Dark Souls Wiki
Dark Souls Wiki
Namco Bandai Games Logo

Namco Bandai Games Inc. (BNGI) is an arcade, mobile and home video game developer and publisher based in Japan which is the product of a merger between the video game development divisions of Bandai and Namco. Bandai Namco Games is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bandai Namco Holdings (BNHD) and specializes in production and sales of home video games. It is the head company of Bandai Namco Group's Game Contents Strategic Business Unit (SBU). In North America, the U.S.-based Namco Bandai Games America represents the company as a regional publisher, while in PAL territories, publishing is handled by Namco Bandai Games Europe with distribution through Namco Bandai Partners. The company has its headquarters in Shinagawa, Tokyo. They are responsible for publishing Dark Souls, Dark Souls II and Dark Souls III.

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