger Stab: No Changes from Desperation Phase, but Kallamar will use this attack much more often in the Desperation Phase, and will frequently start following the Lamb while repeatedly trying to stab them.


Summon Minion: No changes from Initial Phase except that his higher aggression may cause him to spawn minions faster.

Globus Cruciger/Holy Hand Grenade[]
Kallamar shoots rows of fireballs outwards.

Kallamar shoots rows of fireballs outwards.

Fireball Rows Circle Attack: Replaces the Triple Line Fireball Attack, Kallamar raises the Globus Cruciger and fires five rows of five fireballs in a circle away from him, with gaps in between. Then he shoots an expanding circle of fireballs outwards twice, with a delay. To avoid damage,players should simply wait in the gaps between the fireball rows and dodge through the following circles.

Fireball Spiral Attack: In Desperation Phase, Kallamar's erratic strafing makes the fireball patterns from this attack more difficult to dodge.

Kallarmar conjures three circles of fireballs and launches them at the Lamb.

Kallamar conjures three circles of fireballs and launches them at the Lamb.

Fireball Triple Circle Attack: Replaces the Fireball Single Circle Attack, Kallamar raises the Globus Cruciger, forms three tight circles of fireballs in front of him and launches them at the Lamb. He's able to use this attack even when the Lamb is near, so players should be careful not to get stuck in the circles when they form.


Emerging: No changes from Initial Phase, apart from the fact that he might do it several times before attacking.


Name Image Description Unlock Method
Hear No Evil
Hear No Evil
Defeat Kallamar. Kill the final boss of Anchordeep.
Beat Kallamar without taking damage. If you do not succeed in not taking damage before defeating him, break the statue of him that spawns in the first room of each level of a crusade. It will summon a portal, allowing you to refight him.
Post-game requires you to fight him in Purgatory as the ones at Anchordeep Purge does not count towards the achievement.



  • Kallamar's severed ears reference the phrase "Hear No Evil". This is also the name of the achievement earned for defeating him.
  • Kallamar represents the Horseman of Pestilence. He inflicts sickness on The Lamb's followers, and beating him without taking damage earns the player the achievement "Cure".
  • His followers refer to him by name when sacrificing people, and think that the sacrifices will grant them long and healthy lives[2].
  • It is mentioned that he is the most cowardly and most afraid of the red crown[3].
  • Kallamar's name is likely a play on the word calamari, a dish made from squid. In addition, it also corresponds to how other languages refer to a squid, most accurately kallamar in Albanian; other than that, calamar in French, Spanish and Catalan, calamaro in Italian and καλαμάρι (calamari) in Greek, to name a few. It could also be a mix of calamari and Kali, the Hindu goddess of time, death, and doomsday.
  • The globus cruciger that Kallamar shoots fireballs from may reference the "Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch" from Terry Gilliam's famous comedy film Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

