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Parse Platform dashboard unauthorized when accessing the parse-server

What are the possible problems that is causing {"error":"unauthorized"} in the Parse Dashboard when accessing the dashboard is accessing: ...
quarks's user avatar
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Postgres Docker container does not start with a custom shell script

I have a docker-compose file with a Postgres image. The service definition is as follows: services: postgres: image: postgres:latest container_name: postgres volumes: - "{{ ...
Lukas Müller's user avatar
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Database does not exist docker image Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 3D000: database "CatalogDb" does not exist

I am trying to connect to postgres database running on docker container from visual studio, I am sure the DB exists and here is the logs: docker ps: docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND ...
Mocak's user avatar
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Error: P1000: Authentication failed against database server at `localhost`, the provided database credentials for `postgres` are not valid

api git:(main) ✗ pnpm prisma migrate dev Environment variables loaded from .env Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "postgres", ...
Jaskaran Singh's user avatar
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How to use other services when using the airflow docker image?

I am just starting with airflow. I took a course in which the teacher used an unofficial image of airflow: puckel/docker-airflow together with other images of jupyter, postgres and minio in a docker-...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
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Docker volume is cleared on every restart via docker-compose on ubuntu [closed]

Docker volume is cleared on every restart via docker-compose on ubuntu server, but on my pc everything works properly. Volume always contains data, even after restart. How to solve this? Thanks. My ...
silenzzz's user avatar
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Error with Docker Compose: FATAL: data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data" has invalid permissions [duplicate]

When i try to run docker compose up -d i got this error: FATAL: data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data" has invalid permissions DETAIL: Permissions should be u=rwx (0700) or u=rwx,g=rx (...
zouker's user avatar
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postgres database connected but table relations not found when running nodejs typescript api in a docker container

i wrote a basic api with typescript in nodejs which runs fine when started with the start script "node dist/index.js", but after dockerizing it, the database seems to have been connected ...
Aditi Polkam's user avatar
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ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused. Docker, Python [duplicate]

I made a fastapi, alembic, postgres, sqlalchemy application, made a docker image, run and try to create a user, but when sending a request I get the error ...
123 123's user avatar
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Postgres db in docker-compose errors with auth error every 2-3 seconds

Every time I start my docker-compose on a server I get this error repeating once every 2-3 seconds. I haven't had this problem before (used this for 2-3 days). Once it just appeared out of nowhere and ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Error with creating a postgres db in Docker container

I have the following docker-compose file and when I ran docker-compose up -d --build, I got a message which indicated success. The logs did not have any exception printed. [+] Running 2/2 ✔ Container ...
Siraj Samsudeen's user avatar
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Can't connect to remote PostgreSQL DB from docker-compose

I have the following compose.yaml: services: pg-local: image: postgres:14.7 volumes: - pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data env_file: - .env.local_postgres_docker_env ports: ...
Yoni Melki's user avatar
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Docker run -> Docker compose

I am runnig postgressql in a docker container. I have succesfully run the following using docker run: docker run -it --rm --name postgres-master \ --net postgres \ -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \ -e ...
mac's user avatar
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Can't use timescaledb functions inside docker compose

This is my docker compose: version: "3.6" services: postgres: image: timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg16.3-ts2.15.2-all restart: always environment: - ...
Ham Burg's user avatar
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I can't connect and run spring boot + postgre in docker (org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection attempt failed.)

This is my dockerfile #download the openjdk image FROM openjdk:17 # add argument to the docker image ARG JAR_FILE=target/*.jar COPY ${JAR_FILE} api-service.jar # run the jar file ENTRYPOINT ["...
Hieu_Tran's user avatar

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