Icon Notes
# UI Icons
10004   Dried Finger
10005   Shadowy Hollow
10006   Open Red Eye
10007   Closed Black Eye
10008   Estus with Down Blue Arrow
10009    Attack                      - Sword with up arrow
10010    Magic                       - Scroll with up arrow
10011    Defence                     - Armor with up arrow
10012    Resistances                 - Person with up arrow
10013    Stamina Regen               - Three green up arrows
10014    HP Regen                    - Yellow orb
10015    FP Regen                    - Blue orb
10016    Estus                       - Estus Flask with Yellow up arrow
10017    Ashen Estus                 - Ashen Estus Flask with Yellow up arrow
10018    Absorb HP                   - Black Eye with yellow up arrow
10019    Absorb FP                   - Black eye with blue up arrow
10020    FP Cost                     - Blue square with scroll icon
10021    Weapon Skill                - Blue square with WA icon
10022    Durability                  - Wood Grain Ring
10023    Carthus Milkring            - Tumbling person
10024    Silvercat Ring              - Silver cat
10025    Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring - Foot with silent aura
10026    Ring of Sacrifice           - Ring of Sacrifice
10027    Bow Distance                - Bow and arrow
10028    Leo Ring                    - Spear thrusting
10029   Message Icon
10030    Item Discovery              - Gold Serpent
10031    Souls                       - Silver Serpent
10032    Skull Ring                  - Alluring Skull
10033    Poise                       - Poise icon
10034    Calamity Ring               - Calamity ring
10035   Seed of a Giant Tree
10036   Damaged Helm
10037   Broken Helm 
10038   Damaged Armor
10039   Broken Armor
10040   Damaged Gauntlets
10041   Broken Gauntlets
10042   Damaged Leggings
10043   Broken Leggings
10044   Password Seal icon
10045   Armor and sword with blue aura and blue down arrow

# Weapons
1001 Dagger
1002 Bandit's Knife
1003 Parrying Dagger
1005 Rotten Ghru Dagger
1007 Harpe
1008 Scholar's Candlestick
1009 Tailbone Short Sword
1010 Corvian Greatknife
1180 Handmaid's Dagger
1281 Aquamarine Dagger
1282 Murky Hand Scythe

1012 Shortsword
1013 Long Sword
1014 Broadsword
1015 Broken Straight Sword
1018 Lothric Knight Sword
1022 Sunlight Straight Sword
1023 Rotten Ghru Curved Sword
1025 Irithyll Straight Sword
1027 Cleric's Candlestick
1184 Morion Blade
1185 Astora Straight Sword
1186 Barbed Straight Sword
1266 Anri's Straight Sword
1267 Onyx Blade
1283 Ringed Knight Straight Sword
1069 Dark Sword
1070 Black Knight Sword
1261 Lothric's Holy Sword
1262 Wolnir's Holy Sword

1028 Estoc
1029 Mail Breaker
1030 Rapier
1031 Ricard's Rapier
1032 Crystal Sage's Rapier
1188 Irithyll Rapier
1277 Crow Quills

1033 Shotel
1035 Scimitar
1036 Falchion
1037 Carthus Curved Sword
1039 Pontiff Knight Curved Sword
1040 Storm Curved Sword
1189 Painting Guardian's Curved Sword
1190 Crescent Moon Sword
1191 Carthus Shotel
1268 Follower Sabre
1285 Demon's Scar

1041 Uchigatana
1042 Washing Pole
1043 Chaos Blade
1044 Black Blade
1193 Bloodlust
1194 Darkdrift
1286 Frayed Blade

1045 Bastard Sword
1047 Claymore
1049 Zweihander
1050 Greatsword
1052 Astora Greatsword
1053 Murakumo
1055 Lothric Knight Greatsword
1058 Black Knight Greatsword
1059 Flamberge
1060 Exile Greatsword
1062 Greatsword of Judgment
1063 Profaned Greatsword
1064 Cathedral Knight Greatsword
1065 Farron Greatsword
1068 Yhorm's Great Machete
1187 Executioner's Greatsword
1284 Gael's Greatsword
1038 Carthus Curved Greatsword
1061 Lorian's Greatsword
1260 Twin Princes' Greatsword
1196 Wolf Knight's Greatsword
1197 Hollowslayer Greatsword
1198 Moonlight Greatsword
1199 Drakeblood Greatsword
1200 Firelink Greatsword
1201 Fume Ultra Greatsword
1202 Old Wolf Curved Sword
1265 Storm Ruler
1299 Harald Curved Greatsword
1168 Great Machete

1071 Hand Axe
1072 Battle Axe
1073 Brigand Axe
1075 Crescent Axe
1078 Butcher Knife
1079 Dragonslayer's Axe
1080 Missionary's Axe
1081 Thrall Axe
1205 Eleonora
1206 Man Serpent Hatchet
1269 Millwood Battle Axe

1076 Greataxe
1082 Dragonslayer Greataxe
1083 Demon's Greataxe
1270 Earth Seeker
1124 Black Knight Greataxe

1084 Club
1085 Mace
1086 Morning Star
1087 Reinforced Club
1090 Large Club
1091 Great Club
1094 Great Mace
1099 Great Wooden Hammer
1100 Gargoyle Flame Hammer
1101 Vordt's Great Hammer
1102 Old King's Great Hammer
1208 Four Knights Hammer
1209 Heysel Pick
1210 Hammer of the Great Tree
1211 Warpick
1212 Pickaxe
1213 Dragon Tooth
1214 Smough's Great Hammer
1215 Blacksmith Hammer
1263 Morne's Great Hammer
1264 Spiked Mace
1271 Quakestone Hammer
1287 Ledo's Great Hammer

1104 Spear
1105 Winged Spear
1107 Partizan
1111 Greatlance
1112 Lothric Knight Long Spear
1113 Four-Pronged Plow
1114 Gargoyle Flame Spear
1115 Rotten Ghru Spear
1116 Tailbone Spear
1117 Soldering Iron
1118 Dragonslayer Swordspear
1216 Arstor's Spear
1217 Saint Bident
1218 Yorshka's Spear
1219 Pike
1221 Dragonslayer Spear
1272 Follower Javelin
1288 Ringed Knight Spear
1289 Lothric War Banner

1120 Lucerne
1121 Glaive
1122 Halberd
1128 Winged Knight Halberd
1129 Gundyr's Halberd
1223 Ancient Dragon Halberd
1225 Red Hilted Halberd
1226 Black Knight Glaive
1227 Immolation Tinder
1291 Splitleaf Greatsword
1290 Crucifix of the Mad King

1119 Great Scythe
1126 Pontiff Knight Great Scythe
1127 Great Corvian Scythe
1222 Lothric's Scythe
1273 Friede's Great Scythe

1130 Claw
1131 Caestus
1132 Manikin Claws
1103 Demon's Fist
1229 Dark Hand
1275 Crow Talons

1133 Whip
1230 Witch's Locks
1231 Notched Whip
1232 Spotted Whip
1274 Rose of Ariandel

1138 Talisman
1139 Sorcerer's Staff
1140 Storyteller's Staff
1141 Mendicant's Staff
1143 Man-grub's Staff
1144 Archdeacon's Great Staff
1145 Golden Ritual Spear
1147 Yorshka's Chime
1233 Sage's Crystal Staff
1234 Heretic's Staff
1235 Court Sorcerer's Staff
1236 Witchtree Branch
1237 Izalith Staff
1238 Cleric's Sacred Chime
1239 Priest's Chime
1240 Saint-tree Bellvine
1241 Caitha's Chime
1242 Crystal Chime
1243 Sunlight Talisman
1244 Canvas Talisman
1245 Sunless Talisman
1246 Saint's Talisman
1247 White Hair Talisman
1248 Pyromancy Flame
1279 Pyromancer's Parting Flame
1292 Murky Longstaff
1293 Sacred Chime of Filianore
1298 Preacher's Right Arm

1149 Dragonslayer Greatbow
1150 Short Bow
1151 Composite Bow
1153 Light Crossbow
1154 Arbalest
1155 Longbow
1156 Dragonrider Bow
1158 Avelyn
1159 Knight's Crossbow
1160 Heavy Crossbow
1294 White Birch Bow
1254 Darkmoon Longbow
1255 Onislayer Greatbow
1256 Black Bow of Pharis
1258 Sniper Crossbow
1278 Millwood Greatbow
1295 Repeating Crossbow

1163 Sellsword Twinblades
1165 Warden Twinblades
1166 Winged Knight Twinaxes
1167 Dancer's Enchanted Swords
1169 Brigand Twindaggers
1170 Gotthard Twinswords
1171 Golden Dual Swords
1172 Onikiri and Ubadachi
1173 Drang Twinspears
1259 Drang Hammers
1296 Giant Door Shield
1276 Valorheart
1297 Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords

1177 Torch
1280 Follower Torch

6000 Standard Arrow
6001 Fire Arrow
6002 Poison Arrow
6003 Large Arrow
6004 Feather Arrow
6005 Moonlight Arrow
6006 Wood Arrow
6007 Dragonslayer Greatarrow
6009 Standard Bolt
6010 Heavy Bolt
6011 Sniper Bolt
6012 Wood Bolt
6013 Lightning Bolt
6014 Splintering Bolt
6015 Exploding Bolt
6016 Dark Arrow
6017 Dragonslayer Lightning Arrow
6018 Onislayer Greatarrow
6019 Millwood Greatarrow

2000 Buckler
2001 Small Leather Shield
2003 Round Shield
2004 Large Leather Shield
2006 Hawkwood's Shield
2007 Iron Round Shield
2010 Wooden Shield
2011 Kite Shield
2012 Ghru Rotshield
2014 Havel's Greatshield
2015 Target Shield
2028 Elkhorn Round Shield
2029 Warrior's Round Shield
2030 Caduceus Round Shield
2031 Red and White Round Shield
2032 Plank Shield
2033 Leather Shield
2034 Crimson Parma
2035 Eastern Iron Shield
2036 Llewellyn Shield
2038 Golden Falcon Shield
2039 Sacred Bloom Shield
2071 Ancient Dragon Greatshield
2073 Follower Shield
2074 Dragonhead Shield
2017 Lothric Knight Shield
2020 Knight Shield
2022 Pontiff Knight Shield
2021 Carthus Shield
2023 Black Knight Shield
2041 Silver Knight Shield
2042 Spiked Shield
2043 Pierce Shield
2044 East-West Shield
2045 Sunlight Shield
2046 Crest Shield
2047 Dragon Crest Shield
2048 Spider Shield
2049 Grass Crest Shield
2050 Sunset Shield
2051 Golden Wing Crest Shield
2052 Blue Wooden Shield
2053 Silver Eagle Kite Shield
2054 Stone Parma
2055 Spirit Tree Crest Shield
2056 Porcine Shield
2057 Shield of Want
2058 Wargod Wooden Shield
2072 Ethereal Oak Shield
2075 Dragonhead Greatshield
2024 Lothric Knight Greatshield
2025 Cathedral Knight Greatshield
2027 Dragonslayer Greatshield
2061 Moaning Shield
2063 Yhorm's Greatshield
2064 Black Iron Greatshield
2065 Wolf Knight's Greatshield
2066 Twin Dragon Greatshield
2067 Greatshield of Glory
2068 Curse Ward Greatshield
2069 Bonewheel Shield
2070 Stone Greatshield

2037 Cleric Parma
2040 Prince's Shield
2062 Ancient Dragon Greatshield

# Rings
5131 Blade of the Darkmoon
5132 Watchdogs of Farron
5133 Aldrich Faithful
5136 Warrior of Sunlight
5137 Mound-makers
5135 Way of Blue
5138 Blue Sentinels
5130 Rosaria's Fingers
5139 Spears of the Church

5000 Life Ring
5004 Chloranthy Ring
5007 Havel's Ring
5010 Ring of Favor
5013 Ring of Steel Protection
5016 Flame Stoneplate Ring
5019 Thunder Stoneplate Ring
5022 Magic Stoneplate Ring
5025 Dark Stoneplate Ring
5028 Speckled Stoneplate Ring
5030 Bloodbite Ring
5032 Poisonbite Ring
5034 Cursebite Ring
5035 Fleshbite Ring
5037 Wood Grain Ring
5040 Scholar Ring
5041 Priestess Ring
5042 Red Tearstone Ring
5043 Blue Tearstone Ring
5044 Wolf Ring
5047 Leo Ring
5048 Ring of Sacrifice
5050 Young Dragon Ring
5051 Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring
5052 Great Swamp Ring
5053 Witch's Ring
5054 Morne's Ring
5055 Ring of the Sun's First Born
5058 Lingering Dragoncrest Ring
5061 Sage Ring
5064 Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring
5065 Dusk Crown Ring
5066 Saint's Ring
5067 Deep Ring
5068 Darkmoon Ring
5072 Hawk Ring
5073 Hornet Ring
5074 Covetous Gold Serpent Ring
5077 Covetous Silver Serpent Ring
5080 Sun Princess Ring
5081 Silvercat Ring
5082 Skull Ring
5083 Untrue White Ring
5084 Carthus Milkring
5085 Knight's Ring
5086 Hunter's Ring
5087 Knight Slayer's Ring
5088 Magic Clutch Ring
5089 Lightning Clutch Ring
5090 Fire Clutch Ring
5091 Dark Clutch Ring
5093 Flynn's Ring
5094 Prisoner's Chain
5095 Untrue Dark Ring
5096 Yorgh's Ring
5098 Ring of the Evil Eye
5101 Calamity Ring
5102 Farron Ring
5103 Aldrich's Ruby
5104 Aldrich's Sapphire
5107 Lloyd's Sword Ring
5108 Lloyd's Shield Ring
5110 Obscuring Ring
5111 Estus Ring
5112 Ashen Estus Ring
5113 Horsehoof Ring
5114 Carthus Bloodring
5115 Reversal Ring
5116 Pontiff's Right Eye
5120 Pontiff's Left Eye
5124 Dragonscale Ring
5125 Chillbite Ring

# Goods
1   White Sign Soapstone
2   Red Sign Soapstone
3   Red Eye Orb
4   Black Separation Crystal
5   Darksign
6   Estus Flask
7   Estus Flask
10  Ashen Estus Flask
11  Ashen Estus Flask
14  Divine Blessing
15  Green Blossom
16  Bloodred Moss Clump
17  Purple Moss Clump
18  Blooming Purple Moss Clump
19  Purging Stone
22  Kukri
23  Poison Kukri
25  Throwing Knife
26  Poison Throwing Knife
28  Firebomb
29  Molotov
30  Black Firebomb
31  Black Molotov
32  Dung Pie
33  Alluring Skull
34  Undead Hunter Charm
35  Charcoal Pine Resin
36  Gold Pine Resin
37  Rotten Pine Resin
38  Charcoal Pine Bundle
39  Gold Pine Bundle
40  Rotten Pine Bundle
41  Homeward Bone
42  Prism Stone
43  Binoculars
44  Pale Tongue
45  Vertebra Shackle
47  Rubbish
48  Dried Finger
49  Fire Keeper Soul
61  Titanite Shard
62  Large Titanite Shard
64  Titanite Chunk
68  Titanite Slab
72  Dragon Scale
73  Titanite Scale
74  Twinkling Titanite
75  Hello Carving
76  Thank you Carving
77  I'm sorry Carving
78  Very good! Carving
83  Help me! Carving
84  Rime-blue Moss Clump
85  Rope Firebomb
86  Rope Black Firebomb
87  Lift Chamber Key
88  Ember
89  Soul of {Boss}
90  Monastery Charm
91  Lightning Urn
92  Holy Urn
93  Dragon Head Stone
94  Dragon Torso Stone
95  Pale Pine Resin
96  Human Pine Resin
97  Carthus Rouge
98  Brightbug
99  Pendant
100 Coiled Sword Fragment
101 Young White Branch
102 Rusted Coin
103 Repair Powder
104 Silver Pendant
105 Way of White Circlet
106 Seed of a Giant Tree
107 Sunlight Medal
108 Proof of a Concord Kept
111 Hidden Blessing
112 Stalk Dung Pie
113 Oozing Charm Berry
114 Oozing Charm Berry
115 Mossfruit
116 Spirit Amethyst
117 Holy Remains
118 Heavy Gem
119 Sharp Gem
120 Refined Gem
121 Crystal Gem
122 Simple Gem
123 Fire Gem
124 Chaos Gem
125 Lightning Gem
126 Deep Gem
127 Dark Gem
128 Poison Gem
129 Blood Gem
130 Raw Gem
131 Blessed Gem
132 Hollow Gem
133 Roster of Knights
135 Spirit Amethyst (Drained)
138 Small Lothric Banner
139 Farron Coal
140 Sage's Coal
141 Giant's Coal
142 Profaned Coal
143 Mortician's Ashes
144 Dreamchaser's Ashes
145 Paladin's Ashes
146 Grave Warden's Ashes
147 Greirat's Ashes
148 Orbeck's Ashes
149 Cornyx's Ashes
150 Karla's Ashes
151 Irina's Ashes
152 Yuria's Ashes
153 Loretta's Bone
154 Braille Divine Tome of Carim
155 Braille Divine Tome of Lothric
156 Braille Divine Sunlight Tome
157 Dark Sigil
158 Basin of Vows
159 Cinders of a Lord
160 Cinders of a Lord
161 Cinders of a Lord
162 Cinders of a Lord
163 Duel Charm
164 Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome
165 Carthus Pyromancy Tome
166 Izalith Pyromancy Tome
167 Quelana Pyromancy Tome
168 Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome
169 Sage's Scroll
170 Logan's Scroll
171 Crystal Scroll
172 Transposing Kiln
173 Iron Seal of the Wolf
174 Small Doll
177 Coiled Sword
178 Twinkling Dragon Head Stone
179 Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone
180 Jailbreaker's Key
181 Jailer's Key Ring
182 Bridge Key
183 Grave Key
184 Eyes of a Fire Keeper
185 Cracked Red Eye Orb
186 Cell Key
187 Black Eye Orb
188 Sword of Avowal
190 Siegbräu
191 Dungeon Ground Floor Key
192 Old Cell Key
193 Proof of a Concord Well Kept
194 Golden Scroll
195 Estus Shard
196 Soul of Rosaria
197 Shriving Stone
198 Rusted Gold Coin
199 Tower Key
200 Grand Archives Key
201 Hawkwood's Swordgrass
202 Undead Bone Shard
203 Deep Braille Divine Tome
204 Londor Braille Divine Tome
205 Blue Bug Pellet
206 Red Bug Pellet
207 Yellow Bug Pellet
208 Black Bug Pellet
209 Excrement-covered Ashes
210 Prisoner Chief's Ashes
211 Xanthous Ashes
212 Hollow's Ashes
213 Patches' Ashes
214 Fading Soul
215 Soul of a Deserted Corpse
216 Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse
217 Soul of an Unknown Traveler
218 Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler
219 Soul of a Nameless Soldier
220 Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier
221 Soul of a Weary Warrior
222 Large Soul of a Weary Warrior
223 Soul of a Crestfallen Knight
224 Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight
225 Soul of a Proud Paladin
226 Large Soul of a Proud Paladin
227 Soul of an Intrepid Hero
228 Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
229 Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
230 Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
231 Soul of an Old Hand
232 Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
233 Soul of a Champion
234 Soul of a Great Champion
235 Dragon Chaser's Ashes
236 Young White Branch
237 Wolf's Blood Swordgrass
238 Human Dregs
239 Soul of a Crystal Sage
240 Soul of the Old Demon King
241 Soul of a Stray Demon
242 Soul of the Deacons of the Deep
243 Soul of Aldrich
244 Soul of the Rotted Greatwood
245 Soul of the Nameless King
246 Soul of the Twin Princes
247 Soul of the Lords
248 Soul of the Blood of the Wolf
249 Budding Green Blossom
251 Easterner's Ashes
252 Forked Pale Tongue
253 Champion's Bones
254 Soul of Sister Friede
255 Captain's Ashes
256 Contraption Key
257 Soul of Slave Knight Gael
258 Soul of the Demon Prince
259 Small Envoy Banner
260 Church Guardian Shiv
261 Old Woman's Ashes
262 Blood of the Dark Soul
263 Filianore's Spear Ornament
264 Soul of Darkeater Midir
265 Ritual Spear Fragment
266 Divine Spear Fragment
267 Young Grass Dew
4141 Proof of a Pact

# Spells
4130 Farron Dart
4131 Great Farron Dart
4000 Soul Arrow
4001 Great Soul Arrow
4002 Heavy Soul Arrow
4003 Great Heavy Soul Arrow
4004 Homing Soulmass
4005 Homing Crystal Soulmass
4006 Soul Spear
4007 Crystal Soul Spear
4099 Deep Soul
4101 Great Deep Soul
4008 Magic Weapon
4009 Great Magic Weapon
4010 Crystal Magic Weapon
4135 Frozen Weapon
4011 Magic Shield
4012 Great Magic Shield
4013 Hidden Weapon
4014 Hidden Body
4015 Cast Light
4017 Repair
4018 Spook
4019 Chameleon
4065 Aural Decoy
4057 White Dragon Breath
4059 Farron Hail
4060 Crystal Hail
4061 Soul Greatsword
4102 Farron Flashsword
4144 Old Moonlight
4106 Affinity
4145 Great Soul Dregs
4126 Dark Edge
4104 Soul Stream
4115 Twisted Wall of Light
4125 Pestilent Mist
4136 Snap Freeze

4021 Fireball
4023 Fire Orb
4024 Firestorm
4088 Fire Surge
4100 Black Serpent
4028 Great Combustion
4029 Poison Mist
4030 Toxic Mist
4094 Acid Surge
4031 Iron Flesh
4032 Flash Sweat
4033 Carthus Flame Arc
4096 Rapport
4095 Power Within
4054 Great Chaos Fire Orb
4087 Chaos Storm
4089 Fire Whip
4097 Black Flame
4091 Profaned Flame
4092 Chaos Bed Vestiges
4137 Floating Chaos
4146 Flame Fan
4098 Warmth
4084 Profuse Sweat
4108 Black Fire Orb
4110 Bursting Fireball
4113 Boulder Heave
4114 Sacred Flame
4116 Carthus Beacon
4147 Seething Chaos

4132 Heal Aid
4034 Heal
4069 Med Heal
4035 Great Heal
4036 Soothing Sunlight
4037 Replenishment
4038 Bountiful Sunlight
4071 Bountiful Light
4072 Caressing Tears
4148 Lightning Arrow
4052 Tears of Denial
4039 Homeward
4040 Force
4041 Wrath of the Gods
4042 Emit Force
4043 Seek Guidance
4044 Lightning Spear
4045 Great Lightning Spear
4046 Sunlight Spear
4123 Lightning Storm
4117 Gnaw
4118 Dorhys' Gnawing
4138 Way of White Corona
4149 Projected Heal
4047 Magic Barrier
4048 Great Magic Barrier
4051 Sacred Oath
4074 Vow of Silence
4049 Lightning Blade
4077 Darkmoon Blade
4112 Dark Blade
4111 Dead Again
4121 Lightning Stake
4122 Divine Pillars of Light
4119 Lifehunt Scythe
4129 Blessed Weapon
4128 Deep Protection
4127 Atonement

# Gesture
7000 Beckon
7005 Point forward
7012 Hurrah!
7010 Bow
7014 Jump for joy
7004 Duel bow
7011 Wave
7001 Praise the Sun
7002 Point up
7003 Point down
7007 Prostration
7008 Proper bow
7009 Prayer
7006 Welcome
7016 Joy
7015 My thanks!
7018 Rest
7024 By my sword
7029 Dignified bow
7032 Curl up
7033 Stretch out
7034 Call over
7035 Collapse
7036 Quiet Resolve
7037 Patches Squat
7038 Applause
7039 Path of the Dragon
7040 Legion Etiquette
7041 Darkmoon Loyalty
7042 Sleep
7043 Toast
7044 Silent Ally
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