Usability Testing Tools

TrustRadius Top Rated for 2024

Top Rated Products

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Optimizely Web Experimentation

Optimizely Web Experimentation empowers teams to conduct experiments (without having to rely on developer resources) in order to test various user interactions, make website changes backed by data, and personalize customer experiences.


UserTesting aims to enable every organization to deliver the best customer experience powered by human insight. The vendor states that with UserTesting’s on-demand Human Insight Platform, companies across industries can make accurate customer-first decisions at every level, at the…

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Optimizely Web Experimentation

Optimizely Web Experimentation empowers teams to conduct experiments (without having to rely on developer resources) in order to test various user interactions, make website changes backed by data, and personalize customer experiences.

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UserTesting aims to enable every organization to deliver the best customer experience powered by human insight. The vendor states that with UserTesting’s on-demand Human Insight Platform, companies across industries can make accurate customer-first decisions at every level, at the…


Smartlook is an analytics solution tool for websites, iOS/Android apps, and various app frameworks, that answers the "whys" behind users' actions. It helps users understand precisely how customers interact with website and app — watch recordings, create heatmaps, use automatic tracked…


Hotjar is a conversion rate optimization tool for digital marketers. Features include heatmapping, visual session recording, conversion funnel analytics, form analytics, feedback polls and surveys, and usability testing. The tool is used by digital analysts, UX designers, web developers…

Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is a heat map web analytics product.

Optimizely Feature Experimentation

Optimizely Feature Experimentation combines experimentation, feature flagging and built for purpose collaboration features into one platform.


An on-demand market research platform for B2B. Wynter describes what category buyers think, need, and want, with the goal of providing insights at a fraction of the speed of traditional market research. ‍ • Market and brand research surveys • Target persona research • Message testing…

Optimal Workshop

Optimal Workshop, a company in New Zealand, offers their suite of user research tools on a subscription basis, including the Treejack information architecture tool, OptimalSort card sorting test, Chalkmark first-click testing, and other tools.


Maze is a rapid user testing platform from in Paris, designed to give users actionable user insights, in a matter of hours. The vendor states that with it, users can test remotely, autonomously, and collaboratively.


Testlio offers "fused software testing." The approach leverages a proprietary software testing platform, partnerships and integrations with DevOps leaders, and a global services delivery team in 150+ countries.

Usabilla (discontinued)

Usabilla was a web and app survey tool, developed by the Amsterdam company of the same name, and acquired by SurveyMonkey in March of 2019. The product is no longer available.


The UX research tool UXtweak helps business users to understand what customers think and feel about a website, app, or prototype. The UXtweak platform's features include competitive usability testing, complex website testing, session recording, card sorting, tree testing, mobile…


PlaybookUX is a user testing software for both moderated and unmoderated research. The vendor helps companies receive video based feedback from their target demographic on product usability, designs, websites, ideas and more. They handle recruiting, incentivizing, transcribing, and…

SessionCam (discontinued)

SessionCam was a SaaS based solution that offers a suite of analytics tools including session replay, heat-mapping, conversion funnels and form analytics all designed to allow brands to optimize their website. Capabilities of the former SessionCam product are now provided by Glassbox,…


UserBob provides remote user testing. The vendor recruits users to try out an organization's website and records the tester's screen and feedback. Organizations can provide instructions on what will be tested and can also select the demographic groups from which the users will be…


Lyssna (formerly UsabilityHub) is a user research platform used to test digital products with real users and gain insights into their audience. Its tools and features help Lyssna to optimize users' designs and create more engaging user-friendly experiences. Lyssna is a research…


Userlytics headquartered in San Francisco provides their suite of usablity testing tools for UI or website developers (or deliverers of similar digital assets) on a pay-as-you-go / per participant basis, or a subscription basis.


UserReplay, from UK-headquartered software company User Replay with offices in France and the US, offers a customer experience management tool dedicated to usability testing of websites, web forms, and web applications.

Ghost Inspector

Ghost Inspector is a browser test automation and recording tool for testing website and web app functionality, from the company of the same name headquartered in Seattle.


Lookback is a UX research platform for mobile & desktop moderated and unmoderated research, from the company of the same name in Palo Alto.

test IO

test IO’s crowdtesting platform enables agile software development teams to call on the skill and insights of more than 40,000 distributed QA professionals - on-demand - to scale up unbiased QA testing on real devices throughout the development cycle.Test setup takes minutes, and…


Dovetail, headquartered in Sydney, aims to enable the world to create better products and services through deep customer understanding. Dovetail states they empower 45,000+ people, from agencies to universities to Fortune 100 companies, to make sense of their customer research in…

Entropik Affect UX

Entropik Affect UX is a User Experience Testing Platform that helps users to test, identify and analyze UI/UX elements, path-to-purchase journeys, and prototypes with the added benefit of Emotion Analytics. The platform helps derive emotion-driven behavioural insights to understand…

ARC Toolkit
0 reviews

ARC Toolkit is an automated accessibility testing tool and free browser plug-in. After opening the ARC Toolkit panel, a tester can hit scan and Toolkit will create a list of WCAG issues and how to potentially solve them at the code level. Toolkit can include or exclude certain WCAG…

Videos for Usability Testing Tools

What is usability testing?
What is usability testing? When should you do usability testing? On what factors should you decide the user-friendliness of an application? This video goes over those topics in more depth.

Usability Testing Tools TrustMap

TrustMaps are two-dimensional charts that compare products based on trScore and research frequency by prospective buyers. Products must have 10 or more ratings to appear on this TrustMap.

Learn More About Usability Testing Tools

What are Usability Testing Tools?

Usability testing tools are used to evaluate the end-user experience with a product or service. This usually involves learning more about how products or a webpage are received and used by a group of customers. Usability tests also identify design problems before the final product is released.

Usability testing is a core component and method of user experience research (UXR). It helps provide organizations with direct qualitative and quantitative input on how real users use the system or website. Overall, they help gauge customer satisfaction and understanding with the product.

Many usability testing platforms also offer A/B testing services and may overlap with functional testing tools. However, the core functions of the usability testing platforms are behavioral data tracking and prototype testing. These allow designers, researchers, and site developers to observe user engagement with the website or mobile app and identify frustration points.

Most products in this category offer remote, moderated, and unmoderated user tests along with video and survey capabilities. Many of these platforms include their own pool of remote users to conduct usability tests with. Alternatively, some vendors also allow customers to use their own panel of participants to run the tests.

Usability Testings Tools Features & Capabilities

  • Usability Tests
  • Remote testing
  • Moderated testing
  • Unmoderated testing
  • Mobile app testing
  • Prototype testing
  • A/B testing
  • Data Analysis
  • Video capabilities
  • Video annotation
  • Survey capabilities
  • Task reporting
  • Behavioral data tracking
  • Heatmaps
  • Clickstream
  • Time on task

Usability Testing Tool Comparison

Before investing in a usability testing platform, consider the following key points:

  1. Methodology: What type of user research are you planning on conducting? Mainly in person or online interviews? Moderated or unmoderated usability tests or surveys? Surveys? Or are you planning on analyzing website data using product or web analytics tools, heatmaps? Or are you focusing on optimizing your website via A/B and multivariate testing? There are different types of software tools that are well suited to each of these. First, identify what type of tests you plan on running or analytics you plan on looking at before picking out a usability platform.
  2. Testers: Will you need to purchase test participants through the platform you end up purchasing? Or do you already have a way to recruit test participants? Certain platforms like have a wide pool of users that customers can take advantage of. However, not all platforms offer this.
  3. B2C vs. B2B: Will you be targeting B2C or B2B users to test? This may not seem like an important distinction at first, but certain platforms are much better suited to B2C than B2B audiences. For example, some platforms won’t work well for more complex prototype testing or longer user interview sessions (e.g. 45 minutes or longer). Consider the makeup of your audience and target test group before purchasing a tool.

Pricing Information

Many vendors offer free trials of their usability testing platforms or freemium versions of the software with a limited test length. Monthly plans can range anywhere from $80-$400 a month. The more expensive plans provide unlimited testing time and a greater variety of testing methods and analytic tools. Individual and team plans with a set number of video sessions can range from $50 to $300. Enterprise-level solutions are more expensive than individual or team plans. Vendors typically do not disclose prices for enterprise plans but most offer quotes upon request.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are some methods used for usability testing?

Usability tests can either be moderated or unmoderated. But overall, usability testing is just one method under the larger umbrella of user experience research (UXR). Other methods you can use to collect qualitative and quantitative feedback about the user experience with your product or service include:

  • Usability lab studies
  • Eye-tracking
  • Clickstream analysis
  • A/B or multivariate testing
  • Ethnographic field studies
  • Heatmap and scroll depth analysis
  • Intercept surveys
  • Email surveys
  • Card sorting
  • Concept testing
  • User interviews
  • Focus group studies

Why is usability testing important?

Usability testing, and user experience research more broadly, helps companies answer a few critical questions about how users are interacting with their product or service. For example, is your company building the right type of product, website, or new feature? And are you building the new product, website, or feature in the right way—i.e. Will users want to interact with the end product?

Usability testing collects qualitative and quantitative data from users to help answer these questions, before your company invests a bunch of money in building the wrong thing.

What are the best usability testing tools?

According to end-user feedback on TrustRadius, some of the most popular usability testing tools are:

All of these products are listed on the Usability Testing Tools Trustmap on TrustRadius.

How much do usability testing tools cost?

Price can vary by platform depending on how extensive the features are and the number of usability testing sessions are included. For example, some vendors charge between $100-$5,000 per month while others charge a yearly fee upwards of $15,000. Interested buyers should contact the vendor directly for pricing.