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Questions tagged [android-bluetooth]

The Android bluetooth subsystem. May also refer to using bluetooth hardware in Android.

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Android Kotlin ScanFilter Builder class not functioning

As stated above, I'm trying to use ScanFilter.Builder() to construct a filter for my bluetooth application, and it gives an unresolved reference error. I have ScanFilter properly imported, and the ...
Incog's user avatar
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How to use BLE specification XML service files?

The link BLE device information XML is a BLE service XML file copied from the original GATT specification files. Can I and how can I use this XML file for my project on Android Studio in Java? I am ...
Ahmad Daniel's user avatar
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How to read Bluetooth Low Energy GAP characteristic values as a string?

Hello I am new to developing an app and even newer to the concept of BLE. I am developing an application on android using Java that is capable of scanning BLE devices nearby. The main purpose is to ...
Ahmad Daniel's user avatar
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Android BLE establishing connection

I am developing an Android BLE application for connecting with a BLE peripheral device. The BLE peripheral device has strong energy constraints and therefore the connection interval should be kept ...
Titouan Gaborit's user avatar
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Unresolved reference: Why isn't this variable being detected?

In the code below, "takePermission" and "bluetoothAdapter" aren't being recognized. I've been following along to this tutorial which seems slightly outdated, but his variables are ...
Incog's user avatar
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Capacitor error with @capacitor-community/bluetooth-le

I'm developing print feature for my app using these tech stacks: "@angular/core": "~13.2.0", "@capacitor-community/bluetooth-le": "^3.1.4", "@capacitor/...
Le Quang Nhan's user avatar
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Using Android's MediaRecorder with a Bluetooth Microphone

Problem I am unable to get Android's MediaRecorder to record audio from a connected Bluetooth microphone. Instead audio recordings use the device's inbuilt microphone Question Has anyone found a ...
RatherBeSailing's user avatar
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I want make Bluetooth calling feature in Android App

If Phone A Having App A get a phone call it should be shown in Phone B having App B. Considering Both Phones are paired. How do I achieve this. I tried something. Is there any open source project for ...
AVINASH SHARMA's user avatar
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How can I speed up my Android Bluetooth reception?

Hardware The Bluetooth device is powered by a chip called atmega32 and uses a bm78 Bluetooth chip. The clock frequency of the MCU chip is 14.7456 MHz. The baud rate of Bluetooth device is 115200. The ...
HanGoil's user avatar
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How to open bluetooth settings on Google Pixel with Android 14?

I want to open the bluetooth settings by sending an Intent with action Settings.ACTION_BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS on Google Pixel devices with Android 14. It works e.g. on Samsung devices. However, on Google ...
Stefan's user avatar
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NoSuchMethodException: BluetoothAdapter on release builds

My application is crashing out with the error Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: f4.b.<init> [class android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter] when I run it in release mode. The app works fine ...
dnj's user avatar
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Getting 201: ERROR_GATT_WRITE_REQUEST_BUSY, when I tried to write to the same characteristic for the second time In flutter

I am working on a flutter application which communicates with the BLE devices, for BLE connection i am using the flutter_blue_plus: ^1.32.7 library. I am able to List the Bluetooth devices and connect ...
avinash Yadav's user avatar
2 votes
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why BleDevice disconnects automatically with android?

Some times when i connect to the ble device, it automatically disconnects after connecting. I tried to disconnect it before connecting. It shows me connection success and in between shows message of ...
Bhavika khatri's user avatar
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Bluetooth Adapter Enable or Disable Not Working

I was writing some code to turn on or off bluetooth adapter. But the problem is that I am using android 14 and it is not working. It calls the method but bluetooth still dooes't turns off if enabled ...
ANUJ's user avatar
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Android bluetooth read/write crashes when job cancelled

I am writing an Android App that connects to an OBD2 bluetooth device and reads ECU data from a vehicle. I create a bluetooth socket and open an input and output stream on the socket. I call a ...
Rob Taylerson's user avatar
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How to send long strings by bluetooth HC05 module

I am building a bluetooth terminal app (Android) and want to send strings from my app to microcontroller via HC05 bluetooth module, I can share small strings near about 120 characters but while ...
Anshul Lanjewar's user avatar
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Finding BLE Services

I'm trying to connect a smartphone running Android 13 to a server using BLE. Android 11 connects and finds services, but Android 13 can't find them. I have tried everything with permissions I'd like ...
Jose Bravo's user avatar
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Android app development - Enable/Disable automatic focus on key press of external/physical keyboard

When trying to process input outside of a specific input field, Android always puts a focus on the first element of the currently selected or focused view (also highlighted with color). This is not ...
coolersham's user avatar
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Does Android require the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission to scan for Bluetooth devices?

I don't know what location has to do with Bluetooth, but my app won't recognize any Bluetooth devices unless it is granted the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission. Even granting it the ...
Flarosa's user avatar
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After the Bluetooth device is bound, the uuid changes

I am doing carplay connection work. When connecting to a Bluetooth device, I found that the UUID of the device changed before and after binding.My car system is based on android12. logs: //During the ...
Sereah's user avatar
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@brooons/react-native-bluetooth-escpos-printer don't print ARABIC text using printText

I am using @brooons/react-native-bluetooth-escpos-printer package for thermal printing. When I pass and arabic text to printText package method, it prints it in chines character. I tried to encode the ...
Hadeer Essam's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to stop blue tooth app process and nfc service process or other name of process in system app in android 12 with java and flamingo?

I use android studio 2022.2.1 flamingo JDK 17 Gradle 8.7 blue tooth and nfc are off but i discover the system app named bluetooth app and nfc services app sometimes running even I manually stop the ...
Maiva's user avatar
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Cannot get a callback from the FlutterBluePlus().turnOn(); method

I cannot get a callback from FlutterBluePlus().turnOn(); This is my function: void checkIfBluetoothOn() async { bool isBluetoothOn = await flutterBlue.turnOn(); if(isBluetoothOn){ ...
GAME MODIFIER109's user avatar
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Cannot find the AclBuilder class of android13 Bluetooth

/packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/ // Acl packets BidiQueue<AclView, AclBuilder> acl_queue_ {3 /* TODO: Set queue depth */}; Android13 code Is there any special way to define ...
yxi's user avatar
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(Android) Bluetooth connection & Data transfer

Bluetooth Classic Im new to bluetooth API's so please excuse my ignorance. I managed to connect my Galaxy Buds using rfCommSocket via SPP UUID. How i can now transfer commands to my device and receive ...
Siege Elevate's user avatar
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Andoird [Bluetooth LE] create Characteristic with predefine value before advertising Service in a peripheral device(Android app)

My app act as a peripheral device advertising a Service with Characteristic with predefine value and the central device read it and process the advertising data but I've been struggling with setting ...
1 vote
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Android: How to stop intent-based Bluetooth scanning?

I've been struggling with this issue for a long time and have searched through many articles, but still haven't found a solution. Could you please provide me with some direction? I'm using intent-...
yjw's user avatar
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Bluetooth Jetpack Compose Implementation

I am building an Android app for a prosthesis but ran into the issue of trying to add Bluetooth functionality where I send strings to so select the pose I want to achieve. I want to initialize ...
Abdelrahman Salman's user avatar
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how to make bluetooth connection for all fragments?

override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean { initBtAdapter() val pref = activity?.getSharedPreferences( BluetoothConstants.PREFERENCES, Context....
Артем Урманов's user avatar
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Open source app goes to first item in BottomNavigationDrawer when you press a button on xbox controller

Check out my open source app - When you press a button on the xbox controller, it always goes to the first item in the bottom navigation drawer. I don't want ...
Richie Ward's user avatar
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How to control Media operation via Bluetooth from One Android device to Another?

I need to create a android application similar to this but only the Media Controls Play/Pause Prev/Next and Volume. ...
livemaker's user avatar
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How to pass a Flutter blue plus BluetoothDevice to an isolate (BLE)?

I currently having an issue with passing a BluetoothDevice to an isolate in flutter. Note: I am currently using the flutter_blue_plus package to handle BLE operations within the application. Flutter ...
Cat100's user avatar
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3 answers

How to get battery level of a game controller from an Android application

I have developed an Android application that connects via Bluetooth to a gamepad controller and shows button presses, joy stick movements, etc made on the handheld controller on the Android device. ...
portsample's user avatar
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Detecting Bluetooth peripheral shutdown from Android App

I have a Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral device which I am connecting to from an Android app which I have developed. I can use onConnectionStateChange to detect when the devices move out of range and ...
Targett-Adams's user avatar
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BluetoothChat for Classic Bluetooth sample is marked as deprecated. What use instead?

BluetoothChat for Classic Bluetooth sample is marked as deprecated. Warning This sample has been deprecated and is no longer ...
user2051551's user avatar
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How do I transfer a BluetoothSocket from one activity to another?

In my Android app, I've set up two activities: Connection Activity: This activity helps find and connect to Bluetooth devices. It shows a list of both paired and discoverable devices. Control ...
Shady Abdulmunim's user avatar
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Issus with permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN permission for android

I'm ussing react-native-ble-manager, when BleManager.scan() function is called, i get "Need abdroid.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN permission for android.connect,.AttributionSource@bb97c7c7:...
Carlos Enmanuel Oliveri Martin's user avatar
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Android BLE: Difference between ScanResult.getTxPower() and ScanRecord.getTxPowerLevel()?

I'm a little bit confused about 'transmission power' with regard to Bluetooth LE and especially when using the android.bluetooth.le package. There are two different methods to get data about ...
Markus's user avatar
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HCI_LE_Set_Host_Channel_Classification, where and how to find the corresponding API to use in Mobile APP

HCI_LE_Set_Host_Channel_Classification can be used to set channel map from a BLE Master to a BLE Peripheral. import android.bluetooth.le.*, this is the library I used to make the mobile APP Now our ...
Akash Rao's user avatar
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How can I convert a spannableStringBuilder to integer in java on android without the app crashing?

So I am a highschool student (relevant cause I no real android knowledge) and I am making this app for bluetooth communication. It should receive the values, convert them to integers, do some math and ...
BA77's user avatar
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Change of Bluetooth address or connection type of Bluetooth on Android by code

Is there a way by code to change Bluetooth settings on Android? For example, change whether I have an earphone connection on my device, change the address or connection type from a car headset to an ...
יוסי לוי's user avatar
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How to receive Bluetooth value in Android app

BluetoothGattCallback mGattCallback = new BluetoothGattCallback() { @SuppressLint("MissingPermission") @Override public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int ...
CXH's user avatar
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Samsung SM-A546E Bluetooth in background odd behaviour

This is not a coding issue. And this question might get downvoted for that reason. A brief history We have a BLe device that advertise every 20 milliseconds. The phone (iOS or android) connects to the ...
Sam's user avatar
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Android: audioManager.communicationDevice returns TYPE_BUILTIN_EARPIECE on Android 14, even when bluetooth headset is connected

I have encountered this behaviour on Android 14, Pixel 6a when playing some ringtone in my app. When I am executing the following code, audioManager.communicationDevice?.type == TYPE_BLUETOOTH_A2DP ...
varunkr's user avatar
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Send play/pause music from my android car stereo to my connected phone

I have an android car stereo which has a seperate bluetooth app which controls the audio playback from a connected device. I am building a seperate app which runs on the car stereo which should have ...
Madhukar Temba's user avatar
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How to listen to media session events of another app

I have created an app that can listen to headphones action using media sessions and perform custom actions but when another music player platform like spotify or default music player is used media ...
harshil's user avatar
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React Native Bluetooth Classic Reading Issue

I am attempting to read the response after sending a command to the IoT device. I have verified that the command I'm sending is correct, and the IoT device does send a response, as I've confirmed ...
Ibrahim Khan's user avatar
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Flutter bluetooth low energy: custom characteristic and service

I am very new to Flutter so maybe this is a silly question but I have been stucked for long time so I would like to have some help here. I am trying to develop an app for android which could connect ...
Jorge Monzon's user avatar
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Why do we get ERROR_GATT_WRITE_REQUEST_BUSY error while writing to characteristic if i enable notifications like in the below code?

object CHatServer{ private fun setupGattService(): BluetoothGattService { //...... val rrepCharacteristic = BluetoothGattCharacteristic( RREP_UUID, ...
Harry's user avatar
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Does Android have an equivalent of iOS's Core Bluetooth canSendWriteWithoutResponse?

While implementing firmware updates, we've noticed that different Android phones seem to have different levels of reliability regarding GATT characteristic writes without response. Some will block the ...
rsaxvc's user avatar
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