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July 2024

  • Nadsy Qurban standing in a street between two rows of houses

    ‘We got failed by the police’: how veterans of Leeds riots stepped in to defuse disorder

  • Sounkamba Sylla in French athletics team kit with a blue baseball cap/hijab

    French athlete may swap hijab for a cap to avoid Olympic opening ceremony ban

  • Screen grab taken from an AFPTV footage shows Itamar Ben-Gvir speaking at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem

    Extremist Israeli minister makes provocative visit to al-Aqsa mosque

  • Visits by Israeli ministers to the site or incursions by Israeli security forces have proved to be a trigger for protests and violence in the past


    Israeli minister Itamar Ben-Gvir makes provocative visit to al-Aqsa compound – video

  • WA Labor multicultural group in revolt over treatment of Fatima Payman

  • Labor ‘clearly afraid’ of backlash after taking Islamic community for granted, Muslim Votes Matter says

  • Labour rejects JD Vance ‘first Islamist country with nuclear weapons’ remarks

  • Muslims aren’t single-issue voters. Gaza was a lightning rod for their disaffection

    Kenan Malik
  • Robert Irwin obituary

  • Who are the grassroots Muslim groups with an eye on Labor seats?

  • Pakistani breast milk bank closes after Islamic clerics withdraw approval

  • Independent Muslim who beat Labour in Leicester says victory was not ‘sectarian’

  • Could the WhatsApp election hurt Labour at the polls?

  • Albanese stands by Fatima Payman’s suspension over Palestine ‘stunt’

June 2024

  • Fatiha Zeghir

    ‘Here I found respect for who I am’: the French citizens who choose to leave

  • Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud sits in the courtroom at The Hague.

    ICC convicts Timbuktu jihadist police chief of war crimes

  • Labor senator Fatima Payman (right) walks with independent senator David Pocock as she crosses the floor to support a Greens motion to recognise the state of Palestine.

    PM asks Fatima Payman not to attend Labor caucus temporarily after crossing floor over Palestine motion

  • people walk in a mosque

    Maryland couple among 1,300 who died on pilgrimage in sweltering Mecca

  • At least 1,300 hajj pilgrims died during extreme heat, Saudi Arabia says

  • Egypt to prosecute travel agents for ‘fraudulent’ hajj trips

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