Through the Dragon Age

Knowing DA Characters Are All Problematic In Some Way: 🤷🏾‍♂️

Knowing Your Favorite LI, Is One Of The Most Problematic With A Planned Assassination, Piracy, Cultural/Religious Theft Under Her Belt, Murder And Sale Of Slaves, Countless Murders, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Only Doing The Right Thing Cause Of A Single Friend Saying No, Blackmail, Corruption of City Guards For Personal Gain, And (…) : 👁👄👁


Starting a new dragon age tabletop game to celebrate da4’s coming.

My party are currently exploring a manor, where strangely elves are the nobles and humans the servants. Possibly due to the Dread Wolf or Evanuris influence, especially cause apparently the the Dread Wolf offed the noble.

There is a dumbwaiter and my players are like the Dread Wolf is in there waiting to kill us isn’t he. They drew this…(one of them doesn’t know who the Dread Wolf is or what he looks like)


Okay, so I finished my first read of Faces of Thedas and while I’m sad they dropped a few of the canon character profiles in favor of minor ones (I mean…who really need yvette stat-ed?), it was overall interesting.

I love the fact they add Incarnated Spirit (i.e. Cole) and Ben Hassrath as player characters. But I think my shout out for favorite content has to be King Alistair’s profile. Between the line “Alistair would rather talk about cheese than sex”, the fact he has a custom pike for his “pike-twirler” extra, and the fact it recommends giving him stealth at higher levels to sneak away from kingly duties to vacation in antiva; he was peak content.

thorinoakenbutt quipped: I'm not sure if you're aware, but Faces of Thedas is FINALLY open for pre-order for the physical copy. However if you buy the pdf, you get access to it immediately. 

Hell Yeah, I get paid in two days so I dropped money on it just now (for physical and digital, since I don’t yet own a physical copy of the gameb0oks yet). I’ll let everyone know how it goes eventually but I’ve been looking forward to it for 3 years! Thank You, it had been a while since I checked and with them waiting on Bioware'a approval I expected it towards the end of the year.

Here’s the link if anyone else cares

Physical Copy


Inquisitor Codex: Varghest

Media: Dragon Age Inquisition
Pairing: None
Rating: General
Extra Tags: M!Lavellan, Humor, Shared Universe
Word Count: 540
AO3 | Tumblr

Summary: Lavellan isn’t the biggest fan of pets, but he does have a soft spot for Trevelyan’s His Varghest and it has a soft spot for him.

Writer’s Throwback: A Work of Art

Media: Dragon Age Inquisition
Pairing: None
Rating: Mature
Extra Tags: Unexpected Ending, Humor
Word Count: 507
AO3 | Tumblr

Summary: The Inquisitor can admire beauty and beauty comes in many forms, her form is among the most gorgeous he has seen. It may be forbidden, but he will not deny the chance to have her beneath his fingertips and within his grasp. Her true companion can take the Inquisitor’s life, but Inquisitor Lavellan will always have this.