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Questions tagged [ios]

iOS is the mobile operating system running on the Apple iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Use this tag [ios] for questions related to programming on the iOS platform. Use the related tags [objective-c] and [swift] for issues specific to those programming languages.

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iOS 18 Public Beta Navigation Zoom Transition in ForEach

I have a NavigationStack -> ScrollView -> LazyVGrid -> ForEach. The ForEach iterates through the following Array of RootViewButton objects: private let rootViewButtons: [RootViewButton] = [ ...
Ali's user avatar
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-6 votes
0 answers

How to Create a strategy [closed]

How to create strategy for trading in 1sec time frame and back test. I have no try so that how it. So plz tell me how to creat self strategy in trading view chart and set automatic sell or buy like a ...
Sikandra 's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Error decoding .mov file on ios and macos - DOMException when processing audio data in React app

I am working on a React application that processes video files and extracts audio for analysis. The app works well on most platforms, but when I try to upload and process a .mov file on an iPhone and ...
dnrksd's user avatar
  • 33
1 vote
1 answer

Stop NaviationLink overriding DisclosureGroup ontap gesture

I have the following SwiftUI view: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var items = [1, 2] var body: some View { NavigationStack { List { ForEach(self....
Matthew Fennell's user avatar
-2 votes
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$post in JQuery inconsistently not working for Apple devices [closed]

I have a script that's processing a form, and doing a $post at the end to pass some variables to a PHP script which then sends me an email with the variables. For Apple users specifically (doesn't ...
Kayla's user avatar
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Network warning: "Connection has no local endpoint" [closed]

I have a simple SwiftUI application that sends a URLRequest as shown in the code snippet below: import SwiftUI @main struct GOGODemoApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup ...
djzhu's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Why isn't CADisplayLink Sendable?

I'm looking at the this SoF answer and when I tried it out, I got the warning: Non-sendable type 'CADisplayLink?' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to nonisolated function cannot cross actor ...
bli00's user avatar
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1 vote
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iOS Firestore permission denied even when using Firebase Authentication [closed]

I know this question has been asked a lot but a lot of the solutions say to change the Firestore rules and I don't want to do that. I'm wondering why they aren't working as is since I have ...
radishhorse's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't NSDateFormatter work as expected?

I've gotten some really strange results from the date formatter: let testDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 725840000.0) print(testDate) 2024-01-01 22:13:20 +0000 let fmt = DateFormatter() ...
executor21's user avatar
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0 votes
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React Native IAP: Unable to detect subscription created in App Store Connect

I'm experiencing an issue with React Native IAP where I can't detect a subscription that was created in Apple Store Connect for my application. I need expert assistance to resolve this problem. Here ...
Steeven Jackson's user avatar
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1 answer

Transfer gestures to view on other UIWindow?

I have a set-up in my iOS app where I have two UIScreens (and thus two UIWindows) - one on the device, and the other on an external display. I want the user to be able to make a gesture on their ...
David's user avatar
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SwiftUI paging with custom scrolling control

I'm new to SwiftUI, and I'm trying to design a paging view associated with a custom tab bar control. The tab bar should be scrollable and synced with the main view. Tap to select on the tab bar should ...
Felipe Quintella's user avatar
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Watch OS: 10.5 -[WCFileStorage persistOutgoingFileTransfer:] error serializing file transfer <WCSessionFileTransfer:

I tried implementing FileTransfer of audio file recording between WatchOS and iOS app. Everytume, it throws an error on my logs about not being not able to serialize the file. I understand this is a ...
Ben Ajax's user avatar
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0 votes
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Ionic and XCode compatibility issues

I am working on an Ionic application for which I tried to generate the iOS build from XCode. But, as a last minute surprise, we got the following error. I understood from the warning and own research ...
Rakesh L's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to make shadowsocks vpn in flutter [closed]

I have a connection string that starts with ss://... I want to make an application for android and ios through which I could connect to this server. I tried the flutter_v2ray package and it didn't ...
Leonid's user avatar
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