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Why can vertices be added to JanusGraph, but adding attributes to that vertex throws a SerializationException?

Steps to Reproduce: Start JanusGraph server using default configuration.(open janusgraph-full-1.0.0\bin\gremlin.bat) Connect to the server using the Gremlin Console.(open janusgraph-full-1.0.0\bin\...
isnf-uZ4's user avatar
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How to identify the configured keyspace using JanusGraph APIs?

While going through , I found that for key storage.cassandra.keyspace, The name of JanusGraph's keyspace. It will be created if it ...
Arpit Dongaonkar's user avatar
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gremlin python open janusgraph database using submit()

I was trying to switch to different database on runtime in gremlin_python. To do this, I used to open different configuration. Because gremlin_python does not have ...
Kerry Zhu's user avatar
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I am creating client application in java using tinkerpop for gremlin but i am unable to query through my application. JanusGraph and Gremlin server

I am trying to build client application in java for gremlin. My janusgraph server is running on one more virtual machine in the same network. Through my gremlin client code i am able to establish ...
Prajwal Patil's user avatar
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Janusgraph 1.0.0 with cassandra backend : Error No serializers

When trying to setup janusgraph 1.0.0 with CS & ES backend i am getting following error : 13:01:23 ERROR org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.AbstractChannelizer.configureSerializers - No ...
atul ahire's user avatar
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janusgraph-full-1.0.0-rc1 : logs shows muiltiple Gauges message, want to know why those are coming and how it can be avoided if unnecessary

I see multiple messages of Gauges coming in my JanusGraph logs, so want to check uses of these and how can I stop those. > 11/28/23, 5:38:11 AM =====================================================...
atul ahire's user avatar
2 votes
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gremlin query to n hops and traversal of all sub edges and nodes

I am trying to create a graph where i can find all relationships with given person and list of their friends. the problem statement my graph looks like this bob ->friends -> jay jay -> ...
Aaron's user avatar
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JanusGraph 1.0: Unable to delete nodes

I have JanusGraph 1.0 which has Cassandra as backend server. When trying to drop node using Gremlin console its properties gets removed but the node doesn't get dropped. Also tried dropping using ...
Aditya's user avatar
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No logs getting getting logged in log file for gremlin server

This query is regarding the logs that I am not able to get while the janusgraph server start up inside a docker container. Details below: I am upgrading janusgraph version - 1.0.0-rc2 from an older ...
Poppy_Vic's user avatar
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Remote Gremlin Server and Concurrent Requests for Janus Graph

I am using Embedded Gremlin Server with Janus Graph but I have noticed problem with concurrent requests Consider there are two types of gremlin queries 1- Query that scans related records at hop =1 ...
A R K's user avatar
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Why Is JanusGraph Finding Expired KeyColumn Claims?

Problem What is causing JanusGraph to throw-out so many of this warnings going into full-blown retries? JanusGraph seems to find supposedly dropped vertexes, which is fine if there's a delay; I just ...
Zach's user avatar
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How To Create Vertex Index For Remote GraphTraversalSource

Problem How do you make Vertex Indexes with traversal().withRemote("conf/")? Questions Do I have to create a org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph? Graph graph ...
Zach's user avatar
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Why Does Traversal Source g Stop Working?

Problem Why does their example problem stop working after a day-or-two? Deleting and recreating the JanusGraph-Docker-container fixes the problem. Nothing has been changed since this execution was ...
Zach's user avatar
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Where Is JanusGraph's Gremlin-Console Finding its Tinkerpop-Server's "conf/remote.yaml"?

Problem Where is JanusGraph [Docker-container] Gremlin-Console getting its conf/remote.yaml from? [o.a.t.g.d.ConnectionPool.gremlin-driver-host-scheduler-1] :: Opening connection pool on Host{...
Zach's user avatar
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Why Does V().count() Show 0 with But Not Zero With Code?

Problem Why does bin/'s V().count() not show a non-zero count? I'm new to Gremlin [Query-Language] and Graph-DBs (Graph Databases) in-general. What is the difference between running in ...
Zach's user avatar
  • 735

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