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22 views SignatureDoesNotMatch Error When Uploading Files to S3 from Android App

I'm encountering a SignatureDoesNotMatch error when trying to upload a file to Amazon S3 using the AWS SDK for Java as I'm developing an android app with a feature that allows users to upload their ...
Sarimm Chaudhry's user avatar
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Aws sdk s3 to s3 copyObject checksum is null in CopyObjectResponse

When doing a s3 to s3 copy using aws sdk, I want to save the returned checksum from CopyObjectResponse, so that I can use it later to verify if file is modified or not but checksum value returned is ...
Jayendra Dev Shukla's user avatar
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AWS SDK object is taking longer time than expected and queueing up calls

I have an API in NodeJS server hosted in AWS EKS fargate which performs some operations(some related to AWS KMS) and then upload a BSON to S3. I have configured a load balancer timeout of 5 minutes. ...
Bharath Panchakarla's user avatar
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How to stop logging errors from the JS AWS SDK (S3)

I’m using s3.getObject within the S3 AWS SDK in JavaScript. This S3 object may legitimately not exist, and I’m handling that condition fine in my application. However, in Datadog I’m seeing so many ...
Jordan Garvey's user avatar
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HTTP content length exceeded 10485760 bytes

This is the error I encountered HTTP content length exceeded 10485760 bytes while uploading to s3. I'm trying to upload image and video. How do I upload image and video above greater than 10mb in size?...
Shah Mubashir Ul Haq's user avatar
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Getting UnexpectedParameter: Unexpected key 'UploadId' found in params' Error in multipart S3 Presigned

I'm getting this error when I add UploadId and PartNumber to my params: Unexpected key 'UploadId' found in params' Unexpected key 'PartNumber' found in params' I'm Using 'aws-sdk' for this reason. ...
Masoud Motallebipour's user avatar
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Getting AccessDenied when trying to use PutObjectCommand from @aws-sdk/client-s3

I'm trying to upload file to an S3 bucket. This is part of my postbuild script. Until 2 weeks ago it was working fine, then suddenly I started getting AccessDenied error. I have generated new Access ...
Wolfian TR's user avatar
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How to unit test ` software. amazon. awssdk. transfer. s3.model. UploadRequest`

I have code that uses AWS SDK for Java. I call S3TransferManager.upload(UploadRequest) in one of my methods. In a test for this method, I attempt to capture the UploadRequest argument in a mocked ...
Trevor's user avatar
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Java AWS SDK S3TransferManager throws exception: Failed to send the request. CRT error code: 1069

I have a simple S3TransferManager created using the following code: StaticCredentialsProvider credsProvider = StaticCredentialsProvider.create(AwsBasicCredentials.create(amazonConfig.getAccessKeyId(), ...
PentaKon's user avatar
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Unable to acquire further connections in AWS S3 Async client after failure

Using V2 of the Java AWS SDK, with V2 of the netty nio client, we hit a scenario where we DDOS our application and then get the error: "Caused by: java.lang.Throwable: Acquire operation took ...
user3790053's user avatar
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Contabo Object Storage (S3) with Strapi CMS

I'm using Contabo Object Storage (compatible with S3) with Strapi CMS. For this purpose I'm using: @strapi/provider-upload-aws-s3 I've configured it like this (upload and delete works): upload: { ...
yarex's user avatar
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PySpark job fails with missing dependencies when reading from S3 "SSLPeerUnverifiedException"

I am encountering an issue while running a PySpark job through a docker container to read data from an S3 bucket. Despite adding the required JAR dependencies for Hadoop AWS integration, the job fails ...
rishab ajain445's user avatar
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S3 bucket redirect object does not redirect, bus instead downloads a file

I am using the @aws-sdk/client-s3 package to use AWS APIs. I try to upload redirect objects to my bucket using this code: import { S3Client, PutObjectCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'; const ...
Tal Rofe's user avatar
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Is this a safe way to use aws-sdk on client side?

I have read different opinions so I'd like expert ones. My question is basic: If I create a react app (only client side), from where I'm planning to read a s3 object, is the following a safe approach ...
Duveral's user avatar
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s3 presigned url with checksum algortihm ignored

I'm trying to create a put presigned_url with this code: public URL generatePushResourceLocation(DocumentId documentId, String contentMD5) { String key = documentId.getId().toString(); ...
Jordi's user avatar
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