Dusk Crown Ring
Dusk Crown Ring
Dusk Crown Ring Image
Weight Weight 0.5
Sell Price Sell Price 1,000


Leaf-colored crown ring bestowed upon the
princess of Oolacile, ancient land of golden

Reduces all spell FP cost by 40% but reduces max HP by 30%.

Oolacile is synonymous for its lost sorceries,
of which the xanthous sorcerers are dedicated
scholars. This crown ring is a rare artifact of
great magic heritage.


Reduces all spell FP cost by 40% but reduces max HP by 30%.

Ring Version Effect
Dusk Crown Ring Reduces all spell FP cost by 40% but reduces max HP by 30%.
Dusk Crown Ring +1 Reduces all spell FP cost by 40% but reduces max HP by 26%.
Dusk Crown Ring +2 Reduces all spell FP cost by 40% but reduces max HP by 22%.
Dusk Crown Ring +3 Reduces all spell FP cost by 40% but reduces max HP by 18%.
Dusk Crown Ring +4 Reduces all spell FP cost by 40% but reduces max HP by 14%.
Dusk Crown Ring +5 Reduces all spell FP cost by 40% but reduces max HP by 10%.


Found in Farron Keep.

Ring Version Acquisition
Dusk Crown Ring Found in Farron Keep.
Dusk Crown Ring +1 Obtained through Affixing.
Dusk Crown Ring +2 Obtained through Affixing.
Dusk Crown Ring +3 Obtained through Affixing.
Dusk Crown Ring +4 Obtained through Affixing.
Dusk Crown Ring +5 Obtained through Affixing.

Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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