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Questions tagged [core-image]

Core Image is a set of components for near real-time, pixel-accurate image and video processing for cocoa. It's available from Mac OS X v10.4 and partially available in iOS v5.0

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Performant alternative to scaling a CIImage / PixelBuffer

I’m building a camera app where I am applying real time effects to the view finder. One of those effects is a variable blur, so to improve performance I am scaling down the input image using CIFilter....
Alex Fox's user avatar
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Swift Efficiently Draw Image and Text on PixelBuffer

I am trying to record a video from the camera, through AVCapture and AVAssetWriter, and to overlay some text and an image on the final video but I cannot achieve good performance and the device ...
reapf's user avatar
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Metal CIKernel sampling generates garbage

I feel like I'm missing something really simple. I've got the simplest possible CIKernel, it looks like this: extern "C" float4 Simple(coreimage::sampler s) { float2 current = s.coord(); ...
jefflovejapan's user avatar
2 votes
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How to apply a color filter to an Async image in Swift UI?

I can't work out how to dynamically filter (color filter) images that are being loaded. Eg I want to dynamically increase the saturation. Filtering an image in SwiftUI looks straight forward using [CI ...
Please Help Me's user avatar
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How to I write a CIFilter / CIKernel that returns a value / smaller image?

So I'm clear on how to write a CoreImage CIFilter that uses a CIColorKernel or CIBlendKernel. Essentially these methods are a 1px input transformed to 1px output. This is not my question. Nor is it ...
horseshoe7's user avatar
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creating a CIRAWFilter directly from bayer pixel data

I've written a small app that plays back 12 bit dng sequences by passing 12 bit dngs to a metal view via CIRAWFilter via the CIRAWFilter(imageUR: url). Everything's working as expected! Now, instead ...
cAmElBaSeD's user avatar
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Why create a CGImage takes so much memory

I am now working on a photo app, but it has some memory overuse issues after I used the Instrument memory profiling tool. I don't know if I got it right, but I found the cgimage takes more than 1 GB ...
Perry Wang's user avatar
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Trying to display a bounding box over QR code

I'm trying to display a bounding box around a detected QR code, but the box isn't showing up. Think it may be something with a mismatch in coordinate systems but not totally sure. import SwiftUI ...
narner's user avatar
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How do I get bounding boxes for VNContours?

I'm trying to get the bounding boxes of generated contours with the Vision framework in Swift. I can do it in opencv in python like: contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2....
rapidkillerx's user avatar
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Core Image Kernel Language API deprecated Warning Issue

I am getting warning 'init(source:)' was deprecated in iOS 12.0: Core Image Kernel Language API deprecated. (Define CI_SILENCE_GL_DEPRECATION to silence these warnings) for following code and could ...
Hope's user avatar
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Scale and translate CIImage to center of drawable

I have the following code to scale the input CIImage to drawable size in MTKView and center it after adjusting for aspect ratio. But the image placement is not always perfect for all aspect ratios, ...
Deepak Sharma's user avatar
-1 votes
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Prevent SpriteKit Metal Renderer from Exceeding Texture Size limit

I have SpriteKit nodes on which I apply Core Image filters using SKEffectNode. The sprites are images added by the user on the scene, and can be of any size. Some of the filters change the size of the ...
Ache's user avatar
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Apply multiple Core Image filters to a SpriteKit node [duplicate]

I can apply a Core Image filter to a SpriteKit node by: Making the node a child of an SKEffectNode Applying the filter to the SKEffectNode Or in the case of the scene itself, apply the filter ...
Ache's user avatar
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AVFoundation (Objective-C, iOS 16): captureOutput not called

I have a problem with captureOutput method not being called during the session. I tried adding NSLog to it but it seems that method is never called. Moreover, I tried searching for the solution, but ...
Enty AV's user avatar
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How do I export a 16 bit PNG in macOS using the ciContext.writePNGRepresentation(of: , to:, format:,colorSpace:, options:) API?

Is it possible to export a 16bit image using this API ? ciContext.writePNGRepresentation(of: , to:, format:,colorSpace:, options:) I am able to export 10bit HEIF files using the HEIF10 API ciContext....
Duncan Groenewald's user avatar

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