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Questions tagged [apollo-server]

Apollo Server is a GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi and Koa, written in TypeScript

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How to get graphql express server to run on ip address instead of localhost

I'm working on a project using react-native with expo and graphql in the frontend and nodejs with mongodb and graphql in the backend. Currently, I'm trying to test my project on a real device, but I ...
pelotador.1's user avatar
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How to setup websocket connection in apolloserver and nextjs application?

Websocket connection to the apollo server gets failed This is my route.ts in app/api folder import { ApolloServer } from '@apollo/server'; import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema'; ...
user18513904's user avatar
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Is there a way to gracefully shut down Apollo Server that's built on top of Deno and Express?

Apollo Server has a plugin called ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer that helps shut down the server gracefully when built on top of Node's http.Server. Is there a way to gracefully shut down the ...
Mix Master Mike's user avatar
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Graph QL returning null data

Hello my graph server is returning null data I am new to graphql and while I was learning it was giving me null data which should have some data from the API. Any help would be appreciated. I tried ...
e36_King's user avatar
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GraphQL Federation for conditional dependencies

Suppose I have 3 datapoints in 3 separate subgraphs Data Point A in "Subgraph 1" Data Point B in "Subgraph 2" Data Point C in "Subgraph 3" A depends on B and C ...
Vishwanath's user avatar
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Trying to have logging in nestjs and grapql but couldn't able to get response status as per the altair is giving

When working with GraphQL and NestJS, you may encounter an issue where all responses from your GraphQL API have an HTTP status code of 200 OK, even when there are GraphQL-level errors. This behavior ...
Shahid Raza's user avatar
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Apollo Server nested resolvers and Typescript object incompatibility

I have the following GraphQL schema type Item { name: String! color: String! price: Float! } type Query { items: [Item] } The schema is then ingested by
jet's user avatar
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Variables Issue for apollo and gql

I am trying to use const tagqryTypeDefs = require('./src/mongodb/tag/tagGql'); rather than const tagqryTypeDefs =` returnAlltags: [Tag] `; In the following function: const typeDefs = gql` type Query ...
GGG's user avatar
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Using a local dev server for developing an Apollo GraphQL server V4 w/ AWS Lambda (Serverless)

I am trying to deploy a simple Apollo GraphQL V4 server with AWS Lambda. I have a very simple database (using Firebase Realtime data) that I want to get data from. I was following this guide to ...
DylanW's user avatar
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I Got ERROR : Cannot query field \"queryName\" on type \"Query\".", Even if it is published in schema

In my project I am using ApolloStudio for publishing my graphql queries, Using rover script I published my new query and it reflected in the changeLogs also in the API schema. But when I tried it on ...
Niraj C S's user avatar
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ApolloServer 4: Client Can't Connect to Subscriptions?

I've got my new ApolloServer 4 client and server setup. It's working for queries and mutations, but not for subscriptions. Subscriptions aren't connecting at all. It's sending context to queries and ...
VikR's user avatar
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In Apollo Server GraphQL how to identify if query result is served from cache?

I'm writing GraphQL Server (using ApolloServer node.js library) and I need to be able to identify if query result is served from cache or not. Is it possible on server side?
Georgy Nevsky's user avatar
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Why graphql apollo-client request's has different response timeout in local and cloud

I have a nestjs application which uses graphql apollo-client data fetching, using nginx for load-balancing. I have encountered 2 different timeout while connecting to the local and cloud backend. ...
a-humanthing's user avatar
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Apollo gateway error formatting with NestJS

I have GraphQL services (apollo) made with NestJS federated by apollo gateway. My services return a formatted graphql error, I add an internal error code and some other information in the extensions. ...
Cariz's user avatar
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owned types are marked as extension [is an extension type, but there is no type definition for]

I am trying to run MOST MINIMALISTIC gateway but I am running into false positive error when one of the dependencies is thinking that Use Objet type is "extension" type. Error: A valid ...
Michal's user avatar
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