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Questions tagged [android-bluetooth]

The Android bluetooth subsystem. May also refer to using bluetooth hardware in Android.

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0 answers

Android Kotlin ScanFilter Builder class not functioning

As stated above, I'm trying to use ScanFilter.Builder() to construct a filter for my bluetooth application, and it gives an unresolved reference error. I have ScanFilter properly imported, and the ...
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2 answers

How to pass a BluetoothAdapter from one activity to another in Android?

I have a class / activity called where I have used a BluetoothAdapter BA to check if the Bluetooth is on or not. I have another class called that searches for nearby ...
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1 answer

How to use BLE specification XML service files?

The link BLE device information XML is a BLE service XML file copied from the original GATT specification files. Can I and how can I use this XML file for my project on Android Studio in Java? I am ...
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1 answer

How to read Bluetooth Low Energy GAP characteristic values as a string?

Hello I am new to developing an app and even newer to the concept of BLE. I am developing an application on android using Java that is capable of scanning BLE devices nearby. The main purpose is to ...
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1 answer

Using Android's MediaRecorder with a Bluetooth Microphone

Problem I am unable to get Android's MediaRecorder to record audio from a connected Bluetooth microphone. Instead audio recordings use the device's inbuilt microphone Question Has anyone found a ...
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1 answer

Android BLE establishing connection

I am developing an Android BLE application for connecting with a BLE peripheral device. The BLE peripheral device has strong energy constraints and therefore the connection interval should be kept ...
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1 answer

Nearby Devices permission

Is it possible to automatically allow Nearby Devices permission, or ask the user to allow it upon app start? Currently, every time I reinstall the app, I have to manually enable it in the phone's ...
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0 answers

Error to get All services and cheracteristcs from ble device using Polidea/react-native-ble-plx

Hi I am trying to connect a bluetooth device using the Polidea/react-native-ble-plx library. First I do the scan and it works fine: scanAndConnect() { console.log('scanAndConnect'); this.manager....
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1 answer

Unresolved reference: Why isn't this variable being detected?

In the code below, "takePermission" and "bluetoothAdapter" aren't being recognized. I've been following along to this tutorial which seems slightly outdated, but his variables are ...
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1 answer

Capacitor error with @capacitor-community/bluetooth-le

I'm developing print feature for my app using these tech stacks: "@angular/core": "~13.2.0", "@capacitor-community/bluetooth-le": "^3.1.4", "@capacitor/...
10 votes
3 answers

Android's BLE Service Discovery (BluetoothGatt#discoverServices()) and Low Energy vs BR/EDR

TLDR: Is it expected that service discovery results via discoverServices() will differ based on the underlying transport (LE vs. BR/EDR)? I have a mixed-mode Bluetooth accessory that offers distinct ...
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0 answers

I want make Bluetooth calling feature in Android App

If Phone A Having App A get a phone call it should be shown in Phone B having App B. Considering Both Phones are paired. How do I achieve this. I tried something. Is there any open source project for ...
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1 answer

How can I speed up my Android Bluetooth reception?

Hardware The Bluetooth device is powered by a chip called atmega32 and uses a bm78 Bluetooth chip. The clock frequency of the MCU chip is 14.7456 MHz. The baud rate of Bluetooth device is 115200. The ...
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1 answer

How to open bluetooth settings on Google Pixel with Android 14?

I want to open the bluetooth settings by sending an Intent with action Settings.ACTION_BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS on Google Pixel devices with Android 14. It works e.g. on Samsung devices. However, on Google ...
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1 answer

NoSuchMethodException: BluetoothAdapter on release builds

My application is crashing out with the error Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: f4.b.<init> [class android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter] when I run it in release mode. The app works fine ...

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