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Questions tagged [typescript]

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that transpiles to plain JavaScript. It adds optional types to JavaScript. This tag is for questions specific to TypeScript. It is not used for general JavaScript questions.

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Issue with Drag and Drop Elements using react-dnd in React

I am using the react-dnd library to implement a drag-and-drop feature for tasks between columns in a React application. I encountered an issue where dragging tasks behaves incorrectly: Problem on the ...
teplostanski's user avatar
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Distributive on generic types

How does TS perform Omit on generic types? type DistributiveOmit<T, K extends keyof any> = T extends any ? Omit<T, K> : never; type Data = { v: { k: 1 } } function P<T extends Data>(...
lei li's user avatar
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How to make React-Email & Resend work with Firebase Cloud Functions

I have a Nextjs app that utilizes both React-Email, Resend & Firebase Cloud Functions. The directory structure looks like this: I want to send an email to a user whenever a doc is created in &...
Shihab Shahriyar's user avatar
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How to give every element of an array a ref in Typescript?

I have a component that renders multiple things, one of that is an array of spans. Here is a part of my code: class MyComponent ... { private targetSpan = HTMLElement; componentDidMount() { //...
erniberni's user avatar
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2 answers

Wait for a response before loading template

I have an angular application that makes a server call on ngOnInit() and returns a result. I then use the result to populate a model in my template. My template is loading before the call is finished, ...
noclist's user avatar
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Creating a type from an object's keys and values in TypeScript

I'm trying to create a new type based on the type of a statically defined object in TypeScript. Given the following map: const map = { 'hello': {a: 1, b: false}, 'world': {b: 'hello', c: null} ...
josno's user avatar
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Why does Typescript only widen the return type from a Promise.catch() but not from a synchronous catch?

Steps to reproduce: Define a function that returns a promise of string or false. Call and return an async function and return false from the catch method. Problem: Typescript claims it doesn't match ...
ADJenks's user avatar
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Vue3 Typescript Sum all values of a column in an array

I'm still very new to this programming language and I'm trying to take an array column and sum its values so I can show a total amount on the webpage. Question #1 I was attempting to use a computed ...
Handsome.Paul's user avatar
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class validator required if

I have this class class A { @IsString() @MaxLength(99) prop1: string @IsBoolean() prop2: boolean } I want it to be: string. required (if prop2 is true). optional if prop2 is false. In ...
Normal's user avatar
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Remove the `length` property from a callable type

Assume I have the following type: export type Foo<T> = (() => T) Is it possible to remove the length property from it while keep it callable ? Also, using Omit, Omit<(() => T), 'length'...
Matthieu Riegler's user avatar
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Setting up Tone.js on button click still fails with : The AudioContext was not allowed to start

I have a angular component that has a button to start an animation and at the same time play some notes each time a number is highlighted I'm setting up tone.js synth when the button is pressed see ...
Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez's user avatar
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A strange behavior when checking `extends ReadonlyArray<any>`

See code:
lei li's user avatar
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How to write a test against randomly selected values from a collection?

I have a function which selects a random value from an array to be returned: export function selectMovieUnderDuration(options: IStreamRequest, movies: Movie[], prevMovies: Movie[], duration: number): ...
JSArrakis's user avatar
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Simple sticky scroll effect causes glitch on mobile browsers

I wanted to use a scroll effect (parallax + filters) in a very simple page. It's just a sticky 120vh div with a background image and some text. Everything works fine in the desktop browser and with ...
Moritz Roessler's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cypress. How to pass the same data to "it" functions within one "describe" function

I am testing 2 products. 1 for users and 1 for employees. The user creates a request and then it is processed by the employee. I generate an object with random test data. Based on this data, I create ...
Norlerion's user avatar
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export default new TypeScript Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.ts(2554) how to fix?

Doing a QA job with PlayWright and TypeScript Trying to avoid extra imports like defaultPage = new defaultPage(page); in spec files just to reduce lines of code and make tests little more pretty. new ...
Andrei Smirnov's user avatar
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How to build a Vue web component which reflects an internal state as an attribute?

I am building a web component input which looks like this with Vue 3: <my-input value="Search"></my-input> How can I make sure that the value attribute is always equivalent to ...
leonheess's user avatar
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Generate object access keys from props

I have problems with dynamisation in Typescript. I know that TS works statically. However, there are sometimes situations where I want to access an object dynamically and cannot do this directly via ...
MrFish's user avatar
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error NG8001: 'mytable' is not a known element

When I try to compile the front-end of my project, the following error occurs in the userList.html file. Actually, the error occurs in any HTML file located in the ./page folder, but I will use ...
Gabriela Zanon dos Santos's user avatar
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Electron window flashes white upon showing despite graceful display

I am trying to display a window with black content inside a BrowserWindow: changeShortcutWindow = new BrowserWindow({ height: 400, width: 600, show: false, // will be displayed upon ready-...
Vojta Böhm's user avatar
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Non-relative paths are not allowed when 'baseUrl' is not set. Why does nuxt not set baseUrl by default?

When I cloned Nuxt github project I get the mentioned error. This is my tsconfig.json { "extends": "./.nuxt/tsconfig.json", "files": ["global.d.ts"] } ...
Julius Saikauskas's user avatar
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How to disable drag and drop in Drawflow package in Angular?

I am using the drawflow package to create a workflow. I want to disable drag-and-drop functionality from elements this demo as mentioned in the below image, not in the sidebar. In my demo, I want ...
Jignesh Panchal's user avatar
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Mapbox: Text of the point/circle behind is visible over the point in front

I want to show the points and to write data inside. Problem is that the data (numbers) are shown for the points behind instead of the ones in front. I would also like for smaller number circles to ...
Luka Ladisic's user avatar
-1 votes
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Having issues with a messenger clone

So everything was working fine until I decided to add a header component to my messenger clone.This specific problem has returned null and crashed my application like 5-6 times. Can anyone help why ...
Suj K's user avatar
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How are types generated react-relay re-used in functions and components without a GraphQL query?

I prefer to use as many types generated by react-relay for shared logic and components that do not contain a graphql query. How are these types shared without causing cyclical dependencies and long ...
T. Junghans's user avatar
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react ts inversify doesn't work with class component Check render() code: import {useInjection} from "inversify-react"; import {Bar} from "./Bar"; import {...
Lavshyak's user avatar
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How to resolve TypeScript error: "Property 'EXPO_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL' does not exist on type 'typeof env'"?

I'm working on a React Native project with Expo and using TypeScript. I'm trying to access an environment variable using process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL. "The code works correctly when I run ...
M. Maiz Nadeem's user avatar
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How can i generate the arrow function format typeorm migration file?

when ever i am generating migration file i am getting this kind of format public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> { await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "transaction&...
Sriram Alavalapati's user avatar
0 votes
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Typescript: Property 'getAll' does not exist on type 'FormData'

I'm getting non of the FormData newer function typings (entries, get, getAll...). my tsconfig is: { "compilerOptions": { ... "lib": ["ESNext", "dom....
Siraj Kakeh's user avatar
-1 votes
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Trying to read a log file using typescript

How do I read a log file using typescript -- I've tried using fs - but it says the module is not found. I've tried to use a promise - but then its not resolving. should I place the test file in the ...
The Old County's user avatar

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