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Questions tagged [caanimation]

CAAnimation is an abstract animation class from Apple QuartzCore framework. It provides the basic support for the CAMediaTiming and CAAction protocols.

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How to implement iOS 18 AI/Siri animation using UIKit

I want to implement the this effect in my app (A colorful wave around screen) using UIKit. Maybe called ColorfulWaveView and I can add it to UIWindow so that my app can use this effect. I tried many ...
luckysmg's user avatar
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NSImageView animation regression in Sonoma?

Before macOS Sonoma I could simply animate NSImageView size and position like this: _imageView.wantsLayer = YES; CALayer *layer = _imageView.layer; [CATransaction begin]; [...
Yansen13's user avatar
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UIBezierPath Core Animation reverse both strokeStart and strokeEnd

I'm trying to create an indefinite loader where a bar moves from left to right. It's kind of like the spinner you see in Google Apps, but then a bar. This blog is a great post to show how a spinner ...
Bob de Graaf's user avatar
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Animate CAShapeLayer transition

I have tableView, embed in StackView, stackView. My tableView height is dynamic(depends on its contentSize) and with alpha(0.3). I need to get shadow on this tableView. I try to add shadow to my ...
Petr Bones's user avatar
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Animate image crop from right to left

I want to animate a change in the width of an ImageView in Swift, in a way it will be appeared as if the image is being cropped from right to left. I mean that I want the image to always stick to the ...
Miko65's user avatar
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Animate several properties of several views with Core Animation

I want to animate several properties of several subviews using Core Animations in Swift. I'm looking for a way to group the animations together and handle them as one, mainly to be able to synchronise ...
MiZioLi5's user avatar
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Animate image scale change while preserving its width and height

I want to animate zooming-in and out from image in Swift using CAAnimation while preserving the original width and height of the image (i.e. show smaller area in the image enlarged). I tried to use ...
Ali AD's user avatar
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What does "urSoBasic" means in CAAnimation?

I'm trying to implement some animation via CAAnimation, So I'm finding some references via google. And I found so many examples are achieve the goal using String "urSoBasic" as a key, like ...
nrurnru's user avatar
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How to set path in CAKeyframAnimation and change cell's hierarch?

I want to achieve the effect like this: I click cell and the button's alpha become to 0, then enlarge the cell and move to center of Screen. And Here is my code and gif: **// This is my VC** class ...
malcopolocei's user avatar
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how to get CoreAnimation frames

I want to generate video/gif with a animating UIView. This is the way i used CADisplayLink to capture UIView: public func startCapture(fps: NSInteger){ if let _ = captureDisplayLink { ...
quanhai's user avatar
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Mac OS - swift - CABasicAnimation current value

I have a CABasicAnimation moving a NSHostingView (it's a scrolling marquee text). When the user get his mouse cursor over the view, the animation must stops and it can interact with the view. I tried ...
Vincent's user avatar
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How to animate sublayer contents?

I have a layer and want to create an animation for this layer which will update contents of one of sublayers. CAAnimation keyPath has a notation, like sublayers.layerName.propertyName to update some ...
Joker's user avatar
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UIView: animate a gradient inifinitely in the same given direction?

I would like to add a CAAnimation to a gradient and apply it to a UIView, looking like this: The idea is that 20% of the gradient is fully white, and the fully blue part moves from left to right, and ...
Another Dude's user avatar
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Can I have kCATransitionReveal + kCATransitionFade working at the same time?

What I want to achive is a kCATransitionReveal effect while it also fades out. I am using the animation to animate an UIImageView content change. With kCATransitionReveal the old image goes away while ...
rbrn's user avatar
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Draw animated rounded rect line with gradient color

So I'm trying to create a loading indicator on an element, basically it's a path that's expanding and contracting towards the end. The hard part is that the path is a gradient color which I have no ...
Tommy Sadiq Hinrichsen's user avatar

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