Dark Souls Wiki
Dark Souls Wiki

For the Dark Souls II variant, see Yearn.
For the Dark Souls III variant, see Aural Decoy (Dark Souls III).

Aural Decoy (音送り) is a Sorcery in Dark Souls.

In-Game Description

Sorcery used by playful sorcerers. Lure enemies away by creating a sound originating in the distance.
This spell is not the first choice for serious sorcerers, but it has a surprising amount of applications, some of them extremely effective.


Sold by Griggs of Vinheim for 1,000 souls after he is rescued from the Lower Undead Burg, provided that the player has 10 Intelligence or higher.

General information[]

Aural Decoy lures enemies to a targeted location in a similar fashion to usage of Alluring Skulls. Most enemies will be distracted to the point of completely ignoring the player. When the Capra Demon is fought as a boss, it will be distracted, but for a shorter time compared to normal enemies.


In-Game Description

Sorcery used by playful sorcerers. Lure enemies away by creating a sound originating in the distance.
This spell is not the first choice for serious sorcerers, but it has a surprising amount of applications, some of them extremely effective.

In-Game Description

一部の魔術師が戯れ��使う魔術 離れたところで音をたて、敵の注意をひく
正式な魔術師が学ぶものではないが 音を操る効果は応用性がひろく 使い手によっては大きな効果を発揮する

In-Game Description

Sorcery used by some sorcerers for entertainment. Allows to emit a sound at a distance to attract the attention of enemies.
Although not studied by formal sorcerers, sound manipulation has many practical applications. Depending on who uses it, it can prove very effective.
