Profuse Sweat
Profuse Sweat
Profuse Sweat Image
spell-type.png Category Common Pyromancy
damage-type.png Effect Type Self/Buff
spell-fp.png FP Cost 100
slots-used.png Slots Used 1
soul-value.png Sell Price 150
intelligence.png Intelligence faith.png Faith
0 0


Advanced pyromancy that internalizes flame,
associated with Carmina.

Profuse sweating temporarily boosts resistance to bleeding, poison, frost and curses by 200.
Lasts 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 15% while active.

Effect duration can be extended.

The yellowish sweat cures all kinds of ailments.


Increases Poison, Toxic, Bleed, Frost and Curse resistance by 200 for 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 15% while active.

Spell Ascension

Refined Profuse Sweat

FP consumption reduced to 0.




Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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