I am using Janusgraph 1.0 docker janusgraph/janusgraph:1.0.0, I have done configuration in janusgraph-cql-es.properties to point it to Cassandra as storage.backend and ES as index.search.backend.

Question : Will it save all vertex and edges in Cassandra and ES and nothing locally, or it does still save data locally in data folder?

My observation is that I see some files in data folder under janus getting create upon vertex creation. So want to check, if I am missing anything or it is how janus is suppose to work.

  • Please show exactly how you start the JanusGraph container and how you configure it. How did you tell JanusGraph to use your janusgraph-cql-es.properties? JanusGraph shouldn't store anything if it's configured to use CQL(Cassandra) + ES as its backends. So, this sounds like your configuration isn't working correctly. Commented May 31 at 13:33


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