Equipweaponparam Notes
# Unknowns
Unk6    100 # Normal
Unk6    102 # Great Club, Great Wooden Hammer, Spell Tool
Unk6    103 # Demon's Scar, Demon's Fist, Whips
Unk6    104 # Valorheart, Small Shields
Unk6    105 # Giant Door Shield, Normal Shields
Unk6    109 # Pyromancy Flame
Unk6    127 # Dragonhead Shield, Stone Parma, Dragonhead Greatshield
Unk6    129 # Havel's Greatshield, Greatshields

Unk8    1   # Normal
Unk8    2   # Big Weapons - Executioner's Greatsword, Onyx Blade, Sword of Avowal, Carthus Curved Greatsword, Bastard Sword, Claymore

Unk9    1   # Normal
Unk9    2   # Bone Rapier, Irithyll Greatsword, Wolnir's Holy Sword, Wolf Knight's Greatsword, Moonlight Greatsword, Firelink Greatsword, Fume Ultra Greatsword, Old Wolf Curved Sword, Storm Ruler

# Toughness
This is what controls the vanilla Hyper armor system.

# Scaling
E = <1, 20>
D = <21, 50>
C = <51, 80>
B = <81, 110>
A = <111, 140>
S = <141>

LCK scaling affects aux scaling (even without a AttackCorrectParam enabling it for damage).

# Moveset Attribute
Controls the hit sfx of the weapon.

1   Blood
2   Fire
3   Magic
4   Blood
5   Blood
6   Lightning
7   Blood
8   Blood
9   Dark
10  Magic Sparks

# Weapon Moveset Category
20    Dagger
23    Sword
25    Greatsword 
26    Ultra Greatsword
28    Curved Sword
28    Curved Greatsword
29    Katana
30    Axe
32    Greataxe
33    Hammer
35    Great Hammer
36    Spear
38    Halberd
41    Staff
43    Whip
44    Bow
45    Greatbow
46    Crossbow
42    Fist
43    Claw
47    Greatshield
48    Shield
49    Torch

# Moveset Override Category
152     Dagger
153     Bandit's Knife
71      Parrying Dagger
72      Rotten Ghru Dagger
72      Harpe
206     Scholar's Candlestick
204     Tailbone Short Sword
72      Corvian Greatknife
153     Handmaid's Dagger
256     Aquamarine Dagger
72      Murky Hand Scythe

54      Shortsword
0       Long Sword
53      Broadsword
53      Broken Straight Sword
54      Lothric Knight Sword
209     Sunlight Straight Sword
151     Rotten Ghru Curved Sword
208     Irithyll Straight Sword
207     Cleric's Candlestick
0       Morion Blade
0       Astora Straight Sword
0       Barbed Straight Sword
0       Anri's Straight Sword
245     Onyx Blade
251     Ringed Knight Straight Sword
57      Dark Sword
80      Black Knight Sword
188     Lothric's Holy Sword
156     Wolnir's Holy Sword

113     Estoc
205     Mail Breaker
218     Rapier
115     Ricard's Rapier
0       Crystal Sage's Rapier
187     Irithyll Rapier
237     Crow Quills

99      Shotel
151     Scimitar
0       Falchion
0       Carthus Curved Sword
164     Pontiff Knight Curved Sword
212     Storm Curved Sword
101     Painting Guardian's Curved Sword
165     Crescent Moon Sword
0       Carthus Shotel
247     Follower Sabre
257     Demon's Scar

0       Uchigatana
0       Washing Pole
0       Chaos Blade
90      Black Blade
198     Bloodlust
0       Darkdrift
258     Frayed Blade

0       Bastard Sword
74      Claymore
203     Zweihander
193     Greatsword
160     Astora Greatsword
195     Murakumo
202     Lothric Knight Greatsword
128     Black Knight Greatsword
0       Flamberge
195     Exile Greatsword
154     Greatsword of Judgment
162     Profaned Greatsword
95      Cathedral Knight Greatsword
161     Farron Greatsword
169     Yhorm's Great Machete
221     Executioner's Greatsword
263     Gael's Greatsword
51      Carthus Curved Greatsword
189     Lorian's Greatsword
155     Twin Princes' Greatsword
131     Wolf Knight's Greatsword
157     Hollowslayer Greatsword
158     Moonlight Greatsword
196     Drakeblood Greatsword
159     Firelink Greatsword
163     Fume Ultra Greatsword
166     Old Wolf Curved Sword
0       Storm Ruler
264     Harald Curved Greatsword
0       Great Machete

102     Hand Axe
0       Battle Axe
0       Brigand Axe
0       Crescent Axe
103     Butcher Knife
0       Dragonslayer's Axe
0       Missionary's Axe
102     Thrall Axe
167     Eleonora
0       Man Serpent Hatchet
241     Millwood Battle Axe

0       Greataxe
199     Dragonslayer Greataxe
168     Demon's Greataxe
242     Earth Seeker
107     Black Knight Greataxe

59      Club
0       Mace
0       Morning Star
210     Reinforced Club
69      Large Club
220     Heysel Pick

213     Great Club
0       Great Mace
0       Great Wooden Hammer
172     Gargoyle Flame Hammer
173     Vordt's Great Hammer
174     Old King's Great Hammer
0       Four Knights Hammer
0       Hammer of the Great Tree
228     Warpick
171     Pickaxe
0       Dragon Tooth
70      Smough's Great Hammer
0       Blacksmith Hammer
211     Morne's Great Hammer
0       Spiked Mace
243     Quakestone Hammer
259     Ledo's Great Hammer

200     Spear
0       Winged Spear
63      Partizan
177     Greatlance
67      Lothric Knight Long Spear
134     Four-Pronged Plow
175     Gargoyle Flame Spear
0       Rotten Ghru Spear
0       Tailbone Spear
0       Soldering Iron
176     Dragonslayer Swordspear
200     Arstor's Spear
0       Saint Bident
197     Yorshka's Spear
67      Pike
68      Dragonslayer Spear
246     Follower Javelin
252     Ringed Knight Spear
260     Lothric War Banner
178     Golden Ritual Spear

0       Lucerne
0       Glaive
108     Halberd
201     Winged Knight Halberd
215     Gundyr's Halberd
0       Ancient Dragon Halberd
108     Red Hilted Halberd
112     Black Knight Glaive
217     Immolation Tinder
248     Splitleaf Greatsword
261     Crucifix of the Mad King

50      Great Scythe
179     Pontiff Knight Great Scythe
50      Great Corvian Scythe
50      Lothric's Scythe
232     Friede's Great Scythe

146     Claw
152     Caestus
146     Manikin Claws
152     Demon's Fist
123     Dark Hand
235     Crow Talons

231     Whip
229     Witch's Locks
231     Notched Whip
231     Spotted Whip
234     Rose of Ariandel

127     Talisman
0       Sorcerer's Staff
224     Storyteller's Staff
0       Mendicant's Staff
0       Man-grub's Staff
0       Archdeacon's Great Staff
185     Yorshka's Chime
223     Sage's Crystal Staff
0       Heretic's Staff
0       Court Sorcerer's Staff
0       Witchtree Branch
0       Izalith Staff
185     Cleric's Sacred Chime
185     Priest's Chime
185     Saint-tree Bellvine
185     Caitha's Chime
185     Crystal Chime
127     Sunlight Talisman
127     Canvas Talisman
127     Sunless Talisman
127     Saint's Talisman
127     White Hair Talisman
149     Pyromancy Flame
239     Pyromancer's Parting Flame
266     Murky Longstaff
267     Sacred Chime of Filianore
265     Preacher's Right Arm

83      Dragonslayer Greatbow
81      Short Bow
81      Composite Bow
0       Light Crossbow
0       Arbalest
0       Longbow
0       Dragonrider Bow
84      Avelyn
0       Knight's Crossbow
0       Heavy Crossbow
249     White Birch Bow
230     Darkmoon Longbow
184     Onislayer Greatbow
82      Black Bow of Pharis
85      Sniper Crossbow
244     Millwood Greatbow
262     Repeating Crossbow

137     Sellsword Twinblades
137     Warden Twinblades
138     Winged Knight Twinaxes
139     Dancer's Enchanted Swords
141     Brigand Twindaggers
142     Gotthard Twinswords
139     Golden Dual Swords
144     Onikiri and Ubadachi
145     Drang Twinspears
148     Drang Hammers
250     Giant Door Shield
236     Valorheart
253     Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords

0       Torch
240     Follower Torch

91      Buckler
91      Small Leather Shield
150     Round Shield
150     Large Leather Shield
0       Hawkwood's Shield
0       Iron Round Shield
150     Wooden Shield
150     Kite Shield
0       Ghru Rotshield
94      Havel's Greatshield
91      Target Shield
0       Elkhorn Round Shield
0       Warrior's Round Shield
0       Caduceus Round Shield
0       Red and White Round Shield
0       Plank Shield
0       Leather Shield
0       Crimson Parma
0       Eastern Iron Shield
0       Llewellyn Shield
0       Golden Falcon Shield
214     Sacred Bloom Shield
0       Ancient Dragon Greatshield
150     Follower Shield
254     Dragonhead Shield
150     Lothric Knight Shield
150     Knight Shield
150     Pontiff Knight Shield
150     Carthus Shield
150     Black Knight Shield
150     Silver Knight Shield
227     Spiked Shield
93      Pierce Shield
150     East-West Shield
150     Sunlight Shield
150     Crest Shield
150     Dragon Crest Shield
150     Spider Shield
150     Grass Crest Shield
150     Sunset Shield
150     Golden Wing Crest Shield
150     Blue Wooden Shield
150     Silver Eagle Kite Shield
150     Stone Parma
150     Spirit Tree Crest Shield
150     Porcine Shield
150     Shield of Want
150     Wargod Wooden Shield
150     Ethereal Oak Shield
255     Dragonhead Greatshield
0       Lothric Knight Greatshield
0       Cathedral Knight Greatshield
225     Dragonslayer Greatshield
222     Moaning Shield
0       Yhorm's Greatshield
0       Black Iron Greatshield
0       Wolf Knight's Greatshield
0       Twin Dragon Greatshield
0       Greatshield of Glory
0       Curse Ward Greatshield
126     Bonewheel Shield
0       Stone Greatshield

# Weapon Moveset 1H/2H ID
0   One hand down by hip
2   One hand on shoulder
3   One hand down and behind hip
10  Both hands in front
12  Both hands on shoulder
13  Both hands in spear position
14  Both hands in bow position
15  Both hands in shield position
16  Both hands in crossbow position

# Infusion Flags
# Unlocked by default
 Infusion Flag 1 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 2 = TRUE

 Infusion Flag 2 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 3 = TRUE

 Infusion Flag 1 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 3 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 4 = TRUE

# Unlock by Farron Coal
 Infusion Flag 1 = TRUE

 Infusion Flag 2 = TRUE

 Infusion Flag 1 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 2 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 4 = TRUE

# Unlocked by Sage's Coal
 Infusion Flag 3 = TRUE

 Infusion Flag 2 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 3 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 4 = TRUE

 Infusion Flag 1 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 4 = TRUE

# Unlocked by Giant's Coal
 Infusion Flag 4 = TRUE

 Infusion Flag 1 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 3 = TRUE

 Infusion Flag 1 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 2 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 3 = TRUE

# Profaned Coal
 Infusion Flag 2 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 4 = TRUE

 Infusion Flag 3 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 4 = TRUE

 Infusion Flag 1 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 2 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 3 = TRUE
 Infusion Flag 4 = TRUE
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