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Questions tagged [geom-point]

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geom_point adds extra point at y max

Creating a box plot in R using ggboxplot. Using geom_point to add individual data points and position = position_jitter(width = 0.2)) to spread them out. The generated plot consistently adds an extra ...
Andrew Tilley's user avatar
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How to reorder catgorical axis for dot plot with error bars

Here is the plot I have, the data & the code ggplot(data = TI, aes(y = VM, x = GeoM)) + geom_point() + geom_errorbar(mapping = aes(xmin = L95, xmax = U95), width = .75) + geom_vline(aes(...
user26398718's user avatar
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function for geom_point to increase the scale_size

LATER EDIT: I finally figured out how to do it. It works with the following code: legend_size <- c(6,5,4,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6) tt <- data.frame(x = c(27.9656, 27.1704, 26.2128 ,23.5634 ,25.3528 ...
Alex.V's user avatar
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Values not appearing in ggplot plot

When I made a plot using geom_point() and geom_line(), a few values in the middle didn't appear and I can't figure out why. I have a dataframe with 3 columns (K_value, CV_error, and Run), where ...
Katherine Drotos's user avatar
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ggmap using multiple column data

I'm trying to map multiple columns of data on one map. I'm guessing I need to use reshape or something similar but struggling to find a way. My data looks like this Data Example I created the map in ...
Berlinomatt's user avatar
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Lollipop chart size and linewidth parameter failure & labels not appearing

I'm using ggplot2 to create a lollipop graph comparing US university tuitions and median household income (for all races and also for black households specifically). For the graph to be easier to read,...
Mac's user avatar
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Change point shape by group returns error "Shape aesthetic contains invalid values"

I am building a simple map with 3 points that I want to have different symbols but when I try to change the shape by group manually I get an error about shape aesthetics. First a map: library(ggplot2) ...
scrletbgonia's user avatar
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Can I have a legend for a data point as well as a legend for a grouped barplot in one graph

clustered barplot I have added a legend to show the bars in a barplot, but I cannot figure out how to add the data point (+) to the legend. I want the data points that are + to be labeled in the ...
Hannah Martin's user avatar
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how to have a legend for size of geom_points() and also set the size of the dots themselves?

I am trying to plot a sort of bubble plot but i am unable to set the size of the dots and have a legend explaining how the sizing works. These are two examples which combined give me the expected ...
gabt's user avatar
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How to increase the range of colors in a the geom_point?

I am trying the following code to make a heat map using ggplot library(RColorBrewer) color_palette <- brewer.pal(9, "Spectral") ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_point(aes(color=...
Sudoh's user avatar
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Is there a Shiny function to display a geom point shape palette?

I'm working on my first R Shiny application, specifically for customizable graph outputs. I'm looking for an input function similar to colourInput() from the colourpicker package, but which will ...
David Ross's user avatar
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Vertical line (offset) to separate factor groups in a plot

I need help in producing a vertical line that can separate my character groups in a geom_point graph using ggplot. A simplified example is below. Ultimately, I want to produce a line that sits evenly ...
Sarah Lou's user avatar
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how to change size of symbol in ggplot2 when size, shape, and color are set through geom_point?

The problem i am having is surely trivial, and yet i am unable to solve it. What i need is to have my own shape, colour, and size for the geom_point(). However, if i set it, the size of the symbols in ...
gabt's user avatar
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Trying to turn a numeric matrix into a scatterplot with geom_point [duplicate]

I am trying to plot a 5x6 numeric vector using ggplot and geom_point (after converting the vector to a dataframe), but I can't figure out the aes mappings to make the plot correctly. I think I am ...
jonathanl86's user avatar
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R's plotly ggplotly removing legend from a geom_point

I'm generating a simple geom_point plot with R ggplot2: library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) set.seed(1) df <- matrix(runif(16, 0, 10), nrow = 4, ncol = 4, dimnames = list(paste0("R", 1:4), ...
dan's user avatar
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