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  1. cridus
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    Version 2.1.0 is out! Now you can teleport to a miniboss' location after resurrecting it.
    This means that now you can also rematch Leader Shigenori Yamauchi, Seven Ashina Spears - Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi and the Blazing Bull regardless of the story events (the bull used to become unreachable after the first ministry invasion and the other 2 after the 2nd invasion).

    There's also an optional file, make sure to read what it does in the main description page.

    Next, I'll try to make it so that after beating a miniboss you'll be asked if you want to repeat the fight, which means the miniboss will be resurrected and you'll be teleported back to the same spot you got teleported to initially.
  2. MuratSlaym
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    • 0 kudos
    is there rewards for beating bosses?
    1. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      Only spirit emblems. I wanted them to be like remembrance bosses which give nothing, but at least giving back spirit emblems since unlike remembrance bosses, you aren't given back the items that you use against them.
  3. RamanSINGH1999
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi cridus, the mod is working fine. However , if I am using it with another mod its not working because its modifying the same file in gameparam. How can you I use them together ? Thanks 
    The mod that I want to use it with -
    1. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      Hi, sorry for the delay.
      I'd say that the simplest solution would be to replace that mod with a cheat table.
      Otherwise, one would have to use the modding tools to see what edits the two mods did to the file, and merge them.
      Unfortunately it's not that simple for that one file because it's not edited as text usually (as far as I know) but through DSMapStudio which loads the game's maps, with all the entities contained in them, and their associated game params (which are specifically contained in the file in question). They're not presented as plain text, inside that program, so comparing edits isn't exactly easy, and there are at least hundreds of params.
    2. Gangstarats
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Can you show which line on common.emevd.dcx you change or add, i want to try merge the file. Thanks in advance

      To OP if you want to use that mods with this mods together,  you can change gameparam.parambnd.dcx and find equipparamweapon using ds map studio or Yapped. In ds map studio  it resourceItemA and at Yapped i think it unk 83. or you can make spirit emblem non consuming at equipparamgood. I never try that so don't know if it work.
    3. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      You can see my edits by yourself by making a diff between the original and my file :V
      I'd use Notepad++ but most IDEs can probably also do it.
    4. Gangstarats
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      how you make notepad++ read that file? i try using it and the file unreadable. The only way i can think of is uses darkscript and copy it into notepad
    5. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      Yeah you open it with darkscript and copy it from there.
  4. Play25YT
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hello, is there the great snake boss?
    1. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      Uh, no, I didn't consider that one as a miniboss, sorry.
  5. kuhodohu8
    • member
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    PLEASE add a Japanese translation! Its the base language for the game and it looks really out of place when I downloaded it it. Otherwise, Love your mod! Keep up the good work!
    1. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      Unfortunately I don't know japanese and I don't trust online translators enough to use them... I'd need someone that knows it to help me translate the few strings that the mod adds.
  6. estebane3
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello friend, first of all, thank you very much for this mod. I was finally able to fight again with the Armored Warrior, who is one of my favorites. However, I have a question: how can I make the mini bosses give experience points and gold? I know it was possible in the earlier versions, but for some reason I couldn't find it, they disabled it.
    1. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      I intentionally made it so that they don't give gold or exp anymore, to mimic the remembrance fights against bosses, which also give no reward.
    2. estebane3
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you very much for responding, Cridus. Is there any way I can make them give experience points? By adjusting some parameter on my own? I'm not trying to gain an advantage. I've already completed several runs of the game. I would be very grateful to you."
    3. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      It's quite a lot of work and to do it by yourself you would need the development tools needed to make mods, and also know what to look for. And I barely remember the details, myself...
      I'm sorry.
    4. estebane3
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      No problem, buddy. I just wanted to get my question sorted out. Thanks a lot for the help!
    5. Seagoingnote1
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Xp and Sen are controlled by the NPCParam part of the GameParam file. When you open it, you'll just see a bunch of numbers. You can import row names with the edit button at the top. If you look for the ones that are modified and click on one, you'll see a bunch of key value pairs. The keys you'll want to change are getSoul and skillPoints. @cridus, I hope you don't mind me taking a slight look under the hood of your mod. Great work by the way!
    6. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      I didn't just modify these. I cloned every miniboss and their NPCParams too. It was necessary to make sure to not break quests and some world flags in general. It was a pain with some of them, to make them work normally regardless of being different entities.
      So, if he decides to modify my files, he could try finding the original NPCParam of a miniboss and associating it also to the clone, replacing the cloned NPCParam that has zeroed exp and money.
  7. Sjansaar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Many Many thanks for this mod !
    Since there is no Mini-boss rush (like for version 1.04 only) available for version 1.06, this mod is great alternative, rematching these are great fun ! 
    Much respect to you and all other modders.
    1. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      Thank you >_>
      Would you like being able to immediately rematch a miniboss after defeating it? I had a draft of that feature but never ended up implementing it.
      When defeating a miniboss, after a few seconds (also depending on whether or not you're still in combat) a message would pop up asking if you want to resurrect it right away and fight it again. Saying yes would teleport you back to that miniboss (even if you're already there, because the area needs to be reloaded).
    2. Sjansaar
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      It sounds interesting but I´m not sure it´s worth the hassle because after defeating a miniboss, and you want to fight him again, you can always go to an idol and resurrect the boss there. It´s like the reflection of strength, you can replay the boss after sitting down at an idol. I like to record my gameplay and especially these boss and miniboss fights, so it would be nice if the option of resurrecting the miniboss doesn´t pop up immediately after defeating him. Let´s say that the pop up appears after 10 seconds or so. 
      So, as said before, your idea sounds interesting but going to an idol to ressurrect the boss again isn´t problematic either. And there is always an idol nearby a miniboss.

      Kind regards
    3. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      Okk, thanks for the feedback!
    4. Seagoingnote1
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I don't know if it would be possible, but if you could do that for reflection bosses that would be a massive time save.
    5. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      Unfortunately the code that handles these bosses isn't modifiable, as far as I saw. It's like it's implemented in a completely different way than the rest of the game and the code is separated into some binary file, I guess (or anyway a file that hasn't been deciphered/decrypted yet, I don't know).
  8. Sebastian21078
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    it doesnt even work what are you all on
    1. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      First of all, make sure that it's not just at the bottom of the list, just out of sight (there's no scrollbar but it will scroll down if it can). I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in the description page.
      If it's really not there, you messed up something in the installation.
  9. Sebastian21078
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    the ressurect bosses doesnt appear on any idolsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssx
  10. Metalodon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    All bosses get one shot. Any ideas on how to fix? I installed just as the instructions say
    1. cridus
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      Do you have other conflicting mods? You are the first with this problem so it has to be on your end.
  11. pedropaulo3110
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    OMG! This mod is just perfection!! It was such a pain having to start a ng just to battle my favorites mini bosses. Thank you so much!!