Rosaria's Fingers


Sacred seal of Archdeacon Klimt, who served
Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth.

Increases soul absorption by 10% whilst worn.

Enables the collection of Pale Tongues from

Rosaria's Fingers collect tongues in her name.
Some do it to be reborn; others do it to help
comfort their voiceless goddess.


Given by Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth.


Devotion Level Offerings required Emblem Effect
I None Boosts Souls gained from defeated enemies by 10%.
II 10 Pale Tongue Boosts Souls gained from defeated enemies by 15%.
III 20 Pale Tongue Boosts Souls gained from defeated enemies by 20%.
IV 30 Pale Tongue Boosts Souls gained from defeated enemies by 25%.
V 50 Pale Tongue Boosts Souls gained from defeated enemies by 30%.

List of Rewards

Reward Offerings required Souls Required
Soul of Rosaria 10 Pale Tongue 2,500
Dragonslayer's Axe 10 Pale Tongue 16,000
Man-grub's Staff 10 Pale Tongue 20,000
Helm of Thorns 3 Pale Tongue 3,500
Armor of Thorns 3 Pale Tongue 5,000
Gauntlets of Thorns 3 Pale Tongue 4,000
Leggings of Thorns 3 Pale Tongue 3,500
Creighton's Steel Mask 3 Pale Tongue 3,000
Mirrah Chain Mail 3 Pale Tongue 5,000
Mirrah Chain Gloves 3 Pale Tongue 3,000
Mirrah Chain Leggings 3 Pale Tongue 3,000
Silver Mask 3 Pale Tongue 1,500
Obscuring Ring 15 Pale Tongue 15,000

Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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