
Kaiju King the Flesh God


Uniting science and monsters (22 years old he/him Bi) creature design enthusiast and amateur biologist
I’m the guy who keeps answering those speculative biology questions and making monster skulls
main story being worked on is the GUARDIANverse
Partnered with the Unnatural History Channel

Ultraman made me want to revive my Ultrawoman Nova setting so I did and made a whole doc about it (which I might show off if people want to see that). Knowing me it turned into a 70,000 word worldbuilding document with a ton of kaiju and ultra biology, and it’s basically what I did for kaijune this year. I’m still actively adding to it btw!

So I decided to draw some ultra kaiju and how they’d look in my silly fanfic.

Bemular as a space faring abelisaur

Gomess as a badger-like dinocephalian

Goldon as a squat burrowing dicraeosaurid

And Banila and Aboras as a terrestrial mesoskeletal high browsing conodont and terrestrial predatory dunkle relative!

I tried drawing Nova herself but I wasn’t satisfied with it even though it was accurate to my version of ultra anatomy. I guess I’m just not good at designing ultras.


Going straight from Ultra Q and the original Ultraman to Ultraman Arc is so jarring because I am not at all used to Modern Quirky Tokusatsu Shows. But this isn’t a complaint.

Also my gaydar is going off. Between the rainbows, the lyrics in the theme song “My heart, your heart” “gimme-gimme-love”, and the extra time they’re giving to developing Shu and Yuma’s relationship… I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that this show will have the two male leads fall in love.

Also Yuma is a kaiju biologist which is like my dream job.

I haven’t been able to get that opening theme out of my head. I just dig the high energy synth-pop too much!

Also it honestly rocks that Tsuburaya just puts the episodes up on YouTube with full English voice acting and subs for Japanese writing. They really want everyone to enjoy Ultraman and I love that.

So I finished Blazar and it seems like Arc’s quirkiness isn’t a common thing in modern tokusatsu and I was just mistaken. I think Tsuburaya wanted a more cozy series after the more serious Blazar.

Blazar fucking rocked btw and now I want an Earth Garon figure. I think the Rainbow Appears two parter was my favorite, and it basically told the message that Godzilla King of the Monsters tried to tell but in a shorter timeframe and much more elegantly.


Hello 🖐

I am Amira from Gaza😢, living in constant danger due to the ongoing war. I noticed that you have many followers, and I kindly ask you to share my story to help us find safety🙏🙏.

Sharing my story and the donation campaign link can help protect my family. I am deeply grateful for your support💙.

With sincere thanks,



I don’t really have many followers but sure!


Going straight from Ultra Q and the original Ultraman to Ultraman Arc is so jarring because I am not at all used to Modern Quirky Tokusatsu Shows. But this isn’t a complaint.

Also my gaydar is going off. Between the rainbows, the lyrics in the theme song “My heart, your heart” “gimme-gimme-love”, and the extra time they’re giving to developing Shu and Yuma’s relationship… I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that this show will have the two male leads fall in love.

Also Yuma is a kaiju biologist which is like my dream job.

I haven’t been able to get that opening theme out of my head. I just dig the high energy synth-pop too much!

Also it honestly rocks that Tsuburaya just puts the episodes up on YouTube with full English voice acting and subs for Japanese writing. They really want everyone to enjoy Ultraman and I love that.


I can never tell which of my posts are going to explode (it is never ones I put work in) but I pray to God this one does

The past few weeks I have seen an explosion in doomerism and defeatism about Trump. Some people seem to have just decided to call the election for him for reasons that don't even make much sense

(He was almost shot and that always helps! Look at Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt! Reagan was already president and incredibly popular, and the shooting happened 2 months into his first term; Roosevelt was shot when he was campaigning in 1912....in an election he lost)

Trump has never been popular, he has never won the popular vote, and he has never had popular support. For the past 3 years, especially post Roe V. Wade, Democrats have increasingly overperformed especially in special elections. There were so many polls predicting 2022 would be a Red Wave, that turned out to be false due to faulty and biased polling. I'm not saying a Dem loss is impossible, but it is a lot less of a sure thing than the doomsayers are making it out to be

How does Trump win? Apathy. Despair. Low Turn Out. While many of the "Trump is guaranteed to win" posters I'm sure are real people who are justifiably scared, I think we underestimate just how many are people at home and abroad, who want a lower turnout, who want Trump to win.

I used to hear a joke growing up that "If voting did anything, they would make it illegal" Well considering how hard Republicans are trying to discourage voting and making it hard to do, it must do something.

Don't despair. Don't panic. Don't retreat. ACT

So what can you do?

Spread this far and wide. Tell your friends and your family. Make clear to them what is at stake if Trump wins.

Additionally, here are two volunteer organizations that I help out with

Vote Forward - write letters to encourage turnout

Working Family's Party - an organization working to help progressives win in primaries and general elections. I particularly like working in their text bank program. Want to help in a phone bank but don't like talking on the phone? this is perfect as you send texts to encourage support and voting

Spread this far and wide. Tell your friends and your family. Make clear to them what is at stake if Trump wins. Feel free to add other resources and organizations that


I’m still incredibly amazed at how much the average American citizen doesn’t care about people other than themselves.

I was just explaining what project 2025 is to a coworker and how it could literally lead to the death of countless people and her response is basically “okay but it doesn’t affect me so why should I care”.


There's this theory I've had about Zinogre for a while that I haven't told anyone. So, the thunderbugs provide Zinogre with an external source of power in the form electricity which it stores in battery like organs, could Zinogre potentially derive a decent chunk of the energy it needs to continue life functions from this instead of just from eating? Obviously, it still needs to eat to sustain its body, but could a living thing really power itself with an external electrical charge in this way? Theoretically, it would never need to spend its own energy to do much of anything if this was the case ...


Like you said, Zinogre wouldn’t be able to subsist on it alone as a big active animal, and the electricity is primarily for defense (and the glow possibly lures in Gargwa which eat thunderbugs).

But “electricity eating” is an actual thing in nature found in various bacteria native to low oxygen environments. The most famous genre are Geobacter and Shewanella. Electricity eating bacteria kinda goes to show that if there’s an energy source then something will evolve to eat it. Radiation both solar and gama can be processed by chloroplasts and radiotrophic fungi. Fungi and microbes can eat petroleum and plastic. And chemosynthetic bacteria can basically eat rock and mineral soup from hydrothermal vents.

If it exists then something can probably eat it.


so i decided to remake some of the animals of the TV show Primeval into completly different genus!


i decided to turn the Balaur from season 5 episode 2 into a megalosaurid!

The Thalassosaurus is a relatively small megalosaur only slightly larger than deinonychus about 1.9 meters tall and 5 meters long and weighs 100 kg and lived in the late jurassic period in costal islands

They have a paddle like tail which helps them to swim from island to island in search of food as they are opportunistic scavengers eating anything that is washed ashore or even finding corpses of other dinosaurs far from the waters, but they would occasionally hunt other animals they can find on the islands!

Kaprosuchus from season 4 episode 2

Saurotaurus is a Notosuchian from the late cretaceous capable of chasing down prey during ambush with a powerful crushing bite as it possesses molars, these animals are also capable of swimming as good as their aquatic relatives for traveling to other places in search of mate, food or territories! They have four horns on their skulls used as sexual display aswell as for combat against males as they swing their heads left to right to hit their rivals with their horns which would sometimes leave them with scars and missing scutes!

Labyrinthodont from season 4 episode 6

Serpanodon an enormous serpentine temnospondyl that swims around the cold rivers and lakes, its an ambush predator that would coil its victims once it got them, it is clumsy on land but it can survive on land for a long time without needing to be wet as it roams to find new waters to find food or mates!

Mosasaur from season 1 episode 3

Poseidosuchus are thalattosuchians from the late cretaceous period and they are mesopredators of the ocean hunting small fish and sharks!

Pristichampsus season 3 episode 1

Ammitosuchus are large planocraniids that live in egypt in the eocene period, they are powerful runners capable of charging at max speeds to catch their prey before they can be spotted during ambush, they are also capable swimmers swimming through rivers through long distances to travel to other locations pretty quickly without fatigue, they can also rear up on their hind legs standing up vertically to intimidate any opponents!

thats all i have, hope you all like them and especially to primeval fans


Yes yes, I too am very sad and annoyed that Trump is not dead, I got all breathlessly excited and queued up "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" to be ready for a great announcement, and then I didn't even get to play it. It's a huge bummer.

However, step two of this huge bummer is NOT "Oh no and now his fandom will be EVEN MORE ANNOYING, we have basically already lost :((((" That is the devil speaking. Step two is to say "Ah heck, his fandom is going to be even more annoying, better FUCKING VOTE AND MAKE SURE EVERYONE I KNOW ALSO VOTES" Stop your worthless defeatism, stop your stupid pessimism, stop trying to GIVE UP AND SURRENDER just cause one weird thing happened.


If your first reaction is "oh no, it's all over, we've already lost" I want you to shut the fuck up for two seconds and check your voter registration status RIGHT NOW. Yes, right fucking now. Stop whining and doomscrolling and check: www.vote.gov


Going straight from Ultra Q and the original Ultraman to Ultraman Arc is so jarring because I am not at all used to Modern Quirky Tokusatsu Shows. But this isn’t a complaint.

Also my gaydar is going off. Between the rainbows, the lyrics in the theme song “My heart, your heart” “gimme-gimme-love”, and the extra time they’re giving to developing Shu and Yuma’s relationship… I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that this show will have the two male leads fall in love.

Also Yuma is a kaiju biologist which is like my dream job.


Some of yall needed to hear this

Credits to @/mattxiv on Instagram


Sources confirming this include

Project 2025 website

you can find plenty more information on Project 2025 on any reputable news source, but I thought I’d confirm OP wasn’t full of fear-mongering shit, ‘cuz this is insane.


Reblogging because this has additional links for more info and because this is one of the best concise summaries of project 2025 I’ve seen—good reference for people to understand the conservative game plan in both the coming years and their long term goals.

The important thing I’d note is that while this transition plan and objective set was created for Donald Trump, it is not necessarily specific to him—this is the distillation of what conservatives have wanted for a long time and WILL CONTINUE TO PUSH FOR even after Trump is no longer in the picture someday. They are proposing it now because they know Trump will be likely to enact these proposals, but understand this: the things outlined in the graphics above are the world the Republican Party envisions going forward regardless of who their candidate is. They are not going away. Unless time and time again those who oppose this vision fight the Republicans at every level of government, one by one the hard fought wins those in the past have achieved will be stripped away.

Look, I have no idea what’s going to happen at the top of the Democratic ticket. And I will be the very first to list the problems I have with the way the Democratic Party is run. But I firmly believe that helping the Democrats defeat the extremely harmful things the other side wants to do needs to be a priority, and that the only way the Democrats ARE going to get reformed and start finally listening to the people they claim to represent is by making changes while working inside and alongside the party. Remembering what stands to be lost is a good reminder on why it’s important not just to throw up our hands and say it’s all fucked and there’s no hope for politics.


i live in the other side of the globe, but what the FUCK is going in in the usa. project 2025 is so screwed i have no idea how it could possibly be worse than that. everything on the list is messed up, but environmental part??? what the hell??? they want to send humanity and THEMSELVES HEAD FIRST to hell with this one


Genuinely terrified for my American friends, please fucking vote, there really, REALLY is a lesser of two evils here


It bears repeating that Trump criticized Biden for being "soft" on Gaza and wants to help Israel (exact words) "finish the job."


Season 1 of smiling friends was super good, but I don’t think there was a single episode that really felt like a “me” episode, you know like a favorite?

Thank goodness they came out swinging for season 2 cause half of those episodes are like 11/good for me.

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