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Questions tagged [android-ble]

In contrast to Classic Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is designed to provide significantly lower power consumption. This allows Android apps to communicate with BLE devices that have low power requirements, such as proximity sensors, heart rate monitors, fitness devices, and so on.

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Write failed: this characteristic not support write in Ble Serial communication

private void sendTokenToBleDevice(String token) { String tokenWithoutDashes = token.replace("-", ""); byte[] tokenBytes = tokenWithoutDashes.getBytes(); // Assuming token is ...
Rani singh's user avatar
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To perform OTA for BLE devices in Android Kotlin

When i write the end command after the data is written to the OTA data characteristics , the end command is found in the logs of the BLE device so the firmware is not updating. I need to Perform OTA ...
Premkumar Lakshmanan's user avatar
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Finding BLE Services

I'm trying to connect a smartphone running Android 13 to a server using BLE. Android 11 connects and finds services, but Android 13 can't find them. I have tried everything with permissions I'd like ...
Jose Bravo's user avatar
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Does Android have an equivalent of iOS's Core Bluetooth canSendWriteWithoutResponse?

While implementing firmware updates, we've noticed that different Android phones seem to have different levels of reliability regarding GATT characteristic writes without response. Some will block the ...
rsaxvc's user avatar
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Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer for Bluetooth Reconnection in Android - socket not created

I am trying to work with a Serial Bluetooth connection where I am connecting and communicating to the IOT device serially over Bluetooth. So the device has On/Off switch which can basically close the ...
Rakshit Sorathiya's user avatar
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Android 14 default MTU and related considerations

Has the default MTU changed to 517 bytes in Android 14? If so, this would warrant questions pertaining to hardware, the Bluetooth stack, MTU capabilities and proper usage of the function requestMtu(). ...
wsmitty76's user avatar
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How to Bluetooth LE background connection?

Sorry for my bad English. Context My main goal is to build a electronic lock, the key would be a phone connected in BLE. The proximity of the phone must unlock the lock. What I want to do A ...
Antoine163's user avatar
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Creating a callbackFlow for BluetoothLeAdvertiser

I'm trying to make a data source and repository for a Bluetooth Low Energy GATT server. The app needs to display whether the app is currently advertising. The docs suggest that I would use a ...
grimsteel's user avatar
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How to scan BLE devices that use Extended Advertisement and Coded PHY with Android?

I try do create an Android app that scan Bluetooth Low Energy devices that advertise using Extended Advertisement and use Coded PHY for advertisement. I have a nrf52840 peripheral that I have setup to ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Why is onCharacteristicChanged never called when it should be?

I'm working with Bluetooth (BLE) in an Android app. There is a characteristic that should be triggering callbacks to onCharacteristicChanged, but the callbacks never happen. Other functions of the ...
Flarosa's user avatar
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Android BLE: GattCallback.onCharacteristicChanged is not triggered in response of a write operation on Android 12 and below

I am writing an Android app that can connect to a BLE device. There are multiple types of devices handled by my application and I have to know the type of device I am connecting on. The entire ...
TydraoXalys's user avatar
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How to check if a BLE device is currently busy?

I need to check if the device is writing a firmware chunk. If yes, then do not start recording the next chunk. I tried to do it with continuations but it didn't work. Can a reliable write help me in ...
genzo's user avatar
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writeDescriptor(BluetoothGattDescriptor!): Boolean' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

I am working Bluetooth gatt with minSdk 21 targetSdk 33 I see the writeDescriptor is deprecated in sdk 33. So I did this to wrap the code in SDK version check gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(...
Vivek Modi's user avatar
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React Native Android 12 Permission, Ble cannot scan

On Android 12 or higher Ble cannot scan. My android.manifest is below: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" android:maxSdkVersion="30" /> <uses-...
Furkan KARABABA's user avatar
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BLE's - onCharacteristicRead not invoked on calling readCharacteristic

I'm trying to read a value from a custom characteristic in a custom service on a BLE device. I successfully call the readCharcteristic method as it returns true. However, the onCharacteristicRead ...
K K's user avatar
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