
Kaiju King the Flesh God


Uniting science and monsters (22 years old he/him Bi) creature design enthusiast and amateur biologist
I’m the guy who keeps answering those speculative biology questions and making monster skulls
main story being worked on is the GUARDIANverse
Partnered with the Unnatural History Channel

It’s been about a year since I drew the Flesh God, so new sketches were overdue, and yes it took me roughly around 2 months to work on these on and off.

As a recap on the face for my content, he’s an infinite paracausual expanse of flesh that occupies the space between galaxies across the multiverse and the spaces between universes, and has the genetic code of everything. But what I’ve actually drawn are pseudobodies, little bodies he sends out to interact with things.

So more deets on him under the cut


It’s been about a year since I drew the Flesh God, so new sketches were overdue, and yes it took me roughly around 2 months to work on these on and off.

As a recap on the face for my content, he’s an infinite paracausual expanse of flesh that occupies the space between galaxies across the multiverse and the spaces between universes, and has the genetic code of everything. But what I’ve actually drawn are pseudobodies, little bodies he sends out to interact with things.

So more deets on him under the cut


I've always wondered that it would be really cool to have a spinosaurid brute wyvern, i even made my own spinosaur brute!

The Violent Polar Wyvern; Shatina ( iim not good at naming)

Shatina is a spinosaurid theropod that lives in cold environments like the Snowy Mountains or Polar sea (for old world specimens old world) and in the Hoarfrost Reach (for new world specimens),this spinosarurid is slightly taller than a deviljho and it is much longer, this spinosaurid is a very strange and odd one, unlike the short legged spinosarurids it evolved stronger and more robust legs very well adapted on land despite being semi aquatic like a spinosaurus, it has very tough scales, it also has the ability to swim underwater and also through ice similar to the pseudosuchian glacial agnaktor ,unlike the more hump like sails of spinosaurus its sail is more like a fin of a fish and they are extremely durable, it posseses enoumous plating on the sides of its body, its arms have evolved to an extreme level much longer than a spino but also more robust capable of picking up objects and other animals and even go as far as to evolve pronated wrists for better flexibilty when using its hands, very weird is that it posseses thumbs even with claws, something other spinosaurs dont have, its unclear why it has thumbs but its maybe due to genetic mutation from its ancestors and having thumbs proved to be useful as they can also use tools like rocks, and also useful for grabbing onto prey better, it is an intelligent wyvern capable of quick solving problem skills detecting its opponents strength and weaknesses, there have been reports of shatinas even developping fighting strategies against hunters depending on the weapon the hunter uses against them and even avoids all traps from hunters, shatina posseses binocular vision almost like a T rex as its eyes are facing forward so it would be able to tell the distance between its prey on land and underwater, it also posseses strong beaked jaws having a strong bite crush tough armored prey and frozen carcases and its also perfect for catching underwater prey, its body is very flexible like a leviathan and it would even occasionally slide on the ice like a leviathan as charging attack if its too far away from the hunter, it has another trick up its sleeve ice element, Shatina can release a large freezing smoke and liquid from its mouth that well freezes stuff instantly, it also uses dragon element when enraged and will infuse it with its ice attacks and sometimes even just pure dragon based attacks like having the ability to peform claw slams of dragon energy a dragon tail whip and a huge beam of dragon element, it also has the best control over dragon element, its unclear how they evolved dragon element or how its ancestors evolved it, this wyvern is an apex predator of any cold environments with no competition, it hunts large aquatic and land animals like pokaradons or velkhanas, it is a high tier elder dragon level monster as it is quite absurdly powerful for a brute wyvern, this monster is quite interesting as said by the guild still full of mysteries ot its ecology but hopefully we can get more studies on this incredible wyvern.

and thats Shatina my very own Spinosaurus brute wyvern!

i would love to hear your thoughts on the design abilities and others and how would you design your own spino brute wyvern ^w^!

(also to awnser your complain about my flying wyvern paravian ancestor about the fingers and feathers i intentionally gave it five fingers, its ancestors had a genetic mutation though out evolution that gave them 2 more fingers with claws, this may sound really nonsensical but it was the best i can think of, and about the feathers on the arms i kind of forgot to draw them kind of fluffy i just drew them around where the wing membranes are connected so theres that)


To get the parave hand thing out of the way first. The way I got around it was to give them wrist styliforms like Yi qi, and eventually the styliforms evolved joints and duplicated. (The left sketch also shows where feathers attach. Sorry for the rough sketches I made at work. If you want better digital examples I can probably sketch some.

As for Shatina, I think it’s really cool! Not having a hump sail is actually more in line with sailed spinosaurs, and most spinosaurs didn’t have stubby legs so that lines up with most spinosaurs too. I like the beak and plates, which monhun does give a lot of monsters so it definitely fits in, and colors.

The thumb thing isn’t too unusual. Theropods already had semi-opposable thumbs, and truly opposable thumbs aren’t hard to evolve (bambiraptor has opposable thumbs and third fingers for instance!) and megaraptors evolved to pronate their wrists to so that isn’t too far fetched.

My only gripe is more just a personal preference nitpick than anything, in that I generally don’t like making overpowered elder level monsters unless they feel a bit more natural like Bazel. (I know magnamalo and Deviljho are two of my favorite monsters but for the former it’s more of an ironic love and the latter it’s more for the new-world design, bias for tyrannosaurs, and because it was the first invader monster)

Generally when I make fan monsters I make endemic life or monsters that just exist but aren’t hunted. But if I had to make a spinosaurus monster I’d probably make an Anjanath tier brute Wyvern with a pressure washer beam and pelican jaw flexibility that’s fought on land and water. Maybe it’s hunted because it’s kinda a bully that steals the fish of a nearby village.


A sketch bust of Sebek Guardianverse that was available a week earlier on my patreon

I always had trouble nailing the proportions of her face but after being inspired by a piece from a friend I think I came up with something I like. The crocodilian texture really compliments her personality.

Some facts about Sebek

- a lot of the rust coloration is due to high amounts of iron in her tissues

- her nerve cord and vertebrae run on her underside

- her tail has explosive cysts

- her limbs are structurally more similar to brittle star arms

- one mouth is for eating/drinking, another for breathing and smelling, and the last is for shoveling down rubble to be melted in a “furnace stomach” to be turned into ammo for her gun hands

- her hands are four barreled organic guns that lob chunks of molten material. They also have four retractable clawed tendrils for manipulating the environment and doing normal hand things.

- she was once a member of the PACK but was captured by the guardian society during the war and has gone through rehab. While a reformed ex-fascist, she still gets in trouble due to the fact that she’s always itching for a fight and has a gruff attitude. So Keth has to keep tabs on her.

Feeling guilty about the slow progress of releasing GUARDIANverse stuff again so I’m reblogging this


A sketch bust of Sebek Guardianverse that was available a week earlier on my patreon

I always had trouble nailing the proportions of her face but after being inspired by a piece from a friend I think I came up with something I like. The crocodilian texture really compliments her personality.

Some facts about Sebek

- a lot of the rust coloration is due to high amounts of iron in her tissues

- her nerve cord and vertebrae run on her underside

- her tail has explosive cysts

- her limbs are structurally more similar to brittle star arms

- one mouth is for eating/drinking, another for breathing and smelling, and the last is for shoveling down rubble to be melted in a “furnace stomach” to be turned into ammo for her gun hands

- her hands are four barreled organic guns that lob chunks of molten material. They also have four retractable clawed tendrils for manipulating the environment and doing normal hand things.

- she was once a member of the PACK but was captured by the guardian society during the war and has gone through rehab. While a reformed ex-fascist, she still gets in trouble due to the fact that she’s always itching for a fight and has a gruff attitude. So Keth has to keep tabs on her.

“King of the Monsters. Wrath of God. God Incarnate. Godzilla knows many titles, and many more names. To me, it will always be the dragon my family has been charged with. It’s been seven decades since Godzilla 01 (‘Gojira’) first appeared and attacked Japan. Four since Godzilla 02 emerged and followed suit, and just over two since it became enraged for unknown reasons, then sealed away by SAINT in Greenland. Throughout all of it, my family has been there to observe, study, and attempt combat them. While its appearance has always marked times of catastrophe, if not for Godzilla, our family name would remain in obscurity. KAMI would have never come to be. While I feel no sense of gratitude for the beasts that terrorized my home, I accept my part in this struggle. When 02 reawakens–and it will if the UN continues to ignore the agency’s warnings about the state of Area G thanks to climate change, never mind the ongoing budget cuts–I will be there to face it in the field to unlock its mysteries. Just as my grand-father, my grandparents, and my parents have before me. That is my responsibility as a Yamane. I will see you again soon, O ‘King of Destruction.’"
- Tomoko Yamane, chief behavioural specialist with KAMI

This literal god-tier design is brought to you by the esteemed @iamthekaijuking! He helped me develop everything from the inner workings to aesthetics to our take on the Big G. I could go on, but I’ll leave that for him to talk about in his reblog. Remember to check out his blog, and give him a commission if you got some cash lying around!

We can’t wait to show you what this King of the Monsters is capable of, where he’ll go, and even what he thinks of the humans who’ll be working alongside him!

(And a monster-sized shout-out to @luna-tiel for helping me with the lore blurb as well!)

The development process for this piece was quite lengthy, and took around 20 days to make.

DeviantArt user Gugenheim98 and twitter user 202Vincent were major references for how we designed CT godzilla, and I even referenced the pose of Vincent’s initial godzilla redesign.

Plates were something we decided to get out of the way first, and we took a lot of inspiration from the plate designs of a lot of other people’s redesigns. The reason the plates are branching in the initial sketch studies is because dapper wanted to reference the forward facing plates of Vincent’s design while having the rough branching coral look of a G2K concept art sketch. Eventually we settled for the backswept branchless plate design so that they wouldn’t produce so much drag underwater. I made sure to put the online handles for the people I used as plate reference (with gugen and Vincent being shortened since I stated their full online handles at the beginning).

Proportions were another thing we had to nail. Dapper wanted something buff and robust but also animalistic, which took awhile to figure out.

Here’s the development of the final piece up to right before the finalized look dapper showed off. Dapper wanted this godzilla to feel like it could have inspired certain yokai and legends. So I referenced how fire looks in a lot of ancient Japanese artwork as well as giving godzilla an oni-esque face. I’d say coloring the plates was the hardest part because it was tedious and a pain in the ass process that took several days, but overall I’m incredibly happy with the end result.

And as extra here’s a pod of Godzillas staring down their prey (you).

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