Dark Souls Wiki
Dark Souls Wiki
For armor in other games, see Armor.
For a custom armor set comparison, see Custom Armor Set Comparison.
For an individual armor piece comparison, see Armor Piece Comparison.

Armor is a type of equipment in Dark Souls.

General information

Armor provides protection against both physical (Regular, Strike, Slash, Thrust) and elemental (Magic, Fire, Lightning) damage, it increases resistance against negative status effects and it can increase Poise (stagger resistance).


Like weapons, most armor pieces can be upgraded. Armor can be upgraded to +10 (+5 for those that require Twinkling Titanite); armor cannot be upgraded down other upgrade paths. Upgraded armor yields higher defensive values and elemental resistance, but never alters Poise.

Categories of armor

Armor sets are divided into three categories based on their total weight:

Each armor set is divided into four pieces based on the body part protected:

Most armor sets are complete, but there are some unique pieces of armor that are not part of a set, and other sets that do not have all four pieces.


Head Armor

Chest Armor

Hands Armor

Legs Armor

Starting Armor

Light Armor

Medium Armor

Heavy Armor

Unique Armor

Armor Set Regular Defense Strike Defense Slash Defense Thrust Defense Magic Defense Fire Defense Lightning Defense Bleed Poison Curse Poise Weight
Brigand Set 60.0 66.0 60.0 54.0 52.0 34.0 43.0 52.0 52.0 0.0 0.0 7.9
Holy Set 49.0 57.8 49.0 49.0 52.0 30.0 42.0 53.0 45.0 0.0 0.0 7.9
Leather Set 55.0 58.2 55.0 55.0 49.0 31.0 55.0 53.0 49.0 0.0 0.0 12.7
Knight Set 90.0 85.5 104.3 88.3 39.0 45.0 30.0 54.0 36.0 0.0 46.0 25.0
Tattered Cloth Set 53.0 58.8 53.0 53.0 60.0 78.0 43.0 60.0 152.0 5.0 0.0 7.0
Sorcerer Set 52.0 56.2 54.1 52.0 69.0 34.0 43.0 40.0 31.0 0.0 0.0 6.0
Black Leather Set 57.0 60.9 57.0 57.0 59.0 40.0 46.0 69.0 92.0 0.0 0.0 9.1
Wanderer Set 60.0 64.2 64.2 60.0 53.0 66.0 58.0 55.0 55.0 0.0 0.0 9.1
Hard Leather Set 66.0 63.2 68.0 66.0 52.0 35.0 52.0 60.0 52.0 0.0 5.0 16.4
Antiquated Set 42.0 42.0 42.0 42.0 98.0 28.0 57.0 47.0 47.0 114.0 0.0 5.0
Big Hat's Set 79.0 84.7 83.0 77.6 103.0 52.0 72.0 90.0 90.0 0.0 0.0 8.6
Black Set 62.0 67.6 62.0 62.0 77.0 63.0 48.0 56.0 56.0 47.0 0.0 11.0
Black Sorcerer Set 34.0 34.9 37.1 34.0 73.0 53.0 53.0 79.0 79.0 20.0 0.0 4.5
Chain Set 72.0 72.0 86.4 69.8 55.0 44.0 19.0 57.0 34.0 0.0 26.0 17.2
Chester's Set 68.0 91.8 68.0 68.0 74.0 52.0 70.0 109.0 80.0 0.0 0.0 11.2
Crimson Set 80.0 88.0 80.0 80.0 81.0 47.0 59.0 52.0 52.0 52.0 0.0 9.7
Dingy Set 57.0 72.4 57.0 57.0 81.0 48.0 62.0 78.0 65.0 87.0 0.0 7.5
Gold-Hemmed Black Set 77.0 82.4 77.0 77.0 93.0 153.0 54.0 102.0 240.0 0.0 0.0 9.1
Great Lord Set 78.0 84.3 88.8 71.7 78.0 100.0 100.0 73.0 37.0 96.0 0.0 14.6
Hollow Soldier Set 49.0 48.0 54.4 43.1 30.0 31.0 20.0 35.0 24.0 0.0 24.0 12.3
Hollow Thief's Set 41.0 44.7 41.0 42.6 39.0 26.0 35.0 30.0 57.0 0.0 0.0 5.6
Hollow Warrior Set 47.0 45.6 48.4 44.6 30.0 23.0 31.0 24.0 24.0 0.0 16.0 9.6
Lord's Blade Set 89.0 89.0 93.3 98.1 67.0 68.0 53.0 73.0 128.0 62.0 20.0 16.7
Maiden Set 51.0 59.7 51.0 51.0 50.0 42.0 54.0 75.0 57.0 26.0 0.0 6.5
Moonlight Set 47.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 66.0 36.0 36.0 50.0 50.0 66.0 0.0 8.4
Painting Guardian Set 40.0 48.0 40.0 40.0 117 79.0 62.0 83.0 205.0 42.0 0.0 7.1
Shadow Set 58.0 64.0 58.0 58.0 31.0 40.0 43.0 100.0 121.0 0.0 0.0 6.0
Witch Set 73.0 81.0 73.0 73.0 100.0 47.0 61.0 85.0 90.0 37.0 0.0 9.3
Xanthous Set 100.0 119.5 100.0 89.9 113.0 21.0 68.0 64.0 88.0 35.0 0.0 15.2
Adventurer's Set 90.0 85.5 103.6 90.0 59.0 65.0 48.0 53.0 37.0 51.0 38.0 25.4
Balder Set 85.0 83.4 103.6 81.6 40.0 48.0 35.0 48.0 39.0 0.0 36.0 25.0
Black Knight Set 134.0 127.3 151.4 131.4 69.0 105.0 40.0 76.0 38.0 0.0 50.0 31.0
Brass Set 97.0 93.1 109.6 97.0 69.0 63.0 63.0 61.0 51.0 30.0 41.0 27.8
Catarina Set 147.0 145.6 169.0 147.0 79.0 92.0 50.0 89.0 59.0 0.0 55.0 30.0
Channeler's Set 122.0 117.1 139.1 122.0 103.0 102.0 78.0 88.0 76.0 0.0 27.0 23.0
Cleric Set 103.0 103.0 118.5 103.0 58.0 53.0 39.0 71.0 40.0 0.0 52.0 32.1
Crystalline Set 158.0 134.4 181.9 158.0 53.0 39.0 17.0 39.0 0.0 0.0 40.0 27.9
Dark Set 117.0 117.0 128.7 110.0 78.0 78.0 67.0 78.0 53.0 0.0 40.0 25.2
Eastern Set 83.0 78.8 105.9 80.4 27.0 60.0 33.0 70.0 43.0 0.0 36.0 22.5
Elite Knight Set 95.0 92.1 110.2 95.0 42.0 45.0 35.0 53.0 36.0 0.0 46.0 26.8
Favor Set 115.0 109.2 133.5 115.0 57.0 71.0 45.0 65.0 54.0 54.0 47.0 28.1
Gough's Set 133.0 133.0 139.5 126.3 74.0 109.0 56.0 56.0 31.0 0.0 53.0 34.5
Iron Set 87.0 87.0 87.0 85.3 53.0 53.0 48.0 60.0 40.0 16.0 40.0 23.1
Ornstein's Set 171.0 162.5 193.3 171.0 84.0 112.0 96.0 90.0 44.0 44.0 45.0 28.5
Paladin Set 151.0 143.6 173.8 151.0 81.0 92.0 50.0 89.0 59.0 147.0 52.0 33.1
Set of Artorias 103.0 92.7 118.4 108.1 52.0 110.0 52.0 52.0 52.0 48.0 37.0 24.8
Silver Knight Set 126.0 118.4 144.8 123.5 63.0 70.0 83.0 58.0 30.0 5.0 47.0 28.8
Steel Set 108.0 101.5 124.3 108.0 56.0 53.0 34.0 60.0 40.0 0.0 60.0 36.0
Set of Thorns 114.0 108.2 124.2 114.0 70.0 81.0 52.0 68.0 45.0 0.0 40.0 27.0
Black Iron Set 175.0 166.3 195.3 175.0 75.0 130.0 55.0 110.0 63.0 34.0 79.0 40.0
Giant Set 181.0 166.4 204.5 181.0 83.0 125.0 84.0 83.0 49.0 0.0 91.0 42.1
Golem Set 234.0 215.3 273.8 234.0 112.0 103.0 43.0 116.0 77.0 0.0 86.0 42.1
Guardian Set 235.0 220.9 270.2 235.0 139.0 115.0 139.0 113.0 40.0 0.0 98.0 45.0
Havel's Set 236.0 200.6 271.4 236.0 142.0 140.0 125.0 117.0 25.0 57.0 121.0 50.0
Smough's Set 268.0 233.2 308.3 268.0 133.0 172.0 146.0 141.0 71.0 24.0 91.0 45.1
Stone Set 234.0 220.0 269.2 234.0 116.0 141.0 141.0 116.0 42.0 0.0 100.0 45.2

Armor Set Regular Defense Strike Defense Slash Defense Thrust Defense Magic Defense Fire Defense Lightning Defense Bleed Poison Curse Poise Weight
Brigand Set 145.3 159.8 145.3 130.7 125.5 82.4 104.0 72.8 72.8 0.0 0.0 7.9
Holy Set 118.6 139.9 118.6 118.6 120.8 75.1 98.9 74.2 63.0 0.0 0.0 7.9
Leather Set 133.0 141.2 133.0 133.0 118.5 74.9 133.2 74.2 68.6 0.0 0.0 12.7
Knight Set 217.7 207.0 252.7 213.4 94.3 109.0 72.7 75.6 50.4 0.0 46.0 25.0
Tattered Cloth Set 128.2 142.5 128.2 128.2 145.3 188.8 104.0 84.0 212.8 7.0 0.0 7.0
Sorcerer Set 125.8 136.0 130.8 125.8 166.9 82.4 104.0 56.0 43.4 0.0 0.0 6.0
Black Leather Set 145.2 147.7 145.2 145.2 143.8 96.9 111.3 96.6 128.8 0.0 0.0 9.1
Wanderer Set 145.3 155.5 155.5 145.3 128.2 159.6 140.5 77.0 77.0 0.0 0.0 9.1
Hard Leather Set 159.8 153.1 164.5 159.8 125.8 84.7 126.0 84.0 72.8 0.0 5.0 16.4
Antiquated Set 62.3 62.3 62.3 62.3 144.7 42.2 84.9 58.4 58.4 139.3 0.0 5.0
Big Hat's Set 143.2 155.3 150.4 141.0 187.5 94.5 129.0 117.9 117.9 0.0 0.0 8.6
Black Set 96.1 104.8 96.1 96.1 119.3 97.7 74.3 71.1 71.1 59.6 0.0 11.0
Black Sorcerer Set 82.4 84.7 89.7 82.4 176.6 128.2 128.2 110.6 110.6 14.0 0.0 4.5
Chain Set 174.2 174.2 209.0 169.1 133.1 106.5 46.0 79.8 47.6 0.0 26.0 17.2
Chester's Set 105.3 142.3 105.3 105.3 114.6 126.8 108.5 138.5 101.6 0.0 0.0 11.2
Crimson Set 123.9 136.4 123.9 123.9 125.4 72.7 91.3 66.1 66.1 66.1 0.0 9.7
Dingy Set 123.5 154.3 123.5 123.5 196.1 116.2 150.0 121.8 91.0 121.8 0.0 7.5
Gold-Hemmed Black Set 77.0 82.4 77.0 77.0 93.0 153.0 54.0 102.0 240.0 0.0 0.0 9.1
Great Lord Set 78.0 84.3 88.8 71.7 78.0 100.0 100.0 73.0 37.0 96.0 0.0 14.6
Hollow Soldier Set 118.6 118.6 131.6 104.4 72.6 75.0 48.4 49.0 33.6 0.0 24.0 12.3
Hollow Thief's Set 99.2 108.2 99.2 103.2 94.4 63.0 84.7 42.0 49.0 0.0 0.0 5.6
Hollow Warrior Set 113.8 110.3 117.1 108.1 72.6 55.6 75.0 33.6 33.6 0.0 16.0 9.6
Lord's Blade Set 137.9 137.9 144.8 151.8 103.8 128.7 82.1 92.7 162.5 85.1 20.0 16.7
Maiden Set 123.4 144.3 123.4 123.4 169.4 101.7 130.6 105.0 79.8 36.4 0.0 6.5
Moonlight Set 47.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 66.0 36.0 36.0 50.0 50.0 66.0 0.0 8.4
Painting Guardian Set 61.9 74.4 61.9 61.9 181.3 122.3 96.0 105.4 260.4 53.3 0.0 7.1
Shadow Set 89.7 98.9 89.7 89.7 48.0 61.9 66.6 127.0 153.8 0.0 0.0 6.0
Witch Set 113.0 118.3 120.3 113.0 155.0 72.8 94.4 107.9 104.3 47.0 0.0 9.3
Xanthous Set 155.0 185.4 155.0 139.3 175.0 32.4 105.3 81.2 111.8 44.4 0.0 15.2
Adventurer's Set 90.0 85.5 103.6 90.0 59.0 65.0 48.0 53.0 37.0 51.0 38.0 25.4
Balder Set 217.7 213.4 265.7 209.1 96.7 116.3 84.7 65.4 50.4 0.0 36.0 25.0
Black Knight Set 207.6 197.3 234.6 203.6 106.9 178.2 61.9 96.5 48.2 0.0 50.0 31.0
Brass Set 186.0 178.5 210.1 186.0 106.9 97.5 97.5 77.5 64.7 38.1 41.0 27.8
Catarina Set 227.8 225.7 262.0 227.8 122.4 142.4 77.4 113.1 74.9 0.0 55.0 30.0
Channeler's Set 122.0 117.1 139.1 122.0 103.0 102.0 78.0 88.0 76.0 0.0 27.0 23.0
Cleric Set 249.3 249.3 286.6 249.3 140.5 128.2 94.4 84.0 56.0 0.0 52.0 32.1
Crystalline Set 158.0 134.4 181.9 158.0 53.0 39.0 17.0 39.0 0.0 0.0 40.0 27.9
Dark Set 181.3 181.3 199.4 170.4 120.9 120.9 103.7 99.1 67.3 0.0 40.0 25.2
Eastern Set 128.5 122.2 159.5 124.9 41.7 92.9 51.1 88.9 67.4 0.0 36.0 22.5
Elite Knight Set 230.0 223.1 266.7 230.0 101.5 109.0 84.7 74.2 50.4 0.0 46.0 26.8
Favor Set 178.2 169.3 206.8 178.2 88.3 110.0 69.6 82.7 68.6 68.6 47.0 28.1
Gough's Set 206.1 206.1 216.5 195.8 114.7 168.9 86.6 71.2 39.3 0.0 53.0 34.5
Iron Set 210.5 210.5 210.5 206.3 128.2 128.2 116.2 84.0 56.0 22.4 40.0 23.1
Ornstein's Set 171.0 162.5 193.3 171.0 84.0 112 96.0 90.0 44.0 44.0 45.0 28.5
Paladin Set 234.2 233.2 258.3 234.2 125.7 142.7 77.5 113.1 74.9 186.7 52.0 33.1
Set of Artorias 159.6 143.7 183.6 167.6 80.5 170.4 80.5 66.0 66.0 60.9 37.0 24.8
Silver Knight Set 195.2 183.6 224.6 191.4 97.6 108.4 128.6 73.7 38.0 6.4 47.0 28.8
Steel Set 261.3 245.7 300.6 261.3 135.6 128.2 82.4 84.0 56.0 0.0 60.0 36.0
Set of Thorns 176.7 167.9 192.5 176.7 108.5 125.5 80.6 86.3 57.2 0.0 40.0 27.0
Black Iron Set 271.3 257.7 311.9 271.3 116.4 201.5 85.4 139.6 80.0 43.2 79.0 40.0
Giant Set 280.6 268.2 317.0 280.6 128.7 193.6 130.2 105.3 62.3 0.0 91.0 42.1
Golem Set 234.0 215.3 273.8 234.0 112.0 103.0 43.0 116.0 77.0 0.0 86.0 42.1
Guardian Set 235.0 220.9 270.2 235.0 139.0 115.0 139.0 113.0 40.0 0.0 98.0 45.0
Havel's Set 236.0 200.6 271.4 236.0 142.0 140.0 125.0 117.0 25.0 57.0 121.0 50.0
Smough's Set 268.0 233.2 308.3 268.0 133.0 172.0 146.0 141.0 71.0 24.0 91.0 45.1
Stone Set 234.0 220.0 269.2 234.0 116.0 141.0 141.0 116.0 42.0 0.0 100.0 45.2
