Through the Dragon Age
Varric’s Nicknames

Disclaimer: All of this is completely canonical knowledge. Nothing headcanoned, all is sourced from the games. With the exception of clearly marked fanon/personal alternatives.

I realized I’ve never done the most basic of resources, a list of Varric’s nicknames for all characters.

Dragon Age 2

  • Hawke
    • Diplomatic: Waffles
    • Sarcastic: Chuckles
    • Aggressive: Killer
  • Bethany: Sunshine
  • Carver: Junior, Little Hawke
  • Aveline: Red
  • Fenris: Broody, Elf
  • Anders: Blondie
  • Merrill: Daisy
  • Isabela: Rivaini
  • Sebastian (DLC): Choir Boy
  • Tallis (DLC): Shivs

Dragon Age Inquisition

  • Inquisitor: Handy, Lucky
  • Cassandra: Seeker
  • Solas: Chuckles (Note: I personally prefer Giggles, to avoid Varric reusing a nickname in the case of a Purple Hawke)
  • Leliana: Nightingale
  • Cullen: Curly
  • Josephine: Ruffles (Fanon: Scribbles)
  • Blackwall: Hero
  • Iron Bull: Tiny
  • Sera: Buttercup
  • Vivienne: Iron Lady
  • Dorian: Sparkler
  • Cole: Kid
  • Renn (DLC): Grisly


I don’t know if there’s ever been a character with more controversy over the thought of him being a LI character than Varric. 

“I’ve been waiting for him to be romancible since he was announced for DA2”

“I’ve always seen him as a bro”

“I can’t wait to romance him”

“Making him an LI would ruin the character”

“It would show progress.  People can move on from loss”

“Varric only loves Biannca.”

“I don’t even like dwarves but I want to romance him.”



          He’s leaving and leaving nothing behind, carried on the words of a Seeker out West. Or South. Or wherever she decides they’re needed most. Towards war — mages versus templars, elves versus humans, everyone versus a flood of twisted creatures that gave even his imagination a run for its money.

          He’s leaving at sunrise to board a ship at the docks. Docks where Isabela spent countless afternoons with her boots stripped off and her toes in the lukewarm water. Docks where Carver and Fenris stared broodily over the top of her head and outwards, sharing more than they’d ever care to admit. Docks where Hawke waved goodbye to him before setting out for another adventure — one she never returned from.

          He’s leaving the Hanged Man and Lowtown and Kirkwall, and it feels as liberating as it is smothering.

          “It’s a new chapter, Hawke,” he told her once with a laugh. “You’ve got to keep going. Eager audiences and whatnot.” And now he stands there with the comforting weight of Bianca on his back, and he doesn’t want to turn the page.