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Questions tagged [janusgraph]

JanusGraph is a scalable graph database optimized for storing and querying graphs containing hundreds of billions of vertices and edges distributed across a multi-machine cluster. JanusGraph is a transactional database that can support thousands of concurrent users executing complex graph traversals in real time. When posting questions, please include environment details, such as the storage and indexing backends used.

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1 answer

Gremlin query to find path of vertices for the common value of vertex but different vertex

I am trying to write a query to find all path between 2 given vertices will give an example to understand my question, here's graph like that, I'm using JanusGraph Vertex_1(id=1, value='Bob', label='...
user17372935's user avatar
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JanusGraph traversal returns Vertex instead of JanusGraphVertex

I'm using Java to connect to JanusGraph 1.0. I'm having trouble understanding why JanusGraph would ever return a Vertex. JanusGraph graph ='configfile'); JanusGraphVertex jgv = ...
gph's user avatar
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JanusGraph edges from Java do not appear in Gremlin console

I'm running a JanusGraph server and client per the instructions here. I included an argument to expose port 8182 so I can connect to it from a Java application. My Java application just creates a new ...
gph's user avatar
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JanusGraph from Java can't find the remote-objects.yaml file

I'm trying to connect to a JanusGraph server running in a docker container. I can connect just fine from the gremlin console. To connect from a Java app I'm following the directions here. mvn package ...
gph's user avatar
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Is JanusGraph virtual partition same as Cassandra partition?

I'm trying to design custom graph partitioning for my use case. As per the JanusGraph documentation, the number of partition can be configured. The configuration option max-partitions controls how ...
Naveen Raj's user avatar
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Janiusgraph 1.0 Data location

I am using Janusgraph 1.0 docker janusgraph/janusgraph:1.0.0, I have done configuration in to point it to Cassandra as storage.backend and ES as ...
atul ahire's user avatar
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How to resolve "Unclosed client session" from aiohttp

I'm pulling data from an API and populating Janusgraph DB running in the docker container per the installation site: docker run --name janusgraph-default janusgraph/janusgraph:latest The python ...
gph's user avatar
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How to recover deleting PropertyKey from Schema (NullPointerException)

I removed a PropertyKey from the schema that was already linked to some nodes. I get a NullPointerException every time I try and scan over properties of these nodes - elementMap(), valueMap() and drop(...
David Bennington's user avatar
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Why can vertices be added to JanusGraph, but adding attributes to that vertex throws a SerializationException?

Steps to Reproduce: Start JanusGraph server using default configuration.(open janusgraph-full-1.0.0\bin\gremlin.bat) Connect to the server using the Gremlin Console.(open janusgraph-full-1.0.0\bin\...
isnf-uZ4's user avatar
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Apache atlas UI not showing up

I am trying to install apache atlas from source. I have cloned the repo from and built the source and then packaged it using mvn clean -DskipTests package -Pdist. I ...
allocated's user avatar
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Cannot update edgeTTL in JanusGraph

I'm using JanusGraph-1.0.0 with Cassandra-4.1.3. By using JanusGraphManagement, I am able to set edge TTL. However, I cannot update the edge TTL later. I have created an edge label and with mgmt....
Naveen Raj's user avatar
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JanusGraph gremlin crashes when adding many history properties

I am adding a vertex with a very large number of properties (17 properties and 1500 history entries in each). At first, there was a recursion error at startup. I fixed it, took out the next() method ...
Сергей Гуков's user avatar
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Using Janusgraph (Java in-memory implementation), how can I commit property keys before creating an index?

I'm prototyping a java project using Janusgraph and have run into a problem. If I create a property key and commit that property key before an index is created, the index appears to be stuck in the ...
NPC's user avatar
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Export JanusGraph graph image into Excel

I'm using JanusGraph in Jupyter Notebook. I'm currently looking to export my results into Excel. I'm able to export out the data, but not the graph image itself. At the moment, I'm just manually cut/...
dhughes20's user avatar
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How to identify the configured keyspace using JanusGraph APIs?

While going through , I found that for key storage.cassandra.keyspace, The name of JanusGraph's keyspace. It will be created if it ...
Arpit Dongaonkar's user avatar
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Janusgraph Docker memory allocation issue

I am using janusgraph docker image docker pull janusgraph/janusgraph:1.0.0 and when starting i am providing memory parameter docker run --cpus 15.5 --rm -d --memory=8g --user 0 -e JAVA_OPTS="-...
atul ahire's user avatar
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Properties detail are missing from VertexLabel using JanusGraphManagement API

I am using janugraph 1.0.0 and using cassandra as backend storage.This is configuration file with cassandra details, janusgraph-cql/.properties cassandra config Now using gremlin console, I have ...
dishabehrani77's user avatar
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Janus Graph Query to remove visited nodes

I am using janus graph and cassandra as Db, while traversing from source to it 2,3 or 4 degree node from that src there can be multiple vertex which was visited during lower degree of traversal, so I ...
Arpit Singh's user avatar
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gremlin python open janusgraph database using submit()

I was trying to switch to different database on runtime in gremlin_python. To do this, I used to open different configuration. Because gremlin_python does not have ...
Kerry Zhu's user avatar
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How to read janusgraph vertexid from Cassandra db

I have a janusgraph database that uses Cassandra and ElasticSearch. The database is huge and I need a way to traverse through all the vertexes of the janusgraph for specific use case. I have tried ...
user699848's user avatar
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I am creating client application in java using tinkerpop for gremlin but i am unable to query through my application. JanusGraph and Gremlin server

I am trying to build client application in java for gremlin. My janusgraph server is running on one more virtual machine in the same network. Through my gremlin client code i am able to establish ...
Prajwal Patil's user avatar
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Advice on JanusGraph Docker Image Startup Scripts

I would like to have an idempotent startup script which initializes my database. In particular, I would like to define the schema (labels, properties, indexes, and constraints). I am using JanusGraph ...
Ethan Posner's user avatar
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gremlin_python.driver.protocol.GremlinServerError: 500: Could not execute operation due to backend exception

This problem does not seem to be related to this one. I am trying to execute a long-running database population job, but after a few hours it fails at seemingly random times. I am running JanusGraph 1....
Ethan Posner's user avatar
4 votes
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Merge Operator in sack() step does not work as expected

I've been working with sack() step in gremlin. I'm trying to perform some operation on sack when two traversers merge. But for some reason the merge doesn't seem to work as expected. To describe my ...
Naveen Raj's user avatar
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Janusgraph 1.0.0 with cassandra backend : Error No serializers

When trying to setup janusgraph 1.0.0 with CS & ES backend i am getting following error : 13:01:23 ERROR org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.AbstractChannelizer.configureSerializers - No ...
atul ahire's user avatar
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gremlin_python.driver.protocol.GremlinServerError: 500: None

I'm trying to batch populate my JanusGraph database with vertices, and I'm noticing some very strange behavior. I've created a simple test script which reproduces this behavior: import os from dotenv ...
Ethan Posner's user avatar
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janusgraph-full-1.0.0-rc1 for Production

I am planning to use following version of JanusGraph / Cassandra / ES for production environment. Just want to check if those are suitable for Production. janusgraph-full-1.0.0-rc1 elasticsearch-7....
atul ahire's user avatar
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Apache Atlas failing with CosmosDB Cassandra API

I am trying to set up Apache Atlas with CosmosDB Cassandra API with Strong as the default consistency level. During startup after ~10 seconds I get this null pointer exception:- 2023-12-19 08:23:29,...
Kumar Sambhav's user avatar
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Gephi not displaying graph from gremlin console .......1. error

Ibeen tinkering with Gremlin console and was trying to visualize graph created in gremlin console through Gephi(V0.1)and gremlin 3.7. I followed the instruction from Tinkerpop tutorials. https://...
kirosumi's user avatar
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JanusGraph container fails to start when setting the allow-custom-vid-types

I can spin up a container of janusgraph/janusgraph locally using docker compose. Everything is fine until I set the allow-custom-vid-types env to true, which makes the container fail to start with the ...
Mostafa Armandi's user avatar
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JanusGraph fails to create connection with multi-node Cassandra cluster

I have a multi-node Cassandra cluster version 4.1.3 with 3 nodes. I have changed the following properties in their cassandra.yaml file. cluster_name: 'cassandra_cluster' listen_address: <node_IP>...
Naveen Raj's user avatar
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janusgraph-full-1.0.0-rc1 : logs shows muiltiple Gauges message, want to know why those are coming and how it can be avoided if unnecessary

I see multiple messages of Gauges coming in my JanusGraph logs, so want to check uses of these and how can I stop those. > 11/28/23, 5:38:11 AM =====================================================...
atul ahire's user avatar
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Efficient way for filtering related nodes connected to a supernode

I am trying to filter connected nodes to a super node in Janus Graph where millions of vertices can be connected to a super node directly at level =1, suppose there is a parent node, it could have ...
A R K's user avatar
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JanusGraph Custom String Vertex Ids for existing Cassandra Keyspaces

I am trying out the Custom Vertex ID feature in JanusGraph as mentioned in the below documentation I am using Cassandra as the ...
A R K's user avatar
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Janusgraph not utilizing CPU

I am using Janusgraph 0.6.3 with Cassandra as the primary backend (composite index) and elastic search as the secondary backend (mixed index). I have Janus and Cassandra installed on a machine with ...
kunal's user avatar
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Gremlin query to traverse JanusGraph with step count until leaf vertex

I have a JanusGraph with vertices containing property key "ID" and edges labelled as "ML_EDGE", containing property key "STRENGTH". I have to start from a vertex and ...
Naveen Raj's user avatar
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Janusgraph Gives Timeout for most of the queries

I am using Janusgraph 0.6.3 with cassandra as backend and elastic search as the index backend. I have around 30 million vertices and 40 million edges in my graph, I am using a 128 GB RAM machine, with ...
kunal's user avatar
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janusgraph python unpack requires a buffer of 4 bytes

I am trying to add vertex graph in Janusgraph. Connection has been established but when it starts adding the vertex I am getting error: unpack requires a buffer of 4 bytes. My janusgraph is running ...
Shivam Raj's user avatar
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Why doesnt the gremlin query return edges using path() when logical operators are present in the query?

I am fairly new to gremlin query and janusgraph. I had a requirement to get both edges and nodes of the graph given various properties of the nodes and the relationship between them. There can be ...
Shahul Irshad's user avatar
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JanusGraph how to override Vertex if exists

I am looking into janusgraph over cassandra. One trouble I am having do I configure primary key on janusgraph such it does an upsert rather than create duplicates. Any help on how do it would be ...
Praveen's user avatar
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Could not find a suitable index to answer graph query and graph scans are disabled

I am using JanusGraph with Cassandra as the back-end and Elasticsearch for indexing. When I try to send a query from my Python code to JanusGraph, it fails with timeout error and "Warning: please ...
kunal's user avatar
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Issue while creating Vertex Centric Index (Relation Index) on edge property

Janusgraph version => 0.6.1 Tinkerpop version =>3.5.1 Usign Janusgraph in the embedded library mode and not in server mode. I am trying to create vertex centric index(es) on existing edge ...
Hopper's user avatar
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Unable to change graph.set-vertex-id property

I am using JanusGraph embedded in my Java Application, now when I create the graph with the property graph.set-vertex-id=true, it says you should set it using the Management Interface. JanusGraph ...
kunal's user avatar
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gremlin query to n hops and traversal of all sub edges and nodes

I am trying to create a graph where i can find all relationships with given person and list of their friends. the problem statement my graph looks like this bob ->friends -> jay jay -> ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Query to find the current size of janusGraph?

What is the Query to find the current size of janusGraph? or is there any Tinkerpop query to find the database size?
Thirumal's user avatar
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gremlinpython writing a helper function to create vertexes if they don't exist, and create an edge between them if it doesn't exist

I'm working with gremlin and gremlinpython for the first time, and I'm hitting a wall when I try to create new vertexes and an edge between them. I've looked at some of the other resources online, but ...
eathren's user avatar
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Hashmap as Property Value in Janusgraph

I use a janusgraph docker container. I connect with it via tinkerpop remote connection in my Java application. I want to set a hashmap as property value on a specific node. That should be possible ...
Zonko's user avatar
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JanusGraph 1.0: Unable to delete nodes

I have JanusGraph 1.0 which has Cassandra as backend server. When trying to drop node using Gremlin console its properties gets removed but the node doesn't get dropped. Also tried dropping using ...
Aditya's user avatar
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No logs getting getting logged in log file for gremlin server

This query is regarding the logs that I am not able to get while the janusgraph server start up inside a docker container. Details below: I am upgrading janusgraph version - 1.0.0-rc2 from an older ...
Poppy_Vic's user avatar
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How to create, register and enable an index in Janusgraph?

I want to create an index to find a vertex by label and a property value. I saw from documentation that i have to Install->Register->Enable the index, but somehow i can't get it to be Register ...
Takis's user avatar
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