Through the Dragon Age
Varric’s Nicknames

Disclaimer: All of this is completely canonical knowledge. Nothing headcanoned, all is sourced from the games. With the exception of clearly marked fanon/personal alternatives.

I realized I’ve never done the most basic of resources, a list of Varric’s nicknames for all characters.

Dragon Age 2

  • Hawke
    • Diplomatic: Waffles
    • Sarcastic: Chuckles
    • Aggressive: Killer
  • Bethany: Sunshine
  • Carver: Junior, Little Hawke
  • Aveline: Red
  • Fenris: Broody, Elf
  • Anders: Blondie
  • Merrill: Daisy
  • Isabela: Rivaini
  • Sebastian (DLC): Choir Boy
  • Tallis (DLC): Shivs

Dragon Age Inquisition

  • Inquisitor: Handy, Lucky
  • Cassandra: Seeker
  • Solas: Chuckles (Note: I personally prefer Giggles, to avoid Varric reusing a nickname in the case of a Purple Hawke)
  • Leliana: Nightingale
  • Cullen: Curly
  • Josephine: Ruffles (Fanon: Scribbles)
  • Blackwall: Hero
  • Iron Bull: Tiny
  • Sera: Buttercup
  • Vivienne: Iron Lady
  • Dorian: Sparkler
  • Cole: Kid
  • Renn (DLC): Grisly
Posted on Saturday, April 7th at 03:15PM with 713 notes
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