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  • v1.85 Beta Patch Notes and DA_RE 1.2

    RE 1.85 - Save compatible, but some changes will only take on new games

    !!! WARNING !!!
    If you own any Hyperions or old L-sized Centaurs (not the new corvette) - sell them prior to upgrading to 1.85!
    !!! WARNING

    Yaki mission "Heart for Pirates" will no longer require the Player to clear out Tharka's Cascade - Thank you @ Eric!
    X-Shuttle can now properly mount Terran High Energy weapons
    Split factions now have access to Cluster Bomb Launcher (S bomber weapon)
    All factions now have access to Multi-Missile Launcher (S bomber weapon)
    VRO's old Hyperion and Centaur have been removed - these are old X3 models with horrible/broken textures
    The number of L-sized OTAS escort ships accompanying Tempest/Boreas fleet...

  • Audiowide for X4

    Contains mod files packed in .cat, .dat catalogs....

  • v1.8 Beta Patch Notes

    NEW SHIPS:  

    PIO Kagawa XL Freighter⁠
    ANT/ARG Centaur M Corvette
    MIN/TEL Cassowary Frigate

    Updated map to include new 7.0 and Timelines systems. This required a rework of the layout and forces a new save. Old map could not be salvaged.
    Added Hatikvah's Faith + connected Nopileos' Memorial connection to Agron Prime
    Added Matrix #101 connection to Tharka's Cascade XV but the gate is moved West
    Adjusted Matrix #101's inbound gate to be East and not West
    Added President's End connection to Silent Witness I
    Adjusted President's End connection to be North gate instead of West
    Added Mitsuno's Revelation + sister systems connection to Ianamus Zura IV
    Added Freedom's Reach connecti...

  • Faster Economy Mod

    A Faster Economic Pace in Station Modules for X4 Foundations...

  • hope it works

    please let me know of any mistakes i made ,thanks and have fun....

  • dependencies

    not sure if it has any,

  • v1.7 Beta Patch Notes

    **X4:Reemergence 1.7** (this update is save-compatible):


    Adjusted the new 6.0 "turretfirechance" variable in OOS calculations to 0.6 from 0.3. This is the new variable that has had such a massive negative impact on turret heavy ships, i.e. Xenon. Prior to 6.0 this variable was effectively 1.0
     Minor tweaks to some sector's resource quantities for better balance
    Adjusted sunlight levels to reflect their ambient lighting levels better and for increased variance across the map

    **GOD** (Stations on New Game start)

    Completely overhauled the location of all HOP key stations in their sectors; they are now in much more logical locations
     Similar changes to some PAR stations
    HOP now sta...

  • Servator-class Star Destroyer

    Contains  the Servator-class Star Destroyer. Requires SWI to function, otherwise youre downloading a fancy notepad document basically....

  • How to prepare a custom game in XRSGE Universe

    How to prepare a custom game in XRSGE Universe

    I've prepared the minimod Val Selton GAMESTART (optional files) to be used with the copy/pasted settings taken from the Custom Start (export settings and find the file in documents/egosoft/etc folder).

    You have to copy the the data exported from your custom game into the mod's file libraries/gamestarts.xml
    Copy from header to header, pay attention at the starting sector, take the value from the sector where your HQ is set.
    Everything is very intuitive, just open the files with Notepad++

    In last header you find the status of STORIES, add the setting you created in the custom game. In the custom game you can make any plot concluded or partially conclude, even if still not unlocked in your game. ...

  • v1.6 Beta Patch Notes

    Hello all! I know it has been a bit of a wait between 1.5 and now but that isn't without good reason! We're confident in saying that 1.6 is our largest single update featuring a ton of various stuff. On top of having new assets we've also taken the time to rework how the VRO Viper and Kitsune work - they are now proper M7Ms on par with the new OTAS Aquilo. There has also been a host of changes to the galaxy map and several balances changes have been made to improve the lives of both Boron and Paranid.

    X4: Reemergence 1.6 released:

    X4:RE custom main menu theme added. Set it in Game Settings -> Start Menu background Scene -> X4:Reemergence
    assets & balancing:
    Racial Drones! ⁠Terran Keris, Split Skink, Paranid Cupid, and a mysterious new...

  • Battlestar Galactica Patch 1.1

    - new S- Ship, Viper Mk2. fully animated with Engine/ weapon sounds from Diaspora
    - light switch inside the Viper that turns the sidelights on/ off
    - Player Logos updated with one more logo

    - changed turret macros so it also works in vanilla without vro but is still not balanced, that also means already build ships need to go into the shipyard and rebuy/ install the L- turrets

    - some textures where updated
    - some misc. stuff i dont remember...

  • v1.1 Patch Notes

    Solano (S Scout) added
    Boreas' price adjusted to bring it more inline with expected performance vs competition
    M/AM Barrage stats tweaked. It now has higher sustained output, bringing it inline with other highpower weapons, like VRO's PR
    Firestorm Artillery received an accuracy nerf

  • Small adjustments for other mods

    Here I list the small changes any player can do in the code of some popular mods to make them fully compatible with XRSGE if a patch is not provided

    Mod: EMERGENT MISSION by Kuertee
    Issue: the mission can be interrupted bc the player's ship is too far away. To avoid this happening in a too short range (as is vanilla space),
    find this, in md/kuertee_emergent_missions.xml:
     <cue name="Mission_Escort_Expire">
    <cue name="Mission_Escort_Expire_Interval" instantiate="true" checktime="player.age + 5s" checkinterval="5s">
    <debug_text text="''" chance="@md.$kuerte...

  • V1.01 Patch Notes

    Tempest M pad texture fix
    Boreas hull texture fix
    Boreas hull cost doubled
    S M/AM Barrage bullet speed buff
    Eurus mobility & shield buff
    Eurus missing detail_xl texture fix

    Added missing 6-way station connector


    I want to split this part off and into an Article all on it's own as-well-as briefly in v1.2 patch notes.

    Rothank, author of both the new Chiba light carrier and the new author of the Terran Cruisers mod has joined the development team of X4:RE and has been an immense help with the entire project, is the creator of all the new OTAS ship models, and has been extremely helpful in fleshing out planned features and in establishing how the project will proceed.

    About a month ago, not too long after v1.1b was released, Rothank and I began to talk about using some existing and new in-development Terran Cruiser models for some of the OTAS ships. This grew to be more than just reusing existing models but creating entirely new ones with potentially pulling some feat...

  • mod by BeiChenPorarisu fixed...

    this is just a quick fix to the mod from BeiChenPorarisu,i´m not a modder by any standard or done anything like this before,so any mistake.... i apologize for in advance.......

  • Terran Cruisers mod

    I am uploading this on behalf of Simonplays and all of the other people who helped him bring this to life simon is unable to continue the mod due to personal issues and i want and have permission to share it hear with you all...

  • About RESHADE

    I've added the adaptive tone to both the shaders, STARS_dimm and STARS_bright

    Both use the tone mapper more extensively to achieve the contrast in scene without using...contrast.

    So foggy sectors and interiors should remain more similar to vanilla (which is good) while space looks darker.
    You'll notice that looking at a planet or a sun, the scene becomes dimmer, stars around the sun disappear. A thing I always hated, and immersion breaking, was looking at the sun and still seeing stars around it. It makes the background flat and not real. Also looking at a planet should make the stars around become dimmer. If you look at the deep space instead, without other light sources, stars will pop up.

    Our eyes are better than a camera, so the adaptation is ...