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Questions tagged [avcapture]

iOS video capture API for both Swift and Objective-C

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Swift Efficiently Draw Image and Text on PixelBuffer

I am trying to record a video from the camera, through AVCapture and AVAssetWriter, and to overlay some text and an image on the final video but I cannot achieve good performance and the device ...
reapf's user avatar
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Why is `isDepthDataDeliverySupported` returning false on an iPad Pro using `builtInDualWideCamera`?

I am trying to use the AVCamFilter Apple sample project discussed in this WWDC session to get depth data using the dual camera. The project has built-in features to get depth data from the dual camera....
shim's user avatar
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Camera intrinsic matrix for single photo capture on iOS

Is it possible to get the camera intrinsic matrix for a captured single photo on iOS? I know that one can get the cameraCalibrationData from a AVCapturePhoto, which also contains the intrinsicMatrix. ...
Frank Rupprecht's user avatar
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SwiftUI : AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer orientation in iOS 17

I'm newish to mobile development in SwiftUI and have spun my wheels on this for quite awhile now. I have looked at the official documentation, but remain confused. My preview layer is not correctly ...
paranormaldist's user avatar
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iPhone 14 Pro: Enable macro mode in custom camera

When you move close to an object (note: not only when zooming, but as well when just moving the phone closer), it switches to the ultra.wide camera. I know that I can enable automatic switching by ...
Pranav Mistry's user avatar
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App freezes and crashes in AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer layerDidBecomeVisible

I have a React Native app which is deployed on tablets. The app involves regular interactions w/ the camera and I'm using Expo Camera to manage these interactions. I'm seeing that customers who are ...
stuck-on-this-bug's user avatar
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How to add 60FPS Viewfinder Custom Camera

I’m having trouble making my iOS app with a custom camera run in 60FPS or above. Does anyone know how I can achieve this? I tried setting it to 60 FPS but then the viewfinder went black. I also gave ...
ProtonFission's user avatar
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iPhone camera angle difference between iOS15 and iOS16

Hi i'm working on develop iOS custom camera app. Recently I discovered that my camera app works differently on iOS 15 and iOS 16. On iOS 15, the video was recorded without any cropped images, and on ...
chamcham's user avatar
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AVCapturePhotoOutput with 60 fps and flash on causes image to be over brightened

When using AVCapturePhotoOutput with flashMode On and AVCaptureDevice with minimum frame rate set to 60 fps results in an image that is very over brightened. Using the same configuration with 30 fps ...
Jacob Zyla's user avatar
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Reset permissions for iOS apps installed on Apple Silicon Mac

UI flows can be built around requesting permissions for, for example, camera or microphone access in iOS apps. With Xcode 14, it's super easy to run an app on an Apple Silicon Mac with the device &...
CosmicVarion's user avatar
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Having trouble with flipping camera in swiftui / avfoundation / AVCaptureDeviceInput

I am coding a camera with swiftui using avfoundation and was able to get the setup to work as intended. However, as I'm implementing a flip camera functionality I'm running into an error where after ...
krish's user avatar
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SwiftUI - Resize AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer

I have the following code: struct CameraPreview: UIViewRepresentable { @ObservedObject var camera: Camera class CameraView: UIView { override class var layerClass: AnyClass {...
LeonardoXUI's user avatar
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How to adjust AVCaptureVideoPreview orientation to device current orientation?

I am trying to adjust AVCaptureVideoPreview orientation to device current orientation and I tried someways which I found on Stackoverflow but it didn’t work. How can I adjust AVCaptureVideoPreview ...
ataberkturan's user avatar
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Simultaneous Long Press and Drag Gesture SwiftUI

I have an app with a camera and there is a capture button that I would like to long press on the screen to record and freely move it around and be able to zoom in and out. Now I am not worried about ...
Denzel's user avatar
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How to Apply a Scale transform to an AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer

I have an AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer named previewlayer that is set to a UIImageView named VideoOut that was implemented using Storyboard The code I used to connect them was as follows ...
LawlessLLC's user avatar

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