Speffectparam Notes
# Notes
# Adjust Magic Ability / Adjust Faith Ability
Scales the values within the SpEffect by the currently equipped spell buff (e.g. 250 == 2.5 multiplier)

# State Info
0   None
2   Used when applying Poison
3   Effect99101
4   Used when applying Durability damage
5   Used when applying Toxic
6   Used when applying Bleed
7   Ghost
8   Used when modifying Enemy Sight Reduction
9   Tranquil Walk of Peace
10  Used to remove Poison buildup
11  Used to remove Toxic buildup
12  Used to remove Bleed buildup
13  Used to remove all aux buildup
14  Humanity Stolen
15  Binoculars
16  Warp_Lothric3002953
17  OnSpEffectRevive
19  Dispel Black Phantom
22  Unknown
23  OnReviveMagic
24  Disables Spell Usage
28  Magic Buff Low VFX
29  Magic Protection Low VFX
31  Ghost Parameter Change
32  Middle of Paralysis
34  Giant Slime Freezing
35  Effect99310
36  Effect99311
37  Effect99312
39  Sound Feed
40  Magic Protection VFX
41  Veil of Water VFX
42  Used in HP Recovery
43  Unknown
44  Unknown
45  Unknown
46  Modify Target Priority
47  Disable Fall Damage
48  Increase Damage
49  Increase Defense
50  Used in HP Recovery (WA Sacred Chime of Filianore)
52  Pledge Effect Test
54  Modify Enemy Listen Reduction
55  HostDeath
58  Point Light Source Equipped
59  Your Message Was Rated
60  Magic Buff VFX
61  Crystal Magic Buff VFX
62  Charcoal Pine Resin VFX
64  Effect1040
65  Effect12180
66  Modify Item Discovery
69  Tears of Denial Effect VFX
70  Is Dead Test Condition
71  Damage Boost (Spells)
75  Green Blossom VFX
76  Modify Soul Rate
78  Effect93313
79  Effect93314
91  Effect99201
95  Applies Chamelon effect
96  Applies Dragon Form effect
98  MP Detection
99  MP Wait for Cooperation
100 MP Cooperation
101 MP Cooperation Sent
102 Wax Slow Down
103 Used for Evil Eye effect
104 MP Wait for Cooperation
105 MP Cooperation LV 1
106 MP Cooperation LV 2
107 MP Cooperation LV 3
108 Used for Evil Eye effect (1)
109 Used for Evil Eye effect (2)
110 Counter Damage
112 1409F7282_HKS
113 Unknown
114 Unknown
115 Backstep Animation Change
116 Apply Curse
117 Apply Curse - Extra
118 Apply Curse - Extra
119 Effect3231
120 Damage Level Change before Poise Break
121 Damage Level Change
122 Unknown
123 Apply Effect on Roll (Head)
124 Apply Effect on Roll (Body)
125 Apply Effect on Roll (Hands)
126 Apply Effect on Roll (Legs)
127 Mimic Sleep
128 Mimic Sleep
130 Mimic Sleep
131 Mimic Sleep
132 Change Team Type
133 Enable Developer Messages
134 Body Of Iron
135 Mimic Sleep
136 Curse
137 ResonanceLvl 0
138 ResonanceLvl 1
139 ResonanceLvl 2
140 ResonanceLvl 3
141 ResonanceLvl 4
142 NPC Behavior ID Change
143 Character Respawn
144 Unknown
146 Restore Durability
147 Cast Light
148 Unknown
149 White Relief Magic
150 Black Relief Magic
151 Gold Pine Resin VFX
152 Enable AttackOccurance for Enemies
153 Enable AttackOccurance for Players
154 Block Estus usage
155 Modify Poise
156 Disable Durability
157 Transient Curse
158 Modify Guard Absorption
159 Ring of Sacrifice
160 Rare Ring of Sacrifice [DS1]
161 Warp1_Removed
162 Warp2_Removed
163 Warp3_Removed
164 Warp_Firelink
165 Warp4_Removed
166 Pledge Discarded
167 Dragon Change VFX
168 Bow Distance Change
169 Ring of the Sun Princess [DS1]
170 Karmic Justice Counter
171 Karmic Justice - Used for Behavior Change
173 Ritual
174 Power of Evil Spirits
175 Revival Production
176 Aural Decoy
177 Unknown
179 CurseEffectLv1
180 CurseEffectLv2
181 CurseEffectLv3
182 CurseEffectLv4
183 BlueSignVisualization
184 Hide Weapon
185 Gravelord Invasion
186 Orange Charred Ring [DS1]
188 Blade of the Darkmoon
189 Spear of the Church
190 Watchdog of Farron
192 Unknown
193 Modify Effect Duration
194 CompareWith203
195 Unknown
196 IfWorldChrManNull
197 Leo Ring
198 Unknown
199 Use DeathOccurance SpEffect
200 PowerOfMadnessVisual
201 VowOfSilenceVisual
202 Dragon Roar
203 CompareWith194
204 100% Guard Stability
206 Effect12013
207 Effect11897 (Jailer HP Drain)
213 Hornet Ring - Checks for backstab on enemies
221 Effect4085
222 ItemBan
223 Effect9132
224 Effect4700
232 DisableUseAtColiseum
237 Calamity Ring
252 Oil
253 Fire
259 Effect90
260 Apply Frostbite
261 Remove Effect If Torch In Hand
262 WormRecovery(Torch)
264 SetCultBool
266 FallDeathIsDisabled
267 AiVisualDistanceChange
269 Effect1906
275 Player Behavior ID Change
276 Unknown
277 Effect3296
278 DisableSpellEffect
280 WatchdogTriggerForHost
281 WetSystemTrigger
282 Effect140001
283 Unknown
284 SpCategory
285 Unknown
286 Weak Movement Slow
287 Strong Movement Slow
288 Critical Hits (HP)
289 Critical Hits (FP)
290 Grants roll i-frames
291 Grants roll invisibility
292 Repair1
293 Change Durability
294 AldrichFaithful
295 AldrichFaithfulForHost
296 ChrFinder_DarkmoonInvasion
297 Cant Be Used In Session
298 Trigger on Backstab
299 Enemies attack Invaders
300 Enemies attack Invaders
301 1410370B1
302 Warp_Extra
303 Condition Occurence 1
304 Condition Occurence 2
305 Condition Occurence 3
306 Condition Occurence 4
307 Condition Occurence 5
308 Condition Occurence 6
309 Condition Occurence 7
310 Condition Occurence 8 (Jailer HP Drain)
311 Condition Occurence 9
312 Unknown
313 Seek Guidance
314 Add Stability
315 Flynn's Ring - CalcCorrectGraph_32
316 CalcCorrectGraph_33
317 Revoke Online Penalty
318 Dead Again
319 Effect4901
320 Effect4902
321 Reverse Hollowing
322 ChrAsmStyle_HKS_LEFTHAND
324 Unknown
325 Wet Aspect Param
326 Gender Change
327 Ember
328 Change Durability
329 GetEstusCharge
330 Online Check, Reset Event Flag 2100
331 AiParam1
332 AiParam_effect16189
333 SpellEnhance(+6)
334 Bullet Behavior ID Change
335 AiParam2
336 Effect16413
1000 SkipSpCategoryCheck1
1001 SkipSpCategoryCheck2

# Effect Category
10      Stacks with Self
20      Recovery

151     Body Buff (Tears of Denial/Deep Protection)
160     Body Buff (Sacred Oath)
161     Body Buff (Regen Miracles)
162     Weapon Buff (Weapon Buff)
163     Weapon Buff (Shield Buff)

100     Animation Change Offset
1001    Super Armor Change
10001   Damage Level Change

110     Resonance
154     Spook
156     Stamina Recovery
1000    Movement (MoveType)
1002    Lava Walk

10003   Bleed
10004   Poison
10005   Toxic
10007   Frostbite

# Attack Attribute
1   Slash
2   Strike
3   Thrust
4   Standard

# Effect Attribute
1   Physical
2   Fire
3   Magic
4   Poison/Bleed
6   Lightning
7   Petrify
8   Crystallized
9   Dark

# Damage Level
Controls stagger animations on damage.

1   Blocks stagger animation
2   Normal Stagger
3   Normal Stagger
4   Big knockback to floor
5   Stumble backwards
6   Faceplant
7   Big knockback to floor
8   Applies faceplant knockdown animation
9   Applies air uppercut knockdown animation
10  Applies push animation
11  Applies big stagger knockdown animation
12  Applies tumble backwards knockdown animation

# Throw Trigger
0   None
1   Not Allowed
2   Parry
4   Fall
5   Hornet Ring
6   Lifedrain

# Move Type
0   None
3   1
4   2
5   3

# Weapon Param Change
Controls which weapon element to affect.

0   None
1   Right-hand Weapon
2   Left-hand Weapon
3   Any
4   Kick

Note: any value other than 0 will cause the effect to terminate when the weapon is switched

# Wet Aspect Param ID
0   1 - Water Wet
1   2 - Poison Wet
2   4 - Mud Stains
3   6 - Freezing
4   3 - Oil Wet
5   5 - Sand Dust
6   10 - Preliminary 2
7   Any

# Aux Change %
7.006492E-45 # 5
1.401298E-44 # 10
2.802597E-44 # 20
4.203895E-44 # 30
5.605194E-44 # 40
7.006492E-44 # 50
8.407791E-44 # 60
9.809089E-44 # 70
1.121039E-43 # 80
1.261169E-43 # 90

1.401298E-43 # 100
1.751623E-43 # 125
2.101948E-43 # 150
2.452272E-43 # 175
2.802597E-43 # 200
3.503246E-43 # 250
4.203895E-43 # 300
4.903895E-43 # 350
5.605194E-43 # 400
7.006492E-43 # 500

# State Effect
State Info: 303 (when using State Effects)

# Conditions
3  - Unknown
5  - Unknown
7  - Unknown
17 - Used for attack consecutively, get buff
30 - Used for attack consecutively, get buff
45 - Used for attack consecutively, get buff
60 - Used for attack consecutively, get buff
85 - Unknown
120 - Unknown
180 - Unknown
250 - Jailer HP Drain

# State Effect Increment
Adjusts counter for conditionUnknown

# Behavior
Behavior ID; <target behavior>
State Info: 275
Unk8: <position id>

# Unks
Unk8 - Used for bullets from various positions with Snake Spirits, maybe dmypoly IDUnknown
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