Changelog 2.10
# General:
- Curse infused weapons now mention their curse build-up amounts in their descriptions.
- Added how some weapons change with certain infusions in their descriptions.

# Multiplayer
- Increased the HP and damage gained by enemies when you have summons in your world.

# Classes
- Acolyte now starts with the Censuring Palm instead of the Staff of Serpents
- Assassin now starts with Magic Weapon instead of Spook

# Training Dummies
- There is now a NPC called the Bone Collector where El Hueso used to be found.
- This NPC allows you to enable 3 types of training dummies:
 - Immovable: doesn't get moved by normal attacks
 - Movable: is moved by normal attacks
 - Aggressive: attacks you to allow for parry training
- You can toggle between Inside and Outside training with the Bone Collector. This will switch the positions of the dummies and the NPC to their outside/inside locations.

# Map:
- Cathedral of the Deep:
 - Added 3 Ravenous Crystal Lizards and 3 Infested Corpses in the area used by the Cathedral Guardian previously.

- Ariandel:
 - Millwood Knight warp no longer requires Prince Dorthinus to be dead.

- Cemetery of Ash/Firelink Shrine
 - Moved the starting sequence back to to the cell. You now configure your journey at the cell door, and then it opens once you've confirmed your journey.
 - Moved Corrupted Gundyr into the Overgrown Sanctum area.
 - Moved the Marauder into the starting area near to the broken fountain.
 - Added a Ravenous Crystal Lizard encounter in the old Corrupted Gundyr location.

- Irithyll Dungeon:
 - Changed 4 chests into trapped chests.

- Catacombs of Carthus
 - Changed 2 chests into trapped chests. 

- Smouldering Lake
 - Changed 2 chests into trapped chests. 

- Undead Settlement
 - Changed 4 chests into trapped chests.

- Road of Sacrifices/Farron Keep
 - Changed 2 chests into trapped chests.

# Bosses:
- Marauder:
 - Reduced the amount of bullets spawned by the combustion/bursting fireball spells on impact.
 - Now considered Hollow.
 - Now has 60% Fire absorption.
 - Now has 40% Dark absorption.

- Cathedral Guardian:
 - Changed the Cathedral Guardian's arena - it is now the path and entrance hall for the Cathedral.
 - The Cathedral Guardian is now optional, and can be skipped if you do not wish to fight him.

- Princess Yngvil:
 - Reduced the frequency of the 3 location frost ring attack.

- The Rock: has been replaced with the Trio of Explorers.

- Trio of Explorers:
 - Consists of:
  - Ancient Soldier Varg
  - Afflicted Graverobber
  - Cerah the Old Explorer
 - Drops the Soul of the Ancient Soldier, which has the same transpositions as the Rock soul did.

- Prince Dorthinus
 - Changed his moveset so it is now a split of the Axe/Hammer Millwood Knight.
  - Phase 1 uses the Axe moveset with some adjustments and two spell moves: Discs of Dorthinus and Rime.
  - Phase 2 uses the Hammer moveset.
  - He switches phase at 50% HP and his eyes go red.

- Spurned Shade: 
 - A special miniboss that you fight to reclaim the Ring of Betrothal if you lack one. Appears only after Champion Gundyr has been defeated.
 - Has a custom AI.

- Aborr:
 - Can now be riposted.

# NPCs:
- Adjusted the HP of all NPCs so they are harder to burst down than before.
- Added a friendly Spurned Shade in Firelink Shrine if you have picked up the Ring of Betrothal and no longer possess one.
 - Speak to the Spurned Shade to face them and claim a new Ring of Betrothal.
- Divorce no longer returns the Ring of Betrothal.
- Benjin now appears in Firelink Shrine automatically when in Gauntlet mode.
- Marvelous Chester:
 - Now sells the Manikin Claws.

# Enemies
- Made several throws possible to escape from through the Throw Escape system.

# Phantoms:
- Added Sellsword Luet as a summonable phantom in Cemetery of Ash.
- Added Sellsword Luet as a summonable phantom in Undead Settlement.
- Added Sellsword Luet as a summonable phantom in Profaned Capital
- Added Maldron the Assassin as a summonable phantom in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley.

# Intruders:
- Pursuer: now has a custom AI.
- Luyila of Londor: now has a custom AI.
- Forgotten Locklin: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Holy Knight Morton: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Tiny: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Captain Morrel: now has a custom AI.
- Dominatrix Sharron: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Sanctum Knight Norjask: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Tomb Raider Dyfan: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Chaos Servant Eygor: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Unstoppable Ifrit: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout and special encounter start.
- Fester the Jester: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout and special encounter start.
- Inquisitor Ashford: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Corrupted Knight Lloyd: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Huntmaster Ava: now has a custom AI, and acts like an archer.
- Eccentric Archibald: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Jailer Eileen: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Ollis the Merciless: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Vileblood Annalise: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- The Forlorn: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Lord Zakar: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Glaive Master Hodir: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Ezekiel the Duelist: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Eija the Shadow: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Ironclad Xavier: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Freya the Wretched: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Nahor the Fallen: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Easterner Iazeel: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Gaius the Mighty: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Quintus the Monstrous: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Blacksmith's Nightmare: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Frozen Knight Torbjorn: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Bewitched Knight Iwai: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Wandering Knight Osvaldo: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Lord Takatsuji: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Lieutenant Ugali: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Lieutenant Hanji: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Ashen Keeper Sofija: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Hallowed Knight Orthell: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Dragon Hunter Karstark: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Disciple of Alsanna: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Pot King Greg: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- The Father: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- The Mother: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- The Child: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Dragon Cultist: now has a custom AI, expanded loadout.
- Added Ashen Hunter Yafuh to Undead Settlement.

# Spells:
- Changed the rate at which FP recovers naturally and from other sources.
- Removed the Stamina cost of all spells.
- Removed the FP regeneration delay after casting a spell.
- Casting spells now completely pause both FP and Stamina recovery during their animation.
- FP recovery now stops when performing certain character animations (run, roll, backstep, etc).
- Moved Chaos Bed Vestiges to be transposed with the Soul of the Old Demon King.
- Moved Soul Spear to be transposed with the Soul of a Crystal Sage.
- Moved Mournful Flames to be transposed with the Soul of Sister Friede.
- Moved Scattering Crystal Orb to be unlocked with Logan's Scroll.
- Changed the stats of most spells.
- Ascended 'Refined' offensive spells are now 'Bloodthirsty' and give bloodthirst charges on hit.
- Most spell buffs now reduce max FP for their duration.
- Reduced the duration of the Poison/Toxic Mist effects to 30 seconds.
- Reduced the duration of Fortified Rapport to 30 seconds and increased the absorption buff to 75%.
- Slightly changed Fire Surge, Cataclysm, Quickened Earthquake and Earthfall.
- The fire orb and explosion of Great Cataclysm now share their damage.
- Increased the amount of bullets emited of Gravelord Sword Dance.
- Renamed Cursed Dark Bead to Great Dark Bead.
- Changed Overwhelming Power: the spell VFX is now bigger, the lightning spears have minor homing and the impact on the ground now has a AOE, meaning the spell is a lot more useful for area denial.
- Added new Frost spell: Frigid Tumult 
- Added new Frost spell: Hail of Blades
- Added new Frost spell: Piercing Ice
- Added new Frost spell: Rime
- Added new Frost spell: Path of Frost
- Added new Frost spell: Discs of Dorthinus
- Added new Miracle spell: Gwynevere's Abnegation

# Weapons:
- Changed the effects of the Handmaid's Dagger, Executioner's Greatsword, Sage's Stiletto and Blueblood Sword to reduce spell FP cost by 10%.
- Reduced the base damage of the Fool's Catalyst.
- Reduced the HP loss per swing from the Chaos Blade to 1.5% (was 3%).
- The Pistol sidearms now parry player-type NPCs.
- Sidearm weapons no longer use FP, instead they require a specific amount of stamina to use properly, otherwise you will get the fumble animation.
- Increased the stamina consumption of the Sidearm weapons.
- Reduced the damage of the Sidearm weapons.
- Added secondary explosion for Cannon and Church Cannon that deal damage to anything near the end of the barrel when fired.
- Reduced STR req for Executioner's Greatsword to 26

# Infusions:
- Weapon magic infusion now gains additional bloodthirst charges on hit.
- Increased the spell FP cost reduction of the Throbbing infusion to 20%.
- Increased the FP cost reduction of the Lucidity infusion to 10%.

# Rings:
- Changed the icon for Ring of Momentum.
- Changed the name of Ring of Grace to Bell of Grace and changed the icon

- Spirit Amethyst:
 - Boosts the damage of all spells by 5/10/15/20/25/30%.

- Dusk Crown Ring 
 - Reduces all spell FP cost by 40% and reduces max HP by 30%/26%/22%/18%/14%/10%.

- Pontiff's Left Eye:
 - Now grants additional bloodthirst charges with successive attacks.

- Aldrich's Sapphire:
 - Now grants additional bloodthirst charges on a successful critical attack.

- Scroll of Ethereality: 
 - Grants tomb ghost form and boosts physical absorption by 5%. 
 - Sold by Alchemist Jiji.
 - Added to the game.

- Scroll of Hollowing: 
 - Grants hollow form and boosts defences by 10%. 
 - Sold by Alchemist Jiji.
 - Added to the game.

- Added Scroll of Humanity: 
 - Grants human form and boosts max stamina by 5%.  
 - Sold by Alchemist Jiji.
 - Added to the game.

- Scroll of Cooperation: 
 - Grants white phantom form and boosts max HP by 5%. 
 - Sold by Alchemist Jiji.
 - Added to the game.

- Hornet Ring: 
 - Boosts backstab/riposte damage by 100%. 
 - Stacks with other sources of critical boost, but with a diminished effect.

- Assassin's Mark: 
 - Boosts backstab/riposte damage from daggers by 200%.
 - Dropped by Eija the Shadow.
 - Added to the game.

- Hawk Ring: 
 - Added direct damage boost: 5/10/15/20/25/30% based on ring level.

- Gower's Ring of Protection: 
 - Hits to the back rapidly recover HP, restoring 20% of max HP over 1 second.
 - Dropped by Huntermaster Ava.
 - Added to the game.

- Elden Ring: 
 - Grants 15/20/25/30/35/40% boost to physical damage.

- Bestial Band: 
 - Killing enemies grants Beasthood stacks. Each stack lasts 300 seconds, increases damage inflicted by 1/2/3/4/5/6% but reduces absorption by 5

- Ring of Calamity:
 - Boosts all damage by 25/30/35/40/45/50% but lose 50 HP every second.

- Redeye Ring:
 - Hits taken increase stamina recovery by 5 for 120 seconds. Stacks.
 - Increases enemy target priority of player.

- Scholar Ring:
 - Increases INT by 5/8/12/16/20/25

- Priestess Ring:
 - Increases FTH by 5/8/12/16/20/25

- Knight's Ring:
 - Increases STR by 5/8/12/16/20/25

- Hunter's Ring:
 - Increases DEX by 5/8/12/16/20/25

- Mercenary Ring:
 - Increases VIG by 5/8/12/16/20/25

- Heretic Ring:
 - Increases ATN by 5/8/12/16/20/25

- Mercant Ring:
 - Increases END by 5/8/12/16/20/25

- Physician Ring:
 - Increases VIT by 5/8/12/16/20/25

- Jester Ring:
 - Increases LCK by 5/8/12/16/20/25

- Demonsbane Ring:
 - Increase damage against Demon enemies by 15/20/25/30/35/40%

- Crypt Ring:
 - Increase damage against Undead enemies by 15/20/25/30/35/40%

- Blight Ring:
 - Increase damage against Hollow enemies by 15/20/25/30/35/40%

- Hallowed Ring:
 - Increase damage against Abyssal enemies by 15/20/25/30/35/40%

- Flynn's Ring:
 - Boosts physical weapon damage by 25/30/35/40/45/50%, scaling downwards with equip load to 0% at 30 weight.

- Magic Clutch Ring:
 - Grants 15/20/25/30/35/40% boost to magic damage.

- Lightning Clutch Ring:
 - Grants 15/20/25/30/35/40% boost to lightning damage.

- Fire Clutch Ring:
 - Grants 15/20/25/30/35/40% boost to fire damage.

- Dark Clutch Ring:
 - Grants 15/20/25/30/35/40% boost to dark damage.

- Unholy Remains
 - Grants 15/20/25/30/35/40% boost to the power of Hexes.

- Ring of the Sun's First Born
 - Grants 15/20/25/30/35/40% boost to the power of Miracles.

- Witch's Ring
 - Grants 15/20/25/30/35/40% boost to the power of Pyromancies.

- Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring
 - Grants 15/20/25/30/35/40% boost to the power of Sorceries.

- Speckled Stoneplate Ring:
 - Grants 5/8/12/16/20/25% Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark Absorption

- Greatwood Remnants
 - Increases physical defense by 50% but shortens your roll distance.

- Carthus Milkring
 - Reduces evasion stamina consumption by 25% aand lengthens your roll distance.

- Bell of Grace:
 - Allows you to jump simply and extends jump distance significantly.

- Dashmaster's String:
 - Increases movement speed significantly.
 - Now dropped by Forgotten Locklin.

- Ring of Retreat
 - Increases backstep distance significantly.
 - Found in the old chest location of Dashmaster's String

# Items:
- Spellbound system has been renamed into Bloodthirsty/Bloodthirst Charges to make the connection between hitting enemies and gaining charges more inituitive.
- Added a small passive gain of Bloodthirst charges.
- Made the Bloodthirst charge gain/cost clear in the descriptions of items that interact with the mechanic.
- Rouge/Crimson Water now boost FP recovery for 60 seconds.
- The FP cost reduction from the Soul of a Fallen Sage is now also applied to spells.
- Added Bone Marrow Ash: boosts damage of firearms by 300% for 8 seconds. Sold by Master Benjin.

# Memories
- You now directly warp to Memories via the warp menu.

# Memory of Endurance
- Renamed the current Memory level to Memory of Endurance.
- Changed the format of the waves. Each wave consists of 20 enemies. 10 will spawn in gradually, and once those 10 have been killed another 10 will then start.
- The old types of memories have been changed into each of the individual waves.
- You can now select the difficulty of the Memory.
 - Easy: no soul absorption boost but no HP or damage boost for enemies.
  - Rewards 10 Titanite Shards.
 - Normal: +50% soul absorption but enemies gain +50% HP and damage.
  - Rewards 8 Large Titanite Shards.
 - Hard: +100% soul absorption but enemies gain +100% HP and damage.
  - Rewards 5 Titanite Chunks.
 - Very Hard: +150% soul absorption but enemies gain +150% HP and damage.
  - Rewards 1 Titanite Slab.
 - Mythic: +200% soul absorption but enemies gain +200% HP and damage.
  - Rewards 3 Primordial Fragments.

# Memory of Strength
- A new memory gauntlet set in the Dragon Ruins map.
- Similar format to Memory of Endurance, but instead of many weaker enemies, you face 6 strong enemies per wave, 2 at a time. 
- There are 2 different sets of enemies for each wave, which is used is random.
- You can now select the difficulty of the Memory.
 - Easy: no soul absorption boost but no HP or damage boost for enemies.
  - Rewards 15 Titanite Shards.
 - Normal: +50% soul absorption but enemies gain +50% HP and damage.
  - Rewards 12 Large Titanite Shards.
 - Hard: +100% soul absorption but enemies gain +100% HP and damage.
  - Rewards 8 Titanite Chunks.
 - Very Hard: +150% soul absorption but enemies gain +150% HP and damage.
  - Rewards 3 Titanite Slab.
 - Mythic: +200% soul absorption but enemies gain +200% HP and damage.
  - Rewards 5 Primordial Fragments.

# Memes
- You can now parry Point Down/Dismissive Point/Well! What is it! gestures.

# Bugfix
- Fixed a bug that caused Random Gauntlet to loop if you got Titanite Abomination or the Marauder.
- Fixed several item descriptions.
- Fixed the curse aux from the Curse infused Dragonslayer's Axe and Runelock.
- Fixed Crow Quills granting the wrong amount of Bloodthirst charges.
- Sidearms now have priority over Bell of Grace and Horsehoof Ring right when it comes to guard action.
- Bell of Grace and Horsehoof Ring should work more consistently.
- Fixed sidearms guarding when you press L1 while rolling
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