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Questions tagged [web]

Do not use this tag. For questions related to an aspect of the world wide web, use a more specific tag for it, such as [uri], [html], [http] or [w3c].

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In my react code , input box is not visible in the website but rest everything is visible like the h1 - texts what can be the possible errors?

import React from 'react'; const BookTicket = () => { return ( <div className='h-[400px] w-[650px] bg-white mt-52 ml-[600px] rounded-lg shadow-lg'> <h1 className='text-2xl ...
Aniket Burman's user avatar
-3 votes
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What all I need to do to start making a full stack website from scratch by my own? [closed]

I have been doing web development for more than 2 years and I am pretty much confident that I can complete a website without any problem, but when I start I need to take help of AI(so cool these days) ...
Subodh Pathak's user avatar
-4 votes
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How to be good at css and styling the webpage [closed]

How to be good at css and styling the webpage I am not good in desiging so how can be a good designer in css. and i am not able to do projects by myself i depend on youtube and google so please ...
Hamad Ullah's user avatar
-4 votes
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Cuanto tiempo tardaria un Ecomerse un dev junior [closed]

I don't know much about development, but I wonder how long it would take a junior dev to create an ecomerse with react and next js, on a small scale, like for a local department store. Thank you very ...
Daniel Galicia Santos's user avatar
-4 votes
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We don't log in to your account [closed]

There is a problem with logging into your account, two-factor authorization via SMS message, it constantly writes that at the moment we cannot send a message and how then can I log in to my account????...
Артур Кременюк's user avatar
-7 votes
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Creating Framework for using Vanilla Webpack [closed]

Hi I'm jade any suggestion on creating a framework? I am familiar with node but is wepback is the king of framework or just node is best for server...... I'm studying web development for 1.5 years now ...
jade leonard miano alvez's user avatar
-3 votes
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42 views web game [closed]

anyone know how to create a game like Because it's more reliable game and I want to build a game like this. It's very funny multiplayer game and if you're not try it yet, I'm sure you will ...
Dulmin wickramage's user avatar
-1 votes
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Java-based Web Framework for UI that integrate with Spring Boot [closed]

I'm looking for a modern framework that allow me to build a simple web-based user interface composed out of different HTML 5 elements like input boxes, slider, check boxes, etc. In addition, I want to ...
ph09's user avatar
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Why are my simple addEventListener functions not working, except one works backwards? [duplicate]

So I'm new to javascript and new to coding. I am building a website or two just to learn while I'm building. I'm doing this locally on my laptop. I'm trying to make a button on my website, that when ...
miguel's user avatar
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Chrome spamming '/x' requests

I found that something spamming my server last days. It made a requests to url that is based on valid url + /x in the end. E.g. I found interesting thing that all that requests ...
Serhii Akinfiiev's user avatar
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Add WAF (Imperva) using together with F5 load balancer, but user cannot pass to any menu after access to main screen

We didn't change coding of Web application but before WAF adding, we able to access any menu via F5 normally. Before Structure Client -> F5 load balancer (using iRule) -> Destination server ...
Kessara Lertkittanapat's user avatar
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Can't fetch an array from an api on typescript

For some reason, I try to fetch the complete array of an api but it just doesn't do anything, nothing is changed on the variable that the value SHOULD be going to. OBS:I'm using Shadcn/ui library and ...
HenryByte's user avatar
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How to correctly display static files in Django when debug = False?

what should I do if I used a command python collectstatic and don’t understand what needs to be done in order for static files to be located and displayed, i get only 404 when i try to load ...
Леонид Селеззнев's user avatar
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I get AttributeError [duplicate]

import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup image_number = 0 strogram_number = 1 link = f"" responce = requests.get(link).text soup = ...
BlFoc's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'control')

I have a map made with openstreetmap, when loading my page where my map is located, at first it does not show the markers as well as the route, but then in the next search if it loads I would like ...
enrique herrera reymundo's user avatar
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Webauthn, how to know when to delete stale device credential on the server?

I'm trying to implement WebAuthn authentication on my website. Users can register several authenticators (e.g. laptop, tablet, smartphone), and use each one for login. All those registered ...
empy26's user avatar
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Critical File detected by wordfence .pid

I have Wordfence plugin in my website and it detected as critical a file .pid that I don’t know what it is. How can I find out if this file is malicious or if it was a plug-in that put it there? Do ...
Lais 's user avatar
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currently logged in user’s ID not being saved in MYSQL DB (Spring)

I am learning Web development using spring. I'm a complete beginner.. I have problem in my project. there is a user logged in website. and user can create the party(= group). but here a problem arose. ...
AshtonSW's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How can I scrape a table from the website in the question

I am trying to copy a table from a webpage, there are going to be many as I am trying to get the versions of the data for each dataset, I am trying to get at least one table but failing. Scraping is ...
MCP_infiltrator's user avatar
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Non-root endpoints in cloud run app all go 404

I have a flask app deployed in a container on cloud run. All the endpoints work locally and test fine locally. The root endpoint works perfectly when deployed, but all other endpoints throw a 404 ...
steadynappin's user avatar
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React Nodes and JSX Elements as const in Parent Component?

If we have a lot of JSX code in our component, is it okay to assign some of it to a const, or should we always create new components and reuse them? I will post here some trivial examples. Example 1, ...
Coman Vladut's user avatar
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Azure Static Web App appends my href links

Hi I'm using Azure Static Web App to load the documentation of a product I'm working on. I have the need to add some links to the html pages but even if the hrefs have an absolut path, when clicking ...
MarcelloDG's user avatar
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login validating is not working in mern stack

it might be something error in one of this code the auth js file doesnt seems working because i enter any credential i get login i have sample database as id 1 and passwd 1234 in students collection ...
Kavy Bhavsar's user avatar
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How to create a single sign in system for my 3 applications

I have a three web application. Each of these applications has its own specificity and account database. I'd like to develop a common login page. The account would be common to all applications For ...
Alissia 's user avatar
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backend not responding with domain but responding with ip

I have setup 2 different servers for frontend and backend. frontend server is accessible with ip and the domain both. all api requests are being processed by backend long as it comes from the ip. but ...
dhrumil barot's user avatar
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How to build DataTable that I can fill text in?

I want to build Table that I can insert data (text) into the table similar to this but!!!! I want the empty table that I can fill text in the table, not fetch form list
Phuris SOMKAEW's user avatar
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"Module parse failed: Unexpected token" error when bundling React Native app for web using Firebase

Error Message: CommandError: Module parse failed: Unexpected token (62:8) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See ...
Muhib_ALI's user avatar
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Getting org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException in spring boot

I am new to spring boot. So please don't mind if the question is old. Using spring boot, I am trying to enter some user details into the DB and then fetch the same. Below is the code for my controller ...
RDX's user avatar
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What HTTP method should a route have if it's for create_or_delete

Yea I know it's such a strange purpose create_or_delete. But I have an attendances table for users, and in the frontend there's a checkbox, when it's checked -> create an attendance record when ...
Rafael Adel's user avatar
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-1 votes
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converting Figma frame to webflow or wordpress

I am currently designing a website for my client, I was planning to develop the website using React but my client told me to do that in Wordpress or Webflow. I have completed the web designing in ...
shahabas paramban's user avatar
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How is the slidable menu in the YouTube app called?

I want to replicate the slidable menu in the YouTube app, which allows you to remove a video from your playlist. My Google search came away empty handed, probably because of a lack of specific ...
Frikandel's user avatar
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Nginx test, curl return different info with (1) localhost (2) public ip

I was trying to make the Nginx work on a newly pursched aliyun server. I first run the following command on the remote server via SSH. The output is correct. [root@iZuf******meinZ ~]# curl -I 127.0.0....
Jiawei Li's user avatar
1 vote
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MultiDomain Rewrite for .htaccess without redirect

I need to set up multilingual functionality on a website using multiple domains. At the moment, multilingualism is implemented in links, the contents of .htaccess RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(..)/?$ ...
Женя Лазарев's user avatar
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How to (semi) securely embed iframes?

As a prefix, I realize that security, particularly as it pertains to iframes, is aspirational, but I'm exploring strategies for how can I (relatively) secure an iframe in another document. If it helps ...
naivedeveloper's user avatar
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What is causing the route to change (ikely because form is submitting), i also added return false in the function?

I am currently building a single page web app and wanted that js handle the form submission and so that route remain the same. But when i click the submit button route changes, JS Code: document....
Aarav Kumar's user avatar
1 vote
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Error importing bootstrap with js files into my maven project

When downloading and copying the files of the latest bootstrap version to my maven project, an error appears in all java script files. Apparently it is because of syntax errors but I have not changed ...
David's user avatar
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Web Components: attributeChangedCallback() function not triggered even after mentioning the observedAttributed()

I have created a Web Component which has 2 inputs: btnText and btnDisabled. I have mentioned these 2 attributed in the static get observedAttributes() {}. Yet, the attributeChangedCallback() does not ...
Ankit Tanna's user avatar
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Github website has no formatting after deployment despite working fine on deployment

So I tried deploying my github website portfolio, after hosting it locally. All the tabs are working, formatting is fine too. The template used was al folio after forking. However after deployment, ...
kevin k's user avatar
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How to make a transparent button/animation without a button (flet)

I have a website, here is part of its code: c = ft.Container( ft.Text(value="Admin Page", color="cyan", size=50), border_radius = 10, ...
Zailox's user avatar
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Account in flask, Sql Aalchemy is created but I get werkzeug error AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_active'

I am building a flask web app using sql alchemy as database, when I try to make a new account it gives me error AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_active' in werkzeug, but the ...
Code Freak's user avatar
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Cannot get button element of Website in python

I am using the Selenium API and Python. Trying to get a button element of a website. The element is this: <button class="bg-gray-600 hover:bg-gray-800 items-center font-semibold text-white ...
user334991's user avatar
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JSP and JavaBeans, why can't I use a bean method's return value?

I am learning JSP and javabeans. I have written a simple web app that calculates loan repayments. The app correctly sets the bean's fields with user input (from a form). The bean also contains a ...
azeemofwalsall's user avatar
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Spring-Security OKTA Integration - OAuth2AuthorizedClient is always null

I am using Spring 5.3.6 (not spring-boot) and Java 1.8 (I know it is a very old version, but it is the client's requirement). I have a traditional web application and I am trying to integrate it with ...
Ramu Chandran's user avatar
-1 votes
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Iframe start possition only by HTML and CSS

I am strugeling for few days on "How to set custom view point in iframe." I have also tryed ChatGPT, but nothing worked for me. Point what i am trying to do is that the my friend lost his ...
Jiri Cerny's user avatar
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how to fix the localhost problem if im using react on vscode?

im running react on vscode and the local host is always refusing to connect, ive tried every possible solution, but this specifiv error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported it ...
Yaman's user avatar
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Protect from httrack laravel webiste

I have added below rules in my Laravel website User-agent: HTTrack Disallow: / User-agent: Googlebot Allow: / User-agent: Bingbot Allow: / User-agent: * Disallow: But ...
Loveyatri's user avatar
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Horizontal scrollbar affects layout

When I have a horizontal scrollbar on divs that contain tables of varying lengths it causes a shift in the layout. I'm aware of gutters but they only seem to work on vertical scrollbars? How would I ...
Toby Hogg's user avatar
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how to deploy app if i dont have nodejs in root folder

Im going to deploy my first project to see how it works, but everywhere and everyone use npm run build from root package.json. I have set backend and frontend separate in root folder. What should i do ...
Tyubit's user avatar
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