Item ID List (2.15)


00061A80 Standard Arrow 
00061AE4 Fire Arrow 
00061B48 Poison Arrow 
00061BAC Large Arrow 
00061C10 Feather Arrow 
00061C74 Moonlight Arrow 
00061CD8 Wood Arrow 
00061D3C Dark Arrow 
00062250 Dragonslayer Greatarrow 
00062318 Dragonslayer Lightning Arrow 
0006237C Onislayer Greatarrow 
00062A20 Standard Bolt 
00062A84 Heavy Bolt 
00062AE8 Sniper Bolt 
00062B4C Wood Bolt 
00062BB0 Lightning Bolt 
00062C14 Splintering Bolt 
00062C78 Exploding Bolt 
00064190 Lightning Arrow 
000642BC Draconic Arrow 
00064320 Frost Arrow 
000643E8 Lacerating Arrow 
00064960 Moonlight Greatarrow 
00064A8C Wood Greatarrow 
00065130 Magic Bolt 
00065194 Draconic Bolt 
00067070 Demonic Greatarrow 
00067840 Fire Bolt 
00069780 Corrupted Greatarrow 
00069F50 Dark Bolt 
0006BE90 Draconic Greatarrow 
0006C660 Poison Bolt 
0006ED70 Frost Bolt


000F4240 Dagger 
000F6950 Bandit's Knife 
000F9060 Parrying Dagger 
000FB770 Engraved Dagger 
000FDE80 Rotten Ghru Dagger 
00102CA0 Harpe 
001053B0 Scholar's Candlestick 
00107AC0 Tailbone Short Sword 
0010A1D0 Corvian Greatknife 
00111700 Handmaid's Dagger 
0011B340 Frostfall 
001E8480 Shortsword 
001EAB90 Long Sword 
001ED2A0 Broadsword 
001EF9B0 Broken Straight Sword 
001F6EE0 Lothric Knight Sword 
00203230 Sunlight Straight Sword 
00205940 Rotten Ghru Curved Sword 
0020A760 Irithyll Straight Sword 
0020CE70 Priest's Candlestick 
0020F580 Cleric's Candlestick 
002143A0 Morion Blade 
002191C0 Astora Straight Sword 
0021B8D0 Barbed Straight Sword 
0021DFE0 Executioner's Greatsword 
002206F0 Anri's Straight Sword 
0022A330 Sword of Avowal 
002DC6C0 Estoc 
002DEDD0 Mail Breaker 
002E14E0 Rapier 
002E3BF0 Ricard's Rapier 
002E6300 Crystal Sage's Rapier 
002E8A10 Irithyll Rapier 
002EB120 Bone Rapier 
003D3010 Shotel 
003D7E30 Scimitar 
003DA540 Falchion 
003DCC50 Carthus Curved Sword 
003DF360 Carthus Curved Greatsword 
003E1A70 Pontiff Knight Curved Sword 
003E4180 Storm Curved Sword 
003E6890 Painting Guardian's Curved Sword 
003E8FA0 Crescent Moon Sword 
003EB6B0 Carthus Shotel 
004C4B40 Uchigatana 
004C7250 Washing Pole 
004C9960 Chaos Blade 
004CC070 Black Blade 
004CE780 Bloodlust 
004D0E90 Darkdrift 
005B8D80 Bastard Sword 
005BB490 Smouldering Blade 
005BDBA0 Claymore 
005C29C0 Zweihander 
005C50D0 Greatsword 
005C77E0 Irithyll Greatsword 
005C9EF0 Astora Greatsword 
005CC600 Murakumo 
005D1420 Lothric Knight Greatsword 
005D8950 Black Knight Greatsword 
005DB060 Flamberge 
005DD770 Exile Greatsword 
005E2590 Greatsword of Judgment 
005E4CA0 Profaned Greatsword 
005E73B0 Cathedral Knight Greatsword 
005E9AC0 Farron Greatsword 
005EC1D0 Farron Greatsword 
005F0FF0 Yhorm's Great Machete 
005F3700 Dark Sword 
005F5E10 Black Knight Sword 
005F8520 Lorian's Greatsword 
005FAC30 Twin Princes' Greatsword 
005FD340 Lothric's Holy Sword 
005FFA50 Wolnir's Holy Sword 
00602160 Wolf Knight's Greatsword 
00604870 Hollowslayer Greatsword 
00606F80 Moonlight Greatsword 
00609690 Drakeblood Greatsword 
0060BDA0 Firelink Greatsword 
0060E4B0 Fume Ultra Greatsword 
00610BC0 Old Wolf Curved Sword 
006132D0 Storm Ruler 
006ACFC0 Hand Axe 
006AF6D0 Battle Axe 
006B1DE0 Brigand Axe 
006B6C00 Crescent Axe 
006B9310 Greataxe 
006BE130 Butcher Knife 
006C0840 Dragonslayer's Axe 
006C2F50 Missionary Axes 
006C5660 Thrall Axe 
006C7D70 Dragonslayer Greataxe 
006CA480 Demon King's Greataxe 
006CCB90 Eleonora 
006D19B0 Serpentine Hatchet 
007A1200 Club 
007A3910 Mace 
007A6020 Morning Star 
007A8730 Reinforced Club 
007AFC60 Large Club 
007B4A80 Great Club 
007BBFB0 Great Mace 
007C8300 Great Wooden Hammer 
007CAA10 Gargoyle Flame Hammer 
007CD120 Vordt's Great Hammer 
007CF830 Old King's Great Hammer 
007D4650 Writhing Hammer 
007D6D60 Heysel Pick 
007D9470 Hammer of the Great Tree 
007DBB80 Warpick 
007DE290 Pickaxe 
007E09A0 Dragon Tooth 
007E30B0 Smough's Great Hammer 
007E57C0 Blacksmith Hammer 
007E7ED0 Morne's Great Hammer 
007EA5E0 Spiked Mace 
00895440 Spear 
00897B50 Winged Spear 
0089C970 Partizan 
008A8CC0 Grand Lance 
008AB3D0 Lothric Knight Long Spear 
008ADAE0 Four-Pronged Plow 
008B01F0 Gargoyle Flame Spear 
008B2900 Rotten Ghru Spear 
008B5010 Tailbone Spear 
008B7720 Branding Iron 
008BC540 Dragonslayer Swordspear 
008BEC50 Arstor's Spear 
008C1360 Saint Bident 
008C3A70 Yorshka's Spear 
008C6180 Pike 
008CAFA0 Dragonslayer Spear 
00989680 Great Scythe 
0098BD90 Lucerne 
0098E4A0 Bardiche 
00990BB0 Halberd 
009959D0 Black Knight Greataxe 
0099A7F0 Pontiff Knight Great Scythe 
0099CF00 Great Corvian Scythe 
0099F610 Winged Knight Halberd 
009A1D20 Gundyr's Halberd 
009A4430 Lothric's Scythe 
009A6B40 Ancient Dragon Halberd 
009AB960 Red Hilted Halberd 
009AE070 Black Knight Glaive 
009B0780 Immolation Tinder 
00A7D8C0 Claw 
00A7FFD0 Caestus 
00A826E0 Manikin Claws 
00A84DF0 Demon's Fist 
00A87500 Dark Hand 
00A8EA30 Censuring Palm 
00B71B00 Whip 
00B7B740 Witch's Locks 
00B7DE50 Notched Whip 
00B80560 Spotted Whip 
00B8C8B0 King's Quarterstaff 
00B8EFC0 Corvian Longstaff 
00B916D0 Witchtree Limb 
00B93DE0 Murky Warstaff 
00B964F0 Longstaff of Rosaria 
00B98C00 Staff of Serpents 
00B9B310 Archdeacon's Longstaff 
00B9DA20 Heretic's Warstaff 
00BA0130 Witch's Staff 
00C83200 Golden Ritual Spear 
00D5C690 Short Bow 
00D5EDA0 Composite Bow 
00D614B0 Dragonslayer Greatbow 
00D63BC0 Birch Crossbow 
00D662D0 Arbalest 
00D689E0 Longbow 
00D6B0F0 Dragonrider Bow 
00D6FF10 Avelyn 
00D72620 Knight's Crossbow 
00D74D30 Oak Crossbow 
00D79B50 Darkmoon Longbow 
00D7C260 Onislayer Greatbow 
00D7E970 Black Bow of Pharis 
00D83790 Sniper Crossbow 
00D8ACC0 Flynn's Bow 
00D8D3D0 Scholar's Bow 
00D8FAE0 Giant's Bow 
00D921F0 Model Ballista 
00DBBA00 Cannon 
00DBE110 Church Cannon 
00DC0820 Hunter's Pistol 
00DC2F30 Repeating Pistol 
00DC5640 Evelynn 
00DC7D50 Hunter's Blunderbuss 
00DCA460 Rosamarinus 
00DCCB70 Fist of Gratia 
00F42400 Sellsword Twinblades 
00F47220 Warden Twinblades 
00F49930 Winged Knight Twinaxes 
00F4C040 Dancer's Paired Swords 
00F4E750 Great Machete 
00F50E60 Brigand Twindaggers 
00F53570 Gotthard Twinswords 
00F55C80 Ciaran's Tracers 
00F58390 Onikiri and Ubadachi 
00F5AAA0 Drang Twinspears 
00F61FD0 Drang Hammers 
00F6BC10 Imperious Greatshield 
01036640 Sorcerer's Staff 
01038D50 Sage's Crystal Staff 
0103B460 Court Sorcerer's Staff 
0103DB70 Witchtree Branch 
01040280 Velka's Talisman 
01042990 Sunless Talisman 
010450A0 Mendicant's Staff 
010477B0 Izalith Staff 
01049EC0 Man-grub's Staff 
0104C5D0 Crystal Chime 
0104ECE0 Sorcerous Flame 
010513F0 Golden Ritual Spear 
01053B00 Heysel Pick 
01056210 Blue Flame 
0112A880 Talisman 
0112CF90 Rotten Talisman 
0112F6A0 Smouldering Talisman 
01131DB0 Sunlight Talisman 
011344C0 Saint's Talisman 
01136BD0 White Hair Talisman 
011392E0 Cleric's Sacred Chime 
0113B9F0 Yorshka's Chime 
0113E100 Sacred Chime of Filianore 
01140810 Saint-tree Bellvine 
01142F20 Holy Flame 
01145630 Priest's Candlestick 
01147D40 Rose of Ariandel 
0114A450 Disc Chime
0121EAC0 Heretic's Staff 
012211D0 Storyteller's Staff 
012238E0 Murky Longstaff 
01225FF0 Archdeacon's Great Staff 
01228700 Manus Catalyst 
0122AE10 Tin Banishment Catalyst 
0122D520 Consumed King's Staff 
0122FC30 Fallen Priest's Chime 
01232340 Caitha's Chime 
01234A50 Corrupted Talisman 
01237160 Talisman of Beasts 
01239870 Insanity Catalyst 
0123BF80 Dark Flame 
0123E690 Cleric's Candlestick 
01240DA0 Pilgrim's Spontoon 
012434B0 Preacher's Right Arm 
01245BC0 Sanctum Shield
012E1FC0 Pyromancy Flame 
012E46D0 Pyromancer's Parting Flame 
012E6DE0 Demon's Scar 
012E94F0 Immolation Tinder 
012FA660 Fool's Catalyst 
01312D00 Buckler 
01315410 Small Leather Shield 
0131A230 Round Shield 
0131C940 Large Leather Shield 
01323E70 Hawkwood's Shield 
01326580 Iron Round Shield 
0132DAB0 Wooden Shield 
013301C0 Kite Shield 
013328D0 Ghru Rotshield 
013376F0 Havel's Greatshield 
01339E00 Target Shield 
0133C510 Elkhorn Round Shield 
0133EC20 Warrior's Round Shield 
01341330 Caduceus Round Shield 
01343A40 Red and White Round Shield 
01346150 Plank Shield 
01348860 Leather Shield 
0134AF70 Crimson Parma 
0134D680 Eastern Iron Shield 
0134FD90 Llewellyn Shield 
013524A0 Cleric's Parma 
01354BB0 Golden Falcon Shield 
013572C0 Sacred Bloom Shield 
013599D0 Ancient Dragon Greatshield 
01409650 Lothric Knight Shield 
01410B80 Knight Shield 
014159A0 Pontiff Knight Shield 
014180B0 Carthus Shield 
0141F5E0 Black Knight Shield 
01421CF0 Prince's Shield 
01424400 Silver Knight Shield 
01426B10 Spiked Shield 
01429220 Pierce Shield 
0142B930 East-West Shield 
0142E040 Sunlight Shield 
01430750 Crest Shield 
01432E60 Dragon Crest Shield 
01435570 Spider Shield 
01437C80 Grass Crest Shield 
0143A390 Sunset Shield 
0143CAA0 Golden Wing Crest Shield 
0143F1B0 Blue Wooden Shield 
014418C0 Silver Eagle Kite Shield 
01443FD0 Stone Parma 
014466E0 Spirit Tree Crest Shield 
01448DF0 Porcine Shield 
0144B500 Shield of Want 
0144DC10 Wargod Wooden Shield 
014FD890 Lothric Knight Greatshield 
014FFFA0 Cathedral Knight Greatshield 
01504DC0 Dragonslayer Greatshield 
015074D0 Moaning Shield 
01509BE0 Immortal Dragon Greatshield 
0150C2F0 Yhorm's Greatshield 
0150EA00 Black Iron Greatshield 
01511110 Wolf Knight's Greatshield 
01513820 Twin Dragon Greatshield 
01515F30 Greatshield of Glory 
01518640 Curse Ward Greatshield 
0151AD50 Bonewheel Shield 
0151D460 Stone Greatshield 
01522280 Breaking Wheel 
01524990 Black Dragon Shield 
015270A0 Crystalline Shield 
015297B0 Gargoyle Shield 
0152BEC0 Giant Shield 
0152E5D0 Greatshield of Artorias 
01530CE0 Bulwark Shield 
015333F0 Dragonkin Shield 
01535B00 Twinfang Greatshield 
01538210 Quicksilver Shield 
0153D030 Adjudicator's Shield 
0153F740 Crystal Ring Shield 
01541E50 Sanctus 
01544560 Shield of the Hunted 
01546C70 Smouldering Shield 
01549380 King's Mirror 
015EF3C0 Torch 
015F1AD0 Follower Torch 
01C9EA90 Firelink Dagger 
01CA11A0 Firelink Spear 
01CA38B0 Firelink Sword 
01CA5FC0 Firelink Rapier 
01CA86D0 Greatwood Club 
01CAADE0 Irithyll Lance 
01CAD4F0 Fume Slated Swords 
01CAFC00 Machete 
01CB2310 Demon's Axe 
01CB4A20 Abyssal Greatsword 
01CB7130 Moonlight Sword 
01CBBF50 Pontiff Knight Greatsword 
01CBE660 Smelter Hammer 
01CC5B90 Drake Fist 
01CC82A0 Irithyll Warpick 
01CCD0C0 Tailbone Club 
01CD1EE0 Irithyll Mace 
01CD6D00 Wooden Mallet 
01CD9410 Hallowed Sword 
01CDBB20 Sunlight Greatsword 
01CDE230 Hallowed Greatsword 
01CE5760 Velka's Rapier 
01CE7E70 Pursuer's Ultra Greatsword 
01CEA580 Bloodletter 
01CECC90 Locust Arm 
01CEF3A0 Beast Cutter 
01CF1AB0 Beasthunter Saif 
01CF41C0 Boom Hammer 
01CF68D0 Burial Blade 
01CF8FE0 Burial Scythe 
01CFB6F0 Chikage 
01CFDE00 Church Pick 
01D00510 Hunter Axe 
01D02C20 Kirkhammer 
01D05330 Twinspears of the Forlorn 
01D07A40 Nil Blade 
01D0A150 Sanguinus 
01D0C860 Tonitrus 
01D0EF70 Blades of Mercy 
01D13D90 Balder Side Sword 
01D164A0 Black Dragon Greataxe 
01D18BB0 Black Dragon Greatsword 
01D1B2C0 Black Dragon Sword 
01D200E0 Blind 
01D227F0 Blueblood Sword 
01D24F00 Bramd 
01D27610 Channeler's Trident 
01D29D20 Marvelous Zweihander 
01D2C430 Abyss Greatsword 
01D31250 Crystal Straight Sword 
01D33960 Demon's Great Axe 
01D36070 Demon's Great Hammer 
01D38780 Demon's Machete 
01D3AE90 Demon's Spear 
01D3D5A0 Dozer Axe 
01D3FCB0 Dragon Bone Fist 
01D423C0 Dragon Bone Smasher 
01D44AD0 Dragon Greatsword 
01D471E0 Dragon King Greataxe 
01D498F0 Drake Sword 
01D4C000 Abyssal Blade 
01D50E20 Sage's Stiletto 
01D55C40 Giant's Halberd 
01D58350 Golem Axe 
01D5AA60 Grant 
01D5D170 Gravelord Sword 
01D5F880 Great Lord Greatsword 
01D646A0 Greatsword of Artorias 
01D66DB0 Guillotine Axe 
01D694C0 Hands of God 
01D6BBD0 Runelock 
01D6E2E0 Scraping Spear 
01D709F0 Server 
01D73100 Silver Knight Spear 
01D75810 Silver Knight Straight Sword 
01D77F20 Stone Greatsword 
01D7F450 Titanite Catch Pole 
01D84270 Istarelle 
01D86980 Kris Blade 
01D89090 Priscilla's Scythe 
01D8B7A0 Makoto 
01D8DEB0 Man Serpent Greatsword 
01D92CD0 Moonlight Butterfly Horn 
01D953E0 Morion Great Blade 
01D97AF0 Needle of Eternal Agony 
01D9A200 Obsidian Greatsword 
01D9C910 Penetrating Sword 
01D9F020 Phosphorescent Pole 
01DA1730 Quelaag's Fury Sword 
01DA3E40 Meat Cleaver 
01DA6550 Spiral Greatsword 
01DA8C60 Beast Claw 
01DAB370 Rakuyo 
01DADA80 Handmaid's Ladle 
01DB0190 Crypt Blacksword 
01DB28A0 Smelter Sword 
01DB4FB0 Blue Flame 
01058920 Loch Shield
01DB76C0 Ash Demon Hammer 
01DB9DD0 Elder Ghru Tree 
01DBC4E0 Giant Crab Arm 
01DBEBF0 Hunter's Log 
01DC1300 Serpentine Twindaggers 
01DC3A10 Shiv 
01DC6120 Serpentine Battle Axe 
01DC8830 Serpentine Axe 
01DCAF40 Thrall Harpe 
01DCD650 Smouldering Curved Sword 
01DCFD60 Smouldering Dagger 
01DD2470 Smouldering Spear 
01DD4B80 Thrall Pick 
01DD7290 Worker Machete 
01DD99A0 Rampart Golem Lance 
01DDC0B0 Bewitched Alonne Sword 
01DDE7C0 Bone Scythe 
01DE0ED0 Dragonrider Halberd 
01DE35E0 Key to the Embedded 
01DE5CF0 King's Ultra Greatsword 
01DE8400 Pilgrim's Spontoon 
01DEAB10 Sacred Chime Hammer 
01DED220 Scythe of Nahr Alma 
01DEF930 Scythe of Want 
01DF2040 Crab Claw 
01DF4750 Thorned Greatsword 
01DF6E60 Hands of Sin 
01DF9570 Frying Pan 
01DFBC80 Serpentine Chain-axe 
01DFE390 Aldia Hammer 
01E00AA0 Black Scorpion Stinger 
01E031B0 Dragonrider Twinblade 
01E058C0 Dragon Hunter's Great Hammer 
01E07FD0 Dragon Hunter's Greataxe 
01E0A6E0 Dragon Hunter's Warpick 
01E0CDF0 Drakewing Ultra Greatsword 
01E0F500 Gargoyle Bident 
01E11C10 Giant Warrior Club 
01E14320 Helix Halberd 
01E16A30 Malformed Skull 
01E19140 Melu Scimitars 
01E1B850 Old Knight Battle Axe 
01E1DF60 Old Knight Maces 
01E20670 Old Knight Glaive 
01E22D80 Red Rust Sword 
01E25490 Roaring Halberd 
01E27BA0 Sanctum Mace 
01E2A2B0 Spider's Silk 
01E2C9C0 Spitfire Spear 
01E2F0D0 Syan's Halberd 
01E317E0 Warped Sword 
01E33EF0 Ivory King Ultra Greatsword 
01E36600 Stone Greataxe 
01E38D10 Gargoyle Halberd 
01E3B420 Gargoyle Tail Axe 
01E3DB30 Heide Lance 
01E40240 Heide Greatlance 
01E42950 Chariot Lance 
00D85EA0 Millwood Greatbow


1098BD90 Gough's Helm 
1098C178 Gough's Armor 
1098C560 Gough's Gloves 
1098C948 Gough's Leggings 
1098E4A0 Mask of the Sealer 
1098E888 Crimson Robe 
1098EC70 Crimson Gloves 
1098F058 Crimson Waistcloth 
10990BB0 Six-Eyed Helm of the Channelers 
10990F98 Robe of the Channelers 
10991380 Gauntlets of the Channelers 
10991768 Waistcloth of the Channelers 
109932C0 Moon Hat 
109936A8 Astrologist's Robe 
10993A90 Astrologist's Gloves 
10993E78 Astrologist's Waistcloth 
109959D0 Helm of Aurous 
10995DB8 Armor of Aurous 
109961A0 Gauntlets of Aurous 
10996588 Leggings of Aurous 
109980E0 Dragon Acolyte Mask 
109984C8 Dragon Acolyte Robe 
109988B0 Dragon Acolyte Gloves 
10998C98 Dragon Acolyte Leggings 
1099A7F0 Vengarl's Helm 
1099ABD8 Vengarl's Armor 
1099AFC0 Vengarl's Gloves 
1099B3A8 Vengarl's Leggings 
1099CF00 Snickering Top Hat 
1099D2E8 Chester's Long Coat 
1099D6D0 Chester's Gloves 
1099DAB8 Chester's Trousers 
1099F610 Winged Helm of Ridoh 
109A1D20 King's Crown 
109A2108 King's Armor 
109A24F0 King's Gauntlets 
109A28D8 King's Leggings 
109A4430 Cowl of the Bear 
109A4818 Armor of the Bear 
109A4C00 Gauntlets of the Bear 
109A4FE8 Leggings of the Bear 
109A6B40 Thorolund Helm 
109A6F28 Thorolund Armor 
109A7310 Thorolund Gloves 
109A76F8 Thorolund Leggings 
109A9250 Raime's Helm 
109A9638 Raime's Armor 
109A9A20 Raime's Gauntlets 
109A9E08 Raime's Leggings 
109AB960 Alonne Captain Helm 
109ABD48 Alonne Captain Armor 
109AC130 Alonne Captain Gauntlets 
109AC518 Alonne Captain Leggings 
109AE070 Gravekeeper Helm 
109AE458 Gravekeeper Armor 
109AE840 Gravekeeper Gauntlets 
109AEC28 Gravekeeper Leggings 
109B0780 Attendant Mask 
109B0B68 Attendant Robe 
109B2E90 Artificial Helmet 
109B55A0 Giant-horned Helmet 
109B7CB0 Snail Shell 
109BA3C0 Overseer's Mask 
109BCAD0 Suspicious Gold Mask 
109BF1E0 Fang Boar Helm 
109C18F0 Barrel 
109C4000 Bucket 
109C6710 Sack 
109C8E20 Rosaria's Dress 
109CB530 Salvador's Hat 
109CDC40 Priestly Cap 
109D0350 Gallant Helm 
109D0738 Gallant Armor 
109D0B20 Gallant Gloves 
109D0F08 Gallant Leggings 
109D2A60 Warden Coif 
109D2E48 Warden Chainmail 
109D3230 Warden Gloves 
109D3618 Warden Leggings 
109D5170 Dull Gold Helmet 
109D5558 Dull Gold Armor 
109D5940 Dull Gold Gauntlets 
109D5D28 Dull Gold Leggings 
109D7880 Fluted Helm 
109D7C68 Fluted Armor 
109D8050 Fluted Gauntlets 
109D8438 Fluted Leggings 
109D9F90 Huntsman's Cap 
109DA378 Huntsman's Armor 
109DA760 Huntsman's Gloves 
109DAB48 Huntsman's Leggings 
109DC6A0 Mirdan Helm 
109DCA88 Mirdan Scale Mail 
109DCE70 Mirdan Gauntlets 
109DD258 Mirdan Leggings 
109DEDB0 Sentinel Helm 
109DF198 Sentinel Armor 
109DF580 Sentinel Gauntlets 
109DF968 Sentinel Leggings 
109E14C0 Three-cornered Hat 
109E18A8 Old Raggedy Robes 
109E1C90 Old Raggedy Gloves 
109E2078 Old Raggedy Leggings 
109E3BD0 Gold Mask 
109E3FB8 Charlatan's Clothes 
109E43A0 Charlatan's Gloves 
109E4788 Charlatan's Leggings 
109E66C8 Martyr's Robes 
109E6AB0 Martyr's Gloves 
109E6E98 Martyr's Leggings 
109E89F0 Pickpocket Mask 
109E8DD8 Pickpocket Clothes 
109E91C0 Pickpocket Gloves 
109E95A8 Pickpocket Leggings 
109EB4E8 Magician's Clothes 
109EB8D0 Magician's Gloves 
109EBCB8 Magician's Leggings 
109ED810 Ironclad Helm 
109EDBF8 Ironclad Armor 
109EDFE0 Ironclad Gauntlets 
109EE3C8 Ironclad Leggings 
109EFF20 Fallen Prince's Helm 
109F0308 Fallen Prince's Armor 
109F06F0 Fallen Prince's Gauntlets 
109F0AD8 Fallen Prince's Leggings 
109F2630 Imported Hood 
109F2A18 Imported Tunic 
109F2E00 Imported Manchettes 
109F31E8 Imported Trousers 
109F4D40 Sanctum Knight Helm 
109F5128 Sanctum Knight Armor 
109F5510 Sanctum Knight Gauntlets 
109F58F8 Sanctum Knight Leggings 
109F7450 Stalwart Knight Helm 
109F7838 Stalwart Knight Armor 
109F7C20 Stalwart Knight Gauntlets 
109F8008 Stalwart Knight Leggings 
109F9B60 Eastern General Helm 
109F9F48 Eastern General Armor 
109FA330 Eastern General Gauntlets 
109FA718 Eastern General Leggings 
109FC270 Okami Mask 
109FC658 Okami Armor 
109FCE28 Okami Trousers 
109FED68 Eastern Wolf Overcoat 
109FF150 Eastern Wolf Armguards 
109FF538 Eastern Wolf Trousers 
10A01090 Carthus Swordsman Hood
10A01478 Carthus Swordsman Robe
10A01860 Carthus Swordsman Bracer
10A01C48 Carthus Swordsman Anklets
10A037A0 Royal Swordsman Sallet
10A03B88 Royal Swordsman Cuirass
10A03F70 Royal Swordsman Gauntlets
10A04358 Royal Swordsman Leggings
10A05EB0 Vordt's Helm
10A06298 Vordt's Armor
10A06680 Vordt's Gauntlets
10A06A68 Vordt's Leggings
10A085C0 Throne Watcher Helm
10A089A8 Throne Watcher Armor
10A08D90 Throne Watcher Gauntlets
10A09178 Throne Watcher Leggings
10A0ACD0 Throne Defender Helm
10A0B0B8 Throne Defender Armor
10A0B4A0 Throne Defender Gauntlets
10A0B888 Throne Defender Leggings
1121EAC0 Fallen Knight Helm 
1121EEA8 Fallen Knight Armor 
1121F290 Fallen Knight Gauntlets 
1121F678 Fallen Knight Trousers 
11298BE0 Knight Helm 
11298FC8 Knight Armor 
112993B0 Knight Gauntlets 
11299798 Knight Leggings 
11406F40 Firelink Helm 
11407328 Firelink Armor 
11407710 Firelink Gauntlets 
11407AF8 Firelink Leggings 
11481060 Sellsword Helm 
11481448 Sellsword Armor 
11481830 Sellsword Gauntlet 
11481C18 Sellsword Trousers 
114FB180 Herald Helm 
114FB568 Herald Armor 
114FB950 Herald Gloves 
114FBD38 Herald Trousers 
115752A0 Sunless Veil 
11575688 Sunless Armor 
11575A70 Sunless Gauntlets 
11575E58 Sunless Leggings 
115EF3C0 Black Hand Hat 
115EF7A8 Black Hand Armor 
115EFB90 Assassin Gloves 
115EFF78 Assassin Trousers 
11607A60 Assassin Hood 
11607E48 Assassin Armor 
116694E0 Xanthous Crown 
116698C8 Xanthous Overcoat 
11669CB0 Xanthous Gloves 
1166A098 Xanthous Trousers 
116E3600 Northern Helm 
116E39E8 Northern Armor 
116E3DD0 Northern Gloves 
116E41B8 Northern Trousers 
1175D720 Morne's Helm 
1175DB08 Morne's Armor 
1175DEF0 Morne's Gauntlets 
1175E2D8 Morne's Leggings 
117D7840 Silver Mask 
117D7C28 Leonhard's Garb 
117D8010 Leonhard's Gauntlets 
117D83F8 Leonhard's Trousers 
11851960 Sneering Mask 
11851D48 Pale Shade Robe 
11852130 Pale Shade Gloves 
11852518 Pale Shade Trousers 
118CBA80 Sunset Helm 
118CBE68 Sunset Armor 
118CC250 Sunset Gauntlets 
118CC638 Sunset Leggings 
11945BA0 Old Sage's Blindfold 
11945F88 Cornyx's Garb 
11946370 Cornyx's Wrap 
11946758 Cornyx's Skirt 
119BFCC0 Executioner Helm 
119C00A8 Executioner Armor 
119C0490 Executioner Gauntlets 
119C0878 Executioner Leggings 
11A39DE0 Billed Mask 
11A3A1C8 Black Dress 
11A3A5B0 Black Gauntlets 
11A3A998 Black Leggings 
11AB3F00 Pyromancer Crown 
11AB42E8 Pyromancer Garb 
11AB46D0 Pyromancer Wrap 
11AB4AB8 Pyromancer Trousers 
11BA8140 Court Sorcerer Hood 
11BA8528 Court Sorcerer Robe 
11BA8910 Court Sorcerer Gloves 
11BA8CF8 Court Sorcerer Trousers 
11C9C380 Sorcerer Hood 
11C9C768 Sorcerer Robe 
11C9CB50 Sorcerer Gloves 
11C9CF38 Sorcerer Trousers 
11CB4E08 Clandestine Coat 
11D905C0 Cleric Hat 
11D909A8 Cleric Blue Robe 
11D90D90 Cleric Gloves 
11D91178 Cleric Trousers 
11DA9048 Dingy Maiden's Overcoat 
11F78A40 Grotto Hat 
11F78E28 Grotto Robe 
11F79210 Grotto Wrap 
11F795F8 Grotto Trousers 
12625A00 Steel Soldier Helm 
12625DE8 Deserter Armor 
126261D0 Soldier's Gauntlets 
126265B8 Deserter Trousers 
1263E0A0 Soldier's Hood 
12656740 Thief Mask 
129020C0 Sage's Big Hat 
129024A8 Elder's Robe 
129F6300 Aristocrat's Mask 
129F66E8 Jailer Robe 
129F6AD0 Jailer Gloves 
129F6EB8 Jailer Trousers 
12A70420 Saint's Veil 
12A70808 Saint's Dress 
12AEA540 Footman's Hood 
12AEA928 Footman's Overcoat 
12AEAD10 Footman's Bracelets 
12AEB0F8 Footman's Trousers 
12BDE780 Grave Warden Hood 
12BDEB68 Grave Warden Robe 
12BDEF50 Grave Warden Wrap 
12BDF338 Grave Warden Skirt 
12CD29C0 Worker Hat 
12CD2DA8 Worker Garb 
12CD3190 Worker Gloves 
12CD3578 Worker Trousers 
12D4CAE0 Thrall Hood 
12DC6C00 Evangelist Hat 
12DC6FE8 Evangelist Robe 
12DC73D0 Evangelist Gloves 
12DC77B8 Evangelist Trousers 
12E40D20 Scholar's Shed Skin 
12E41108 Scholar's Robe 
12EBAE40 Winged Knight Helm 
12EBB228 Winged Knight Armor 
12EBB610 Winged Knight Gauntlets 
12EBB9F8 Winged Knight Leggings 
130291A0 Cathedral Knight Helm 
13029588 Cathedral Knight Armor 
13029970 Cathedral Knight Gauntlets 
13029D58 Cathedral Knight Leggings 
13197500 Lothric Knight Helm 
131978E8 Lothric Knight Armor 
13197CD0 Lothric Knight Gauntlets 
131980B8 Lothric Knight Leggings 
1328B740 Outrider Knight Helm 
1328BB28 Outrider Knight Armor 
1328BF10 Outrider Knight Gauntlets 
1328C2F8 Outrider Knight Leggings 
1337F980 Black Knight Helm 
1337FD68 Black Knight Armor 
13380150 Black Knight Gauntlets 
13380538 Black Knight Leggings 
133F9AA0 Dark Mask 
133F9E88 Dark Armor 
133FA270 Dark Gauntlets 
133FA658 Dark Leggings 
13473BC0 Exile Mask 
13473FA8 Exile Armor 
13474390 Exile Gauntlets 
13474778 Exile Leggings 
13567E00 Pontiff Knight Crown 
135681E8 Pontiff Knight Armor 
135685D0 Pontiff Knight Gauntlets 
135689B8 Pontiff Knight Leggings 
1365C040 Golden Crown 
1365C428 Dragonscale Armor 
1365C810 Golden Bracelets 
1365CBF8 Dragonscale Waistcloth 
136D6160 Wolnir's Crown 
13750280 Undead Legion Helm 
13750668 Undead Legion Armor 
13750A50 Undead Legion Gauntlet 
13750E38 Undead Legion Leggings 
138BE5E0 Serpentine Mask 
138BE9C8 Serpentine Robe 
13938700 Fire Witch Helm 
13938AE8 Fire Witch Armor 
13938ED0 Fire Witch Gauntlets 
139392B8 Fire Witch Leggings 
13A2C940 Lorian's Helm 
13A2CD28 Lorian's Armor 
13A2D110 Lorian's Gauntlets 
13A2D4F8 Lorian's Leggings 
13AA6A60 Hood of Prayer 
13AA6E48 Robe of Prayer 
13AA7618 Skirt of Prayer 
13B20B80 Yhorm's Crown 
13B20F68 Yhorm's Armor 
13B21350 Yhorm's Gauntlets 
13B21738 Yhorm's Leggings 
13C14DC0 Dancer's Crown 
13C151A8 Dancer's Armor 
13C15590 Dancer's Gauntlets 
13C15978 Dancer's Leggings 
13D09000 Gundyr's Helm 
13D093E8 Gundyr's Armor 
13D097D0 Gundyr's Gauntlets 
13D09BB8 Gundyr's Leggings 
13DFD240 Old Monarch's Crown 
13DFD628 Old Monarch's Robe 
13EF1480 Archdeacon White Crown 
13EF1868 Archdeacon Holy Garb 
13EF2038 Archdeacon Skirt 
13F6B988 Deacon Robe 
13F6C158 Deacon Skirt 
13FE56C0 Frigid Valley Mask 
140D9900 Fire Keeper Mask 
140D9CE8 Fire Keeper Robe 
140DA0D0 Fire Keeper Gloves 
140DA4B8 Fire Keeper Skirt 
142C1D80 Chain Helm 
142C2168 Chain Armor 
142C2550 Leather Gauntlets 
142C2938 Chain Leggings 
143B5FC0 Nameless Knight Helm 
143B63A8 Nameless Knight Armor 
143B6790 Nameless Knight Gauntlets 
143B6B78 Nameless Knight Leggings 
144AA200 Elite Knight Helm 
144AA5E8 Elite Knight Armor 
144AA9D0 Elite Knight Gauntlets 
144AADB8 Elite Knight Leggings 
1459E440 Faraam Helm 
1459E828 Faraam Armor 
1459EC10 Faraam Gauntlets 
1459EFF8 Faraam Boots 
14692680 Catarina Helm 
14692A68 Catarina Armor 
14692E50 Catarina Gauntlets 
14693238 Catarina Leggings 
1470C7A0 Standard Helm 
1470CB88 Hard Leather Armor 
1470CF70 Hard Leather Gauntlets 
1470D358 Hard Leather Boots 
147868C0 Havel's Helm 
14786CA8 Havel's Armor 
14787090 Havel's Gauntlets 
14787478 Havel's Leggings 
148009E0 Brigand Hood 
14800DC8 Brigand Armor 
148011B0 Brigand Gauntlets 
14801598 Brigand Trousers 
1487AB00 Pharis's Hat 
1487AEE8 Leather Armor 
1487B2D0 Leather Gloves 
1487B6B8 Leather Boots 
148F4C20 Ragged Mask 
148F5008 Master's Attire 
148F53F0 Master's Gloves 
148F57D8 Loincloth 
1496ED40 Old Sorcerer Hat 
1496F128 Old Sorcerer Coat 
1496F510 Old Sorcerer Gauntlets 
1496F8F8 Old Sorcerer Boots 
149E8E60 Conjurator Hood 
149E9248 Conjurator Robe 
149E9630 Conjurator Manchettes 
149E9A18 Conjurator Boots 
14A62F80 Thief Mask 
14A63368 Black Leather Armor 
14A63750 Black Leather Gloves 
14A63B38 Black Leather Boots 
14ADD0A0 Symbol of Avarice 
14B571C0 Creighton's Steel Mask 
14B575A8 Mirrah Chain Mail 
14B57990 Mirrah Chain Gloves 
14B57D78 Mirrah Chain Leggings 
14BD12E0 Maiden Hood 
14BD16C8 Maiden Robe 
14BD1AB0 Maiden Gloves 
14BD1E98 Maiden Skirt 
14C4B400 Alva Helm 
14C4B7E8 Alva Armor 
14C4BBD0 Alva Gauntlets 
14C4BFB8 Alva Leggings 
14D3F640 Shadow Mask 
14D3FA28 Shadow Garb 
14D3FE10 Shadow Gauntlets 
14D401F8 Shadow Leggings 
14E33880 Eastern Helm 
14E33C68 Eastern Armor 
14E34050 Eastern Gauntlets 
14E34438 Eastern Leggings 
14F27AC0 Helm of Favor 
14F27EA8 Embraced Armor of Favor 
14F28290 Gauntlets of Favor 
14F28678 Leggings of Favor 
1501BD00 Brass Helm 
1501C0E8 Brass Armor 
1501C4D0 Brass Gauntlets 
1501C8B8 Brass Leggings 
1510FF40 Silver Knight Helm 
15110328 Silver Knight Armor 
15110710 Silver Knight Gauntlets 
15110AF8 Silver Knight Leggings 
15204180 Lucatiel's Mask 
15204568 Mirrah Vest 
15204950 Mirrah Gloves 
15204D38 Mirrah Trousers 
152F83C0 Iron Helm 
152F87A8 Armor of the Sun 
152F8B90 Iron Bracelets 
152F8F78 Iron Leggings 
153EC600 Drakeblood Helm 
153EC9E8 Drakeblood Armor 
153ECDD0 Drakeblood Gauntlets 
153ED1B8 Drakeblood Leggings 
154E0C28 Drang Armor 
154E1010 Drang Gauntlets 
154E13F8 Drang Shoes 
155D4A80 Black Iron Helm 
155D4E68 Black Iron Armor 
155D5250 Black Iron Gauntlets 
155D5638 Black Iron Leggings 
156C8CC0 Painting Guardian Hood 
156C90A8 Painting Guardian Gown 
156C9490 Painting Guardian Gloves 
156C9878 Painting Guardian Waistcloth 
157BCF00 Wolf Knight Helm 
157BD2E8 Wolf Knight Armor 
157BD6D0 Wolf Knight Gauntlets 
157BDAB8 Wolf Knight Leggings 
158B1140 Dragonslayer Helm 
158B1528 Dragonslayer Armor 
158B1910 Dragonslayer Gauntlets 
158B1CF8 Dragonslayer Leggings 
159A5380 Smough's Helm 
159A5768 Smough's Armor 
159A5B50 Smough's Gauntlets 
159A5F38 Smough's Leggings 
15A995C0 Hexer's Hood 
15A999A8 Hexer's Robes 
15A99D90 Hexer's Gloves 
15A9A178 Hexer's Boots 
15B8D800 Helm of Thorns 
15B8DBE8 Armor of Thorns 
15B8DFD0 Gauntlets of Thorns 
15B8E3B8 Leggings of Thorns 
15C81A40 Varangian Helm 
15C81E28 Varangian Armor 
15C82210 Varangian Cuffs 
15C825F8 Varangian Leggings 
15D75C80 Crown of Dusk 
15D76068 Antiquated Dress 
15D76450 Antiquated Gloves 
15D76838 Antiquated Skirt 
15E69EC0 Karla's Pointed Hat 
15E6A2A8 Karla's Coat 
15E6A690 Karla's Gloves 
15E6AA78 Karla's Trousers 
15E6C5D0 Burial Knight Helm 
15E6C9B8 Burial Knight Armor 
15E6CDA0 Burial Knight Gauntlets 
15E6D188 Burial Knight Leggings 
15E6ECE0 Vileblood Helm 
15E6F0C8 Vileblood Armor 
15E6F4B0 Vileblood Gauntlets 
15E6F898 Vileblood Leggings 
15E713F0 Bloodstained Gauntlets 
15E73B00 Iron Keeper Helm 
15E76210 Iron Cage 
15E78920 Gold Ardeo 
15E7B030 Mask of Velka 
15E7D740 Gargoyle Helm 
15E7FE50 Pursuer's Helm 
15E80238 Pursuer's Armor 
15E80620 Pursuer's Gauntlets 
15E80A08 Pursuer's Leggings 
15E82560 Ludleth's Crown 
15E84C70 Skull Mask 
15E87380 Wanderer Hood
15E87768 Wanderer Coat
15E87B50 Wanderer Manchettes
15E87F38 Wanderer Boots
15E89A90 Mask of the Father 
15E8C1A0 Mask of the Mother 
15E8E8B0 Mask of the Child 
15E90FC0 Soldier's Hood 
15E936D0 Frigid Valley Mask 
15E95DE0 Giant Helm 
15E961C8 Giant Armor 
15E965B0 Giant Gauntlets 
15E96998 Giant Leggings 
15E984F0 Black Dragon Helm 
15E988D8 Black Dragon Armor 
15E98CC0 Black Dragon Gauntlets 
15E990A8 Black Dragon Leggings 
15E9AC00 Crown of the Great Lord 
15E9AFE8 Robe of the Great Lord 
15E9B3D0 Bracelet of the Great Lord 
15E9B7B8 Anklet of the Great Lord 
15E9D310 Crown of the Dark Sun 
15E9D6F8 Moonlight Robe 
15E9DAE0 Moonlight Gloves 
15E9DEC8 Moonlight Waistcloth 
15E9FA20 Porcelain Mask 
15E9FE08 Lord's Blade Robe 
15EA01F0 Lord's Blade Gloves 
15EA05D8 Lord's Blade Waistcloth 
15EA2130 Paladin Helm 
15EA2518 Paladin Armor 
15EA2900 Paladin Gauntlets 
15EA2CE8 Paladin Leggings 
15EA4840 Mask of Velka 
15EA4C28 Black Cleric Robe 
15EA5010 Black Manchettes 
15EA53F8 Black Tights 
15EA6F50 Dragonrider Helm 
15EA7338 Dragonrider Armor 
15EA7720 Dragonrider Gauntlets 
15EA7B08 Dragonrider Leggings 
15EA9660 Ancient King's Mask 
15EA9A48 Ancient King's Breastplate 
15EA9E30 Ancient King's Gauntlets 
15EAA218 Ancient King's Leggings 
15EABD70 Binded Hood 
15EAC158 Binded Cross 
15EAC540 Binded Gloves 
15EAC928 Binded Boots 
15EAE480 Brushwood Helm 
15EAE868 Brushwood Armor 
15EAEC50 Brushwood Gauntlets 
15EAF038 Brushwood Leggings 
15EB0B90 Venerable Sage's Hood 
15EB0F78 Venerable Sage's Robe 
15EB1360 Venerable Sage's Gloves 
15EB1748 Venerable Sage's Boots 
15EB32A0 Gloom Helm 
15EB3688 Gloom Armor 
15EB3A70 Gloom Gauntlets 
15EB3E58 Gloom Leggings 
15EB59B0 Penetrator Helm 
15EB5D98 Penetrator Armor 
15EB6180 Penetrator Gauntlets 
15EB6568 Penetrator Leggings 
15EB80C0 Quicksilver Helm 
15EB84A8 Quicksilver Armor 
15EB8890 Quicksilver Gauntlets 
15EB8C78 Quicksilver Leggings 
15EBA7D0 Heide Mask 
15EBCEE0 Pontiff's Crown 
15EBD6B0 Pontiff's Bracelets 
15EBF5F0 Giant Slave Helmet 
15EC1D00 Gargoyle Skull 
15EC20E8 Gargoyle Carapace 
15EC24D0 Gargoyle Gauntlets 
15EC28B8 Gargoyle Leggings 
15EC4410 Demon Cleric Mask 
15EC6B20 Crab Helmet 
15EC9230 Corvian Knight Helmet 
15EC9618 Corvian Knight Armor 
15EC9A00 Corvian Knight Gauntlets 
15EC9DE8 Corvian Knight Leggings 
15ECB940 Alonne's Helm 
15ECBD28 Alonne's Armor 
15ECC110 Alonne's Gauntlets 
15ECC4F8 Alonne's Leggings 
15ECE050 Rampart Golem Helm 
15ECE438 Rampart Golem Armor 
15ECE820 Rampart Golem Gauntlets 
15ECEC08 Rampart Golem Leggings 
15ED0760 Smelter Demon Helm 
15ED0B48 Smelter Demon Armor 
15ED0F30 Smelter Demon Gauntlets 
15ED1318 Smelter Demon Leggings 
15ED2E70 Bone Ash Mask 
15ED3258 Bone Ash Armor 
15ED3640 Bone Ash Gauntlets 
15ED3A28 Bone Ash Leggings 
15ED5580 Heide Knight Greathelm 
15ED5968 Heide Knight Chainmail 
15ED5D50 Heide Knight Gauntlets 
15ED6138 Heide Knight Leggings 
15ED7C90 Imperious Head 
15ED8078 Imperious Armor 
15ED8460 Imperious Gauntlets 
15ED8848 Imperious Leggings 
15EDA3A0 Mask of Horror 
15EDCAB0 Mask of Cruelty 
15EDF1C0 Mask of Serenity 
15EE18D0 Mask of War 
15EE3FE0 Eastern Commander Helm 
15EE43C8 Eastern Commander Armor 
15EE47B0 Eastern Commander Armguards 
15EE4B98 Eastern Commander Leggings 
15EE66F0 Horned Samurai Helm 
15EE8E00 Ornate Samurai Helm 
15EEB510 Black Metal Hat 
15EEDC20 Tan Straw Hat 
15EF0330 Carthus Blindfold 
15EF2A40 Crown of Filianore 
15EF5150 Crown of the Holy King 
15EF7860 Pygmy Crown 
15EF9F70 Old Demon King's Crown 
15EFC680 Mask of Sin 
15EFED90 Poisonhorn Cap 
15F014A0 Vagabond Cowl 
15F03BB0 Hollow Head 
15F062C0 Basilisk Cap 
15F089D0 Deserter Helm 
15F0B0E0 Pot 
15F0D7F0 Raven Mask 
15F0FF00 Crown of Illusions 
15F12610 Hallowed Knight Helm 
15F129F8 Hallowed Knight Armor 
15F12DE0 Hallowed Knight Gauntlets 
15F131C8 Hallowed Knight Leggings 
15F14D20 Courtier's Wig 
15F15108 Courtier's Garb 
15F154F0 Courtier's Gloves 
15F158D8 Courtier's Trousers 
15F17430 Steel Helm 
15F17818 Steel Armor 
15F17C00 Steel Gauntlets 
15F17FE8 Steel Leggings 
15F19B40 Dragon Hunter Helm 
15F19F28 Dragon Hunter Armor 
15F1A310 Dragon Hunter Gauntlets 
15F1A6F8 Dragon Hunter Leggings 
15F1C250 Ivory King Helm 
15F1C638 Ivory King Armor 
15F1CA20 Ivory King Gauntlets 
15F1CE08 Ivory King Leggings 
15F1E960 Mad Warrior Mask 
15F1ED48 Mad Warrior Armor 
15F1F130 Mad Warrior Gauntlets 
15F1F518 Mad Warrior Leggings 
15F21070 Mirror Knight Helm 
15F21458 Mirror Knight Armor 
15F21840 Mirror Knight Gauntlets 
15F21C28 Mirror Knight Leggings 
15F23780 Syan Knight Helm 
15F23B68 Syan Knight Armor 
15F23F50 Syan Knight Gauntlets 
15F24338 Syan Knight Leggings 
15F25E90 Helm of the Wise 
15F26278 Armor of the Glorious 
15F26660 Gauntlets of the Vanquisher 
15F26A48 Boots of the Explorer 
15F285A0 Gold-Hemmed Black Hood 
15F28988 Gold-Hemmed Black Cloak 
15F28D70 Gold-Hemmed Black Gloves 
15F29158 Gold-Hemmed Black Skirt 
15F2ACB0 Charred Loyce Helm 
15F2B098 Charred Loyce Armor 
15F2B480 Charred Loyce Gauntlets 
15F2B868 Charred Loyce Leggings 
15F2D3C0 Hood of the Forlorn 
15F2D7A8 Armor of the Forlorn 
15F2DB90 Gauntlets of the Forlorn 
15F2DF78 Leggings of the Forlorn 
15F2FAD0 Jester's Cap 
15F2FEB8 Jester's Robes 
15F302A0 Jester's Gloves 
15F30688 Jester's Tights 
15F321E0 Royal Soldier Helm 
15F325C8 Royal Soldier Armor 
15F329B0 Royal Soldier Gauntlets 
15F32D98 Royal Soldier Leggings 
15F348F0 Loyce Helm 
15F34CD8 Loyce Armor 
15F350C0 Loyce Gauntlets 
15F354A8 Loyce Leggings 
15F37000 Tarnished Knight Helm 
15F373E8 Tarnished Knight Armor 
15F377D0 Tarnished Knight Gauntlets 
15F37BB8 Tarnished Knight Leggings 
15F39710 Golem Helm 
15F39AF8 Golem Armor 
15F39EE0 Golem Gauntlets 
15F3A2C8 Golem Leggings 
15F3BE20 Manikin Mask 
15F3C208 Manikin Top 
15F3C5F0 Manikin Gloves 
15F3C9D8 Manikin Boots 
15F3E530 Crude Manikin Mask 
15F40C40 Stone Helm 
15F41028 Stone Armor 
15F41410 Stone Gauntlets 
15F417F8 Stone Leggings 
15F43350 Guardian Helm 
15F43738 Guardian Armor 
15F43B20 Guardian Gauntlets 
15F43F08 Guardian Leggings


40000064 White Sign Soapstone 
40000065 Red Sign Soapstone 
40000066 Red Eye Orb 
40000067 Black Separation Crystal 
4000006C Roster of Knights 
4000006F Cracked Red Eye Orb 
40000073 Black Eye Orb 
40000075 Darksign 
40000077 Way of White Circlet 
40000096 Estus Flask 
40000097 Estus Flask 
40000098 Estus Flask+1 
40000099 Estus Flask+1 
4000009A Estus Flask+2 
4000009B Estus Flask+2 
4000009C Estus Flask+3 
4000009D Estus Flask+3 
4000009E Estus Flask+4 
4000009F Estus Flask+4 
400000A0 Estus Flask+5 
400000A1 Estus Flask+5 
400000A2 Estus Flask+6 
400000A3 Estus Flask+6 
400000A4 Estus Flask+7 
400000A5 Estus Flask+7 
400000A6 Estus Flask+8 
400000A7 Estus Flask+8 
400000A8 Estus Flask+9 
400000A9 Estus Flask+9 
400000AA Estus Flask+10 
400000AB Estus Flask+10 
400000BE Ashen Estus Flask 
400000BF Ashen Estus Flask 
400000C0 Ashen Estus Flask+1 
400000C1 Ashen Estus Flask+1 
400000C2 Ashen Estus Flask+2 
400000C3 Ashen Estus Flask+2 
400000C4 Ashen Estus Flask+3 
400000C5 Ashen Estus Flask+3 
400000C6 Ashen Estus Flask+4 
400000C7 Ashen Estus Flask+4 
400000C8 Ashen Estus Flask+5 
400000C9 Ashen Estus Flask+5 
400000CA Ashen Estus Flask+6 
400000CB Ashen Estus Flask+6 
400000CC Ashen Estus Flask+7 
400000CD Ashen Estus Flask+7 
400000CE Ashen Estus Flask+8 
400000CF Ashen Estus Flask+8 
400000D0 Ashen Estus Flask+9 
400000D1 Ashen Estus Flask+9 
400000D2 Ashen Estus Flask+10 
400000D3 Ashen Estus Flask+10 
400000DC Focusing Crystal 
400000DD Focusing Crystal+1 
400000DE Focusing Crystal+2 
400000DF Focusing Crystal+3 
400000E0 Focusing Crystal+4 
400000E1 Focusing Crystal+5 
400000E2 Focusing Crystal+6 
400000E3 Focusing Crystal+7 
400000E4 Focusing Crystal+8 
400000E5 Focusing Crystal+9 
400000E6 Focusing Crystal+10 
400000F0 Divine Blessing 
400000F1 Hidden Blessing 
400000F2 Silver Pendant 
40000104 Green Blossom 
40000105 Budding Green Blossom 
40000106 Budding Green Blossom 
4000010E Bloodred Moss Clump 
4000010F Purple Moss Clump 
40000110 Blooming Purple Moss Clump 
40000112 Purging Stone 
40000113 Cleansing Pendant 
40000114 Rime-blue Moss Clump 
40000118 Repair Powder 
40000122 Kukri 
40000124 Firebomb 
40000125 Dung Pie 
40000126 Alluring Skull 
40000128 Undead Hunter Charm 
40000129 Black Firebomb 
4000012B Set-up Firebomb 
4000012C Lightning Urn 
4000012E Rope Black Firebomb 
4000012F Stalk Dung Pie 
40000130 Duel Charm 
40000136 Throwing Knife 
40000137 Poisonous Knife 
40000140 Sorcerous Knife 
40000141 Flaming Knife 
40000142 Sparking Knife 
40000143 Abyssal Knife 
40000144 Cursed Knife 
40000145 Lacerating Knife 
40000146 Frigid Knife 
40000148 Cursed Pine Resin 
40000149 Blessed Pine Resin 
4000014A Charcoal Pine Resin 
4000014B Gold Pine Resin 
4000014E Human Pine Resin 
4000014F Carthus Rouge 
40000150 Pale Pine Resin 
40000154 Charcoal Pine Bundle 
40000155 Gold Pine Bundle 
40000157 Rotten Pine Resin 
40000158 Frozen Pine Resin 
4000015E Homeward Bone 
4000015F Coiled Sword Fragment 
4000016D Awestone 
4000016E Wolf's Blood Swordgrass 
4000016F Human Dregs 
40000170 Forked Pale Tongue 
40000171 Proof of a Concord Well Kept 
40000172 Prism Stone 
40000173 Binoculars 
40000174 Proof of a Concord Kept 
40000175 Pale Tongue 
40000176 Vertebra Shackle 
40000177 Sunlight Medal 
40000178 Pendant 
40000179 Dragon Head Stone 
4000017A Dragon Torso Stone 
4000017C Rubbish 
4000017D Rat Tail 
4000017E Ritual Incense 
4000017F Lost Trinket 
40000180 Grateful Soul 
40000181 Dried Finger 
40000183 Twinkling Dragon Head Stone 
40000184 Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone 
40000186 Fire Keeper Soul 
40000190 Fading Soul 
40000191 Soul of a Deserted Corpse 
40000192 Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse 
40000193 Soul of an Unknown Traveler 
40000194 Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler 
40000195 Soul of a Nameless Soldier 
40000196 Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier 
40000197 Soul of a Weary Warrior 
40000198 Large Soul of a Weary Warrior 
40000199 Soul of a Crestfallen Knight 
4000019A Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight 
4000019B Soul of a Proud Paladin 
4000019C Large Soul of a Proud Paladin 
4000019D Soul of an Intrepid Hero 
4000019E Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero 
4000019F Soul of a Seasoned Warrior 
400001A0 Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior 
400001A1 Soul of an Old Hand 
400001A2 Soul of a Venerable Old Hand 
400001A3 Soul of a Champion 
400001A4 Soul of a Great Champion 
400001A5 Timeless Soul 
400001B8 Seed of a Giant Tree 
400001C4 Mossfruit 
400001C6 Young White Branch 
400001C7 Rusted Coin 
400001C8 Siegbräu 
400001C9 Rusted Gold Coin 
400001CA Blue Bug Pellet 
400001CB Red Bug Pellet 
400001CC Yellow Bug Pellet 
400001CD Black Bug Pellet 
400001CE Young White Branch 
400001CF Young White Branch 
400001EA Dark Sigil 
400001F4 Ember 
400001F5 Ember 
400001F6 Ember 
400001F7 Ember 
400001F8 Ember 
400001F9 Ember 
400001FA Ember 
400001FB Ember 
400001FC Ember 
400001FD Ember 
400001FE Ember 
40000208 Hello Carving 
40000209 Thank you Carving 
4000020A Very good! Carving 
4000020B I'm sorry Carving 
4000020C Help me! Carving 
40000212 Bone Marrow Ash 
400002BC Soul of Corrupted Gundyr 
400002BD Soul of the Ancient Wyvern 
400002BE Soul of the Lordran Remnants 
400002BF Soul of Princess Yngvil 
400002C8 Soul of Champion Gundyr 
400002CA Soul of the Dancer 
400002CB Soul of a Crystal Sage 
400002CD Soul of the Blood of the Wolf 
400002CE Soul of Consumed Oceiros 
400002CF Soul of Boreal Valley Vordt 
400002D0 Soul of the Old Demon King 
400002D1 Soul of Dragonslayer Armour 
400002D2 Soul of the Nameless King 
400002D4 Soul of Pontiff Sulyvahn 
400002D5 Soul of Aldrich 
400002D6 Soul of High Lord Wolnir 
400002D7 Soul of the Rotted Greatwood 
400002D8 Soul of Rosaria 
400002D9 Soul of the Deacons of the Deep 
400002DB Soul of the Twin Princes 
400002DC Soul of Yhorm the Giant 
400002DD Soul of the Lords 
400002E3 Soul of a Demon 
400002E6 Soul of the Twin Princes 
400002E7 Soul of a Stray Demon 
400002EC Soul of Halflight 
400002ED Soul of the Cathedral Guardian 
400002EE Soul of the Mirror Knight 
400002EF Soul of Aborr 
400002F0 Soul of Prince Dorthinus 
400002F1 Soul of the Ancient Soldier 
400002F2 Twisted Soul 
400002F3 Soul of the Maiden 
400002F4 Soul of the Marauder 
40000320 Lifegem 
40000321 Radiant Lifegem 
40000322 Old Radiant Lifegem 
40000323 Elizabeth Mushroom 
40000324 Dried Root 
40000325 Rouge Water 
40000326 Crimson Water 
40000385 Primordial Fragment 
400003E8 Titanite Shard 
400003E9 Large Titanite Shard 
400003EA Titanite Chunk 
400003EB Titanite Slab 
400003F2 Dragon Scale 
400003FC Titanite Scale 
40000406 Twinkling Titanite 
4000041A Prismatic Slab 
40000424 Fire Seed 
4000042E Crystal Fragment 
40000438 Abyssal Fragment 
40000442 Holy Fragment 
4000044C Primordial Shard 
40000456 Large Primordial Shard 
40000460 Primordial Fragment 
4000046A Primordial Chunk 
40000474 Primordial Slab 
4000047E Frozen Chaos Essence 
40000488 Yngvil's Crystal 
400004E2 Shriving Stone 
400007D0 Ring of Betrothal 
400007D1 Lift Chamber Key 
400007D2 Lordvessel 
400007D3 Soul Vessel 
400007D4 Tortured Soul 
400007D5 Small Doll 
400007D6 Smithbox 
400007D7 Jailbreaker's Key 
400007D8 Jailer's Key Ring 
400007D9 Grave Key 
400007DA Cell Key 
400007DB Dungeon Ground Floor Key 
400007DC Old Cell Key 
400007DD Forgotten Key 
400007DE Grand Archives Key 
400007DF Tower Key 
400007E0 Courtyard Key 
400007E1 Pilgrim's Soul 
400007E2 Catacombs Key 
400007E3 Smouldering Key 
400007E4 Eye of Londor 
400007E5 Frozen Flower 
400007E6 Mythical Tablet 
400007E7 Giant's Soul 
400007E8 Smouldering Rubble 
400007E9 Ancestral Note 
400007EA Cultist Note 
400007EB Waterlogged Note 
400007EC Dusty Note 
400007ED Shivering Note 
400007EE Corrupted Note 
400007EF Afflicted Note 
400007F0 Princely Note 
400007F1 Priestly Note 
400007F2 Frozen Note 
400007F3 Dreg Note 
400007F4 Burning Note 
40000802 Forgotten Key 
40000803 Soldier's Key 
40000804 Knight's Key 
40000805 Buried Key 
40000806 Dragon Talon 
40000807 Plagued Key 
40000808 Scholar's Key 
40000809 Afflicted Key 
4000080A Smouldering Key 
4000080B Shivering Key 
4000080C Profaned Key 
4000080D Frozen Flower 
4000080E Dreg Key 
4000080F Burning Key 
40000810 Odessa's Letter 
40000811 Seal of Judgment 
40000834 Master Key 
40000836 Small Lothric Banner 
40000837 Farron Coal 
40000838 Sage's Coal 
40000839 Giant's Coal 
4000083A Profaned Coal 
4000083B Mortician's Ashes 
4000083C Dreamchaser's Ashes 
4000083D Paladin's Ashes 
4000083E Grave Warden's Ashes 
4000083F Greirat's Ashes 
40000840 Orbeck's Ashes 
40000841 Cornyx's Ashes 
40000842 Karla's Ashes 
40000843 Irina's Ashes 
40000844 Yuria's Ashes 
40000845 Basin of Vows 
40000846 Loretta's Bone 
40000847 Braille Divine Tome of Carim 
40000848 Braille Divine Tome of Lothric 
40000849 Braille Divine Tome of Sunlight 
4000084B Cinders of a Lord 
4000084C Cinders of a Lord 
4000084D Cinders of a Lord 
4000084E Cinders of a Lord 
4000084F Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome 
40000850 Carthus Pyromancy Tome 
40000851 Izalith Pyromancy Tome 
40000852 Quelana Pyromancy Tome 
40000853 Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome 
40000854 Sage's Scroll 
40000855 Logan's Scroll 
40000856 Crystal Scroll 
40000857 Transposing Kiln 
40000859 Coiled Sword 
4000085A Eyes of a Fire Keeper 
4000085B Sword of Avowal 
4000085C Golden Scroll 
4000085D Estus Shard 
4000085E Hawkwood's Swordgrass 
4000085F Undead Bone Shard 
40000860 Deep Braille Divine Tome 
40000861 Londor Braille Divine Tome 
40000862 Excrement-covered Ashes 
40000863 Prisoner Chief's Ashes 
40000864 Xanthous Ashes 
40000865 Hollow's Ashes 
40000866 Patches' Ashes 
40000867 Dragon Chaser's Ashes 
40000868 Easterner's Ashes 
40000870 Brightbug 
40000873 Lizard Hide 
4000087A Torn Excerpt 
4000087D Profaned Pyromancy Tome 
4000087E Accursed Scroll 
4000087F Writhing Tome 
40000880 Abyssal Tome 
40000881 Angelic Braille Divine Tome 
40000882 Heavenly Braille Divine Tome 
40000898 Magical Essence
400008FC Singing Stone
400008FD Warbling Stone
400008FE Chanting Stone
400008FF Crooning Stone
40000900 Humming Stone
40000901 Shouting Stone
40000902 Whistling Stone
40000903 Chirping Stone
40000904 Groaning Stone
40000905 Purring Stone
40000BBB Throwing Frying Pan 
40000BBC Tarnished Coin 
40000BBD Cursed Silver Coin 
40000BCA Hexing Urn 
40000BCB Holy Water Urn 
40000BCC Witching Urn 
40000BCD Old Growth Balm 
40000BCE Vine Balm 
40000BCF Blackweed Balm 
40000BD0 Goldenfruit Balm 
40000FA0 Lethal Gem 
40000FA1 Curse Gem 
40000FA2 Poison Gem 
40000FA3 Blood Gem 
40000FA4 Frost Gem 
40000FA5 Magic Gem 
40000FA6 Fire Gem 
40000FA7 Lightning Gem 
40000FA8 Dark Gem 
40000FA9 Lucky Gem 
40000FAA Enchanted Gem 
40000FAB Holy Gem 
40000FAC Sharp Gem 
40000FAD Blunt Gem 
40000FAE Crystal Shard 
40000FAF Dragon Eye 
40000FB0 Human Effigy 
40000FB1 Devil's Trumpet 
40000FB2 Moonflower 
40000FB3 Henbane 
40001004 Bloodthirsty Draconic Fire 
40001005 Bloodthirsty Draconic Might 
4000100E Bloodthirsty Draconic Fire Orbs 
4000100F Bloodthirsty Draconic Fury 
40001068 Soul of a Fallen Paladin 
40001069 Soul of a Fallen Sentinel 
4000106A Soul of a Fallen Sage 
4000106B Soul of a Fallen Warrior 
4000106C Soul of a Fallen Astrologer 
4000106D Soul of a Fallen Berserker 
4000106E Soul of a Fallen Champion 
40001388 Tome: Corrupted Gundyr 
40001389 Tome: Vordt 
4000138A Tome: Curse-rotted Greatwood 
4000138B Tome: Crystal Sage 
4000138C Tome: Deacons of the Deep 
4000138D Tome: Abyss Watchers 
4000138E Tome: High Lord Wolnir 
4000138F Tome: Old Demon King 
40001390 Tome: Pontiff Sulyvahn 
40001391 Tome: Aldrich 
40001392 Tome: Yhorm the Giant 
40001393 Tome: Dancer 
40001394 Tome: Oceiros 
40001395 Tome: Dragonslayer Armour 
40001396 Tome: Ancient Wyvern 
40001397 Tome: Nameless King 
40001398 Tome: Champion Gundyr 
40001399 Tome: Twin Princes 
4000139A Tome: Soul of Cinder 
4000139B Tome: Sister Friede 
4000139C Tome: Lordran Remnants 
4000139D Tome: Demon Prince 
4000139E Tome: Darkeater Midir 
4000139F Tome: Slave Knight Gael 
400013A0 Tome: Halflight 
400013A1 Tome: Champions of Yore 
400013A2 Tome: Princess Yngvil 
400013A3 Tome: Cathedral Guardian 
400013A4 Tome: Mirror Knight 
400013A5 Tome: Aborr 
400013A6 Tome: Prince Dorthinus 
400013A7 Tome: Trio of Explorers 
400013A8 Tome: Twisted Knight 
400013A9 Tome: Fallen Protector 
400013AA Tome: Titanite Abomination 
400013AB Tome: The Marauder 
40001518 Bloodthirsty Firebomb 
40001519 Bloodthirsty Black Firebomb 
4000151A Bloodthirsty Holy Water Urn 
4000151B Bloodthirsty Witching Urn 
4000151C Bloodthirsty Hexing Urn 
4000151D Bloodthirsty Set-up Firebomb 
40001522 Bloodthirsty Lightning Urn 
4000152C Bloodthirsty Throwing Knife 
4000152D Bloodthirsty Sorcerous Knife 
4000152E Bloodthirsty Flaming Knife 
4000152F Bloodthirsty Sparking Knife 
40001530 Bloodthirsty Abyssal Knife 
40001531 Bloodthirsty Poisonous Knife 
40001532 Bloodthirsty Lacerating Knife 
40001533 Bloodthirsty Cursed Knife 
40001534 Bloodthirsty Frigid Knife 
40001535 Bloodthirsty Frying Pan 
40001536 Bloodthirsty Kukri 
40001540 Bloodthirsty Dung 
4000154A Bloodthirsty Skull 
40001554 Bloodthirsty Blossom 
4000155E Bloodthirsty Powder 
40001568 Bloodthirsty Charcoal Resin 
40001569 Bloodthirsty Pale Resin 
4000156A Bloodthirsty Gold Resin 
4000156B Bloodthirsty Human Resin 
4000156C Bloodthirsty Rotten Resin 
4000156D Bloodthirsty Carthus Rouge 
4000156E Bloodthirsty Frozen Resin 
4000156F Bloodthirsty Cursed Resin 
40001570 Bloodthirsty Blessed Resin 
40001572 Bloodthirsty Pellet 
40001573 Bloodthirsty Mossfruit 
4000157C Titanite Fragment 
4000157D Inferi Petal 
4000157E Combustum Petal 
4000157F Vindicti Petal 
40001580 Barathrum Petal 
40001581 Celeritas Stem 
40001582 Veloxi Moss


20002710 Darkmoon Faithful I 
20002711 Darkmoon Faithful II 
20002712 Darkmoon Faithful III 
20002713 Darkmoon Faithful IV 
20002714 Darkmoon Faithful V 
20002724 Watchdogs of Farron I 
20002725 Watchdogs of Farron II 
20002726 Watchdogs of Farron III 
20002727 Watchdogs of Farron IV 
20002728 Watchdogs of Farron V 
2000272E Aldrich Faithful I 
2000272F Aldrich Faithful II 
20002730 Aldrich Faithful III 
20002731 Aldrich Faithful IV 
20002732 Aldrich Faithful V 
20002738 Warrior of Sunlight I 
20002739 Warrior of Sunlight II 
2000273A Warrior of Sunlight III 
2000273B Warrior of Sunlight IV 
2000273C Warrior of Sunlight V 
20002742 Mound-makers I 
20002743 Mound-makers II 
20002744 Mound-makers III 
20002745 Mound-makers IV 
20002746 Mound-makers V 
2000274C Thieves' Pact I 
2000274D Thieves' Pact II 
2000274E Thieves' Pact III 
2000274F Thieves' Pact IV 
20002750 Thieves' Pact V 
20002756 Chaos Servant I 
20002757 Chaos Servant II 
20002758 Chaos Servant III 
20002759 Chaos Servant IV 
2000275A Chaos Servant V 
20002760 Rosaria's Fingers I 
20002761 Rosaria's Fingers II 
20002762 Rosaria's Fingers III 
20002763 Rosaria's Fingers IV 
20002764 Rosaria's Fingers V 
20002774 Vinheim Scholars I 
20002775 Vinheim Scholars II 
20002776 Vinheim Scholars III 
20002777 Vinheim Scholars IV 
20002778 Vinheim Scholars V 
2000277E Pilgrims of Dark I 
2000277F Pilgrims of Dark II 
20002780 Pilgrims of Dark III 
20002781 Pilgrims of Dark IV 
20002782 Pilgrims of Dark V 
20002788 Way of White I 
20002789 Way of White II 
2000278A Way of White III 
2000278B Way of White IV 
2000278C Way of White V 
20002792 Dragon Remnants I 
20002793 Dragon Remnants II 
20002794 Dragon Remnants III 
20002795 Dragon Remnants IV 
20002796 Dragon Remnants V 
2000279C Blue Sentinels I 
2000279D Blue Sentinels II 
2000279E Blue Sentinels III 
2000279F Blue Sentinels IV 
200027A0 Blue Sentinels V 
200027A6 Way of Blue I 
200027A7 Way of Blue II 
200027A8 Way of Blue III 
200027A9 Way of Blue IV 
200027AA Way of Blue V 
200027B0 Company of Champions I 
200027B1 Company of Champions II 
200027B2 Company of Champions III 
200027B3 Company of Champions IV 
200027B4 Company of Champions V 
200027BA Servant of the Rat I 
200027BB Servant of the Rat II 
200027BC Servant of the Rat III 
200027BD Servant of the Rat IV 
200027BE Servant of the Rat V 
200027C4 Conjurator's Pact I 
200027C5 Conjurator's Pact II 
200027C6 Conjurator's Pact III 
200027C7 Conjurator's Pact IV 
200027C8 Conjurator's Pact V 
20004E20 Life Ring 
20004E21 Life Ring+1 
20004E22 Life Ring+2 
20004E23 Life Ring+3 
20004E24 Life Ring+4 
20004E25 Life Ring+5 
20004E2A Chloranthy Ring 
20004E2B Chloranthy Ring+1 
20004E2C Chloranthy Ring+2 
20004E2D Chloranthy Ring+3 
20004E2E Chloranthy Ring+4 
20004E2F Chloranthy Ring+5 
20004E34 Havel's Ring 
20004E35 Havel's Ring+1 
20004E36 Havel's Ring+2 
20004E37 Havel's Ring+3 
20004E38 Havel's Ring+4 
20004E39 Havel's Ring+5 
20004E3E Ring of Favor 
20004E3F Ring of Favor+1 
20004E40 Ring of Favor+2 
20004E41 Ring of Favor+3 
20004E42 Ring of Favor+4 
20004E43 Ring of Favor+5 
20004E48 Ring of Steel Protection 
20004E49 Ring of Steel Protection+1 
20004E4A Ring of Steel Protection+2 
20004E4B Ring of Steel Protection+3 
20004E4C Ring of Steel Protection+4 
20004E4D Ring of Steel Protection+5 
20004E52 Flame Stoneplate Ring 
20004E53 Flame Stoneplate Ring+1 
20004E54 Flame Stoneplate Ring+2 
20004E55 Flame Stoneplate Ring+3 
20004E56 Flame Stoneplate Ring+4 
20004E57 Flame Stoneplate Ring+5 
20004E5C Thunder Stoneplate Ring 
20004E5D Thunder Stoneplate Ring+1 
20004E5E Thunder Stoneplate Ring+2 
20004E5F Thunder Stoneplate Ring+3 
20004E60 Thunder Stoneplate Ring+4 
20004E61 Thunder Stoneplate Ring+5 
20004E66 Magic Stoneplate Ring 
20004E67 Magic Stoneplate Ring+1 
20004E68 Magic Stoneplate Ring+2 
20004E69 Magic Stoneplate Ring+3 
20004E6A Magic Stoneplate Ring+4 
20004E6B Magic Stoneplate Ring+5 
20004E70 Dark Stoneplate Ring 
20004E71 Dark Stoneplate Ring+1 
20004E72 Dark Stoneplate Ring+2 
20004E73 Dark Stoneplate Ring+3 
20004E74 Dark Stoneplate Ring+4 
20004E75 Dark Stoneplate Ring+5 
20004E7A Speckled Stoneplate Ring 
20004E7B Speckled Stoneplate Ring+1 
20004E7C Speckled Stoneplate Ring+2 
20004E7D Speckled Stoneplate Ring+3 
20004E7E Speckled Stoneplate Ring+4 
20004E7F Speckled Stoneplate Ring+5 
20004E84 Bloodbite Ring 
20004E85 Bloodbite Ring+1 
20004E86 Bloodbite Ring+2 
20004E87 Bloodbite Ring+3 
20004E88 Bloodbite Ring+4 
20004E89 Bloodbite Ring+5 
20004E8E Poisonbite Ring 
20004E8F Poisonbite Ring+1 
20004E90 Poisonbite Ring+2 
20004E91 Poisonbite Ring+3 
20004E92 Poisonbite Ring+4 
20004E93 Poisonbite Ring+5 
20004E98 Cursebite Ring 
20004E99 Cursebite Ring+1 
20004E9A Cursebite Ring+2 
20004E9B Cursebite Ring+3 
20004E9C Cursebite Ring+4 
20004E9D Cursebite Ring+5 
20004EA2 Fleshbite Ring 
20004EA3 Fleshbite Ring+1 
20004EA4 Fleshbite Ring+2 
20004EA5 Fleshbite Ring+3 
20004EA6 Fleshbite Ring+4 
20004EA7 Fleshbite Ring+5 
20004EAC Wood Grain Ring 
20004EAD Wood Grain Ring+1 
20004EAE Wood Grain Ring+2 
20004EAF Wood Grain Ring+3 
20004EB0 Wood Grain Ring+4 
20004EB1 Wood Grain Ring+5 
20004EB6 Scholar Ring 
20004EB7 Scholar Ring+1 
20004EB8 Scholar Ring+2 
20004EB9 Scholar Ring+3 
20004EBA Scholar Ring+4 
20004EBB Scholar Ring+5 
20004EC0 Priestess Ring 
20004EC1 Priestess Ring+1 
20004EC2 Priestess Ring+2 
20004EC3 Priestess Ring+3 
20004EC4 Priestess Ring+4 
20004EC5 Priestess Ring+5 
20004ECA Red Tearstone Ring 
20004ECB Red Tearstone Ring+1 
20004ECC Red Tearstone Ring+2 
20004ECD Red Tearstone Ring+3 
20004ECE Red Tearstone Ring+4 
20004ECF Red Tearstone Ring+5 
20004ED4 Blue Tearstone Ring 
20004ED5 Blue Tearstone Ring+1 
20004ED6 Blue Tearstone Ring+2 
20004ED7 Blue Tearstone Ring+3 
20004ED8 Blue Tearstone Ring+4 
20004ED9 Blue Tearstone Ring+5 
20004EDE Wolf Ring 
20004EDF Wolf Ring+1 
20004EE0 Wolf Ring+2 
20004EE1 Wolf Ring+3 
20004EE2 Wolf Ring+4 
20004EE3 Wolf Ring+5 
20004EE8 Leo Ring 
20004EF2 Ring of Sacrifice 
20004EFC Rare Ring of Sacrifice 
20004F06 Young Dragon Ring 
20004F10 Great Swamp Ring 
20004F1A Morne's Ring 
20004F2E Lingering Dragoncrest Ring 
20004F2F Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+1 
20004F30 Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+2 
20004F31 Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+3 
20004F32 Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+4 
20004F33 Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+5 
20004F38 Sage Ring 
20004F39 Sage Ring+1 
20004F3A Sage Ring+2 
20004F3B Sage Ring+3 
20004F3C Sage Ring+4 
20004F3D Sage Ring+5 
20004F42 Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring 
20004F4C Dusk Crown Ring 
20004F4D Dusk Crown Ring+1 
20004F4E Dusk Crown Ring+2 
20004F4F Dusk Crown Ring+3 
20004F50 Dusk Crown Ring+4 
20004F51 Dusk Crown Ring+5 
20004F56 Saint's Ring 
20004F60 Deep Ring 
20004F6A Darkmoon Ring 
20004F6B Darkmoon Ring+1 
20004F6C Darkmoon Ring+2 
20004F6D Darkmoon Ring+3 
20004F6E Darkmoon Ring+4 
20004F6F Darkmoon Ring+5 
20004F74 Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring 
20004F75 Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring+1 
20004F76 Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring+2 
20004F77 Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring+3 
20004F78 Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring+4 
20004F79 Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring+5 
20004F7E Witch's Ring 
20004F7F Witch's Ring+1 
20004F80 Witch's Ring+2 
20004F81 Witch's Ring+3 
20004F82 Witch's Ring+4 
20004F83 Witch's Ring+5 
20004F88 Ring of the Sun's First Born 
20004F89 Ring of the Sun's First Born+1 
20004F8A Ring of the Sun's First Born+2 
20004F8B Ring of the Sun's First Born+3 
20004F8C Ring of the Sun's First Born+4 
20004F8D Ring of the Sun's First Born+5 
20004F92 Hawk Ring 
20004F93 Hawk Ring+1 
20004F94 Hawk Ring+2 
20004F95 Hawk Ring+3 
20004F96 Hawk Ring+4 
20004F97 Hawk Ring+5 
20004F9C Hornet Ring 
20004F9D Hornet Ring+1 
20004F9E Hornet Ring+2 
20004F9F Hornet Ring+3 
20004FA0 Hornet Ring+4 
20004FA1 Hornet Ring+5 
20004FA6 Covetous Gold Serpent Ring 
20004FA7 Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+1 
20004FA8 Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+2 
20004FA9 Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+3 
20004FAA Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+4 
20004FAB Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+5 
20004FB0 Covetous Silver Serpent Ring 
20004FB1 Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1 
20004FB2 Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2 
20004FB3 Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+3 
20004FB4 Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+4 
20004FB5 Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+5 
20004FBA Sun Princess Ring 
20004FBB Sun Princess Ring+1 
20004FBC Sun Princess Ring+2 
20004FBD Sun Princess Ring+3 
20004FBE Sun Princess Ring+4 
20004FBF Sun Princess Ring+5 
20004FC4 Silvercat Ring 
20004FCE Skull Ring 
20004FCF Skull Ring+1 
20004FD0 Skull Ring+2 
20004FD1 Skull Ring+3 
20004FD2 Skull Ring+4 
20004FD3 Skull Ring+5 
20004FE2 Carthus Milkring 
20004FE3 Carthus Milkring+1 
20004FE4 Carthus Milkring+2 
20004FE5 Carthus Milkring+3 
20004FE6 Carthus Milkring+4 
20004FE7 Carthus Milkring+5 
20004FEC Knight's Ring 
20004FED Knight's Ring+1 
20004FEE Knight's Ring+2 
20004FEF Knight's Ring+3 
20004FF0 Knight's Ring+4 
20004FF1 Knight's Ring+5 
20004FF6 Hunter's Ring 
20004FF7 Hunter's Ring+1 
20004FF8 Hunter's Ring+2 
20004FF9 Hunter's Ring+3 
20004FFA Hunter's Ring+4 
20004FFB Hunter's Ring+5 
20005000 Knight Slayer's Ring 
20005001 Knight Slayer's Ring+1 
20005002 Knight Slayer's Ring+2 
20005003 Knight Slayer's Ring+3 
20005004 Knight Slayer's Ring+4 
20005005 Knight Slayer's Ring+5 
2000500A Magic Clutch Ring 
2000500B Magic Clutch Ring+1 
2000500C Magic Clutch Ring+2 
2000500D Magic Clutch Ring+3 
2000500E Magic Clutch Ring+4 
2000500F Magic Clutch Ring+5 
20005014 Lightning Clutch Ring 
20005015 Lightning Clutch Ring+1 
20005016 Lightning Clutch Ring+2 
20005017 Lightning Clutch Ring+3 
20005018 Lightning Clutch Ring+4 
20005019 Lightning Clutch Ring+5 
2000501E Fire Clutch Ring 
2000501F Fire Clutch Ring+1 
20005020 Fire Clutch Ring+2 
20005021 Fire Clutch Ring+3 
20005022 Fire Clutch Ring+4 
20005023 Fire Clutch Ring+5 
20005028 Dark Clutch Ring 
20005029 Dark Clutch Ring+1 
2000502A Dark Clutch Ring+2 
2000502B Dark Clutch Ring+3 
2000502C Dark Clutch Ring+4 
2000502D Dark Clutch Ring+5 
2000503C Flynn's Ring 
2000503D Flynn's Ring+1 
2000503E Flynn's Ring+2 
2000503F Flynn's Ring+3 
20005040 Flynn's Ring+4 
20005041 Flynn's Ring+5 
20005046 Prisoner's Chain 
20005047 Prisoner's Chain+1 
20005048 Prisoner's Chain+2 
20005049 Prisoner's Chain+3 
2000504A Prisoner's Chain+4 
2000504B Prisoner's Chain+5 
20005064 Obscuring Ring 
2000506E Ring of the Evil Eye 
2000506F Ring of the Evil Eye+1 
20005070 Ring of the Evil Eye+2 
20005071 Ring of the Evil Eye+3 
20005072 Ring of the Evil Eye+4 
20005073 Ring of the Evil Eye+5 
20005078 Ring of Calamity 
20005079 Ring of Calamity+1 
2000507A Ring of Calamity+2 
2000507B Ring of Calamity+3 
2000507C Ring of Calamity+4 
2000507D Ring of Calamity+5 
20005082 Farron Ring 
20005083 Farron Ring+1 
20005084 Farron Ring+2 
20005085 Farron Ring+3 
20005086 Farron Ring+4 
20005087 Farron Ring+5 
2000508C Aldrich's Ruby 
20005096 Aldrich's Sapphire 
200050B4 Lloyd's Sword Ring 
200050B5 Lloyd's Sword Ring+1 
200050B6 Lloyd's Sword Ring+2 
200050B7 Lloyd's Sword Ring+3 
200050B8 Lloyd's Sword Ring+4 
200050B9 Lloyd's Sword Ring+5 
200050BE Lloyd's Shield Ring 
200050BF Lloyd's Shield Ring+1 
200050C0 Lloyd's Shield Ring+2 
200050C1 Lloyd's Shield Ring+3 
200050C2 Lloyd's Shield Ring+4 
200050C3 Lloyd's Shield Ring+5 
200050DC Estus Ring 
200050DD Estus Ring+1 
200050DE Estus Ring+2 
200050DF Estus Ring+3 
200050E0 Estus Ring+4 
200050E1 Estus Ring+5 
200050E6 Focusing Ring 
200050E7 Focusing Ring+1 
200050E8 Focusing Ring+2 
200050E9 Focusing Ring+3 
200050EA Focusing Ring+4 
200050EB Focusing Ring+5 
200050F0 Horsehoof Ring 
200050F1 Horsehoof Ring+1 
200050F2 Horsehoof Ring+2 
200050F3 Horsehoof Ring+3 
200050F4 Horsehoof Ring+4 
200050F5 Horsehoof Ring+5 
200050FA Carthus Bloodring 
20005104 Reversal Ring 
2000510E Pontiff's Right Eye 
2000510F Pontiff's Right Eye+1 
20005110 Pontiff's Right Eye+2 
20005111 Pontiff's Right Eye+3 
20005112 Pontiff's Right Eye+4 
20005113 Pontiff's Right Eye+5 
20005136 Pontiff's Left Eye 
20005137 Pontiff's Left Eye+1 
20005138 Pontiff's Left Eye+2 
20005139 Pontiff's Left Eye+3 
2000513A Pontiff's Left Eye+4 
2000513B Pontiff's Left Eye+5 
2000515E Dragonscale Ring 
2000515F Dragonscale Ring+1 
20005160 Dragonscale Ring+2 
20005161 Dragonscale Ring+3 
20005162 Dragonscale Ring+4 
20005163 Dragonscale Ring+5 
20007530 Ring of Londor 
2000753A Spirit Amethyst 
2000753B Spirit Amethyst+1 
2000753C Spirit Amethyst+2 
2000753D Spirit Amethyst+3 
2000753E Spirit Amethyst+4 
2000753F Spirit Amethyst+5 
20007544 Unholy Remains 
20007545 Unholy Remains+1 
20007546 Unholy Remains+2 
20007547 Unholy Remains+3 
20007548 Unholy Remains+4 
20007549 Unholy Remains+5 
20007558 Wretched Pendant 
20007559 Wretched Pendant+1 
2000755A Wretched Pendant+2 
2000755B Wretched Pendant+3 
2000755C Wretched Pendant+4 
2000755D Wretched Pendant+5 
20007562 Symbol of the Penitent 
20007563 Symbol of the Penitent+1 
20007564 Symbol of the Penitent+2 
20007565 Symbol of the Penitent+3 
20007566 Symbol of the Penitent+4 
20007567 Symbol of the Penitent+5 
20007576 Runic Seal 
20007580 Tome of Sunlight 
20007581 Tome of Sunlight+1 
20007582 Tome of Sunlight+2 
20007583 Tome of Sunlight+3 
20007584 Tome of Sunlight+4 
20007585 Tome of Sunlight+5 
2000758A Greatwood Remnants 
2000758B Greatwood Remnants+1 
2000758C Greatwood Remnants+2 
2000758D Greatwood Remnants+3 
2000758E Greatwood Remnants+4 
2000758F Greatwood Remnants+5 
200075DA Demonsbane Ring 
200075DB Demonsbane Ring+1 
200075DC Demonsbane Ring+2 
200075DD Demonsbane Ring+3 
200075DE Demonsbane Ring+4 
200075DF Demonsbane Ring+5 
200075E4 Crypt Ring 
200075E5 Crypt Ring+1 
200075E6 Crypt Ring+2 
200075E7 Crypt Ring+3 
200075E8 Crypt Ring+4 
200075E9 Crypt Ring+5 
200075EE Blight Ring 
200075EF Blight Ring+1 
200075F0 Blight Ring+2 
200075F1 Blight Ring+3 
200075F2 Blight Ring+4 
200075F3 Blight Ring+5 
200075F8 Hallowed Ring 
200075F9 Hallowed Ring+1 
200075FA Hallowed Ring+2 
200075FB Hallowed Ring+3 
200075FC Hallowed Ring+4 
200075FD Hallowed Ring+5 
20007602 Ring of Wisdom 
20007603 Ring of Wisdom+1 
20007604 Ring of Wisdom+2 
20007605 Ring of Wisdom+3 
20007606 Ring of Wisdom+4 
20007607 Ring of Wisdom+5 
2000767A Ring of Retaliation 
2000767B Ring of Retaliation+1 
2000767C Ring of Retaliation+2 
2000767D Ring of Retaliation+3 
2000767E Ring of Retaliation+4 
2000767F Ring of Retaliation+5 
20007684 Ring of Reprisal 
20007685 Ring of Reprisal+1 
20007686 Ring of Reprisal+2 
20007687 Ring of Reprisal+3 
20007688 Ring of Reprisal+4 
20007689 Ring of Reprisal+5 
2000768E Ring of Spite 
2000768F Ring of Spite+1 
20007690 Ring of Spite+2 
20007691 Ring of Spite+3 
20007692 Ring of Spite+4 
20007693 Ring of Spite+5 
20007698 Ring of Retribution 
20007699 Ring of Retribution+1 
2000769A Ring of Retribution+2 
2000769B Ring of Retribution+3 
2000769C Ring of Retribution+4 
2000769D Ring of Retribution+5 
200076A2 Ring of Vengeance 
200076A3 Ring of Vengeance+1 
200076A4 Ring of Vengeance+2 
200076A5 Ring of Vengeance+3 
200076A6 Ring of Vengeance+4 
200076A7 Ring of Vengeance+5 
200076AC Bulwark Ring 
200076B6 Mercenary Ring 
200076B7 Mercenary Ring+1 
200076B8 Mercenary Ring+2 
200076B9 Mercenary Ring+3 
200076BA Mercenary Ring+4 
200076BB Mercenary Ring+5 
200076C0 Heretic Ring 
200076C1 Heretic Ring+1 
200076C2 Heretic Ring+2 
200076C3 Heretic Ring+3 
200076C4 Heretic Ring+4 
200076C5 Heretic Ring+5 
200076CA Merchant Ring 
200076CB Merchant Ring+1 
200076CC Merchant Ring+2 
200076CD Merchant Ring+3 
200076CE Merchant Ring+4 
200076CF Merchant Ring+5 
200076D4 Physician Ring 
200076D5 Physician Ring+1 
200076D6 Physician Ring+2 
200076D7 Physician Ring+3 
200076D8 Physician Ring+4 
200076D9 Physician Ring+5 
200076DE Jester Ring 
200076DF Jester Ring+1 
200076E0 Jester Ring+2 
200076E1 Jester Ring+3 
200076E2 Jester Ring+4 
200076E3 Jester Ring+5 
200076F2 Londor Tincture 
200076F3 Londor Tincture+1 
200076F4 Londor Tincture+2 
200076F5 Londor Tincture+3 
200076F6 Londor Tincture+4 
200076F7 Londor Tincture+5 
20007724 Old Pygmy Brooch 
20007725 Old Pygmy Brooch+1 
20007726 Old Pygmy Brooch+2 
20007727 Old Pygmy Brooch+3 
20007728 Old Pygmy Brooch+4 
20007729 Old Pygmy Brooch+5 
2000772E Cursed Ring of Evasion 
20007738 Cursed Ring of Vengeance 
20007742 Cursed Ring of Deflection 
2000774C Cursed Ring of Confusion 
20007760 Redeye Ring 
200077BA Bestial Band 
200077BB Bestial Band+1 
200077BC Bestial Band+2 
200077BD Bestial Band+3 
200077BE Bestial Band+4 
200077BF Bestial Band+5 
200077C4 Band of Stone 
200077C5 Band of Stone+1 
200077C6 Band of Stone+2 
200077C7 Band of Stone+3 
200077C8 Band of Stone+4 
200077C9 Band of Stone+5 
200077CE Band of Magic 
200077CF Band of Magic+1 
200077D0 Band of Magic+2 
200077D1 Band of Magic+3 
200077D2 Band of Magic+4 
200077D3 Band of Magic+5 
200077D8 Band of Flame 
200077D9 Band of Flame+1 
200077DA Band of Flame+2 
200077DB Band of Flame+3 
200077DC Band of Flame+4 
200077DD Band of Flame+5 
200077E2 Band of Sparks 
200077E3 Band of Sparks+1 
200077E4 Band of Sparks+2 
200077E5 Band of Sparks+3 
200077E6 Band of Sparks+4 
200077E7 Band of Sparks+5 
200077EC Band of Darkness 
200077ED Band of Darkness+1 
200077EE Band of Darkness+2 
200077EF Band of Darkness+3 
200077F0 Band of Darkness+4 
200077F1 Band of Darkness+5 
20007850 Elden Ring 
20007851 Elden Ring+1 
20007852 Elden Ring+2 
20007853 Elden Ring+3 
20007854 Elden Ring+4 
20007855 Elden Ring+5 
20007878 Fool's Sigil 
20007879 Fool's Sigil+1 
2000787A Fool's Sigil+2 
2000787B Fool's Sigil+3 
2000787C Fool's Sigil+4 
2000787D Fool's Sigil+5 
20007896 Ring of Momentum 
20007897 Ring of Momentum+1 
20007898 Ring of Momentum+2 
20007899 Ring of Momentum+3 
2000789A Ring of Momentum+4 
2000789B Ring of Momentum+5 
200078A0 Bell of Grace 
200078A1 Bell of Grace+1 
200078A2 Bell of Grace+2 
200078A3 Bell of Grace+3 
200078A4 Bell of Grace+4 
200078A5 Bell of Grace+5 
200078AA Ring of Punishment 
200078AB Ring of Punishment+1 
200078AC Ring of Punishment+2 
200078AD Ring of Punishment+3 
200078AE Ring of Punishment+4 
200078AF Ring of Punishment+5 
200078B4 Dashmaster's String 
200078B5 Dashmaster's String+1 
200078B6 Dashmaster's String+2 
200078B7 Dashmaster's String+3 
200078B8 Dashmaster's String+4 
200078B9 Dashmaster's String+5 
200078BE Relic of Swiftness
200078C8 Relic of Protection
200078D2 Tainted Chalice 
200078D3 Tainted Chalice+1 
200078D4 Tainted Chalice+2 
200078D5 Tainted Chalice+3 
200078D6 Tainted Chalice+4 
200078D7 Tainted Chalice+5 
200078DC Accursed Sigil 
200078DD Accursed Sigil+1 
200078DE Accursed Sigil+2 
200078DF Accursed Sigil+3 
200078E0 Accursed Sigil+4 
200078E1 Accursed Sigil+5 
200078E6 Frostflower Ring 
200078E7 Frostflower Ring+1 
200078E8 Frostflower Ring+2 
200078E9 Frostflower Ring+3 
200078EA Frostflower Ring+4 
200078EB Frostflower Ring+5 
200078F0 Rare Ring of Humanity 
200078FA Gwynevere's Urn 
2000790E Ring of Conjuration 
2000790F Ring of Conjuration+1 
20007910 Ring of Conjuration+2 
20007911 Ring of Conjuration+3 
20007912 Ring of Conjuration+4 
20007913 Ring of Conjuration+5 
2000794A Ravenous Chalice 
20007954 Relic of Eternity
2000795E Relic of Sanctification
20007968 Old Man's Gambit 
20007969 Old Man's Gambit+1 
2000796A Old Man's Gambit+2 
2000796B Old Man's Gambit+3 
2000796C Old Man's Gambit+4 
2000796D Old Man's Gambit+5 
2000797C Scroll of Ethereality 
20007986 Scroll of Hollowing 
20007990 Scroll of Humanity 
2000799A Scroll of Cooperation 
200079E0 Assassin's Mark 
200079E1 Assassin's Mark+1 
200079E2 Assassin's Mark+2 
200079E3 Assassin's Mark+3 
200079E4 Assassin's Mark+4 
200079E5 Assassin's Mark+5 
20007A44 Gower's Ring of Retribution 
20007A45 Gower's Ring of Retribution+1 
20007A46 Gower's Ring of Retribution+2 
20007A47 Gower's Ring of Retribution+3 
20007A48 Gower's Ring of Retribution+4 
20007A49 Gower's Ring of Retribution+5 
20007AA8 Ring of Retreat 
20007AA9 Ring of Retreat+1 
20007AAA Ring of Retreat+2 
20007AAB Ring of Retreat+3 
20007AAC Ring of Retreat+4 
20007AAD Ring of Retreat+5 
20007B0C Ring of Blades 
20007B0D Ring of Blades+1 
20007B0E Ring of Blades+2 
20007B0F Ring of Blades+3 
20007B10 Ring of Blades+4 
20007B11 Ring of Blades+5 
20007B70 Sigil of Magic 
20007B71 Sigil of Magic+1 
20007B72 Sigil of Magic+2 
20007B73 Sigil of Magic+3 
20007B74 Sigil of Magic+4 
20007B75 Sigil of Magic+5 
20007BD4 Sigil of Flame 
20007BD5 Sigil of Flame+1 
20007BD6 Sigil of Flame+2 
20007BD7 Sigil of Flame+3 
20007BD8 Sigil of Flame+4 
20007BD9 Sigil of Flame+5 
20007C38 Sigil of Thunder 
20007C39 Sigil of Thunder+1 
20007C3A Sigil of Thunder+2 
20007C3B Sigil of Thunder+3 
20007C3C Sigil of Thunder+4 
20007C3D Sigil of Thunder+5 
20007C9C Sigil of Darkness 
20007C9D Sigil of Darkness+1 
20007C9E Sigil of Darkness+2 
20007C9F Sigil of Darkness+3 
20007CA0 Sigil of Darkness+4 
20007CA1 Sigil of Darkness+5 
20007D00 Eyri's Signet
20007D01 Eyri's Signet+1
20007D02 Eyri's Signet+2
20007D03 Eyri's Signet+3
20007D04 Eyri's Signet+4
20007D05 Eyri's Signet+5
20007D64 Ofydd's Signet
20007D65 Ofydd's Signet+1
20007D66 Ofydd's Signet+2
20007D67 Ofydd's Signet+3
20007D68 Ofydd's Signet+4
20007D69 Ofydd's Signet+5
20007DC8 Ifanna's Signet
20007DC9 Ifanna's Signet+1
20007DCA Ifanna's Signet+2
20007DCB Ifanna's Signet+3
20007DCC Ifanna's Signet+4
20007DCD Ifanna's Signet+5
20007E2C Grufudd's Signet
20007E2D Grufudd's Signet+1
20007E2E Grufudd's Signet+2
20007E2F Grufudd's Signet+3
20007E30 Grufudd's Signet+4
20007E31 Grufudd's Signet+5
20007E36 Relic of Corruption


40124F80 Farron Dart 
40124F8A Bloodthirsty Farron Dart 
40127690 Scattering Soul Orb 
4012769A Repeating Soul Orb 
4013D620 Soul Arrow 
4013D62A Explosive Soul Arrow 
4013DA08 Scattering Crystal Orb 
4013DA12 Repeating Crystal Orb 
4013DDF0 Shockwave 
4013DDFA Refined Shockwave 
4013E1D8 Soul Geyser 
4013E1E2 Crystal Soul Geyser 
4013E5C0 Homing Soulmass 
4013E5CA Surging Soulmass 
4013E9A8 Homing Crystal Soulmass 
4013E9B2 Weakening Crystal Soulmass 
4013ED90 Soul Spear 
4013ED9A Swift Soul Spear 
4013F178 Crystal Soul Spear 
4013F182 Homing Crystal Soul Spear 
4013FD30 Magic Weapon 
40140118 Great Magic Weapon 
40140500 Crystal Magic Weapon 
4014050A Moonlight Weapon 
40144B50 Magic Shield 
40144F38 Great Magic Shield 
40144F42 Supreme Magic Shield 
40147260 Hidden Weapon 
4014726A Refined Hidden Weapon 
40147648 Hidden Body 
40147652 Mass Hidden Body 
40149970 Cast Light 
4014997A Refined Cast Light 
4014A528 Repair 
4014A532 Skilled Repair 
4014A910 Spook 
4014A91A Mass Spook 
4014ACF8 Chameleon 
4014AD02 Refined Chameleon 
4014B0E0 Aural Decoy 
4014B0EA Refined Aural Decoy 
4014E790 White Dragon Breath 
4014E79A Extended White Dragon Breath 
4014EF60 Farron Hail 
4014EF6A Farron Swarm
4014F348 Crystal Hail 
4014F352 Focused Crystal Hail 
4014F730 Soul Greatsword 
4014F73A Heavy Soul Greatsword 
4014FB18 Farron Flashsword 
4014FB22 Bloodthirsty Flashsword 
4018B820 Soul Stream 
4018B82A Quickened Soul Stream 
40193138 Twisted Wall of Light 
40193142 Impenetrable Wall of Light 
401A8CE0 Pestilent Mist 
401A8CEA Lingering Pestilent Mist 
401B7740 Crystal Storm 
401B774A Repeating Crystal Storm 
401B7B28 Unleash Magic 
401B7B32 Lingering Unleash Magic 
401B7F10 Soul Wave 
401B7F1A Swift Soul Wave 
401B82F8 Blizzard 
401B8302 Repeating Blizzard 
401B8AC8 Orbs of Judgment 
401B8AD2 Swift Orbs of Judgment 
401B9298 Blinding Light 
401B92A2 Refined Blinding Light 
401B9680 Frigid Tumult 
401B968A Frigid Roar 
401B96E4 Hail of Blades 
401B96EE Lingering Hail of Blades 
401B9748 Piercing Ice 
401B9752 Explosive Ice 
401B97AC Rime 
401B97B6 Chilling Rime 
401B9810 Path of Frost 
401B981A Bloodthirsty Path of Frost 
401B9874 Discs of Dorthinus 
401B987E Quickened Discs of Dorthinus 
401B9A68 Teleport 
401B9A72 Refined Teleport 
401B9E50 Soul Eruption 
401B9E5A Soul Explosion 
401BA238 Crystal Orb
401BA242 Explosive Crystal Orb
401BA620 Soul Instability
401BA62A Lingering Soul Instability
401BAA08 Ice Burn
401BAA12 Bloodthirsty Ice Burn
401BADF0 Frigid Orbs
401BADFA Lingering Frigid Orbs
401BB1D8 Frozen Chaos
401BB1E2 Quickened Frozen Chaos
401BB5C0 Rupturing Frostfire
401BB5CA Great Rupturing Frostfire
401BB9A8 Frostfire Volley
401BB9B2 Great Frostfire Volley
40249F00 Fireball 
40249F0A Brume Fireball 
4024A6D0 Fire Orb 
4024A6DA Weakening Fire Orb 
4024AAB8 Firestorm 
4024AAC2 Outcry
4024B288 Fire Surge 
4024B292 Bloodthirsty Fire Surge 
4024C9F8 Great Combustion 
4024CA02 Brume Combustion 
4024ED20 Poison Mist 
4024ED2A Lingering Poison Mist 
4024F108 Toxic Mist 
4024F112 Lingering Toxic Mist 
4024F4F0 Acid Surge 
4024F4FA Lingering Acid Surge 
40251430 Iron Flesh 
4025143A Lingering Iron Flesh 
40251818 Flash Sweat 
40251822 Great Flash Sweat 
402527B8 Carthus Flame Arc 
402527C2 Chaos Flame Arc 
40252BA0 Rapport 
40252BAA Fortified Rapport 
40253B40 Power Within 
40253B4A Lingering Power Within 
40256250 Great Chaos Fire Orb 
4025625A Homing Chaos Fire Orb 
40256638 Chaos Storm 
40256642 Repeating Chaos Storm 
40256A20 Fire Whip 
40256A2A Chaos Fire Whip 
402575D8 Profaned Flame 
402575E2 Distant Profaned Flame 
402579C0 Chaos Bed Vestiges 
402579CA Chaos Vortex 
4025B070 Warmth 
4025B07A Fond Warmth 
402717D0 Profuse Sweat 
402717DA Refined Profuse Sweat 
4027FA60 Bursting Fireball 
4027FA6A Brume Bursting Fireball 
40282170 Boulder Heave 
4028217A Swift Boulder Heave 
40284880 Sacred Flame 
4028488A Bloodthirsty Sacred Flame 
40286F90 Carthus Beacon 
40286F9A Lingering Carthus Beacon 
402936C8 Lingering Chaos 
402936D2 Bloodthirsty Lingering Chaos 
40293AB0 Cataclysm 
40293ABA Great Cataclysm 
402959F0 Earthfall 
402959FA Summon Earthfall 
40295DD8 Heave Earth 
40295DE2 Homing Heave Earth 
402961C0 Earthquake 
402961CA Quickened Earthquake 
402965A8 Rockflesh 
402965B2 Lingering Rockflesh 
40296990 Immolation 
4029699A Lingering Immolation 
40298100 Fecal Expulsion 
4029810A Great Fecal Expulsion 
402984E8 Chaos Beam 
402984F2 Incinerating Chaos Beam 
402988D0 Throw Dust 
402988DA Bloodthirsty Dust 
40298CB8 Magnetism 
40298CC2 Refined Magnetism 
402990A0 Bubble Wall
402990A0 Bubble Wall
40299488 Geyser
40299492 Great Geyser
40299870 Drizzle
4029987A Lingering Drizzle
40299C58 Pulsating Mud
40299C62 Bloodthirsty Pulsating Mud
4029A040 Maelstrom
4029A04A Lingering Maelstrom
4029A428 Dance of Fire
4029A432 Distant Dance of Fire
4029A810 Conjure Skeleton 
4029ABF8 Conjure Hollow 
4029AFE0 Conjure Hound 
4029B3C8 Conjure Warrior 
4029B7B0 Conjure Sentinel 
4029BB98 Conjure Lycanthrope 
4029BF80 Conjure Knight 
4029C368 Conjure Watcher 
4029C750 Conjure Gargoyle 
4029FA18 Ferverous Ritual 
4029FE00 Major Restoration Ritual 
402A01E8 Minor Restoration Ritual 
402A05D0 Sacrificial Ritual 
402A09B8 Mark of Attraction
402A0DA0 Banishing Ritual
403540D0 Heal Aid 
403540DA Extended Heal Aid 
403567E0 Heal 
403567EA Extended Heal 
40356BC8 Med Heal 
40356BD2 Extended Med Heal 
40356FB0 Great Heal 
40356FBA Extended Great Heal 
40357398 Soothing Sunlight 
403573A2 Extended Soothing Sunlight 
40357780 Replenishment 
4035778A Lingering Replenishment 
40357B68 Bountiful Sunlight 
40357B72 Lingering Bountiful Sunlight 
40358338 Bountiful Light 
40358342 Lingering Bountiful Light 
40358720 Caressing Tears 
4035872A Quickened Caressing Tears 
4035B600 Tears of Denial 
4035B60A Mass Tears of Denial 
4035B9E8 Homeward 
4035B9F2 Refined Homeward 
4035DD10 Force 
4035DD1A Refined Force 
4035E0F8 Wrath of the Gods 
4035E102 Quickened Wrath of the Gods 
4035E4E0 Emit Force 
4035E4EA Emit Wrath 
40360420 Heavenly Relief 
4036042A Divine Relief 
40362B30 Lightning Spear 
40362B3A Lightning Surge 
40362F18 Great Lightning Spear 
40362F22 Storm Spear 
40363300 Sunlight Spear 
4036330A Fulgurant Sunlight Spear 
403636E8 Lightning Storm 
403636F2 Sunlight Storm 
40365240 Magic Barrier 
40365628 Great Magic Barrier 
40365632 Supreme Magic Barrier 
40365DF8 Sacred Oath 
40365E02 Extended Sacred Oath 
4036C770 Lightning Blade 
4036C77A Sunlight Blade 
4036CB58 Darkmoon Blade 
4036CB62 Supreme Darkmoon Blade 
40389C30 Lightning Stake 
40389C3A Sunlight Stake 
4038C340 Divine Pillars of Light 
4038C34A Repeating Pillars of Light 
40395F80 Blessed Weapon 
40395F8A Holy Weapon 
403A0390 Heavenly Thunder 
403A039A Repeating Heavenly Thunder 
403A0778 Halo 
403A0782 Quickened Halo 
403A0F48 Perseverance 
403A0F52 Lingering Perseverance 
403A2AA0 Angelic Barrage 
403A2AAA Angelic Punishment 
403A2E88 Divine Arrow 
403A2E92 Bloodthirsty Divine Arrow 
403A3270 Lothric's Holy Spear 
403A327A Homing Lothric's Holy Spear 
403A3658 Proof of a Pact 
403A3662 Repeating Proof of a Pact 
403A3A40 Ghostly Assault 
403A3A4A Extended Ghostly Assault 
403A4210 Overwhelming Power 
403A421A Lingering Overwhelming Power 
403A45F8 Wrathful Orbs 
403A4602 Weakening Wrathful Orbs 
403A49E0 Holy Schism 
403A49EA Quickened Holy Schism 
403A4DC8 Wrathful Barrage 
403A4DD2 Wrathful Wave 
403A51B0 Gwynevere's Abnegation 
403A51BA Gwynevere's Refined Abnegation 
403A5598 Lightning Orb
403A55A2 Lingering Lightning Orb
403A5980 Whirlwind
403A598A Lingering Whirlwind
403A5D68 Blast Wave
403A5D72 Distant Blast Wave
403A6150 Squall
403A615A Bloodthirsty Squall
403A6538 Slicing Wind
403A6542 Swift Slicing Wind
403A6920 Gale Force
403A692A Weakening Gale Force
403A6D08 Cyclone Blast
403A6D12 Explosive Cyclone Blast
403A70F0 Static Field
403A70FA Lingering Static Field
403A74D8 Tailwind
403A74E2 Lingering Tailwind
403A78C0 Shredding Winds
403A78CA Lingering Shredding Winds
403E8FA0 Deep Barb 
403E8FAA Bloodthirsty Deep Barb 
403E9388 Deep Soul 
403E9392 Deep Overflow 
403E9770 Great Deep Soul 
403E977A Weakening Deep Soul 
403E9B58 Great Soul Dregs 
403E9B62 Quickened Soul Dregs 
403E9F40 Dark Edge 
403E9F4A Bloodthirsty Dark Edge 
403EA328 Abyssal Edge 
403EA332 Heavy Abyssal Edge 
403EA710 Dark Bead 
403EA71A Great Dark Bead 
403EAAF8 Surging Deep 
403EAB02 Bloodthirsty Surging Deep 
403EAEE0 Cascading Deep 
403EAEEA Lingering Cascading Deep 
403EB2C8 Yearning Dregs 
403EB2D2 Repeating Yearning Dregs 
403EB6B0 Dreg Torrent 
403EB6BA Repeating Dreg Torrent 
403EBA98 Writhing Deep 
403EBAA2 Great Writhing Deep 
403EBE80 Climax 
403EBE8A Explosive Climax 
403EC268 Affinity 
403EC272 Pursuers 
403EC650 Whisper of Despair 
403EC65A Echo of Despair 
403ECA38 Repel 
403ECA42 Lingering Repel 
403ECE20 Numbness 
403ECE2A Lingering Numbness 
40401A28 Black Fireball 
40401A32 Black Fire Whip 
40401E10 Black Fire Orb 
40401E1A Weakening Black Fire Orb 
404021F8 Black Fire Vestiges 
40402202 Scorching Black Fire Vestiges 
404025E0 Black Fire Scatter 
404025EA Great Black Fire Scatter 
404029C8 Black Flame 
404029D2 Scorching Black Flame 
40402DB0 Black Serpent 
40402DBA Quickened Black Serpent 
40403198 Dark Dance 
404031A2 Forceful Dark Dance 
40403580 Recollection 
4040358A Scorching Recollection 
40403968 Mournful Flames 
40403972 Scorching Mournful Flames 
40403D50 Black Flame Arc 
40403D5A Void Flame Arc 
4041A0C8 Nibble 
4041A0D2 Bloodthirsty Nibble 
4041A4B0 Gnaw 
4041A4BA Gnawing Swarm 
4041A898 Dorhys' Gnawing 
4041A8A2 Quickened Dorhys' Gnawing 
4041AC80 Devouring Swarm 
4041AC8A Repeating Swarm 
4041B068 Deep Protection 
4041B072 Bottomless Deep Protection 
4041B450 Atonement 
4041B45A Lingering Atonement 
4041B838 Vow of Agony 
4041B842 Curse of Agony 
4041BC20 Gravelord Sword Dance 
4041BC2A Gravelord Sword 
4041C008 Vow of Silence 
4041C012 Curse of Silence 
4041C3F0 Dark Blade 
4041C3FA Abyssal Blade 
4041C7D8 Dead Again 
4041C7E2 Refined Dead Again 
4041CBC0 Lifehunt Scythe 
4041CBCA Great Lifehunt Scythe 
4041CFA8 Pulsating Blade 
4041CFB2 Myiatic Blade 
4041D390 Pungent Blade 
4041D39A Noxious Blade 
4041D778 Blood Sacrifice
4041D782 Bloodthirsty Sacrifice
4041DB60 Blood Resonance
4041DB6A Bloodthirsty Resonance
4041DF48 Blood Orb
4041DF52 Lingering Blood Orb
4041E330 Black Star
4041E33A Homing Black Star
4041E718 Blood Corruption
4041E722 Great Blood Corruption
4041EB00 Blood Crystallization
4041EB0A Great Blood Crystallization
4041EEE8 Lacerating Ring
4041EEF2 Explosive Lacerating Ring

Gauntlet Tokens

40009C40 Weapon Token 
40009C41 Armor Token 
40009C42 Accessory Token

Cheat Tools

40001F40 Script Tool 
40001F41 God Tool 
40001F42 Kill Tool 
40001F43 Stamina Tool 
40001F44 FP Tool 
40001F45 HP Tool 
40001F46 Souls Tool 
40001F47 Screenshot Tool 
40001F48 Treasure Tool 
40001F49 NG+ Tool 
40001F4A Cleanup Tool


4000A028 Boon of the Fallen
4000A029 Boon of the Frigid Knight
4000A02A Boon of the Rotted Greatwood
4000A02B Boon of the Sage
4000A02C Boon of the Deep
4000A02D Boon of the Legion
4000A02E Boon of the High Lord
4000A02F Boon of the Demon King
4000A030 Boon of the Pontiff
4000A031 Boon of the Beast
4000A032 Boon of the Giant
4000A033 Boon of the Dancer
4000A034 Boon of the Consumed
4000A035 Boon of the Dragonslayer
4000A036 Boon of the Wyvern
4000A037 Boon of the Lost Son
4000A038 Boon of the Champion
4000A039 Boon of the Twins
4000A03A Boon of Cinders
4000A03B Boon of the Ordained
4000A03C Boon of the Demon Prince
4000A03D Boon of the Darkeater
4000A03E Boon of the Slave Knight
4000A03F Boon of Judication
4000A040 Boon of the Fallen Prince
4000A041 Boon of the Guardian
4000A042 Boon of the Mirror Knight
4000A043 Boon of Aborr
4000A044 Boon of the Princess
4000A045 Boon of the Explorers
4000A046 Boon of the Twisted Knight
4000A047 Boon of the Fallen Protector
4000A048 Boon of the Marauder
4000A049 Boon of the Remnants


4000A410 Malus of the Fallen
4000A411 Malus of the frigid Knight
4000A412 Malus of the Rotted Greatwood
4000A413 Malus of the Sage
4000A414 Malus of the Deep
4000A415 Malus of the Legion
4000A416 Malus of the High Lord
4000A417 Malus of the Demon King
4000A418 Malus of the Pontiff
4000A419 Malus of the Beast
4000A41A Malus of the Giant
4000A41B Malus of the Dancer
4000A41C Malus of the Consumed
4000A41D Malus of the Dragonslayer
4000A41E Malus of the Wyvern
4000A41F Malus of the Lost Son
4000A420 Malus of the Champion
4000A421 Malus of the Twins
4000A422 Malus of Cinders
4000A423 Malus of the Ordained
4000A424 Malus of the Demon Prince
4000A425 Malus of the Darkeater
4000A426 Malus of the Slave Knight
4000A427 Malus of Judication
4000A428 Malus of the Fallen Prince
4000A429 Malus of the Guardian
4000A42A Malus of the Mirror Knight
4000A42B Malus of Aborr
4000A42C Malus of the Princess
4000A42D Malus of the Explorers
4000A42E Malus of Malus of the Twisted Knight
4000A42F Malus of the Fallen Protector
4000A430 Malus of the Maurader
4000A431 Malus of the Remnants
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