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Questions tagged [minimal-apis]

Minimal APIs were introduced in ASP.NET Core 6 and are architected to create HTTP APIs with minimal dependencies. They are ideal for microservices and apps that want to include only the minimum files, features, and dependencies in ASP.NET Core.

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AspNetCore Minimal API How Catching Error Binding Parameters?

I use .NET 8 and I have minimal API in ApsNetCore. I have this GET method with param bindings using StronglyTypedId: internal static async Task<Results<Ok<PaginatedList<TestResultDto>&...
toto''s user avatar
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From a minimal ASP.NET Core Web API how do I return a JObject while maintaining the nested elements?

I am building a minimal ASP.NET Core Web API. One of my endpoints needs to return data contained in a JObject. This JObject represents a complex nested data structure. What I am finding is that the ...
ki81's user avatar
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Most simple and secure authentication method for blazor app and web service

I'm trying to create a blazor web app with an external dedicated API service that should also provide authentication for both app and service. Some specifications: none of the app pages will be ...
user26030905's user avatar
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Status code http 500 in .NET Core Minimal API, EF, SQLite. Works locally but doesn't work on Azure

I built a Minimal API using EF, Sqlite and C#. It works locally, but once I deploy it to Azure, I get a http 500 status code and a SQLite error that the table doesn't exist. I don't know if it doesn't ...
Manasés Lovera's user avatar
-1 votes
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ASP.NET Core 8 Minimal API throws 404 on deploy in IIS

When I publish my ASP.NET Core 8 Minimal API project using these settings: Configuration: Release Target framework: net8.0 Target runtime: Portable on IIS on a Windows Server 2012 R2, I always get ...
Martijn's user avatar
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Asserting IResult when retuning an Anonymous Type

I am learning Minimal APIs (and also still learning C#), but just got stuck when creating Unit Tests. Given this function: public IResult GetGenderById(Guid id) { var gender = this....
Sir Code-A-Lot's user avatar
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.NET 8 Minimal API return JSON string as Json without first deserialize into an object

If I have a string (which is already in JSON format) say string JsonStr = "{ 'A': 123 }"; My API is public JsonResult OnGetRetrieve() { string JsonStr = "{ 'A': 123 }"; ...
s k's user avatar
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What is the different between .NET Minimal API and .NET AOT and how does it relate to each other if they are?

I have search on the internet and I couldn't find a concrete explanation regarding this. I have used Minimal API before and when I am using the .NET AOT, the project source code seems different except ...
Newbie's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core Minimal API redirect that changes uri

I've done a couple of hours of searching after some failed attempts, and I'm hoping someone can provide a little clarity. In the olden days, response.Redirect could be used in a web application to ...
adrianstovall's user avatar
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How to handle separate authentication for mixed Blazor Server App and Minimal Api

I would like to combine a blazor server app with a minimal api as additional option for users to access data. The blazor app uses windows authentication: builder.Services.AddAuthentication(...
RogerB's user avatar
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404 NOT FOUND error when calling endpoint with required claim

I have the following setup: var services = builder.Services; services.AddAuthentication(IdentityConstants.BearerScheme) .AddBearerToken(IdentityConstants.BearerScheme); services....
JohnyL's user avatar
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.NET Core json response differences between Chrome and Firefox

I wrote a Minimal Web API with this code: app.MapGet("/api/getLogs", async (HttpContext context) => { context.Response.Headers.ContentType = "application/json"; data =...
Peter's user avatar
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Set the same 'Produces' response for all Minimal API endpoints

in .NET 8, in a project with a minimal API, is it possible to set status codes, for example, 401 Unauthorized, on all endpoints with a single call to a method, for example: app.MapGroup("test&...
pampua84's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022 Publish Fails - Unable to delete files

I am trying to Publish a sample DotNetCore project (from the basic VueJs/Core solution template) to an IIS server with the 'Delete Existing Files' option. If the app has been running, then the Publish ...
WillC's user avatar
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.NET 8 Minimal API - Finding Endpoints using NSwag that use AddEndpointFilter

I am using currently using AddEndpointFilter for my endpoint using MinimalAPI app.MapGet("/{Id}", Method).AddEndpointFilter<HeaderFilter>() Using NSwag's OperationProcessor, I want to ...
Stagdul's user avatar
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