Red Tearstone Ring
Red Tearstone Ring
Red Tearstone Ring Image
Weight Weight 1.0
Sell Price Sell Price 300


A ring set with a large rare tearstone jewel.

Temporarily boosts attack by 20% whilst below 25% HP.

This stone is said to be a tear of mourning
of the goddess Caitha, and of course,
tears are always more beautiful near death.


Boosts damage by 20% whilst below 25% HP.

Ring Version Effect
Red Tearstone Ring Boosts damage by 20% whilst below 25% HP.
Red Tearstone Ring +1 Boosts damage by 20% whilst below 30% HP.
Red Tearstone Ring +2 Boosts damage by 20% whilst below 35% HP.
Red Tearstone Ring +3 Boosts damage by 20% whilst below 40% HP.
Red Tearstone Ring +4 Boosts damage by 20% whilst below 45% HP.
Red Tearstone Ring +5 Boosts damage by 20% whilst below 50% HP.


Found in Lothric Castle.

Ring Version Acquisition
Red Tearstone Ring Found in Lothric Castle.
Red Tearstone Ring +1 Obtained through Affixing.
Red Tearstone Ring +2 Obtained through Affixing.
Red Tearstone Ring +3 Obtained through Affixing.
Red Tearstone Ring +4 Obtained through Affixing.
Red Tearstone Ring +5 Obtained through Affixing.

Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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