Cursebite Ring
Cursebite Ring
Cursebite Ring Image
Weight Weight 1.0
Sell Price Sell Price 100


One of the bite rings native to Carim.

Increases curse resistance by 100.

The crafting of these rings is forbidden,
perhaps owing to a fear of malleable stone.
Clerics, however, dabble freely in the art.


Increases Curse resistance by +100.

Ring Version Effect
Cursebite Ring Increases Curse resistance by +100.
Cursebite Ring +1 Increases Curse resistance by +120.
Cursebite Ring +2 Increases Curse resistance by +140.
Cursebite Ring +3 Increases Curse resistance by +160.
Cursebite Ring +4 Increases Curse resistance by +180.
Cursebite Ring +5 Increases Curse resistance by +200.


Found in the Cathedral of the Deep.

Ring Version Acquisition
Cursebite Ring Found in the Cathedral of the Deep.
Cursebite Ring +1 Obtained through Affixing.
Cursebite Ring +2 Obtained through Affixing.
Cursebite Ring +3 Obtained through Affixing.
Cursebite Ring +4 Obtained through Affixing.
Cursebite Ring +5 Obtained through Affixing.

Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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