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  • Alissar Gazal and Barbie in 1994 at the start of their relationship

    The moment I knew
    The moment I knew: she grasped my hand – and we went from political comrades to lovers

    Arab Australian Alissar Gazal and Jewish Australian Barbie Bloch were members of a Palestinian solidarity group. Then one charged afternoon, passion overtook politics
  • Two lower arms touching each other

    This is how we do it
    This is how we do it: ‘I bought a book on tantra – erections are not necessary’

    Caleb’s never felt attractive but after two years with Jen – and buying a book that rejected the normal sex agenda – his self-confidence is growing
    • ‘He chose the dog over me’: the pets that ruined relationships – from pups interrupting sex to aggressive pigs

    • We had an ordinary marriage. Then I found out my husband had been viewing images of child abuse

    • Blind date
      Blind date: ‘I felt flustered at times – in a good way’

  • 16th century painting of a woman being embraced by a man, while another man lurks in the background.

    Leading questions
    My long-term partner says he wants an open relationship. I understand why, but it feels one-sided. What should we do?

  • Meenakshi and Sankar in Chennai in 2012.

    How we met
    How we met: ‘I thought straight away he was someone I wanted to marry’

  • Men in an AA support group meeting for alcohol abuse, talking while sitting in a circle during a therapy session

    The modern mind
    Loneliness is killing men – and without proper support and intervention nothing will change

    Xavier Mulenga
  • Couple walking holding hands at sunset

    Ask Philippa
    I’m in my 50s, deeply in love for the first time – and terrified

  • Composite of a man and woman in a selfie polaroid photo, sticky-taped on a background featuring the Melbourne botanic gardens.

    The moment I knew
    The moment I knew: he gave the homeless man his number in case he needed someone to talk to

    Anna Johnston vowed she would only settle for a man taller than herself. Then she met Josh and realised true height is measured in acts of kindness
  • Van Badham

    Is flirting dying? The apps appear to have swallowed the most delicate and delicious of human interactions

    Van Badham
    I was there for the coming of the apps and have lived long enough to now witness that the apps, it seems, have come for us
  • Ruth and Lawrence

    This is how we do it
    This is how we do it: ‘After our child was born we didn’t have satisfying sex for seven years’

    Childbirth made sex painful for Ruth, and Lawrence felt rejected. An operation has made intimacy easier but the relationship still bears the psychological scars
  • Lynn Faces.

    Lynn Faces: the play confronting coercive control – with the help of Alan Partridge’s PA

    Downtrodden sitcom assistant Lynn Benfield is the inspiration for a play about a woman who escapes a relationship and starts a band. Its creator explains why its more true-to-life than you’d expect
  • Van Badham

    Gossip, my friends, is both a moral mission and a pleasure. It’s also something those in power can’t control

    Van Badham
    Workplace ‘tea-spilling’ is seen as unethical, says a new study. Tell that to the buzzing network that keeps my town on the rails, says Guardian Australia columnist Van Badham
  • Judge 20th July - WEB

    You be the judge
    You be the judge: my boyfriend funds my lifestyle – should I work for him to pay him back?

    Tiger feels financially powerless and tied to the jobs she’s doing for Theo. He says he’s happy for her not to pay him back. You decide whose account doesn’t add up
  • Do you earn more – or – less than your partner?

    Tell us: do you earn significantly more – or less – than your partner?

    We’d like to hear from couples with a significant difference in earnings and find out how this affects their relationship
  • Tom Usher

    Beards are alpha, ‘rat boys’ are in – and the rules of masculinity are as baffling as ever

    Tom Usher
    It’s easy to grasp at shallow concepts of manliness: beards are easier to grow than good relationships or life satisfaction, says writer Tom Usher
  • Emma Beddington

    ‘Look at my husband’s lovely cagoule!’ – should I become a hype partner like Travis Kelce?

    Emma Beddington
    From Taylor Swift to Zendaya, a host of famous women have boyfriends who are unashamedly joyful in cheerleading their partner’s success. Maybe I could learn a thing or two, writes Emma Beddington
  • A hand squeezing a stress-relieving ball

    How to build a better life
    Face your anger and let it out. It’s the only way to stay healthy

    More than sadness, hatred or grief, rage is something that we shut away or flee. That endangers our relationships, our happiness – and our safety
  • A middle aged woman sitting on a couch, lost in her thoughts

    Is there a single woman in the world over 40 who is not gaslit about her love life?

    Melanie Tait
    Well-intentioned dating advice from family and friends starts to grate when you realise it’s always directed at your psychological shortcomings
About 9,454 results for Relationships