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Questions tagged [deno]

A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.

3 votes
2 answers

How are ES6 module imports with HTTP redirects supposed to work?

When importing a JS module (e.g. from a URL that returns a 301/302 redirect to a specific version of the module (e.g., the redirected ...
benS's user avatar
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Unable to run supabase edge functions locally

I have a simple edge functions script to run a prompt on the Gemini model and output back the result. Having used the debugger, the problem occurs at the code which listens to requests. The debugger ...
Shlok Jain's user avatar
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Can't instantiate Supabase client; fails with GoTrue error "window is not defined."

I've written a Deno-based server and am trying to use Supabase with it. However, on launch it fails with an assertion thrown from GoTrueClient.js, _isImplicitGrantFlow(): Exception has occurred: ...
Oscar's user avatar
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MySQL connection issues with Deno

In Deno I'm using this module[email protected]/mod.ts to connect to mySQL 8 database in Windows 10 and generally it works fine. However, after a fresh start or reboot, when it tries ...
lviggiani's user avatar
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Is there a way to gracefully shut down Apollo Server that's built on top of Deno and Express?

Apollo Server has a plugin called ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer that helps shut down the server gracefully when built on top of Node's http.Server. Is there a way to gracefully shut down the ...
Mix Master Mike's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use reveal.js with Deno Fresh?

In my understanding, reveal.js is just vanilla JS, so there should be no problem when using it with Deno. On routes/index.tsx I have: import Island from "../islands/Island.tsx"; export ...
Ooker's user avatar
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"deno compile" works on macOS X64 but fails with a compilation error on linux X86

Both operating systems run Deno v1.44.4. deno compile --output ../release/cobble --allow-env --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write --allow-run ../backend/server.ts && cd ../release/ &&...
codepleb's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does Deno's FsFile.readable automatically close the file when the stream is exhausted?

Given the following code: const file = await, { read: true }) return new Response(file.readable, { status: 200 }) Will FsFile.readable automatically close the file once the ...
Chris_F's user avatar
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Deno is queuing up request when a setTimeout operation is going on

Version: Deno 1.44.4 I have written a basic rate limiter implementation. It uses setTimeout to delay between the request. Here's the code implementation. The issue is whenever there are more than 2 ...
supxd's user avatar
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1 answer

Disable npm registry in Deno vendored application

My Deno application is using npm dependencies import { ServiceProvider, ServiceProviderInstance , IdentityProvider, IdentityProviderInstance, setSchemaValidator } from 'npm:...
lviggiani's user avatar
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1 vote
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Debug mode on nestjs project fails with nx

I use NestJS for my backend and I develop under WebStorm with the NX plugin. Everything is up to date. If I create a new NestJS project like this npm i -g @nestjs/cli nest new project-name I can ...
Arnaud Denoyelle's user avatar
1 vote
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How to combine multiple audio blobs, buffers or urls into one?

I have multiple audio urls, I tried converting these audio into blobs and combining them in a deno server but weirdly the final blob only plays the first audio. What did I do wrong here? Code with ...
user25603599's user avatar
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Uploading Files to S3 Bucket usign Deno module deno-s3-lite-client

I have been trying to make a file upload controller with deno's s3 lite client but I am facing an issue with uploading the content type of my file. In their documentation, i can read that the way to ...
F Developer's user avatar
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How to update `deno.lock` on removing a dependency?

When I add a dependency in my code, the deno.lock file gets updated and I see that the package's URL is visible in deno.lock. Now when I remove the import from my code and run deno cache --reload <...
Mahesh Bansod's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to find a module in deno?

I'm trying to follow the documentation on the page: In the documentation it has this code snippet: import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/libsql'; ...
sander's user avatar
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