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Questions tagged [swagger]

Swagger is a framework implementation for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services, based on the OpenAPI specification

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FastAPI add Tags to APIRouter

How do you look at such a solution?: user_router = APIRouter( prefix="/user", tags=["users"] ) user_router.tags_metadata = [ { "name": "users", ...
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Which version of Springdoc is compatible with Spring boot 3.2.8?

Which version of Springdoc (springdoc-openapi) is compatible with Spring Boot 3.2.8? I'm unable to open Swagger UI via localhost. I have a project that runs on Spring Boot 3.2.8 and cannot downgrade ...
Neeti Kulkarni's user avatar
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C# Swagger HttpPost raw urlencoded body

I am building an API in C#.Net using Controllers and utilising Swagger but I have the need for accepting an arbitrary set of key-values in a POST and cant find out how to get swagger to show an input ...
Christian's user avatar
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Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' - swagger

I have included swagger in express and deployed on vercel. Swagger is working fine locaally but giving Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' in browser console when i deploy app to vercel. ...
Aqeel Nasrullah's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can we assign the ssm param values to allowable values in Swagger

In my Swagger, I need to give the allowable values attribute a value that is actually present in SSM. The problem is that I have to update the value in code everytime I update it in SSM. Its really ...
Sow Mya's user avatar
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Generating Wrapped Object Format with Swagger Annotations

I'm using the Restlet Framework 2.4.3 along with the org.restlet.ext.swagger extension to generate Swagger documentation for my API. I have a User model that looks like this: @ApiModel @XStreamAlias(&...
quarks's user avatar
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Swagger: Required @OA\PathItem() not found issue with Laravel 10

I'm encountering an issue when trying to regenerate the documentation used php artisan l5-swagger:generate in my Laravel project. The command results in the following error: Regenerating docs default ...
Mayuthean's user avatar
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DevOps Pipline Failure Nuget Restore Swagger-Net

We are working on an internal ASP.NET website (running on .NET 4.8) developed by people now gone from the company. Minor fixes have been done over time and builds have worked. Now, however, we have a ...
user26489485's user avatar
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Swagger UI doos not show Authenticate button in Spring Boot

I am using Swagger UI to test APIs for Spring Boot on Mac. However, the authenticate button does not show up so that I can put a JWT token for authentication. How can I solve this issue? I searched ...
Murad Aghamirzayev's user avatar
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swagger-ui-express unnecessary parameter showing

I am using swagger-ui-express with swagger-autogen with the below configurations, but the req.headers.Authorization is showing as a parameter on the routes that has verifyJWT middleware and as my ...
ayex's user avatar
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running the dotnet swagger tofile command causes the solution to start running

I am running a solution with the following added to the csproj to build a custom swagger document ` </PropertyGroup> <Exec Command="dotnet tool restore" /> <Exec Command="...
Mr Giggles's user avatar
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My Azure web app (rest node api ) works with a curl request in terminal but not with frontend or Thunder Client

I have a REST API deployed on Azure. When I'm making requests, other than curl, it is sending a 404 response, but when I make a request with curl the resource gets created and everything works. I also ...
Magdum pirjade's user avatar
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unknown reference swagger issue when issuing buf generate with stream rpc

I am trying to generate swagger.json using buf generate. Here is my sample proto file import "google/rpc/status.proto"; rpc Create(stream CreateRequest) returns (stream CreateResponse)...
Vatz's user avatar
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How to expose APIs from occ extension into custom commerce web services?

I have custom commerce webservices extension say "mycommercewebservices" with webroot of "/rest". Now, I want to include APIs from commerce OCC extension (say b2bocc, ...
bappa147's user avatar
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Oauth2 authentication on ASP .Net core API server

I'm trying to implement OAuth2 authentication on my API server written in ASP.NET Core. I have registered my application on Azure and I have the secret, clientId, tenantId, and scope available. I ...
frankborty's user avatar

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