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Questions tagged [ruby-on-rails]

Ruby on Rails is an open source full-stack web application framework written in Ruby. It follows the popular MVC framework model and is known for its "convention over configuration" approach to application development.

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N+1 issue when listing attachement and variants(has_many_attached)

N+1 query issue is coming at the time of fetching variant. Model: # Yoyaku Shouhin model class YoyakuShouhin < ApplicationRecord has_many_attached :shouhin_images do |attachable| attachable....
Aniruddha Mirajkar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Library is unable to encode image files to the Webp files

Currently, I'm using webp-ffi gem to convert PNG/JPG files to webP files for better performance, it was working fine but suddenly, the library stopped working and it is raising the below exception ...
Vishal's user avatar
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Is it valid practice to intentionally omit association definition with Rails ActiveRecord? [closed]

While been working on Ruby on Rails application, I was suggested to omit ActiveRecord association intensionally by my coworker for it's defines unnecessary methods. Example, class Person < ...
monnet362's user avatar
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How can I make Tailwind work on my component

Good morning everyone. I'm trying to render a FlashMessage component <% flash.each do |type, message| %> <%= render type, message: message) %&...
Ritchie Matos's user avatar
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Generating an I18n attribute in a json jbuilder flow

The following, in a context where the Mobility gem is used for handling translation of values. json.label is generating a value, which would be blank as Mobility ...
Jerome's user avatar
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puma-dev server error 'Unable to start worker'

I am trying to get puma-dev server working locally, and im hitting an issue. If I tail these logs tail -fn 2000 ~/Library/Logs/puma-dev.log I can see this error once I hit the first webpage and try to ...
Zach Kattawar's user avatar
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Checking if authentication in required on a page using Rails and Devise

I have a Rails 6.1 application that uses Devise for authentication. In my application_controller.rb I by default require authentication on all pages: class ApplicationController < ActionController::...
Sara Fuerst's user avatar
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Short session duration in Rails 7 PWA

My Rails 7 PWA is logging me out: Any time I force close the PWA, and After just a few hours even if the PWA is left running in the background This only happens in the installed PWA on a mobile ...
Matt Heisig's user avatar
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rails docker temp folder permission issue

i'm having an issue with my rails app deployed with docker. Every time app goes through a code using tempfile like ( it raises an error . system temporary path is not writable: /tmp 11:00:...
guy banlock's user avatar
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NGINX returns 404 for the image files with extension but renders without extension

I'm using active storage to upload files and using nginx for the request routing. I have added file upload functionality in my application which was working fine when using S3. Now I have switched to ...
Hassan Ali's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to use an OAuth-secured API with a Vue.js client?

Current state I have an app with this architecture: Ruby on Rails application, serving an API using grape, secured with OAuth by gems wine_bouncer and doorkeeper an Angular webapp using angular-...
klues's user avatar
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Two Ways to Include Associated Models in a Serializer

This is My Models. class Patient < ApplicationRecord has_many :patient_segments has_many :segments, through: :patient_segments end class Segment < ApplicationRecord has_many :...
Kuri's user avatar
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ActionController: Which params are set by Rails?

In a JSON API Controller, I use a before_action to check if any key of params is not allowed for that action and respond with a 400 error in case any of the given keys are not allowed. However, simply ...
Brauser's user avatar
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intl-tel-input with Ruby on Rails and webpack: Cannot find module '../img/flags.webp'

I'm using Ruby on Rails 6 with webpacker. I'm upgrading intl-tel-input from v17 to v23, following the README setup. /* app/assets/stylesheets/intl-tel-input.scss */ @import '~intl-tel-input/build/css/...
João Souza's user avatar
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Turbo Stream Response Only Works On Show | Rails 7.1

Part One: This is my controller action - def update respond_to do |format| if @user.update(user_params) format.turbo_stream { redirect_to user_url(@user), notice: "...
scottkekoa's user avatar

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