
This list contains all documents published by PrimeLife. Please click on the “read more” link for abstract information on the document.

D1.1.1 – Analysis of Existing Web Protocols for Trusted Content


Jan Camenisch, James Riordan, Sandra Steinbrecher, Laurent Bussard, Phil Janson, Benjamin Kellermann, Ronald Leenes, Rigo Wenning, Patrik Bichsel, Carine Bournez, Ulrich Pinsdorf, Thomas Roessler

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D1.1.2 – First trustworthy wiki/blog prototype: Functional description


Christian Hörtnagl

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D1.2.1 – Privacy Enabled Communities


Bibi van den Berg, Ronald Leenes, Stefanie Pötzsch, Martin Pekárek, Arnold Roosendaal, Aleksandra Kuczerawy, Katrin Borcea-Pfitzmann, Filipe Beato, Sandra Olislaegers

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D1.2.2 – Privacy-enabled Communities Demonstrator


Stefanie Pötzsch, Filipe Beato, Joeri de Ruiter, Ronald Leenes, Hagen Wahrig, Katrin Borcea-Pfitzmann

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D1.3.1 – Scenario, Analysis, and Design of Privacy Throughout Life Demonstrator


Katrin Borcea-Pfitzmann, Maren Raguse, Arnold Roosendaal, Aleksandra Kuczerawy, Karel Wounters, Sandra Steinbrecher, Andreas Pfitzmann, Rainer Böhme, Stefan Berthold, Jaromir Dobiáš, Marit Hansen, Katalin Storf

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D1.3.2 – Prototype of a Selected Scenario on Privacy Throughout Life


Katrin Borcea-Pfitzmann, Stefan Köpsell, Jaromir Dobiáš, Hagen Wahrig

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D2.1.1 – First report on mechanisms


Jan Camenisch, Pierangela Samarati

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D2.3.1 – Second report on mechanisms


Stefano Paraboschi

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D2.4.1 – Final report on mechanisms


Pierangela Samarati

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D3.1.2 – PrimeLife Project Presentation


PrimeLife Project Consortium

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D3.2.1 – PrimeLife Book: Privacy and Identity Management for Life Privacy and Identity Management for Life


Jan Camenisch, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Kai Rannenberg

Order here: Springer Press, ISBN: 978-3-642-20316-9

Read more: D3.2.1 – PrimeLife Book: Privacy and Identity Management for Life Privacy and Identity Management for Life


D3.3.1 and D3.4.1 – First Report on Standardisation and Interoperability – Overview and Analysis of Open Source Initiatives


Carine Bournez, Patrik Bichsel, Jan Camenisch, Ulrich Pinsdorf, Thomas Roessler, Rigo Wenning, Kai Rannenberg, Pierangela Samarati, Mario Verdicchio, Markulf Kohlweiss, Stuart Short, Karel Wouters, Eduard de Jong, Robert Mueller, Michele Bezzi, Immanuel Scholz, Claudio d’Ardagna, Benjamin Kellermann

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D3.3.2 – Open Source Impact


Jan Camenisch

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D3.4.2 and H3.3.2 – Second Report on Standardisation and Interoperability merged with: H3.3.2 Overview and Analysis of Open Source Initiatives


Patrik Bichsel, Thomas Roessler, Jan Camenisch, Benjamin Kellermann, Gregory Neven, Franz-Stefan Preiss, Immanuel Scholz, Stefan Spitz, Rigo Wenning, Carine Bournez, Ulrich Pinsdorf, Kai Rannenberg, Eduard De Jong, Claudio Ardagna, Pierangela Samarati, Mario Verdicchio, Markulf Kohlweiss, Stuart Short, Karel Wouters, Robert Mueller, Michele Bezzi, Rigo Wenning, Filipe Beato, Joeri De Ruiter, Stefanie Pötzsch

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Read more: D3.4.2 and H3.3.2 – Second Report on Standardisation and Interoperability merged with: H3.3.2 Overview and Analysis of Open Source Initiatives


D3.4.3: Final Report on Standardisation and Interoperability


Rigo Wenning, Hans Hedbom,Jan Schallaböck, Marc-Michael Bergfeld

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D4.1.1 – HCI Research Report, V1


Simone Fischer-Hübner, Christina Köffel, Erik Wästlund, Peter Wolkerstorfer, Jan Camenisch, Ronald Leenes, Bergmann, Hans Hedbom, Maren Raguse, Benjamin Kellermann, Gregory Neven, John Sören Pettersson, Maria Lindström

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D4.1.3 – HCI Pattern Collection, Version 2


Simone Fischer-Hübnner, Christina Köffel, John-Sören Pettersson, Peter Wolkerstorfer, Cornelia Graf, Leif-Erik Holtz, Ulrich König, Hans Hedbom, Benjamin Kellermann

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D4.1.4 – High-level Prototypes


Cornelia Graf, Peter Wolkerstorfer, Erik Wästlund, Simone Fischer Hübner, Benjamin Kellermann

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D4.1.5 – Final HCI Research Report


Cornelia Graf, Christina Hochleitner, Peter Wolkerstorfer, Julio Angulo, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Erik Wästlund, Marit Hansen, Leif-Erik Holtz

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D4.1.6 – Towards Usable Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Lessons Learned from the PrimeLife Project


Cornelia Graf, Christina Hochleitner, Peter Wolkerstorfer, Julio Angulo, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Erik Wästlund

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D4.2.1 – Trust and Assurance Control – UI Prototypes


Simone Fischer-Hübner, Jenny Nilsson, Maria Lindström, John Sören Pettersson, Peter Wolkerstorfer, Christina Köffel, Erik Wästlund

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D4.2.2 – End User Transparency Tools: UI Prototypes


Erik Wästlund, Simone Fischer Hübner, Staffan Gustafsson, Peter Wolkerstorfer, Cornelia Graf, Tobias Pulls, Hans Hedbom, Marit Hansen

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D4.3.1 – UI prototypes : Policy administration and presentation, V1


Simone Fischer-Hübner, Erik Wästlund, Harald Zwingelberg, Marit Hansen, Maren Raguse, Jan Schallaböck, Christina Köffel, Peter Wolkerstorfer, Hans Hedbom, Thijs Holleboom

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D4.3.2 – UI Prototypes: Policy Administration and Presentation – Version 2


Simone Fischer-Hübner, Harald Zwingelberg, Gregory Neven, Leif-Erik Holtz, Ulrich König, Staffan Gustavsson, Tobias Pulls, Hans Hedbom

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D5.1.1 – Final requirements and state-of-the-art for next generation policies


Carine Bournez, Gregory Neven, Claudio Ardagna, Laurent Bussard, Michele Bezzi, Jan Camenisch, Aleksandra Kuczerawy, Sebastian Meissner, Stefano Paraboschi, Eros Pedrini, Ulrich Pinsdorf, Franz-Stefan Preiss, Slim Trabelsi, Christina Tziviskou, Pierangela Samarati, Jan Schallaboeck, Stuart Short, Dieter Sommer, Thomas Roessler, Sabrina de Capitani di Vimercati, Mario Verdicchio, Rigo Wenning

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D5.2.1 – First report on research on next generation policies


Pierangela Samarati

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D5.2.2 – Second research report on next generation policies


Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Pierangela Samarati

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D5.2.3 – Final research report on next generation policies


Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Pierangela Samarati

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D5.3.2 – Second Release of the Policy Engine


Slim Trabelsi

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D5.3.4 – Report on design and implementation


Slim Trabelsi, Gregory Neven, Dave Raggett, Claudio Ardagna, Carine Bournez, Laurent Bussard, Michele Bezzi, Jan Camenisch, Sabrina de Capitani di VIMERCATI, Fatih Gey, Aleksandra Kuczerawy, Sebastian Meissner, Gregory Neven, Akram Njeh, Stefano Paraboschi, Eros Pedrini, Sara Foresti, Ulrich Pinsdorf, Franz-Stefan Preiss,Jakub Sendor, Slim Trabelsi, Christina Tziviskou, Dave Raggett, Thomas Roessler, Pierangela Samarati, Jan Schallaboeck, Stuart Short, Dieter Sommer, Mario Verdicchio, Rigo Wenning

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D6.1.1 – Identity Management Infrastructure Protocols for Privacy-enabled SOA


Sascha Koschinat, Kai Rannenberg, Gökhan Bal, Andreas Leicher, Uli Pinsdorf, Stuart Short, Gregory Neven

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D6.1.2 – Economic Valuation of Identity Management Enablers


Sascha Koschinat, Gökhan Bal, Kai Rannenberg, Marvin Hegen

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D6.2.1 – Infrastructure for Trusted Content


Stephan Spitz, Walter Hinz, Marc-Michael Bergfeld, Jan Zibuschka, Thorsten Urhahn, Hans Borgs, Laurent Bussard, Anna Nano, Uli Pinsdorf , Stuart Short, Slim Trabelsi, Lars Janssen, Jan Schallaböck

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D6.2.2 – Demonstrator on identity and trust with mobile devices


Marc-Michael Bergfeld, Stephan Spitz, Walter Hinz, Maximilian Loy

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D6.3.1 – Advancement and integration of concepts for secure and dynamic creation of Mobile Services


Marc-Michael Bergfeld, Stephan Spitz, Stuart Short, Ulrich Pinsdorf, Harald Zwingelberg, Marit Hansen

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D6.3.2 – Infrastructure for Privacy for Life


Ulrich Pinsdorf, Laurent Bussard, Stuart Short, Fatih Gey

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D6.3.3 – Scenario-based Evaluation of Privacy-enhancing Service Composition Solution


Uli Pinsdorf, Stuart Short

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H1.2.5 – Requirements and concepts for privacy enhancing access control in social networks and collaborative workspaces


Martin Pekárek, Stefanie Pötzsch, Ronald Leenes, Katrin Borcea-Pfitzmann, Maren Raguse, Karel Wouters, Carine Bournez, Dave Raggett, Aleksandra Kuczerawy

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H1.3.3 – Analysis of Privacy and Identity Management throughout Life


Arnold Roosendaal, Sandra Steinbrecher, Ronald Leenes, Hans Buitelaar, Hans Hedbom, Stuart Short, Aleksandra Kuczerawy, Maren Raguse

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H1.3.5 – Requirements and concepts for identity management throughout life


Katalin Storf, Marit Hansen, Maren Raguse, Andreas Pfitzmann, Sandra Steinbrecher, Arnold Roosendaal, Ulrich Pinsdorf, Aleksandra Kuczerawy, Karel Wounters, Rainer Böhme, Stefan Berthold

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H1.3.6 – Towards a Privacy-Enhanced Backup and Synchronisation Demonstrator


Jaromír Dobiáš, Katrin Borcea-Pfitzmann, Stefan Köpsell, Sandra Steinbrecher

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H1.3.7 – Second thoughts on the WP 1.3 demonstrator


Marit Hansen, Leif-Erik Holtz, Hans Buitelaar, Arnold Roosendaal, Aleksandra Kuczerawy, Karel Wouters

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H3.1.1 – PrimeLife Dissemination Report, V1


Marit Hansen, Maren Raguse, Harald Zwingelberg, Rigo Wenning, Hans Hedbom, Peter Wolkersdorfer, Dieter Sommer

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H3.1.2 – PrimeLife Dissemination Report, V2


Harald Zwingelberg, Katalin Storf, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Hans Hedbom, Rigo Wenning, Jan Camenisch, Peter Wolkersdorfer, Dieter Sommer

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H3.3.1 – First Contribution to Open Source


Patrik Bichsel, Jan Camenisch, Immanuel Scholz, Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Benjamin Kellermann, Stefano Paraboschi

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H5.1.1 – Draft requirements for next generation policies


Carine Bournez, Gregory Neven, Claudio Ardagna, Laurent Bussard, Michele Bezzi, Jan Camenisch, Aleksandra Kuczerawy, Sebastian Meissner, Stefano Paraboschi, Eros Pedrini, Ulrich Pinsdorf, Franz-Stefan Preiss, Slim Trabelsi, Christina Tziviskou, Pierangela Samarati, Jan Schallaboeck, Stuart Short, Dieter Sommer, Thomas Roessler, Sabrina de Capitani di Vimercati, Mario Verdicchio, Rigo Wenning

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H5.3.2 – Draft 2nd Design for Policy Languages and Protocols


Dave Ragget, Claudio Ardagna, Carine Bournez, Laurent Bussard, Michele Bezzi, Jan Camenisch, Sabrina de Capitani di Vimercati, Aleksandra Kuczerawy, Sebastian Meissner, Gregory Neven, Stefano Paraboschi, Eros Pedrini, Ulrich Pinsdorf, Franz-Stefan Preiss, Slim Trabelsi, Christina Tziviskou, Dave Raggett, Thomas Roessler, Pierangela Samarati, Jan Schallaboeck, Stuart Short, Dieter Sommer, Mario Verdicchio, Rigo Wenning

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H6.1.2 – Towards an Economic Valuation of Identity Management Enablers


Sascha Koschinat, Gökhan Bal, Marvin Hegen, Kai Rannenberg

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H6.3.1 – Requirements for privacy-enhancing Service-oriented architectures


Sebastian Meissner, Jan Schallaböck, Laurent Bussard, Uli Pinsdorf, Stuart Short, Sascha Koschinat

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H6.3.3 – Demonstrator of Privacy-enhancing service composition solution


Marc-Michael Bergfeld, Fatih Gey, Maximilian Loy, Uli Pinsdorf, Stuart Short

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