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Questions tagged [ios]

iOS is the mobile operating system running on the Apple iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Use this tag [ios] for questions related to programming on the iOS platform. Use the related tags [objective-c] and [swift] for issues specific to those programming languages.

11 votes
4 answers

Getting the Action of UIGestureRecognizer in iOS

I have printed a UITableviewCell's gesture in – tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath method in NSLog as <UIScrollViewPanGestureRecognizer: 0x11e92080; state = Possible; cancelsTouchesInView = NO; ...
1 vote
1 answer

SwiftUI Tap Gestures Not Responding in SwiftUI View After UIKit Interactive Transition Cancelled

I am using a custom UINavigationController with a custom pop animation and an interactive transition. The custom navigation controller works well for standard UIKit view controllers. However, when I ...
0 votes
0 answers

CSS Text flip animation working on web, android, but not on IOS safari/chrome

I am currently trying to use this text flip animation, but I realised that it doesnt work well on IOS safari/chrome. Doesnt work as in, the text flips, but the red flip text cannot be seen When I ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to change the background color of the status bar in SwiftUI when creating a custom NavigationController View

I wanted to experiment a little using UINavigationController with SwiftUI App Lifecycle I created a Custom Navigation Controller named JDNavigationController. It does not do much other than having the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Challenge mismatch during authenticator attestion on iOS

I am implementing a simple PoC application in React Native for iOS and trying to attest an authenticator using react-native-passkey library, however, I am struggling to verify the attestation response ...
0 votes
0 answers

React Native app not configured for iPad, big black border on iPad

I am creating a React native app specifically for an iPad and i am using vscode on Windows. My app runs fine on Expo Go but when I did a production build it didn't format for iPad it has a big black ...
0 votes
0 answers

Axios Network Error in React Native project - how to handle this issue?

At first I started to develop my mobile app using Expo, but then migrated the components (and generally the whole UI) to plain React Native (react-native). No matter what I am trying to do (e.g login, ...
0 votes
0 answers

Autofill suggestions not showing up for QR-based verification code

I am trying to integrate autofill for a verification code in one of my iOS projects. I have added an apple-app-site-association file to my domain. It was integrated successfully, as now the iOS ...
-1 votes
0 answers

How do I handle this error? My App Crashes during internal tests on iOS (React Native - Expo - SDK 51)

I'm experiencing a crash in my React Native Expo app (SDK 51) during internal testing on iOS. The crash occurs when the user performs the following action: <ButtonFloating fn={ShowAdd} /> const ...
0 votes
0 answers

Using SwiftUI previews on real device within SPM package code

I am trying to modularize my iOS project and extract a feature as a module using SPM. This module contains some SwiftUI code that I want to test with Xcode Previews on a real device. The preview works ...
11 votes
6 answers

getting info from plutil

I'm having trouble getting info from plutil. I want to check if a .plist contains the key CFBundleShortVersionString. I don't think plutil has any option to test whether a key exists so I thought I ...
0 votes
0 answers

Correct Location of Android & Ios Manifest

What is the correct location for Android manisfest and Ios in Flutter Here is my code I need the correct location details, so that this can work successfully Future<void> _updateAndroidManifest(...
0 votes
0 answers

An iOS app can manage its own contacts, but how, its not documented

In the documentation for the iOS 18 Contact Provider Extension ( it says: Use the Contact Provider framework if your app manages its own ...
0 votes
0 answers

Keyboard in swiftui is overlapping UI elements

Whenever i click in my textfield, the keyboard is overlapping my button, and i would like that the view would go up to have space between the button and keyboard this is my code import SwiftUI @...
0 votes
5 answers

How to display JSON data from API in TableView?

I recieves json data from api and totally confused what should I do next to pass this data to custom cell with imageView and labels in order to update UI in tableView. Getting JSON import Foundation ...

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